easy monkey bread recipe

Easy Monkey Bread Recipe

Are you looking for an easy and delicious monkey bread recipe? Look no further! I’m here to show you how to make this fantastic treat with minimal effort. This is the perfect recipe for those days when you don’t have much time or energy, but still want something tasty. Plus, making your own monkey bread at home can be incredibly satisfying and give you a sense of accomplishment as well.

So let’s get started! The base of our recipe consists of refrigerated biscuit dough, cinnamon sugar, butter and brown sugar. While these ingredients may seem basic, they come together in such a way that will tantalize your taste buds like never before. With just a few simple steps, you’ll soon be feasting on some delectable monkey bread that rivals any bakery or restaurant version.

But why stop there? To really take things up a notch, consider adding nuts or other sweet treats into the mix – it’s totally up to you! So whether you’re planning a family gathering or simply need a quick snack idea, this easy monkey bread recipe is sure to please everyone’s palate. Let’s dive right in and learn how to make it!

Definition Of Monkey Bread

easy monkey bread recipe-with this delicious and easy monkey bread recipe, you can have a tasty treat in no time at all.
Easy Monkey Bread Recipe

Have you ever heard of Monkey Bread? You may have seen it in a bakery or even at home. But what exactly is this delicious-sounding treat? Let’s take a look into the definition and history of monkey bread to get an understanding of what it is and how we can make some amazing recipes with it!

So, what is monkey bread? In short, it is a sweet, sticky pastry made from individually shaped pieces of dough that are twisted together before baking. This technique has been used for centuries in many bakeries around the world. The name “monkey” comes from the fact that when baked, these individual pieces form something resembling a monkey’s face – hence why they are sometimes called “monkey faces”.

The taste of the finished product depends on your filling choice; commonly found variations include cinnamon sugar-coated dough balls with raisins, chocolate chips, nuts or other fillings. It also makes an excellent dessert option as it is generally served warm with ice cream or whipped cream. Fun fact: if there’s any leftover monkey bread, don’t worry – just pop it in the fridge and enjoy later! With all this information about what monkey bread really is, let’s move on to the ingredients and tools needed for making our own homemade version.

Ingredients And Tools Needed

easy monkey bread recipe-with this delicious and easy monkey bread recipe, you can have a tasty treat in no time at all.
Easy Monkey Bread Recipe

Now that we know what monkey bread is and have gathered all the ingredients, let’s get started making our own version. To make a delicious homemade monkey bread, you’ll need some yeast, flour, butter, sugar, milk or cream, raisins (optional) and your favorite filling of choice. Additionally, you will also need a baking pan to bake it in.

First things first: activating the yeast. In a large bowl mix together 1 packet of active dry yeast with warm water until well combined. Then add 2 tablespoons of sugar and stir to dissolve before setting aside for 10 minutes so that the mixture can activate and become bubbly. This process is very important as it helps give rise to the dough while baking later on. So don’t skip this step!

Next up is adding the other ingredients. After the yeast has been activated, pour in 3 cups of all-purpose flour into the same bowl followed by ½ cup melted butter, ¼ cup granulated sugar as well as ¾ cup of warm milk or heavy cream. Mix everything together using a wooden spoon until fully incorporated – at this point you may even choose to incorporate any fillings like raisins if desired – then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes to allow the dough to double in size before proceeding with preparing it for baking.

Preparing The Dough

As we prepare to begin assembling our delicious monkey bread, it’s important that we start by properly preparing the dough. To do this, take out a clean surface and lightly dust with flour before rolling out your activated dough onto it. Once the dough is laid flat, use a circular cookie cutter or glass cup to cut circles in the dough – be sure to save scraps for later. Afterward, place one teaspoon of filling (like raisins) into each round then fold them over and press down on the edges using a fork to seal them shut. Finally, roll up each piece into a ball shape and set aside until ready to assemble your monkey bread.

Now that all of our pieces are prepped and ready, let’s get started actually assembling our monkey bread!

Assembling The Monkey Bread

With the dough all prepped and ready, it’s time to start assembling our monkey bread! To begin, spray a bundt pan with non-stick cooking spray. Then take your rolled up balls of dough and place them in the bundt pan, making sure that they’re evenly distributed throughout the pan. Once you have all of your pieces laid out, sprinkle some cinnamon sugar over top for extra sweetness.

Now we’ll be preparing the glaze – this will give our monkey bread an even more delicious flavor! In a bowl combine melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar and ground cinnamon then mix until everything is combined. Pour this mixture over the top of the prepared dough pieces so that each one has an even coating. Finally, pour some raisins or other small treats on top if desired before placing it into the oven for baking.

