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Almond Joy Cookie Recipe

Who doesn’t love a good almond joy cookie? These delightful treats bring together all the flavors of a classic Almond Joy candy bar and combine them into an easy-to-make, bite-sized snack. Whether you’re looking for something special to make for your family or just want to treat yourself to a little bit of indulgence, this delicious recipe is sure to please.

Are you ready to take your baking skills up a notch with these rich and chewy almond joy cookies? We have put together an easy step by step guide that will have you whipping up batches of these goodies in no time! With only a few simple ingredients, even novice bakers can master this irresistible sweet treat.

You won’t be able to resist the aromatic combination of coconut flakes, creamy milk chocolate and crunchy almonds. Don’t wait any longer – let’s get started on making some mouthwatering almond joy cookies!

almond joy cookie recipe
almond joy cookie recipe

Ingredients & Measurements

almond joy cookie recipe
almond joy cookie recipe

Do you have a craving for homemade treats? Look no further: with this almond joy cookie recipe, your sweet tooth needs will be satisfied! All that is needed are some simple baking ingredients and measuring cups to get started.

Using two-and-a-half cups of all purpose flour, one teaspoon of salt, and half a cup of cocoa powder, these delectable cookies can easily come together in just a few steps. Be sure to use cooking measurements for accuracy when adding the sugar (one cup) and butter (three-quarters cup). To make the flavor truly unique, add two teaspoons of coconut extract before mixing everything together.

With the right balance of ingredients brought together, it’s time to start preheating the oven – but more on that later! For now, let’s focus on getting our almond joy cookie dough ready so we can soon enjoy them fresh out of the oven.

Preheat Oven Instructions

Before getting started with the baking process, it’s important to prepare the oven. To do so, preheat the oven according to these steps:

  • Oven Preheating Instructions:
  • Set the temperature to 350°F (177°C)
  • Wait for 10 minutes while the oven is preheating
  • Confirm that your desired temperature has been reached before beginning

This step may seem tedious or unnecessary but it can make a huge difference in how your almond joy cookies turn out! A properly prepared oven will ensure even cooking and an optimal texture and flavor. Plus, you’ll get a better idea of how long each cookie needs to bake as well.

Now that we’ve got our oven heated up, let’s move on to mixing together all of those delicious ingredients into one tasty dough.

Mixing Directions

It’s time to get our hands dirty and mix together the ingredients for these delicious almond joy cookies. We’ve already preheated the oven, so now it’s time to combine all of those incredible flavors!

Mixing up a batch of cookie dough can be an incredibly exciting process; you just need the right tools and techniques. Here are some tips that will help you make sure your batter comes out perfect every single time:

  • Start by combining wet ingredients in one bowl and dry ingredients in another
  • Slowly add the two mixtures together while stirring constantly
  • Use a hand mixer or stand mixer if needed to ensure everything is thoroughly combined
  • Make sure not to overmix – this could cause your cookies to come out tough rather than soft and chewy

Put simply, there’s no feeling quite like mixing up a fresh batch of cookie dough. The smell alone is enough to drive anyone wild with excitement—and each scoop onto the baking sheet brings us closer towards enjoying those warm, gooey treats we know and love! Now let’s move on to preparing the dough before baking them off.

Preparing The Dough

Now that we’ve finished mixing up the ingredients for our almond joy cookies, it’s time to prepare the dough. This is a crucial step in making sure your final product comes out perfectly soft and chewy every single time.

As you might remember from earlier, proper cookie dough needs to be chilled before baking. This helps give structure to the batter so it doesn’t spread too much on the baking sheet, resulting in thick and dense rather than light and airy cookies. To chill properly, wrap your dough tightly with plastic wrap or place inside an airtight container in the fridge. Letting it sit for at least one hour will provide optimal results.

Once the dough has been sufficiently chilled, simply scoop balls of cookie dough onto parchment paper-lined baking sheets and bake according to package instructions—or until golden brown around edges if no instructions are provided. Now all that’s left is adding those delicious almonds!

