beef ribs recipe
Main Dish

Beef Ribs Recipe

Hey there! Are you ready for some finger-lickin’ good beef ribs? I’m here to show you a delicious recipe that will make your mouth water. Not only are these beef ribs packed with flavor, they’re also surprisingly easy to make. So if you’re looking for the perfect dish to impress family and friends, this is it!

In this article, I’ll walk you through all the steps of making this tasty meal. From choosing the right cut of meat, to prepping and marinating, all the way down to cooking time – I’ve got it covered. Plus, I’ll give you tips on how to get those perfectly cooked fall-off-the-bone tender ribs. So let’s get started!

If you love BBQ but don’t want the hassle of grilling outside in the heat or cold weather, then this indoor oven method is just what you need. You can have succulent slow cooked beef ribs without ever having to leave your kitchen – now that’s something worth getting excited about!


beef ribs recipe-try this amazing beef ribs recipe for a delicious, hearty meal that everyone will love!
Beef Ribs Recipe-All Recipes Now-Beef Ribs Recipe, Beef Ribs, Beef

I’m all about barbecuing, so when I heard about this delicious beef rib recipe, I had to try it. It’s one of the most flavorful and juicy rib cuts you can make. Plus, with the right preparation time, your ribs will turn out perfect every time.

The key to any great barbecue is having enough time for prepping and marinating your ingredients before cooking. This particular beef rib recipe requires a few hours of prep work—but trust me; it’s worth it in the end! You’ll need to cut off any excess fat from the ribs and season them with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and some other spices you like.

Once everything is prepared and seasoned perfectly, you can place the ribs on the grill or oven-roast them until they are cooked through. They should be tender but still have a nice crunchy texture on top. Now that we’ve given an overview of how this beef rib recipe works let’s move onto what ingredients we need to get started…

Ingredients Needed

To get started on this beef ribs recipe, you’ll need the right ingredients. The main ones are: beef ribs, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and any additional spices of your choice. You’ll also need a rib marinade to give it that extra flavor—this could be anything from teriyaki sauce or Worcestershire sauce to beer or dry sherry.

Once all your ingredients are gathered up and ready to go, it’s time to start preparing the marinade. This is where the real flavors come in! Start by mixing together equal parts of oil and vinegar with some tomato paste for thickness. Then add your favorite herbs and spices like rosemary, thyme, oregano – whatever suits your taste buds best. Once everything is mixed together nicely pour over the meat and let it sit for at least an hour before cooking so that the flavors can really absorb into the ribs.

If you’re feeling adventurous (and have access to a smoker) why not try smoking these amazing-tasting ribs? All you need is hickory chips or pellets added directly onto the coals just before adding your seasoned ribs; then close up the lid for about two hours until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. Smoked beef ribs will take on a wonderfully smoky flavor and make them even juicier than usual!

Marinade Preparation

Now it’s time to get marinading! Preparing the marinade is an essential step for making these flavorful beef ribs. By combining just a few simple ingredients and allowing your meat to soak up all that yummy goodness, you can take this dish from good to great in no time.

First thing’s first: gather up those marinade ingredients. You’ll need some oil and vinegar, as well as any herbs or spices of your choice – anything goes here so let your creativity flow! Once everything is ready you will want to mix it all together until nice and smooth before adding it over the ribs. This mixture should be thick enough to coat each rib nicely but not too runny where it won’t stick – make sure you adjust accordingly with more oil or tomato paste if needed.

Finally, make sure you give the ribs plenty of time to absorb all that flavor – at least one hour should do it. Cover them with plastic wrap while they sit in the fridge and then pull out when ready for cooking; now we have succulent juicy ribs full of flavor just waiting to be cooked!

Cooking Techniques

beef ribs recipe-try this amazing beef ribs recipe for a delicious, hearty meal that everyone will love!
Beef Ribs Recipe-All Recipes Now-Beef Ribs Recipe, Beef Ribs, Beef

Now that the marinade is done, it’s time to decide how you want to cook your beef ribs. There are a few great methods out there but two of the most popular are dry-rubbing and slow-cooking. For this recipe we will go with the latter as it allows for maximum flavor absorption while also keeping those tasty juices locked inside the meat.

To begin, take your ribs and apply a generous coating of salt, pepper and whatever other seasonings or herbs you desire. This “dry rub” should be enough to create an extra layer of flavor without overpowering any underlying tastes from the marinade. Once applied all over, place them in a roasting tray covered in foil and bake them at low heat (around 250°F) for around three hours before adding some smoking-wood chips – hickory works especially well here! – for additional smoky goodness. Make sure to check on them every half hour or so during cooking just in case they need more liquid – add either water, broth or beer depending on desired taste levels.