We are now almost finished! All that is left is to bake our monkey bread according to instructions for temperature and time given below…

Baking Instructions

Let’s get to baking! According to the USDA, monkey bread should be cooked at 350°F for 25-30 minutes. Before placing it in the oven, make sure that your oven settings are preheated so you can begin as soon as possible. Here is a quick overview of what we need to do:

  • Preheat oven to 350°F
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes
  • Monitor temperature and adjust time accordingly
  • Remove from oven when golden brown and set aside to cool

Now let’s talk about monitoring our monkey bread while baking. It’s important to check on it every 10 minutes or so just in case any adjustments need to be made regarding bake time or temperature. Once it has reached a beautiful golden brown color all over, then it’s ready – remove from the oven and let cool before adding toppings! Our delicious easy monkey bread is now done; next up will be discussing some topping ideas…

Topping Ideas

Now that our monkey bread is freshly baked, it’s time to think about topping ideas! Topping your monkey bread is a great way to give it an extra bit of flavor. One classic topping for this dessert is a combination of cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. This can be done before or after baking, depending on how you like the texture. Another delicious option would be to drizzle some melted butter over the entire thing and sprinkle with more cinnamon/sugar. A glaze made from powdered sugar and milk or cream also makes a tasty topping – just mix together until you reach your desired consistency and pour over the warm monkey bread.

No matter which one you choose, adding toppings will make this already delicious treat even better! Plus, having options gives everyone in your family a chance to customize their own piece of monkey bread according to their tastes. Now let’s take a look at some variations on the recipe…

Variations On The Recipe

easy monkey bread recipe-with this delicious and easy monkey bread recipe, you can have a tasty treat in no time at all.
Easy Monkey Bread Recipe

Monkey bread isn’t just for traditional cinnamon and sugar toppings – there are many variations on the recipe that can be used to customize your own monkey bread. For example, you could use flavored fillings such as peanut butter or Nutella between layers of dough before baking. You could also add dried fruit toppings like raisins, cranberries, or chopped nuts to give it some extra texture and flavor. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try adding chocolate chips or mini marshmallows? The possibilities for customizing this classic dessert are endless!

If you really want to step up your monkey bread game, why not take a tried-and-true recipe and turn it into something unique by using different flavored fillings and topping combinations? It’s easy to experiment with flavors until you find one that works best for you and your family. Plus, making your own customized version means everyone in your home will have their very own special treat that they’ll love coming back to time and time again. Let’s move onto serving suggestions…

Serving Suggestions

Now that you have your delicious monkey bread, it’s time to think about how best to serve it. Whether you’re serving up a special treat for family game night or dishing out dessert after Sunday dinner, these serving suggestions will help make your monkey bread even more delicious.

Here are some pairing and decorating tips to consider:
•\tServe with a side of warm caramel sauce – the perfect sweet accompaniment!
•\tSprinkle on chocolate shavings or fresh berries as an elegant finishing touch.
•\tFor added crunch, top off with chopped walnuts or almonds.

You can also mix-and-match different flavors and ingredients to create unique flavor combinations tailored just for you. For instance, try adding peanut butter chips into the dough and topping it off with crushed pretzels and cinnamon sugar – yum! Don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen; there’s no wrong way when it comes to customizing your own version of monkey bread. Now let’s move onto nutrition information…

Nutrition Information

The decadent and delicious taste of homemade monkey bread is enough to make your mouth water, but let’s take a look at what nutritional benefits this tasty treat offers. While the exact nutrition content may vary depending on ingredients used, one serving of traditional monkey bread typically contains around 250-300 calories per slice.

Monkey bread also packs an impressive amount of protein, with approximately 4 grams per serving. This makes it a great snack option for those looking to up their protein intake without consuming too many extra calories or carbs. In addition, each portion provides a good source of dietary fiber – about 2-3 grams – as well as important vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

For health-conscious bakers who want to reduce the calorie count even further, there are plenty of ways to lighten up the recipe by substituting healthier ingredients such as low fat dairy products or alternative sweeteners. So if you’re watching your figure while still wanting something sweet and indulgent to satisfy your cravings, monkey bread could be just the dessert you need!

Storage Tips

Now that you know all about the nutrition facts, it’s time to talk storage tips. Monkey bread is a great make-ahead treat for special occasions or just a delicious snack after school or work – but how do you store it? With proper storage techniques, your monkey bread will stay fresh and tasty for days.

