coconut cookie recipe

Coconut Cookie Recipe

Everyone loves the sweet, crunchy taste of a delicious coconut cookie. But how often do you get to experience that special treat? Not very often! That’s why I’m here to share with you an amazing recipe for coconut cookies so you can enjoy them anytime.

This recipe is not only easy and simple to follow but also yields delicious results every time. As someone who has baked dozens of batches of these tasty treats, I can say firsthand that they are truly irresistible. Plus, if you’re looking for something extra special, this recipe allows you to customize your own unique version by adding things like chocolate chips or nuts.

The best part about creating your own homemade batch of coconut cookies is knowing that it will bring joy and satisfaction to everyone who gets to try them. After all, what better way is there than sharing a home cooked snack together with those we love? So let’s get started on our journey towards baking some delectable coconut cookies!

Ingredient List

coconut cookie recipe-this delicious coconut cookie recipe will make you feel like you're on a tropical island!
Coconut Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

Ready to bake some delicious coconut cookies? You’ll need all the right ingredients. Let’s take a look at what you’ll need for cookie dough and baking!

When it comes to the coconut cookie ingredients, you’ll want butter, sugar, egg, vanilla extract and of course shredded or flaked coconut. To make your dough stick together, you’ll also need flour, baking soda and salt. All these items can easily be found in any grocery store.

In addition to the above ingredients, there are other items that can help give your cookies flavor and texture such as dark or white chocolate chips. And if you’re feeling adventurous why not throw in some chopped macadamia nuts! This will add an extra crunchy touch to your treats.

Now that we have our list of ingredients ready, let’s get started on prepping the dough!

Preparing The Dough

Now that we have all the ingredients ready, it’s time to prepare our dough. Preparing cookie dough is an easy process and with just a few simple steps you’ll be rolling out your cookies in no time!

To get started on prepping the dough, we first need to cream together the butter and sugar until they form a light and fluffy mixture. Once creamed, add in one egg at a time while beating continuously. After adding in the eggs, pour in some vanilla extract for flavor.

Then it’s time to begin forming our coconut cookie dough. Start by stirring in the flour, baking soda and salt into the wet ingredients. Then slowly fold in shredded or flaked coconut until everything is well mixed together. Now that our dough is complete, let’s move onto shaping it into delicious treats!

If desired, feel free to mix in other items such as chocolate chips or chopped macadamia nuts – this will help bring extra texture and flavor into your finished product. Now that we’ve got our dough prepared and ready to go, let’s move onto shaping and baking these yummy cookies!

Shaping And Baking The Cookies

Shaping our cookies is the fun and creative part of this recipe! To get started, separate out a portion of the dough. Then roll it into small balls and place them on an ungreased baking sheet about two inches apart from one another. Now that they are shaped, use your hands or a fork to flatten each cookie slightly before placing them in the oven. You can create different shapes such as circles, squares, hearts – whatever you like!

Once all the cookies have been placed onto the tray, it’s time for baking. Place the tray in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown around the edges. When done baking, remove from the oven and allow them to cool completely before serving.

Now that we’ve got perfectly shaped and baked coconut cookies ready to go, let’s talk about what type of coconut works best when making these delicious treats!

The Best Type Of Coconut To Use

When it comes to baking with coconut, there are so many varieties and flavors to choose from. Whether you prefer sweetened or unsweetened shredded flakes, coconut chips, dessicated pieces, or even the oil itself – each type of coconut adds its own unique flavor to your cookies!

Sweetened shredded flakes give a nice crunchy texture that pairs perfectly with the soft cookie dough. Coconut chips can add subtle sweetness and nuttiness while adding some much-needed crunch. Dessicated pieces provide an extra layer of richness and depth along with more intense flavor than regular shredded flakes. And let’s not forget about coconut oil – this one is great for those who want their cookies to have an added touch of moisture without getting too greasy.

No matter what type of coconut you choose, just be sure to measure out the correct amount before adding it into your batter. Depending on how sweet or moist you’d like your cookies to be, using different quantities will result in vastly different outcomes! When substituting ingredients such as nuts or dried fruits for the coconut flakes, keep in mind that these may alter both taste and texture so adjust accordingly.