When finished baking, turn up the oven to 375°F and let them sit uncovered until golden brown; this should only take about fifteen minutes tops. And there you have it: delicious slow cooked beef ribs full of juicy tenderness and flavorful goodness ready for serving! All that’s left now is setting up our smoker… …and adding the wood chips to create the perfect smoky flavor.

Smoker Settings

Now that our beef ribs are ready to be smoked, it’s time to set up the smoker and get those wood chips smoldering. For this recipe we’ll want a low heat setting of around 225°F for several hours – any higher will result in overcooked meat or even flames! To ensure consistent temperatures throughout the smoking process, consider investing in an electric thermometer you can attach inside your smoker so as to monitor its temperature consistently.

Additionally, don’t forget about adding additional flavorings with various types of wood chips; hickory is great here but mesquite, applewood and other kinds work just as well depending on what kind of flavor you’re looking for. Just make sure not to add too many at once as they burn quickly and could leave behind an overly strong aftertaste if left unchecked. Remember: moderation is key when it comes to flavoring via smoke!

Finally, keep in mind that these ribs need occasional basting during the smoking process for extra juiciness. A simple homemade marinade works best here – combine equal parts ketchup and brown sugar with Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper before applying liberally over the surface of the ribs every hour or two while cooking.

Basting And Glazing

beef ribs recipe-try this amazing beef ribs recipe for a delicious, hearty meal that everyone will love!
Beef Ribs Recipe-All Recipes Now-Beef Ribs Recipe, Beef Ribs, Beef

Basting and glazing are two key steps in the process of making sure our beef ribs turn out perfectly. Basting helps to keep them juiciness and flavor, while glazing adds an extra layer of sweetness that really enhances their taste. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Start by basting the ribs with your marinade every hour or so while they’re smoking. This will help lock in all the moisture and ensure a juicy final product. Make sure to brush on both sides for even coverage!
  • Once they’ve been cooked to perfection, grab a brush and use some honey or brown sugar-based barbecue sauce as a glaze. Cover each rib liberally – this will give them a nice sweet flavor that goes great with the smokiness from earlier.
  • Finally, let the ribs rest before serving; this allows them time to reabsorb all those juices and flavors we just added back in during basting and glazing. And don’t forget to save any leftovers for later; these ribs make for excellent sandwiches the next day!

With our basting and glazing complete, it’s now time to move onto the next step – getting these delicious ribs ready for serving up!

Serving Suggestions

Now that our ribs are cooked to perfection and glazed with a sweet BBQ sauce, it’s time to think about how we want to serve them up. Whether you’re serving these as a main course or as an appetizer, there are plenty of garnish ideas and dipping sauces to choose from. Here are some suggestions:

  • For a classic barbecue flavor, try adding some extra bbq sauce on top – either homemade or store-bought will do the trick. You can also use this as a delicious dipping sauce for those who want more tangy sweetness in every bite!
  • If you’re looking for something lighter, fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley make great additions. They’ll bring out the natural flavors of the meat without being too overpowering.
  • To really take things up a notch, why not offer up some flavored mayos? Try mixing your favorite condiments into plain mayonnaise for different varieties like garlic-dill or chipotle-lime. Your guests will love having multiple options for their dip!

With all these tasty ideas in mind, let’s move onto what sides would best accompany our beef ribs dish.

Side Dishes

To complete the meal, we’ll need some delicious sides to pair with our beef ribs. Let’s take a look at what would be the perfect accompaniments:

1) BBQ beans – These can easily be cooked on the stovetop or in the oven and are an absolute classic. Whether you like them sweet or spicy, they’re sure to add flavor to your dish!
2) Rice pilaf – This is another simple side that can be prepared quickly and goes great with bbq flavors. It’s also light enough so it won’t overpower the taste of your ribs.
3) Potato salad – Who doesn’t love potatoes? A creamy potato salad will provide a nice contrast to all those smoky flavors from your rib glaze. Plus, it’s always fun to have something different than the usual mashed potatoes.

With these sides as part of our plate, we now have a fully balanced meal that everyone will enjoy. Now let’s move on to discussing nutrition facts associated with this recipe.

Nutrition Facts

When it comes to nutrition information, beef ribs are a great source of protein and essential nutrients. In addition to being high in iron and zinc, they have an impressive calorie count for the amount of fat content present. On average, a 3 ounce serving contains about 150 calories and 8 grams of fat.