The key to storing leftover monkey bread is keeping it in an airtight container at room temperature. This helps keep moisture away from the dough so it doesn’t become too soft or soggy over time. If you have any leftovers, wrap individual pieces tightly with plastic wrap before placing them in the container. For best results, aim to use up any remaining portions within two days of baking.

It’s also possible to freeze monkey bread if you want to enjoy it later on down the line. Let the loaf cool completely before wrapping it securely in aluminum foil and then place into an air-tight freezer bag. When ready to eat, allow the frozen loaf to thaw overnight in the refrigerator before reheating in the oven or microwave as desired.

Whether eaten immediately after baking or stored properly for later enjoyment, homemade monkey bread can be savored anytime!

Benefits Of Making Homemade Monkey Bread

Making homemade monkey bread can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only will you get to enjoy the delicious results, but there are also some health benefits that come along with it! Baking your own treats allows you to control exactly what ingredients go into them – think healthier replacements for sugar or oil – while also sharpening your culinary skills in the process. Whether you’re whipping up a batch for yourself or sharing with family and friends, here’s why making homemade monkey bread is worth the effort.

One of the biggest advantages of baking at home is that you have complete control over which ingredients make their way into your treat. This means no preservatives or added sugars that come with store-bought varieties, giving you more power over how much nutrition goes into each bite. You’ll also be able to craft unique flavor combinations by experimenting with different spices or zests, allowing you to customize every single slice according to personal preferences.

The act of baking itself has been found to provide mental health benefits as well. The mindful practice of measuring out ingredients and following steps can bring an unparalleled sense of accomplishment when finished – plus, who doesn’t love the smell of freshly baked goods? As such, making homemade monkey bread could serve as a great form of stress relief from daily life after all those other responsibilities have been taken care of!

Whether it’s perfecting recipes for special occasions or simply taking time off from everyday life to bake something sweet, this classic snack holds plenty of possibilities when made at home. With its many potential health benefits and endless customization options, homemade monkey bread truly is a treat like no other!

Troubleshooting Tips

Baking homemade monkey bread can be a very rewarding experience, but it isn’t without its challenges. To help ensure your sweet treat comes out perfectly each time you bake, here are some troubleshooting tips for common problems.

The first issue many people run into is the dough not rising correctly. This could be due to improper measurements of yeast or liquids in the recipe, so double-check those before moving on and make slight tweaks if needed. Additionally, keeping the environment warm helps encourage leavening during the initial rise – try using an oven preheated to 200 degrees Fahrenheit with a bowl of hot water inside as well!

When it comes to shaping monkey bread, rolling individual pieces too thin may result in them falling apart after baking. Make sure you roll each piece thick enough that they hold their shape when transferring them to the pan – about 1/2 inch thick should do the trick! Finally, don’t forget that recipes exist as mere guidelines; feel free to experiment with different types of sugar or spices for added flavor or texture.

With these tips in mind, all that’s left to do is get baking and enjoy a delicious slice (or two) of fresh monkey bread!

Creative Uses For Leftover Monkey Bread

Leftover monkey bread is like a blank canvas – waiting to be transformed into something delicious! With a few simple ingredients, you can turn that extra dough or filling into an entirely new treat.

For starters, why not try making a monkey bread casserole? Simply break up the remaining pieces of monkey bread and layer them in an oven-safe dish with your favorite custard-based filling and some nuts for crunch. Bake until golden brown and enjoy as breakfast or dessert.

Monkey bread pizza is another great way to use leftover dough. Roll out the individual pieces and top with sauce, cheese, vegetables, and other toppings of choice before baking in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes. This recipe works best if served immediately after coming out of the oven – just make sure it doesn’t burn!

Finally, don’t forget about turning that extra dough into monkey bread french toast. Cut each piece into cubes then dip them into egg wash before cooking on a greased skillet over medium heat until they’re lightly browned on both sides – yum! Serve with syrup or whipped cream for an added sweetness.

There are many creative uses for leftover monkey bread; all you need is a little imagination (and maybe some help from Google) to find the perfect recipe!

What To Do With Extra Dough Or Filling?

Have you ever been left with extra dough or filling when making monkey bread? If so, don’t worry – there are plenty of creative ways to use it up! From sweet treats like french toast and casseroles, to savory options like pizza and calzones, these recipes will help make sure nothing goes to waste.