Substituting Ingredients

coconut cookie recipe-this delicious coconut cookie recipe will make you feel like you're on a tropical island!
Coconut Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

When baking with coconut, it’s important to consider any dietary restrictions or preferences that you may need to accommodate. For those seeking vegan substitutes, cocoa butter and nut butters like almond or peanut can be used in place of the traditional dairy-based ingredients. Gluten-free versions are also available by replacing all purpose flour with alternative flours such as oat or buckwheat. And for those who don’t want to use dairy at all, there are plenty of dairy-free alternatives including plant-based milks, oils, and even applesauce!

These replacements will require a bit more creativity when adding flavorings and spices – try using cinnamon and nutmeg for some added warmth; cardamom for an exotic twist; or ginger and lemon zest for a vibrant citrusy kick. You could also swap out the regular chocolate chips for vegan ones if desired. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not experiment with other types of nuts and dried fruits too?

No matter which options you choose, just make sure they work together harmoniously so your cookies come out tasting perfect every time! With the right combinations of flavors and textures, these delicious coconut treats can be enjoyed by everyone no matter their diet.

Decorating Ideas

coconut cookie recipe-this delicious coconut cookie recipe will make you feel like you're on a tropical island!
Coconut Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

Once you’ve got the perfect combination of ingredients for your coconut cookies, it’s time to move on to decorating them! This is where you can really have fun and get creative with how they look. Whether you’re going for a classic design or something more elaborate, cookie decoration adds an extra layer of enjoyment that makes these treats special.

When it comes to icing designs, there are several options available depending on what kind of effect you want. A simple glaze made with powdered sugar and water will give your cookies a glossy finish; while royal icing provides a thicker consistency which can be used for intricate detailing like piping along edges or writing messages. You could also opt for melted chocolate if you prefer something smoother and richer in flavor. Colorful sprinkles are always popular too – just make sure that any mix-ins won’t interfere with the texture of your dough.

The possibilities here are truly endless. From drizzling white chocolate over dark cocoa frosting to adding layers of crushed nuts between two thin biscuit slices – let your imagination run wild as you craft unique decorations for each cookie!

Storage Tips

Once your coconut cookies have been decorated to perfection, it’s important to store them properly so that you can enjoy their deliciousness over time. There are a few key tips for storing these treats right:

The first is temperature control – keep the room or container where they’re being stored cool and dry, as too much heat will cause them to go stale more quickly than usual. Additionally, airtight packaging helps protect against moisture loss and prevents any chance of cross-contamination with other foods in your kitchen. If possible, use individual wrappers for each cookie before putting them into sealed containers; this will help preserve their freshness even longer.

Finally, don’t forget about proper labeling! Write down the date of when the cookies were made, along with any pertinent details like ingredients used or allergens present. This way, anyone who may come across these goodies knows exactly what’s inside so they can make an informed decision on whether or not to eat it.

Serving up these tasty treats just got easier thanks to these helpful storage tips!

Serving Suggestions

Now it’s time to consider serving suggestions for your coconut cookies. With the right accompaniments, these treats can become much more than just a dessert – they can be part of a truly unique experience! Here are some ideas that will take your cookie game up a notch:

1) Consider pairing them with fresh fruits and nuts as an easy but tasty snack. This is perfect for those looking for something light yet flavorful, as the contrasting textures will make each bite surprisingly delightful. Plus, you’ll get bonus points for healthiness!

2) Turn them into mini-desserts by pairing them with ice cream or yogurt. The cold contrast provides a pleasant surprise when paired with the warmth of freshly baked cookies – plus, this combination offers plenty of room to customize flavors and create unique flavor combinations.

3) Make them even sweeter by adding chocolate chips or other treats like marshmallows or sprinkles. These add-ons provide bursts of flavor in every bite and elevate the overall presentation – talk about Instagram worthy!

These creative serving ideas will help bring out the best in your coconut cookies no matter what occasion you’re celebrating.

Customizing The Recipe

When it comes to coconut cookies, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all. After all, everyone has their own unique preferences and tastes – so why not customize the recipe to make something truly special? With a few tailored variations, you can create delicious treats that will be sure to delight your friends and family.

First off, consider adding different types of flavorings or spices for an unexpected twist. Whether you’re looking for something sweet like vanilla extract or nutty like almond extract, these options are sure to bring out some unique flavors in every bite. Then, switch up the type of coconut used – shredded coconut is the traditional choice but experimenting with flakes or chips will yield completely different results. Finally, don’t forget about mix-ins! From dried fruits to nuts and even chocolate chips, the possibilities here are endless.

With just a little bit of creativity, you can elevate your cookie game and surprise your guests with something truly unique!