Almond Topping Tips

almond joy cookie recipe
almond joy cookie recipe

Adding the perfect almond topping can take your cookies from tasty to tantalizing. With a few creative ideas, you can turn these simple treats into something truly extraordinary.

When it comes to almonds, there are endless possibilities! You could use chopped nuts for an easy sprinkle-on top that adds texture and flavor. Or if you’re feeling more adventurous, try some of these unique topping ideas: roasted slivered almonds for a nutty crunch; crushed macadamia nuts for a hint of tropical sweetness; or even finely chopped white chocolate chips with a sprinkling of sliced almonds on top—the possibilities are truly endless.

For those looking for an extra indulgent treat, frosting is always an option. Whether it’s classic buttercream with added almond extract or cream cheese frosting sprinkled with some ground almond flour, the options for adding decadence are seemingly limitless.

No matter what type of topping you choose, making sure to evenly spread it across each cookie before baking will ensure every bite has just the right amount of deliciousness!

Baking Time And Temperature

With the perfect topping in place, it’s time to get baking! Achieving the desired texture and flavor of your cookies all comes down to one thing: timing. Baking at the right temperature for just the right amount of time is key to bringing out their scrumptiousness.

When it comes to oven temperatures, 350°F should do the trick. This will ensure that every cookie gets cooked evenly and thoroughly without burning too quickly on top or staying raw inside. Depending on how thick your cookies are, you’ll want to bake them between 8-12 minutes until they’re a golden brown color—no more than that! If you find yourself with thinner cookies, keep an eye on them so they don’t burn.

You can also experiment with different cooking times if you’re looking for a slightly crunchier cookie or something extra soft and chewy. Remember though, even when changing up your baking time, always make sure your oven stays around the same temperature range as mentioned above. With some trial and error, you’ll know soon enough which recipe works best for you.

Having control over both the baking temperature and cooking time allows bakers to really hone in and master their craft—making these almond joy cookies truly unique creations each time!

Cooling And Frosting Ideas

Now that your almond joy cookies are out of the oven, it’s time to think about cooling and frosting ideas. To start, you’ll want to let them cool completely on a wire rack before moving onto any icing or decorating methods. This will prevent any melting or distortion when transferring from baking sheet to plate, while also ensuring they won’t be too hot for adding additional ingredients.

When it comes to frosting recipes, there is no shortage of ideas! From classic chocolate ganache glazes to whipped cream icings with edible flowers for decoration—the possibilities are endless. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try making an almond buttercream by combining softened butter with powdered sugar and flavoring it with extract made from real almonds. You can then pipe this onto each cookie for added sweetness and texture.

No matter what type of topping you choose to use, having a few basic techniques in mind beforehand will help make sure everything comes together perfectly! The trick here is allowing yourself enough time in between steps so that all components have had ample chance to cool down before being combined—this will ensure that every bite is as delicious as possible.

Variations On The Recipe

When it comes to baking, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why it’s always a good idea to think outside the box when creating your own recipes or adapting existing ones. For instance, with this almond joy cookie recipe, you can easily tailor it to suit different dietary preferences and health goals by making simple adjustments here and there.

Here are some ideas for variations on the original recipe:

  • Gluten-free: Replace all purpose flour with gluten-free baking mix.
  • Vegan: Replace butter with plant based margarine.
  • Sugar-free: Substitute coconut sugar or stevia in place of granulated sugar.
  • Low fat: Use applesauce instead of oil when mixing dry ingredients together.

No matter which way you choose to go, these modifications will help ensure that your cookies come out perfectly every time! Plus, they’ll be sure to please even picky eaters who have special dietary needs. Now that your delicious treats are ready for consumption, let’s discuss how best to store them so they stay fresh and tasty for as long as possible.

Storage Information

According to a study conducted by the American Dietetic Association, storing food properly can help increase its shelf life up to five times! With this in mind, it’s important that you learn how to store your almond joy cookies correctly.

First and foremost, these cookies are best stored in an airtight container at room temperature. This will prevent them from drying out or absorbing any unwanted odors. It’s also recommended that you keep your cookies away from direct sunlight or areas of high humidity as both of these conditions can cause spoilage.

It’s worth noting that when properly stored, almond joy cookies can last for several weeks before they start to lose their flavor and texture. However, if you find yourself with too many treats on hand, freezing is another great option. Storing the cookies in a zip-top freezer bag works well and allows them to be eaten months down the road without sacrificing quality.

With proper storage techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy your delicious homemade cookies whenever you please! Now let’s move onto some ideas for serving these goodies for maximum enjoyment.

Serving Suggestions

Serving almond joy cookies is a great way to show someone you care. Whether it’s for an afternoon snack, dessert platter, or gift basket, these treats are sure to be appreciated by all!

For those who want something a bit more special, try using the cookies as part of a creative treat arrangement. You can arrange them on top of cupcakes or ice cream sundaes for added flavor and decoration. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, why not use them in place of marshmallows when making s’mores? It’ll give your classic campfire snack an unexpected twist!

If presentation isn’t important, simply scoop up handfuls of cookies into decorative bags and tie with ribbon for easy gifting. This will save time without sacrificing any of the deliciousness.
TIP: For extra flair, add some fresh mint leaves or sprigs of lavender in between layers of cookie pieces–it adds color and aroma that’s sure to make your gifts stand out!

Nutrition Facts

With their sweet-yet-salty flavor and crunchy almond bits, it’s easy to understand why many people love the taste of almond joy cookies. But what about the nutrition facts? Let’s take a closer look at this delectable treat.

These treats are made with a combination of butter, sugar, flour, almonds, coconut flakes, and chocolate chips–all delicious ingredients that can be considered part of a healthy diet in moderation. Almond joy cookie nutrition is good for you as long as consumed within reason; each one contains around 140 calories per serving size. For those looking for an even healthier alternative, consider baking them without any added sugar or using unsweetened dried fruit instead of chocolate chips.

Cookie nutrition facts may vary depending on the recipe used; however, generally speaking they contain 10 – 15 grams of total fat (mostly from nuts) and 12 – 17 grams of carbohydrates per serving size. Joy cookies also provide some vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium – just enough to give your body a little boost!

As tempting as it might be to indulge in these tasty morsels year round, remember that like all things: balance is key. Enjoying these snacks in moderation will help ensure you get both pleasure and nourishment from every bite!

Decorating Options

Once you’ve got your almond joy cookie recipe perfected, it’s time to get creative with decorating! Whether you want to dress up a basic batch of cookies for a special occasion or simply add a bit of flair to an everyday snack, there are plenty of options available. Here are some ideas on how to make your treats look as good as they taste.

For starters, consider using cookie cutters in various shapes and sizes. You can even experiment with different colors and flavors of icing if desired. If that doesn’t sound like enough fun, don’t forget about those colorful sugar sprinkles – they’ll definitely bring life to any ordinary batch of cookies!

TIP: Try adding edible glitter or writing messages on the cookies with food-safe markers for added pizazz! With these easy yet eye-catching decorations, everyone will be sure to love your creations.

Now let’s move onto special occasions where these delicious snacks can really shine.

Special Occasion Ideas

For special occasions, almond joy cookies can be a go-to treat. Whether you’re looking for something to give as a gift or serve at an upcoming birthday party, these cookies are sure to please! To make them extra special, consider adding some decorations like icing and sprinkles in the colors of the occasion. You can also shape the dough into festive shapes that tie in with any theme.

If gifting your cookies, why not try wrapping them up beautifully? This is easy to do by using wax paper, ribbon, tags – whatever suits your style. Presenting treats this way adds a unique touch and will surely put a smile on someone’s face.

No matter how you decide to decorate or present your almond joy cookies for special occasions, they’ll always be well received! With all these options available for creating something truly memorable, there’s no limit to what you can come up with.

Now let’s explore some popular alternatives to almond joy cookies.

Popular Alternatives To Almond Joy Cookies

When it comes to finding an alternative for almond joy cookies, there are plenty of tasty options. From coconut macaroons to peanut butter cookies and oatmeal raisin treats, here are some popular alternatives that will make any special occasion extra sweet:

  • Coconut Macaroons – These chewy and light treats have a delicious flavor and texture. They’re also easy to whip up in no time with just a few ingredients! Plus, they look great when decorated with colorful sprinkles or drizzled chocolate.
  • Peanut Butter Cookies – For those who love the classic combination of peanuts and chocolate, these cookies can’t be beat. Soft and creamy on the inside with a crunchy exterior, they’ll satisfy everyone’s cravings. Add some chopped nuts or mini-chocolate chips for added flavor and presentation.
  • Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – Not only do these offer a unique twist on traditional cookie recipes, but they’re also packed full of nutrients too! This is thanks to their hearty oats which provide fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Enjoy them plain or jazz them up by adding different mix-ins like dried fruits or dark chocolate morsels.

No matter what your preference is for special occasions, you can find something satisfying among these alternatives to almond joy cookies! Each one has its own charm that’s sure to please any crowd while still providing all the sweetness needed for a festive celebration.

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting tips can be a lifesaver when it comes to making almond joy cookies. From cookie dough sticking to pans, to crumbly dough that won’t stay together—here are some helpful tips for avoiding common baking issues.

First, it’s important to make sure the ingredients you’re using are fresh and of good quality. This goes for butter as well as any nuts or chocolate chips you may be adding. If your butter is too cold, the batter may not come together correctly and could result in a stuck cookie sheet!

Another issue often seen with almond joy cookies is having dough that’s too dry and crumbly. To prevent this, use just enough liquid—such as eggs or milk—to bind all the ingredients together without being overly wet. It’s also key to measure out your flour accurately; if there’s too much added, the end results will be tough and dry tasting.

Finally, keep an eye on your oven temperature while baking these treats so they don’t burn or become overcooked. A digital thermometer can help ensure accuracy in regulating heat levels throughout baking time, which will produce evenly cooked desserts every time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Ingredients Can I Use Instead Of Almonds?

Are you looking for a substitute nut to use in place of almonds? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are seeking alternative ingredients to replace nuts due to dietary restrictions or personal preference. Whether it be vegan substitutes, gluten-free options, or just something different from the ordinary, there is an abundance of choices out there!

When deciding what type of nut to use as a replacement for almonds, consider your own nutritional needs and preferences first. For example, if you’re vegan then using sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts may be more suitable. On the other hand, if you have any kind of gluten intolerance then seeking out certified gluten-free products like cashews should be top priority. It’s important to do research on where these ingredients come from and how they are processed – some companies that produce replacements may add additional preservatives or additives that could affect the taste and texture of your recipe.

If all else fails, feel free to experiment with various types of nuts until you find one that works best for your cookie recipe! Walnuts can provide a crunchy flavor while pistachios offer subtle sweetness; hazelnuts work well when paired with chocolate chips; pecans are great for adding richness and depth; and macadamias can give a creamy finish. The possibilities are endless! Whatever route you take, make sure that the substitution creates balance between both flavor and texture – after all, this will determine whether your almond joy cookies turn out delicious or disastrous!

How Long Do The Cookies Stay Fresh For?

Picture yourself in the kitchen, mixing a bowl of freshly-made cookie dough. You are about to make Almond Joy cookies and you wonder: how long will these delicious treats stay fresh?

The answer may depend on many factors, including how well you store your cookies. The shelf life of any given food item can be greatly affected by its storage conditions – if not kept properly sealed or refrigerated then it can spoil more quickly than expected. To maximize the freshness of your cookies, consider storing them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week. If they need to last longer, place them in the refrigerator where they should remain edible for up to two weeks.

If stored correctly, homemade cookies like Almond Joys could become part of a weekly baking ritual – enjoy now and save some for later! With proper care and attention to their packaging, you can ensure that each batch stays as fresh as possible; allowing you to savor every bite from corner to corner. In addition, keeping track of when the cookies were made helps too so that you know just how far past their prime date they are. Optimal cookie freshness is only a few precautions away!

Are There Any Vegan Or Gluten-Free Alternatives To The Recipe?

Are there any vegan or gluten-free alternatives to traditional recipes? It’s a question worth asking, especially if you’re looking for ways to switch up your favorite dishes. With the rise of dietary restrictions and health considerations more people are searching for vegan and gluten-free options.

For those seeking an almond joy cookie recipe without animal products or gluten, there may be good news. Ingredients like coconut oil, maple syrup, nut butter, applesauce, and oat flour can all provide similar flavors while avoiding dairy and wheat. Additionally, many stores now carry specialty ingredients like almond-free milk alternative that can also serve as substitutes in certain recipes.

Finding the right combination of these ingredients could make it possible to enjoy a delicious almond joy cookie that meets special dietary needs without sacrificing flavor. Experimenting with different combinations is key; test out different measurements until you find something that works perfectly for your taste buds! Your efforts will allow you to savor one of your favorite treats guilt free – so don’t be afraid to get creative!

Does The Dough Have To Be Chilled Before Baking?

When it comes to baking, knowing when to chill and when not to chill the dough is key. So does the dough have to be chilled before baking? In short, yes! Chilling your dough helps give cookies a thicker texture and less spread in the oven. This can help you achieve an evenly-baked cookie with minimal effort.

Chilling your dough also allows time for any flavorings or mix-ins that are added after forming the cookie shape (e.g., chocolate chips) to properly integrate into the dough. It’s important to note that while chilling is necessary, it should only be done for as long as needed— otherwise over-chilling may cause issues with spreading during baking.

For best results, try chilling your cookie dough for at least 30 minutes before baking. You’ll end up with perfectly thickened and flavorful almond joy cookies every single time!

Is It Possible To Freeze The Dough For Later Use?

When it comes to cookie dough, there is more than one way to store and use the product. For example, many people may not be aware that you can freeze cookie dough for later use. While this practice may seem unconventional, freezing cookie dough in batches ensures that cookies are always just a few minutes away!

The process of freezing cookie dough involves several steps which will ensure your frozen goods remain safe and delicious when baking time arrives. The first step is to place the prepared cookie dough onto a wax-paper lined tray or pan. Then, cover the tray with plastic wrap and place it into the freezer overnight or until completely frozen. Once fully chilled, move each individual portion of cookie dough into an airtight container or zip lock bag – making sure to leave enough room for expansion during the freezing process. Finally, label the containers accordingly so you’ll know what type of treat awaits inside whenever you’re ready to bake!

Freezing recipe ingredients such as cookie dough provides numerous benefits over other forms of storage:

  • Cookie dough can last up to three months in the freezer without losing its flavor profile or texture.
  • Pre-portioned portions save time because they are already measured out; all you have to do is thaw them before baking!
  • Baked goods made from frozen pre-portioned ingredients tend to retain their shape better while cooking – resulting in consistent end results every time.

Frozen cookie dough makes life easier by eliminating tedious measuring and mixing tasks while ensuring delicious treats are only moments away no matter what time of day!


The finished almond joy cookies are a delight! Every bite is filled with the crunch of roasted almonds, the sweetness of rich chocolate, and an unmistakable hint of coconut. I can’t help but marvel at how something so delicious could come together using just a few simple ingredients.

These delectable treats don’t last long in my house – they disappear almost as soon as I take them out of the oven. But if you want to make sure your cookies stay fresh for longer, there’s nothing stopping you from freezing or refrigerating them for later use.

All in all, this recipe is a real winner – it’s easy enough that even novice bakers like myself can whip up a batch without too much effort, yet sophisticated enough to be served at any dinner party. If you’re looking for an indulgent treat that everyone will love, look no further than these almond joy cookies!

Almond Joy Cookie Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





These Almond Joy Cookies are soft, chewy and loaded with coconut, chocolate chips, and almonds. Enjoy them with a cup of coffee or a tall glass of milk.


  • 1/2 cup 1/2 (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 light brown sugar

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 granulated sugar

  • 1 1 large egg

  • 1 tsp 1 pure vanilla extract

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 salt

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 sweetened shredded coconut

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped almonds


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.
  • In a large bowl, cream together butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until fully combined.
  • Fold in chocolate chips, coconut, and almonds.
  • Drop dough by tablespoonfuls onto prepared baking sheets. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until edges are lightly browned.
  • Allow cookies to cool on baking sheets for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.