When dealing with leftover dough, the possibilities are endless. With a few simple ingredients, your unused pieces can be transformed into a delicious breakfast treat. Try dipping them in egg wash before pan-frying for an easy version of french toast; serve with maple syrup or whipped cream for added sweetness. Or roll out each ball into thin rounds and top with sauce and cheese for homemade mini pizzas that everyone will love. Don’t forget about turning those balls into a tasty casserole – just layer them in an oven-safe dish along with custard-based fillings and bake until golden brown.

Extra filling is also great for creating unique dishes. For instance, why not try making calzones? Simply divide the remaining filling into small portions then wrap each one in pre-made pastry dough before baking at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes (or until golden). You could even stuff some puff pastry shells for individual handheld pies that are perfect for lunchboxes or after-school snacks. And if you’re feeling adventurous, try using your leftover filling as a topping on ice cream sundaes or banana splits – something everyone will enjoy!

No matter what’s left over from your monkey bread recipe, there’s no need to let it go to waste. With a little creativity and imagination, you can turn those extra ingredients into something truly special!

Safety Considerations

Making monkey bread may seem like a simple task, but there are some safety considerations to keep in mind before you get started. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Mixing and Kneading: It’s important not to over-mix the dough when making monkey bread – this can result in an overly tough texture that won’t rise properly. Be sure to knead gently until just combined, then let the dough rest for at least 20 minutes before rolling it out.
  • Baking Temperature: To ensure your monkey bread is cooked through without burning, make sure your oven is preheated to the recommended temperature (usually 375°F). Also check the internal temperature of each roll with a thermometer before removing from the oven; they should register between 180-200°F.
  • Cooling Time: Once baked, give your monkey bread rolls time to cool completely before serving or storing. This will help preserve their shape and prevent them from becoming soggy or sticky.
  • Storage Tips: When stored correctly, monkey bread will stay fresh for up to four days after baking. Wrap each piece individually in aluminum foil or store in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. For additional longevity, freeze leftovers for up to two months – just be sure to thaw slowly overnight in the refrigerator prior to reheating or serving again.

Safety precautions aside, there’s nothing quite as delicious as homemade monkey bread! With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards mastering this classic recipe and creating something truly special every time you bake.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Monkey Bread And Other Breads?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between monkey bread and other types of bread? Monkey bread, also known as pull-apart bread, is a sweet type of pastry that stands out from traditional loaves. It has its own unique taste and texture that sets it apart from more common varieties of bread like white or wheat.

The defining characteristic of this special treat is the individual pieces of dough which are pulled off to be eaten one by one. This makes it an excellent food for sharing with friends and family since everyone can pick their favorite piece! The sweetness comes largely from sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter – making it a delicious snack or dessert option.

Monkey bread has been around for years but has recently seen a surge in popularity due to its versatility. You can serve it as breakfast alongside eggs and bacon or enjoy it as a decadent dessert with ice cream. No matter how you choose to eat it, you’ll love the combination of soft doughy goodness combined with sweet flavors that make up this beloved dish.

What Are Some Other Toppings That Can Be Used For Monkey Bread?

Monkey bread is a classic recipe that has been around since the days of our grandparents. But if you’re looking to give it an extra special twist, why not try topping it with something other than the usual cinnamon-sugar? From chocolate-chips to butterscotch-sauce, there are lots of ways to take this delicious treat up a notch and satisfy any sweet tooth!

It’s time to get creative in the kitchen and think beyond traditional toppings for your monkey bread. With just a few simple ingredients, you can come up with some interesting flavor combinations that will make your dish stand out from all the rest. For example, why not combine the sweetness of chocolate-chips with some crunchy walnuts or pecans? Or maybe even add some zing by sprinkling on a bit of citrus zest or freshly grated ginger? The possibilities really are endless when it comes to making monkey bread unique.

If you want to go one step further, you could even drizzle on some melted butter and brown sugar before baking – creating an irresistible caramelized crust that everyone at the table will love. And don’t forget about butterscotch-sauce either – its rich flavor pairs perfectly with warm baked goods like monkey bread. So next time you pull this classic recipe off the shelf, don’t be afraid to experiment with different toppings and find your own signature combination!

Can I Make Monkey Bread Ahead Of Time?

Can I make monkey bread ahead of time? Absolutely! Preparing monkey bread in advance is the perfect way to save yourself some stress when hosting an event. With a few simple steps, you can have delicious homemade monkey bread ready for your guests with no last minute fuss. Here are 3 tips to help get you started on making-ahead this tasty treat:

First, prepare all the ingredients and assemble the monkey bread as instructed in your recipe. Once it has been put together, place it into your baking dish and cover tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Make sure that there’s no gap between the dough and bakeware – otherwise steam will escape during baking and ruin the texture of your finished product.

Second, store your prepared but unbaked monkey bread in the refrigerator overnight. This will give the yeast plenty of time to rise properly which gives it a more flavorful end result than if you were to just throw it straight into the oven from room temperature. Take care not to leave it sitting too long though – after about 24 hours, its flavor quality may start fading away due to overproofing issues.

Lastly, once you’re ready to bake, preheat your oven and pop the wrapped up pan inside – just make sure you take off any covering before doing so! In general, expect around 25 minutes of cooktime at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 Celsius). Serve warm with cream cheese icing or cinnamon sugar glaze – yum! Don’t forget that you can also freeze leftover slices for later enjoyment!

Making-ahead monkey bread is a great option for busy hosts who don’t want to spend their whole day slaving away in the kitchen. So next time you need something sweet yet easy for company, try out this delicious variation on classic pull apart cakes!

Is Monkey Bread Vegan Friendly?

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to make monkey bread vegan-friendly? If so, you’re in luck! It is indeed possible to make a delicious and vegan-friendly version of this classic baked treat.

When baking with vegan ingredients, the key is finding recipes that are tailored specifically for vegan-friendly baking. Fortunately, there are lots of great options available to choose from when it comes to making monkey bread without any animal products. Whether you’re looking for something quick and easy or taking your time to create an indulgent masterpiece, there are plenty of ways to enjoy vegan-friendly monkey bread.

Making your own delicious treats doesn’t have to be a challenge; all you need is some creativity and a few simple ingredients. With a little bit of experimentation, you can find the perfect combination of flavors that will satisfy anyone’s taste buds – even those who don’t follow a plant-based diet! So go ahead and get creative – there’s no better way to explore new culinary possibilities than by whipping up some tasty vegan-friendly monkey bread!

How Long Will Monkey Bread Keep For?

Have you made monkey bread and are now wondering how long it will keep? Keeping the delicious, sweet treat from going stale is essential for enjoying its taste. The good news is that when stored properly, monkey bread can last a while! In this article we’ll discuss monkey bread storage and different ways of keeping your homemade creation fresh.

When storing monkey bread, start by wrapping any leftover pieces in plastic wrap or foil. This helps to protect against moisture loss which affects flavor and texture. You may also want to place the wrapped pieces in an airtight container for extra protection. It’s best to store monkey bread at room temperature; placing it in the refrigerator could make it dry out faster. If you live in a warmer climate, you might consider putting it in the freezer instead. Monkey bread kept in these conditions should stay fresh up to four days after baking.

If you’re looking for longer-term storage options, freezing is definitely recommended. Placing your entire loaf into an airtight bag or container before freezing is key – this ensures maximum freshness once thawed. Frozen monkey bread can be enjoyed up to three months after being placed in the freezer! Just remember not to leave it out too long as frozen food left at room temperature can spoil quickly if not consumed within two hours of coming out of cold temperatures.

No matter what type of storage method you use, making sure that you take steps to protect your tasty treat will ensure that each bite remains just as enjoyable as when first baked! With proper care and attention, your homemade masterpiece should remain deliciously moist and flavorful throughout its shelf life – so don’t hesitate to enjoy every single morsel!


The scrumptious smells of Monkey Bread baking in the oven is enough to make your mouth water! It’s a delicious, unique twist on traditional breads that can be enjoyed by everyone. With its sweet and sticky taste you’ll never want to try any other type of bread again.

Making this delectable treat is surprisingly easy – all it takes is some basic ingredients, a few minutes of prep time and voila! You have an amazing dessert that will leave even the pickiest eater begging for more. Plus, with different flavors and toppings available, there’s something for everyone!

If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience without spending hours in the kitchen then look no further than Monkey Bread. This truly remarkable recipe is sure to dazzle even the most discerning palates – it’s so good it’s almost too good to be true!

Easy Monkey Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This easy monkey bread recipe is a sweet and gooey pull-apart bread made with canned biscuit dough and spiced with cinnamon. It’s a great recipe for breakfast or a dessert.


  • 1 can 1 (16.3 ounces) refrigerated biscuit dough

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 white sugar

  • 1 tsp 1 ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 butter, melted


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9-inch round cake pan.
  • Cut each biscuit into quarters and place in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, mix together the sugar and cinnamon.
  • Pour melted butter into the biscuit pieces and toss to coat. Add the sugar and cinnamon mixture and toss again.
  • Pour the biscuit pieces into the prepared cake pan and spread out evenly.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until golden brown and bubbly.
  • Let the monkey bread cool in the pan for 5 minutes before serving.