How To Avoid Common Mistakes

Now that you’ve customized the recipe and are ready to get baking, it’s important to avoid common mistakes so your cookies turn out perfect. Here’s a list of things to keep in mind when making coconut cookies:

  • Make sure the dough is cold before rolling into balls – this will help create a crunchier texture.
  • Don’t overbake; adjust baking times according to oven temperatures for ideal results.
  • When adding mix-ins like nuts or dried fruits, be sure they’re chopped finely so they don’t burn during baking.

By following these tips, you can ensure that every batch comes out perfectly! With just a little bit of extra effort, you’ll have delicious treats everyone will love. Now let’s take a look at how much nutrition each cookie contains… …so you can enjoy them guilt-free!

Nutritional Information

Learning about the caloric and nutritional content of your coconut cookies is a great way to make sure you’re serving up treats that are both delicious and healthy. Here’s what you need to know when looking at the calorie count, nutritional facts, and dietary requirements for these amazing goodies:

First off, each cookie contains approximately 80 calories—a small but satisfying treat! They also offer a decent dose of fiber, with 2 grams per cookie. On top of that, they contain no trans fats or cholesterol so they can be enjoyed by people following all types of diets. Plus, since there are no artificial flavors or preservatives in this recipe, you can rest assured knowing your family will enjoy only natural ingredients.

At the end of the day, taking time to understand the nutrition behind your homemade treats is essential if you want them to taste their best while meeting everyone’s dietary needs. Armed with this knowledge, let’s now explore some alternative toppings and fillings…

Alternative Toppings And Fillings

To make these coconut cookies even more delicious, why not add some alternative toppings and fillings? With so many options available to choose from, you can easily find something that everyone in the family will love. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Almond butter – This nutty spread adds rich flavor and pairs perfectly with the sweet taste of coconut.
  • Fruit preserves – For a burst of fruity sweetness, try adding strawberry or raspberry jam as a filling for your cookies.
  • Nutella – Who doesn’t love the classic combination of hazelnuts and chocolate? Spread this creamy delight on top for an indulgent treat.
  • Sprinkles – Whether it’s colored sugar crystals or tiny chocolate chips, sprinkles bring a little extra fun to your cookies!

When it comes to making tasty treats, don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and textures. By mixing up the ingredients every now and then, you can create unique recipes that your friends and family will rave about. Now let’s look at how we can customize our cookie recipe by making gluten-free or vegan versions…

Making Gluten-Free Or Vegan Cookies

Customizing this recipe to make it gluten-free or vegan is surprisingly easy! With just a few simple substitutions, you can enjoy delicious coconut cookies that are perfect for everyone’s dietary needs. Here’s how:

  • Gluten-Free – Swap out all-purpose flour with a 1:1 ratio of almond and oat flours. This will ensure your cookies have the same fluffy texture without any wheat products.
  • Vegan – Replace the butter with either coconut oil or vegan margarine for an animal product-free option. You can also use aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) instead of eggs as a binding agent.
  • Coconut Flour – For those looking to cut down on carbs and calories, try using coconut flour in place of some of the all-purpose flour. Just remember that this type of flour absorbs more moisture so you may need to add extra liquid if needed.
  • Sweeteners – Don’t forget about natural sweeteners like maple syrup, agave nectar, and honey which can be used as alternatives to white sugar.
  • Dairy Alternatives – If you prefer not to use dairy milk in your cookie dough, there are plenty of plant-based milks available such as almond, oat, and soy varieties.

No matter what ingredients you choose, these modifications will give your traditional cookie recipe a modern twist that everyone can enjoy! Now let’s look at ways we can pair our cookies with drinks or desserts…

Pairing With Drinks Or Desserts

Coconut cookies are a delicious treat that can be easily enjoyed with drinks or desserts. There’s something special about pairing the nutty, sweet flavor of coconut with other flavors and textures, making it an ideal choice for creating unique combinations. Here are some ideas on how to pair your freshly-baked coconut cookies with drinks or desserts:

  • Coconut Cookie & Hot Chocolate – Nothing beats curling up in front of a cozy fire with a warm mug of hot cocoa and a plate full of freshly made coconut cookies! The nuttiness from the cookie pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the chocolate for an indulgent experience.
  • Coconut Cookie & Ice Cream – Combine two classic favorites into one by topping off your favorite scoop of ice cream with crunchy bits of baked coconut cookie crumbles. This combination will satisfy both your need for creamy goodness and texture contrast at once!
  • Coconut Cookie & Fruit Compote – For those looking for something healthier but still tasty, try serving fresh slices of fruit topped with chopped pieces of coconut cookie crumbs. The tartness from the compote is complemented nicely by the sweetness and crunchy texture from the cookie bits.

