amish bread recipe

Amish Bread Recipe

Hey there! Do you want to learn how to make a delicious, traditional Amish bread? Well look no further because I’m here to show you the ropes.

Amish bread is one of those recipes that has been passed down through generations and still remains popular today. It’s so easy to make but also incredibly tasty – the perfect combination for any home baker looking for something special. Not only will it fill your kitchen with wonderful aromas, but it’ll give you a sense of control over what goes into your food and allow you to create something truly unique.

So if you’re ready to take on this classic recipe, let’s get started! With just a few simple ingredients and steps, I’ll show you exactly how to whip up some authentic Amish bread in your own kitchen.


Making a delicious, crusty loaf of Amish bread is an art form that has been passed down through generations. The secrets for creating the perfect loaf have been carefully guarded by the Amish and have only recently become available to bakers around the world. Baking this unique bread requires more than just knowledge of baking basics; it also calls for creativity and finesse in order to create a truly mouth-watering result.

But don’t let these lofty requirements discourage you! With the right ingredients and technique, anyone can learn how to make amish bread like a pro. So if you’re looking for a delectable homemade treat, try out this traditional recipe today! You’ll be sure to impress everyone at your next dinner party or potluck with this delightful dish.

The secret behind making great Amish bread lies in finding the right balance between ingredients, measurements and techniques. In just a few simple steps, you will be able to craft a tasty masterpiece worthy of any occasion. Let’s get started on our journey into mastering the art of baking Amish bread!

Ingredients Needed

amish bread recipe-this amish bread recipe is a unique and special treat for bread lovers.
Amish Bread recipe-This Amish bread recipe is a unique and special treat for bread lovers.

Now that we know what it takes to make a delicious Amish bread, let’s take a look at the type of ingredients you’ll need. This recipe calls for simple and traditional bread-making ingredients that can be found in almost any kitchen cupboard.

You will need all-purpose flour, active dry yeast, sugar, salt, warm water and butter or vegetable shortening. These are the main components of the dough; however there are also a few additional items you may want to add depending on your personal preferences: honey for sweetness, herbs or spices for flavor, diced onions or garlic for texture and color. No matter which extra goodies you choose to include in your Amish bread recipe, they should all be added after the dough has been mixed together before baking.

Once you have gathered all of the necessary ingredients (along with anything else you might like to incorporate), it’s time to start preparing the dough!

Preparing The Dough

Ah, the joys of kneading dough! Who knew such a seemingly mundane task could bring so much satisfaction? From rolling out the perfect pizza crust to shaping delicious dinner rolls, there’s something about working with your hands that can be both therapeutic and rewarding. So let’s get started—it’s time to make some Amish bread!

In this recipe, we will begin by combining all of our ingredients together in a large bowl until it forms a sticky dough. Then we’ll turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and start kneading it for about 10 minutes until it’s smooth and elastic. As you work with the dough, add more flour if needed (but don’t go overboard) so that it doesn’t stick to your hands or the countertop. Once you’re done kneading, place the ball of dough into an oiled bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Now sit back and relax as your dough rises and doubles in size—this usually takes anywhere from 1-2 hours depending on how warm or cold your kitchen is.

The last step before baking is forming loaves. Punch down your risen dough then divide it into two equal pieces before molding each one into a round loaf shape. Place them side-by-side onto a greased baking sheet; now they are ready to bake!

Kneading The Dough

Now it’s time to knead the dough! This is where you’ll really get a feel for how your bread will turn out. It may seem daunting, but don’t worry—it’s not as difficult as it looks. Here are some tips to help make sure you have success:

  • Start by lightly dusting your work surface with flour. Then place the ball of dough onto the surface and begin pressing down on it with the heels of your hands. Fold one side over into itself then press down again before repeating this process on all sides.
  • As you knead, keep an eye on its consistency—the dough should be soft and pliable but still firm enough that it doesn’t stick to your fingers or the countertop too much. Add more flour if necessary until you reach the desired consistency.
  • The key to successful kneading is timing; 10 minutes is usually about right but can vary depending upon factors like temperature and humidity in your kitchen. You want to knead just long enough so that when you poke two fingers into the center of the dough, they emerge cleanly without any sticky residue left behind.
  • Lastly, use gentle pressure while kneading and pay attention to how elastic it feels in order to build strength within the gluten strands of the flour (this helps give structure and texture to your loaf). Once you’ve achieved that perfect windowpane-like effect, stop kneading and move on to allowing the dough to rise!

Allowing The Dough To Rise

After the hard work of kneading, it’s time to allow your dough some much needed rest. Allowing the dough to rise is an essential step in bread preparation, as this gives the yeast a chance to do its job and create that light, fluffy texture we all love in our bakes.

But how long should you let it rise? That depends on various factors such as temperature and humidity levels in your kitchen. Generally, you’ll want to leave your dough for anywhere between 1-2 hours—the goal being to double its original size. During this period, make sure you cover the bowl with a damp cloth or greased plastic wrap so that air doesn’t dry out the top layer.

To check if your dough has risen enough, lightly press two fingers into the center—if they emerge cleanly without any sticky residue left behind then it’s ready! And if not, just give it more time before checking again. With patience and practice, you’ll be able to perfect your rising technique and get those beautiful loaves every single time. Now grab a cup of coffee (or tea) while your dough completes its transformation—soon enough you’ll be shaping delicious loaves of Amish bread!

Shaping The Loaves

Now it’s time to turn that dough into something special. With a few simple shaping techniques, you can transform your dough into delicious Amish loaves!
Before getting started, make sure you have some parchment paper and a lightly floured work surface ready—this will help prevent the dough from sticking as you shape it.
To begin, take half of your risen dough out of the bowl and place on the prepared surface before gently pressing down to form an oval-shaped disc. Next, use your hands to start stretching and folding the dough until it forms an elongated rectangle shape. Now fold one side of the rectangle over onto itself so that it overlaps in thirds (like you would when making paper airplanes). Finally, tuck both ends under towards the center of the loaf and then transfer to a greased baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Repeat these steps for each individual loaf until all your dough is used up—your finished product should look like perfectly shaped amish loaves!
With just a little practice, soon enough you’ll be able to master this technique and create beautiful breads every single time. Onwards now—it’s time to get those loaves baking!

Baking Time And Temperature

It’s time to get those loaves in the oven! Proper baking time and temperature are key when it comes to making perfect Amish bread—too little heat or not enough cooking time can result in a subpar loaf. Here’s what you need to know:
1) Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). This is the ideal temperature for getting that golden, crusty exterior while still keeping the inside soft and fluffy.
2) Bake for 25-30 minutes until nicely browned on top. To check if they’re done, tap the bottom of each loaf with your finger—if it sounds hollow, then you know they’re ready to come out.
3) If desired, you can brush a bit of melted butter onto the tops before putting them into the oven for an extra touch of flavor and shine.
Finally, take them out and let cool slightly before serving warm with some favorite condiments like honey or jam. With these tips in mind, you’ll have no trouble crafting delicious amish bread every single time!

Making Glazes Or Toppings

Now that your Amish bread is all ready to go in the oven, it’s time to consider what kind of glazes or toppings you’d like. Whether you prefer something sweet and savory or just a simple dusting of sugar, there are plenty of options for customizing this classic treat!

When it comes to glazing techniques, your best bet is to use a thin layer of beaten egg white brushed on before baking. This will give the outside of the loaf an attractive sheen while still keeping the interior soft and moist. You can also add some flavor with spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg, which will really bring out those traditional Amish flavors.

If you’re looking for topping ideas, why not try sprinkling some demerara sugar over the top? For added sweetness, drizzle honey or maple syrup onto your finished loaves—the contrast between sticky-sweet and crunchy is simply irresistible! As a final touch, consider adding chopped nuts or oats for an extra bit of texture and nutrition.

TIP: No matter which type of glaze or topping you choose, make sure to keep it light so that none of its flavor gets lost in the process. With these techniques in mind, your homemade Amish breads will be truly unforgettable!

Cooling And Storing

Ah, the Amish bread—the delicious treat that we all know and love. But after you’ve lovingly crafted your loaves, it’s important to take a few extra steps for cooling and storing them properly. After all, who wants their hard work to go stale or moldy?

First off, let’s talk about cooling. When your loaves come out of the oven, it’s essential that they cool down completely on a wire rack before being stored away in an airtight container. This will help keep the bread at its freshest and prevent any condensation from forming inside the container. And if you’re not planning on eating your bread right away, freezing can be another great option – just make sure to defrost slowly and evenly so as not to disrupt the texture or flavor!

Finally, but perhaps most importantly: remember to label each loaf with date so that you can easily keep track of when they need to be eaten by (Amish tip!). It may seem like a small step, but labeling is key for making sure your homemade creations stay fresh and tasty for days – or even weeks – after baking!

Variations Of Amish Bread

amish bread recipe-this amish bread recipe is a unique and special treat for bread lovers.
Amish Bread recipe-This Amish bread recipe is a unique and special treat for bread lovers.

We all know the classic Amish bread recipe, but why not add a little spin to it? There are so many variations of Amish bread that you can try – from amish sourdough to amish cinnamon buns. You can even make your own amish wholewheat loaves for a healthier version! All of these recipes will be sure to tantalize your taste buds and turn any meal into an unforgettable experience.

When trying out new flavors or combinations, just remember: practice makes perfect! Start small by combining two or three ingredients at first, then work your way up as you get more comfortable with baking. This is also a great opportunity to experiment with different types of flours and spices until you find something that’s uniquely yours.

No matter what kind of Amish bread you choose to bake, there are some tips and tricks that’ll help guarantee success every time. So let’s jump right into those now and see how we can take our homemade creations to the next level!

Tips For Successful Baking

Baking Amish bread is like a dance – it takes practice and patience to get all the steps just right. But don’t worry, with these tips you’ll be able to master your moves in no time! Whether you’re new to baking or an experienced baker looking for some inspiration, here are some of the best techniques that will ensure successful results every time:

First, make sure you have all your ingredients organized before starting. This will help save time and prevent any unnecessary mistakes while baking. Also, always measure accurately when adding different flours and spices so everything bakes evenly. Lastly, remember to preheat your oven before putting anything inside – this can make a huge difference in how well your bread turns out.

For more precise recipes, timing is key! Pay close attention to specific instructions such as rising times or cook times; if they aren’t followed exactly, then there’s a good chance that something could go wrong during the process. With these simple tricks up your sleeve, you should be able to produce perfect loaves of Amish bread each and every time!

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Baking bread isn’t always easy, and even the most experienced bakers can run into trouble every now and then. But don’t worry – with these troubleshooting tips you’ll be able to conquer any baking issue that comes your way!

When faced with stuck dough, a few simple techniques can help get it back on track. First, try kneading in some extra flour or adding more liquid if necessary. For best results, make sure to use lukewarm water when doing this step. If all else fails, turn up the oven temperature slightly as this might give the dough the boost it needs to rise properly.

Another common problem is soggy bread; luckily there are ways to prevent it from happening in the first place. Always score loaves before they go in the oven so steam has an escape route while baking. Additionally, avoid over-proofing by checking for signs of readiness such as size increase or indentation along edges of loafs before placing them in preheated ovens. Doing these two steps will ensure crispier crusts each time!

Flat loaves can also occur due to improper proofing times or temperatures being too low during baking process. To correct this issue, start by increasing rising times and/or turning up heat a bit higher than recipe calls for when baking. And lastly, remember that different flours absorb moisture differently – keep an eye out for changes like this throughout entire baking process! With these tips up your sleeve you should have perfect Amish bread each and every time!

Serving Suggestions

Now that you know how to make your very own Amish bread, it’s time to explore the various ways in which you can enjoy it! Whether served as a side at dinner or enjoyed for breakfast with some jam and butter, this tasty loaf is sure to please. There are countless accompaniments that pair well with Amish bread recipes – from savory spreads like hummus and pesto to sweet options such as honey and nut butters. Here are just a few of our favorite suggestions:

For lunch or dinner, try pairing slices of Amish bread alongside soup or salad for a delicious combo. Or if you’re looking for something more substantial, top off the fresh-baked loaves with a generous helping of cheese and vegetables for an easy vegetarian sandwich. And don’t forget about dessert either – serve warm pieces slathered in melted chocolate or fruit compote to give everyone at the table a real treat!

No matter what way you choose to eat it, Amish bread is always full of flavor. So grab yourself some ingredients and get baking today – you won’t regret it! Nutritional information on this amazing recipe will be covered in the next section…

Nutritional Information

When it comes to Amish bread nutrition, you’ll find that this dish is much healthier than other traditional recipes. Not only does it contain no preservatives or artificial flavors, but the calorie count is relatively low compared to other quick breads. Plus, its nutrient content provides several important vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet. Here’s what you can expect from each serving:

  • Approximately 135 calories per slice
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 2 grams of dietary fiber
  • Vitamin A, iron, calcium, thiamine and riboflavin all in small amounts
  • Low saturated fat levels

All these nutritional benefits make Amish bread an ideal choice for health-conscious individuals looking to maintain their weight or improve their overall well-being. And with such delicious flavor as well, why wouldn’t you want to include this wholesome treat in your daily meals? With all that said about this unique dish’s nutritious perks, let’s now explore how exactly it came into being…

History Of Amish Bread

It’s no surprise that the history of Amish bread is as rich and flavorful as its taste. This traditional recipe has been around since the beginning of time, with recipes passed down from generation to generation in Amish households. As it turns out, these bakers have perfected an art form when it comes to baking this beloved treat!

Let’s take a closer look at how Amish baking has evolved over the centuries. During Colonial times, Amish families would bake their bread using ingredients like whole wheat flour, water, sugar, salt and yeast – all staples found within their communities. These simple ingredients were combined together and baked into delicious loaves of bread without preservatives or other additives. By the early 19th century, more complex recipes began appearing across many different regions due to new technologies being introduced such as steam power for milling grain and faster ovens for cooking large batches of food quickly.

Today, almost every home baker can get creative with their own twist on this classic dish by incorporating a variety of flavors and textures depending on individual preferences. Whether you’re looking for something sweet or savory, there’s sure to be an Amish bread recipe that will satisfy your cravings!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Vegan Variations Of Amish Bread?

Believe it or not, veganism is on the rise in America. According to a survey conducted by Gallup, 6% of Americans are now following a vegan diet – an increase from just 1% in 2012! This means that more and more people are looking for vegan alternatives to traditional recipes, including Amish bread.

Amish bread has been around since the 18th century and consists primarily of flour, sugar, butter and eggs. However, this does not mean that vegans can’t enjoy their own version of Amish bread as there are some easy substitutions that can make the recipe suitable for those who follow a plant-based diet.

By replacing dairy products like butter with vegetable oil or vegan margarine you’ll be able to get the same flavor and texture without any animal products. Similarly, egg substitutes such as ground flaxseed mixed with water will bind your ingredients together perfectly while still keeping things vegan friendly. With these simple swaps you can create delicious homemade Amish breads that suit all dietary needs.

Making your own vegan versions of classic dishes like Amish bread gives you control over what goes into each dish so you know exactly what’s included. Plus, it tastes even better than store bought equivalents – why settle for less? So if you’re looking for a tasty treat but don’t eat animal products then give Vegan Amish Bread a try -you won’t regret it!

What Is The Best Type Of Flour To Use When Baking Amish Bread?

Baking the perfect loaf of Amish bread is a great way to make your house smell amazing and have something delicious that you can share with friends. But what type of flour should you use? This is an incredibly important decision, as different types of flour will yield very different results.

When it comes to baking Amish bread, whole wheat flour is often recommended for its nutty flavor and texture. It’s also known to be healthier than other flours, which might appeal to those who are looking for a healthier alternative in their recipes. However, this isn’t the only option when it comes to baking Amish bread – there are several others you could consider too!

The second most popular choice may be bread machine flour. This type of flour has been specifically designed for use in bread machines, meaning the dough will rise better and give a more consistent result every time. On the other hand, if you’re after a really special loaf of Amish bread then go for specialty or artisanal flours such as spelt or rye. These offer unique flavors and textures that you won’t find anywhere else – making them worth considering if you want something truly unique from your recipe.

No matter which one you choose, just remember to experiment until you achieve the desired outcome – whether that’s a classic yet wholesome whole wheat loaf or something new and exciting like spelt or rye. With some practice and patience, you’ll soon master the art of baking mouthwatering Amish bread!

How Long Does It Take To Prepare Amish Bread?

When you think of baking bread, it can seem like an intimidating task. But did you know that making Amish Bread is actually quite simple? It just takes the right ingredients and a bit of time to prepare your own delicious loaf. Here’s what you need to know about how long it takes to make this traditional treat.

The amount of time needed to prepare Amish Bread depends on several factors such as the type of flour used, the number of loaves being made, and whether or not you are kneading by hand or using a stand mixer. Generally speaking though, most bakers report spending anywhere from two hours to four hours in total depending on their level of experience with baking bread. This includes around fifteen minutes for gathering ingredients, thirty minutes for mixing them together into dough, then a few more minutes spent shaping the dough before finally waiting between one hour and ninety minutes while it rises. After that comes baking instructions which usually take around twenty-five minutes per loaf at 375°F (190°C).

Although preparing Amish Bread does require some patience, there are many benefits to be had if you have a little extra time on your hands:
1) You get full control over what goes into your food – no hidden preservatives here!
2) Knowing exactly where all your ingredients come from means knowing they’re fresh and locally sourced whenever possible. And 3) Baking bread is incredibly rewarding when done correctly; plus it makes for great snacks and gifts throughout the year!

Whether you’re looking for something special for dinner tonight or want to try out a new hobby altogether, give Amish Bread a go – you won’t regret it! With these tips in mind, start prepping now so that everyone can enjoy this unique dish soon enough.

Are There Any Health Benefits To Eating Amish Bread?

Are there any health benefits to eating amish bread? This is a question many of us have asked ourselves, and the answer is yes! Amish bread has been around for generations and is known for its nutritional value. With that being said, here are 4 amazing health benefits of eating amish bread:

First, it’s packed with essential vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and more. These nutrients help keep your body functioning optimally while also providing energy throughout the day. Second, amish bread can be an excellent source of dietary fiber which helps regulate digestion and keeps you feeling full longer. Third, consuming amish bread regularly may improve cholesterol levels due to its high content of healthy fats. Last but not least, studies suggest that eating amish bread could reduce inflammation in the body as well as support heart health by lowering blood pressure.

So if you’re looking for a better way to nourish your body without sacrificing flavor or texture then look no further than amish bread nutrition! Not only does this type of food taste great but it provides numerous health benefits too – making it a win-win choice for anyone wanting to make healthier lifestyle changes. So why not give it a try today; you won’t regret it!

How Can I Make Amish Bread Less Dense?

Making Amish bread can be a tricky task, like mastering the notes of an intricate symphony. The key to achieving that perfect balance between lightly sweet and fluffy is not as difficult as it may seem. To make your Amish bread less dense, there are a few simple tricks you can try out.

First off, pay attention to how much liquid you’re adding in relation to the flour. Too little liquid will result in a dry, dense loaf; however too much will create something soggy and heavy instead of light and airy. Adjusting the ratio of liquids until it’s just right will help give your amish bread that desired fluffiness.

You can also add some baking powder or baking soda into the mix to help lift up the dough during cooking and provide more structure for lighter results. If done properly this subtle addition should work wonders on making your loaf easier to cut and softer overall – truly providing a heavenly treat! Additionally, using warm water when mixing together ingredients helps activate yeast faster, resulting in quicker rising time which again leads to lighter texture once cooked.

With these helpful tips at hand, you’ll soon have yourself a delicious batch of perfectly balanced Amish bread with all its sweetness intact yet still maintain that delightful lightness we all crave from our favorite treats. So go ahead – don’t let ‘dense’ stand in the way of enjoying those moist morsels any longer!


It’s amazing how something as simple as Amish Bread can be so delicious and nutritious. Baking this traditional bread not only gives you a sense of satisfaction, but it also provides numerous health benefits. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can make a light and fluffy loaf of Amish Bread in just two hours. You don’t need to be an expert baker; anyone can do it with some practice and patience!

The health benefits associated with eating Amish Bread are nothing short of remarkable. Studies have shown that consuming whole grains like those found in Amish Bread regularly may reduce your risk for heart disease by up to 20%. That means making a habit of eating this type of bread could potentially save your life! Who knew such a tasty treat was actually good for you too?

In conclusion, baking homemade Amish Bread is a great way to enjoy fresh-baked goods without all the added preservatives or chemicals found in store bought loaves. Not only is it easy to make, but it’s also quite healthy – providing vital vitamins, minerals and fiber while reducing your risk for certain diseases. Give it a try today; you won’t regret it!

Amish Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Amish Bread is a classic country-style bread that is made with warm milk, butter, and sugar. It is a soft, sweet bread that is perfect for making sandwiches or toast.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 2 tbsp 2 sugar

  • 2 tsp 2 baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 butter, melted

  • 1 cup 1 warm milk


  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • In a large bowl, mix together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  • Add melted butter and milk, and mix until dough forms.
  • Place dough on a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes.
  • Place dough in a greased 8-inch square baking pan.
  • Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  • Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.