The nutrient profile of this dish is also quite good. It has plenty of vitamins A and C as well as potassium and magnesium, which help support healthy bones and muscles. Plus, the moderate amount of sodium makes it suitable for those who are watching their salt intake.

For anyone looking to make healthier choices when planning meals, beef ribs can be a satisfying entrée that packs lots of flavor without overloading on unhealthy ingredients. So if you’re wondering how to include some tasty proteins into your diet while keeping things balanced, then this could be just what you’re looking for!

With all these delicious flavors now accounted for, let’s move onto discussing storing tips so we can keep our leftovers fresh until tomorrow night’s dinner table.

Storing Tips

Storing beef ribs properly is essential for preserving their flavor and texture. Unfortunately, the best way to store them can vary depending on how you plan to use them after refrigeration.

If you’re planning to reheat and serve your ribs within a few days of cooking, then it’s best to leave them in their original packaging or tightly wrap them with plastic wrap so they don’t dry out. If they are only going to be stored for a short period of time, up to four days, then you can also place the wrapped ribs into an airtight container before placing in the refrigerator. This will help keep any odors from transferring over and ensure that the flavors remain intact until ready for serving.

On the other hand, if you want to enjoy those delicious leftovers later down the line, say a week or more away from now, freezing them is your best bet! To do this correctly, simply remove any excess fat from around the bones, wrap each rib individually using aluminum foil or freezer paper and label accordingly before popping into the freezer. With proper storage methods like these at your disposal, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t all have some delectable beef ribs whenever our cravings arise!

Now let’s discuss ways of reheating these tasty morsels without compromising on taste and texture…

Reheating Suggestions

With the right reheating techniques, you can enjoy beef ribs in all their original glory – no matter how long they’ve been stored! Reheating methods vary depending on whether or not you have access to a grill or an oven.

If your leftover ribs are frozen, be sure to thaw them out first before attempting any of these reheat methods. For those without grill access, preheat the oven to 350°F and place the wrapped ribs onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for about 25-30 minutes or until heated through. If using a gas grill instead, simply heat it up to medium-high heat and cook the ribs for approximately 10 minutes per side while flipping frequently.

Regardless of which method you opt for, make sure that when handling leftovers ensure to store them correctly after each use by wrapping them tightly and keeping them away from other foods in the refrigerator – this will help keep bacteria at bay and extend shelf life. With these helpful tips in mind, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying delicious barbeque style beef ribs anytime!

Let’s now discuss ways we can change up our recipe with some variations and substitutions…

Variations And Substitutions

Ready to spice up your beef ribs recipe? Let’s explore some variations and substitutions that can add a unique twist on the classic dish.

Marinade Variations: If you’re looking for ways to add more flavor to your ribs, marinades are always a great option! Consider trying out different types of liquids like beer or even apple cider vinegar in order to get creative with your marinade. You could also try adding herbs such as rosemary or thyme for an extra kick.

Dry Rub Substitutions: Dry rubs are often used to season meats prior to cooking them – but why not mix it up by switching out the usual ingredients? Try using smoked paprika instead of chili powder, oregano instead of cumin, and brown sugar instead of white – this way you’ll have a completely new take on an old favorite.

Sauce Alternatives: Another fun way to put your own spin on barbeque beef rib recipes is by experimenting with different sauces. Rather than traditional barbecue sauce, try something exotic like teriyaki glaze or spicy Thai peanut sauce for exciting flavor combinations.

With these easy tweaks, you can enjoy delicious beef ribs every time without getting stuck in a rut! Now let’s look at how we can ensure successful cooking each time…

Tips For Successful Cooking

To ensure successful cooking every time, it’s important to pay attention to grill temperature and rib preparation. The key is to find the perfect balance between heat and smoke that will lead to perfectly cooked ribs without drying them out or having them turn into charcoal!

When it comes to grill temperature, aim for a steady medium-low heat with indirect heat on the opposite side of where your ribs are cooking. This should be around 225-250 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, make sure you preheat the grill before adding your ribs so they cook evenly.

Rib preparation also plays an important role in getting delicious results – start by removing excess fat from both sides of the rack then rub generously with oil and seasonings. Once seasoned, wrap tightly in foil and place onto the preheated grill until internal temperatures reach 145°F (63°C). At this point, remove foil wrapping carefully and brush liberally with BBQ sauce. Then let the ribs finish cooking over direct heat until they achieve desired doneness.

Now that we’ve gone through some tips for successful cooking, let’s look at what you can do if things don’t go as planned…

Troubleshooting Issues

If you find yourself in a situation where things aren’t going as planned, there are some troubleshooting techniques that can help. First, make sure to check the internal temperature of your meat with a thermometer to ensure it’s cooked properly. If the thermometer reads lower than 145°F (63°C), then add more heat or smoke to raise the temperature. On the other hand, if it reads higher than this number, reduce the direct heat and move your ribs off of any hot spots on the grill.

Another issue might be dealing with an unruly charcoal fire – when this happens try using indirect heat by piling all of your coals onto one side of your grill and separating them from food being cooked over indirect heat. In addition, use wood chips or chunks for extra flavor and adjust vents to increase oxygen flow which will give you better control over temperatures.

When troubleshooting issues during cooking, remember to keep safety precautions in mind at all times – wear oven mitts while handling hot grates or opening lids and never leave food unattended while cooking over open flames!

Safety Precautions

When it comes to cooking beef ribs, safety is of the utmost importance. Not only do you need to be mindful of fire safety and proper handling techniques when grilling, but also foodborne-illness prevention in your kitchen. To ensure a safe and delicious meal, here are 3 essential tips for preparing beef ribs:

  1. Always start with clean hands and utensils as well as freshly washed cutting boards and surfaces to avoid cross contamination from raw meat that can lead to foodborne-illness. This means scrubbing down countertops before and after each use, using separate knives for different ingredients, washing dishes promptly, and changing out dish towels regularly.
  2. Use thermometers correctly when measuring temperatures – this will help prevent undercooking or overcooking which can be dangerous if not done properly! Invest in an accurate digital thermometer so that you know exactly what temperature your beef ribs need to reach before they’re ready.
  3. Lastly, always practice good kitchen sanitation habits including frequent handwashing and disposing of any used marinades or sauces as soon as possible since these often contain raw ingredients that could harbor bacteria. Additionally, make sure all tools like tongs, spatulas, brushes etc., are kept clean during the entire process of prepping and cooking your ribs to minimize any potential risk of contamination.

With these simple guidelines followed every time you prepare beef ribs at home, you’ll greatly reduce the chance of anything going wrong in the kitchen while still enjoying a flavorful meal!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Types Of Meat Can I Use In This Recipe?

When it comes to ribs, beef isn’t the only option. You can find many other types of meat that can be used in a rib recipe too. Pork ribs, lamb ribs and turkey ribs all make for delicious alternatives.

Pork ribs are great because they have plenty of flavor and hold up really well when cooked. They pair nicely with some sweet BBQ sauce or even just a simple seasoning like garlic powder and paprika. Lamb ribs tend to be more expensive than pork or beef but they offer an incredibly tender texture. A light marinade is usually enough to bring out their juicy flavors. Lastly, turkey ribs are lower in fat content which makes them a healthier choice if you’re watching your diet while still wanting something flavorful. Try serving them with cranberry-horseradish glaze for an extra zing!

No matter what type of rib you use, the key is to cook it low and slow so get ready for some serious patience as you wait for your meal to come together – but trust us, it will definitely be worth it! So go ahead and experiment with different meats next time you whip up this classic dish; you’ll never know what kind of tasty treat awaits until you try!

How Long Should I Marinate The Ribs?

Ah, the age-old question: how long should I marinate my beef ribs? Some say 8 hours and others say overnight. But in all seriousness, when it comes to marinating time for beef ribs there is no one size fits all answer. It really depends on what type of rib marinade you are using, as well as its ingredients.

If you want your ribs to be extra tender and juicy, then a longer marinating time is recommended – at least 4 or 5 hours. This will give the meat enough time to absorb the flavors from the marinade. You can also add some acidity such as lemon juice or vinegar which helps tenderize the meat even more. On the other hand, if you don’t have that much time to spare, then 30 minutes should suffice; just make sure you use a good quality rib marinade so that your ribs turn out flavorful and delicious!

When it comes down to it, finding the perfect balance between flavor and texture requires experimentation with different types of marinades and amount of time spent marinating. Ultimately this decision rests solely with you – after all, who knows better than yourself what kind of flavor profile best suits your taste buds!? So go ahead and get creative with your recipes – because trust me, once you find that magical combination of pork ribs and seasoning, you won’t regret it!

Does This Recipe Work In An Oven?

Do I have to use a grill if I want to cook beef ribs? Not necessarily! This recipe can be easily cooked in an oven. Whether you choose to oven-cook, oven-roast or even just bake the ribs, they’ll still come out juicy and delicious.

Oven-cooked beef ribs are often more tender than those that are grilled because the low heat of the oven allows them to slowly simmer in their own juices. Oven-roasting is also great for adding seasoning and flavor as well as ensuring that all sides of the rib get evenly cooked. Lastly, baking is a convenient way to prepare these tasty treats without having to worry about flipping them over during cooking time.

The key with any method of cooking is making sure not to overcook your ribs – otherwise they will become dry and tough. But whatever technique you decide on, this beef ribs recipe will definitely turn out fantastic when done correctly!

Is There A Way To Make This Recipe Healthier?

As we all know, eating healthy is a challenge – but it doesn’t have to be. With the right recipe and seasonings, you can enjoy your favorite meals in much healthier ways than before. That’s why I want to tackle one of my favorites: beef ribs! Is there a way to make this recipe healthier? Well let me tell you – Yes!

With some simple adjustments and health alternatives, you can create an equally delicious dish that won’t weigh so heavily on your waistline or conscience. The first step when making healthy beef ribs is replacing high-fat ingredients with more healthful options like olive oil for butter and honey for sugar. Additionally, using herbs as seasonings instead of sauces helps reduce fat content while adding flavor. For example, rosemary adds depth without taking away from the savory taste of the meat itself.

Finally, if you’re looking for something extra special, consider grilling over charcoal rather than baking in an oven — not only does it add smokiness to the dish (which everyone loves!), but also reduces unhealthy substances produced by cooking at high temperatures. Plus, adding vegetables such as carrots or potatoes increases fiber content while providing additional nutrients! With these tips in mind, you’ll have no problem creating juicy yet nutritious beef ribs fit for any diet plan.

Do I Need To Use A Specific Type Of Smoker For This Recipe?

When it comes to smoking ribs, the type of smoker you use can make all the difference. That’s why I’m wondering if there is a specific type of smoker that’s best for this recipe. After all, getting the perfect smoky flavor requires a good-quality rib smoker!

There are several types of smokers available on the market today, so which one should you choose? While some may prefer an electric or gas smoker, a classic charcoal rib smoker will usually produce ideal results. Charcoal smokers have excellent temperature control and allow smoke to stay inside longer than other options, plus they’re easy to find in most stores.

So what do you need to look out for when selecting your rib smoker? Make sure it has enough room for whatever size ribs you plan on cooking – larger cuts require bigger cookers. You’ll also want adjustable vents and racks so you can easily adjust airflow and move food around as needed. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to get the perfect smoky flavor for your beef ribs!


At the end of the day, making beef ribs is all about trial and error. You might not get it right the first time, but that’s ok! The key is to practice until you find your perfect recipe. With a little bit of patience and some experimenting with different marinades, smokers, and techniques, you can master this delicious dish.

The great thing about this recipe is that it can be tailored to fit any dietary restrictions or preferences. If you want to make it healthier, try using less oil or opt for leaner cuts of meat. For those who are short on time or don’t own a smoker, feel free to use an oven instead – just keep in mind that the cooking times may vary slightly from what’s written in the recipe.

Whether you’re trying out a new technique or simply looking for something tasty to add to your meal rotation, beef ribs can definitely deliver! By taking advantage of all its customizable options and utilizing rhetorical devices like similes (e.g., “as tender as butter”), you can create delicious dishes that will have everyone asking for seconds – so go ahead: give them a try!

Beef Ribs Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: MainCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Moderate


Prep time


Cooking time





This Beef Ribs Recipe is the perfect combination of sweet and savory flavors that make for a delicious and hearty dish. Enjoy this slow-cooked ribs recipe for a great family meal or special occasion.


  • 4 ls 4 beef ribs

  • 1 cup 1 brown sugar

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 chili powder

  • 2 tsp 2 garlic powder

  • 2 tsp 2 onion powder

  • 1 tsp 1 smoked paprika

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 cayenne pepper

  • 1 tsp 1 salt

  • 1 tsp 1 black pepper

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 apple cider vinegar

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 ketchup

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 Worcestershire sauce


  • Preheat the oven to 300°F.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, and black pepper.
  • Rub the spice mixture all over the ribs.
  • Place the ribs in a large baking dish.
  • In a separate bowl, mix together the apple cider vinegar, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce.
  • Pour the mixture over the ribs.
  • Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake for 4 hours or until the ribs are fork-tender.
  • Remove the ribs from the oven and let them rest for 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!