These are just some examples of what you can do when it comes to finding creative ways to enjoy your homemade treats! With so many possibilities available, there’s surely no shortage of delicious coconut cookie combinations waiting to be discovered.

Making Ahead And Freezing

The joy of baking doesn’t have to be limited to only the moments when you’re in the kitchen. With a little bit of planning, it’s possible to make ahead and freeze your coconut cookie dough for later enjoyment! This way, whenever that sweet tooth craving hits, all you need to do is pop some cookies into the oven – no mess or fuss required.

Freezing your cookie dough is an incredibly simple process. All you need to do is roll out small pieces of dough onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and then place it in the freezer until solid. Once frozen, transfer them into a container or bag before returning them back to the freezer. From here on out they’ll be ready whenever you need them! Plus, if there are ever any leftover cookies after baking day, freezing can also help keep those treats fresh till next time.

Making ahead and freezing your coconut cookie dough not only saves time but energy as well – giving you more time (and peace of mind) to enjoy the treats themselves with friends and family! Whether served warm from the oven or straight from their icy slumber, these delicious snacks will surely hit the spot anytime. So go ahead and plan ahead – those freshly baked coconut cookies won’t wait forever!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Temperature To Bake The Cookies?

When it comes to baking coconut cookies, one of the most important variables is temperature. Knowing what temperature to bake your cookies at and for how long can be tricky if you’re new to baking. This guide will help ensure that your coconut cookies turn out perfectly every time!

The optimal cookie temperature varies depending on the recipe and size of the cookie being made. Generally speaking, the ideal range for making coconut cookies is between 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit (175-190 Celsius). Heating up too much or too little could lead to undercooked or burnt cookies. It’s also important to keep in mind that a higher temperature will cause the edges of your cookie to brown faster than its center; thus, reducing baking time may be necessary as well.

To get your desired result each time, here are three tips:
1) Use an oven thermometer when preheating so you know exactly when it reaches the right temperature.
2) Keep an eye on your batch while they bake so you don’t overdo it with either heat or time.
3) Experiment with different temperatures until you find what works best for you—you might even discover some interesting flavor variations along the way!
While these steps will help make sure your delicious treats come out perfect from start to finish, nothing compares with practice and experience which helps create those delectable masterpieces everyone loves.

How Long Can The Dough Be Refrigerated Before Baking?

Achieving the perfect cookie can be a daunting task. Preparing the dough is an art form in itself, requiring just the right temperature and texture to create something delicious and unforgettable. But even when you’ve got that part down pat – how long should you refrigerate your dough before baking?

Refrigerating cookie dough creates interesting changes within it; as it cools, the flavor intensifies while its texture becomes firmer. This allows for longer storage periods than would otherwise be available if left at room temperature – so how much time should you give your dough before rolling up your sleeves and getting to work?

The answer will depend on the particular recipe of coconut cookie you’re using. Generally speaking, most recipes call for between 24-48 hours of refrigerator time before baking off – however, some may require more or less depending on their ingredients and desired outcome. If possible, try to stick with what’s recommended in order to ensure your cookies turn out perfectly every time! No matter which route you go down though, rest assured that cooling your cookie dough gives it ample time to develop flavor while also creating a better consistency for optimal results during bake time.

How Can I Make The Cookies More Chewy?

When it comes to baking cookies, one of the biggest challenges is achieving that perfect chewy texture. Whether you’re making coconut-flavored treats or something else entirely, creating a delicious cookie with a satisfying chewiness can often be difficult. But don’t worry – there are some tips and tricks you can use to make sure your cookie dough yields those delightful chewy results!

One great way to ensure your cookie dough produces chewy cookies is by adjusting the ingredients list. Adding additional egg whites can give the dough more structure, while increasing the amount of butter in the recipe will result in softer cookies. Alternatively, using brown sugar instead of white sugar will help create that sought after chewy-texture. Experimenting with different ratios of ingredients may provide further insight into what works best for you.

Finally, another important factor when striving for a perfectly chewy cookie is preparation time. Letting the cookie-dough rest before baking allows certain chemical reactions within the batter to take place which makes for an even better end product. Depending on how much time you have available, allowing at least 30 minutes (preferably overnight) refrigeration time ensures all these reactions happen effectively so you get the most out of each batch!

No matter what kind of cookies you’re making, getting creative with ingredient lists and timing should yield excellent results every time – giving you plenty of tasty treats to share with friends and family!

What Other Types Of Coconut Can I Use For The Recipe?

Coconuts are a versatile ingredient that can elevate simple recipes from average to extraordinary. Take for example the humble coconut cookie – using different types of coconut in the recipe can add an extra layer of texture and flavor, making them irresistible. So what other types of coconut than shredded coconut work well in this type of recipe?

First off, desiccated coconut is always a great option when baking cookies as it adds sweetness. Furthermore, it has a slightly powdery texture which creates more mouthfeel. Coconut flakes are also popular choices due to their crunchiness and subtle but sweet flavor. Lastly, you could try substituting grated or shaved coconut for some added chewiness. All three variations offer distinct flavors and textures that will make your cookies stand out from the rest!

When deciding which type of coconut works best for your cookie recipe, keep in mind the desired outcome – do you want chewy cookies with a hint of sweetness? Or perhaps you’re looking for something more crunchy and flavorful? With shredded coconut, desiccated coconut, and coconut flakes all available at most supermarkets these days, there’s no limit to how creative you can get with your baking creations! Here are three ideas on how to use each type:

1) Shredded Coconut: Add 1/2 cup of shredded coconut for denser yet still fluffy cookies with nutty undertones;
2) Desiccated Coconut: Sprinkle 2 tablespoons over dough before baking for light and airy cookies with hints of sweetness;
3) Coconut Flakes: For a delicious crunch top pre-baked cookies with 3 tablespoons of flaked coconut before serving.

No matter which type of coconut you choose for your next batch of homemade cookies, one thing is sure – they’ll be deliciously unique!

How Can I Make The Cookies Look More Attractive?

When it comes to making delicious desserts, presentation is key. While the coconut cookie recipe you’re working on will undoubtedly be scrumptious, creating an attractive look for your cookies can take them from good to great. To make your homemade treats stand out visually and tempt even more taste buds, consider adding a decorative topping or eye-catching design.

To begin with, a decorative topping like sprinkles can add color and texture in seconds flat. Whether you opt for classic rainbow hues or choose something unique such as white chocolate chips or crushed nuts, this approach adds instant visual appeal that’s sure to draw attention. Additionally, if you have access to things like edible glitter or sugar pearls, these items are a great way to give your creations a touch of elegance without much effort!

Finally, adding an eye-catching design goes beyond just throwing some colorful toppings onto the top of the cookies – think about ways you can get creative with shapes and patterns too. Try using different cookie cutters to form geometric designs when baking; alternatively you could use icing pens to pipe intricate swirls across each one before they go into the oven – either way, there are plenty of options available which will help turn your coconut cookie recipe into an impressive work of art!


In conclusion, making delicious coconut cookies doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can easily create a batch of delectable treats that will satisfy your sweet tooth.
Baking these cookies at the proper temperature is critical for producing the perfect texture – not too crunchy but still chewy enough. Refrigerating the dough before baking helps it keep its shape and gives it an extra dose of flavor. You can also make them more chewy by incorporating other types of coconut into the recipe like shredded or flaked varieties. For a pleasing presentation, consider sprinkling some confectioners’ sugar on top or garnishing with fresh fruit slices. It’s like adding icing on a cake – simply divine!
Creating tasty coconut cookies is like painting a masterpiece; all the elements come together in harmony to create something magical and delightful. So don’t hesitate to try this recipe today – I guarantee when you bite into one of those warm, fluffy morsels you’ll feel as if you’ve just taken a bite out of paradise!

Coconut Cookie Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





These delicious Coconut Cookies are a classic treat that are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. They are easy to make and a perfect way to enjoy the flavors of coconut in a portable treat!


  • 1/2 cup 1/2 (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 granulated sugar

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 light brown sugar

  • 1 1 large egg

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 coconut extract

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 salt

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 sweetened shredded coconut


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, beat together the butter and sugars until creamy and smooth. Beat in the egg, vanilla extract, and coconut extract.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined.
  • Fold in the shredded coconut.
  • Using a cookie scoop or spoon, drop the dough onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the edges are lightly golden brown. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack.