banana bread recipe with walnuts

Banana Bread Recipe with Walnuts

The sweet scent of banana bread in the oven is like a warm hug on a cold winter day. It’s an aroma that brings comfort and joy to any kitchen, while simultaneously stirring up nostalgia for childhood memories. And when you add walnuts to the mix? Well, it takes this classic recipe from good to great! So grab your mixing bowl and preheat the oven – here’s how to make the most delicious banana bread with walnuts around.

There are few things as divinely indulgent as freshly baked banana bread. With its dense yet fluffy texture and unmistakable flavor, it’s guaranteed to put anyone in a good mood. But what if you could take this baking favorite one step further by adding crunchy walnuts into the mix? This simple addition turns plain banana bread into something truly special – so why not give it a try?

Making homemade banana bread can be surprisingly easy; all you need is some basic ingredients, time and patience. Armed with our foolproof recipe, even novices bakers will be able to create an irresistible loaf with walnuts every single time! So let’s get started: gather your supplies, roll up your sleeves, and let’s bake some magical banana-walnut goodness together.


banana bread recipe with walnuts-so, try out this delicious banana bread recipe with walnuts today and enjoy a delicious, home-baked treat.
Banana Bread Recipe with Walnuts-So, try out this delicious banana bread recipe with walnuts today and enjoy a delicious, home-baked treat.

Are you ready to make some tasty banana bread? You’ll need just a few simple ingredients, and then you can have that delicious smell filling your kitchen in no time! Let’s start with what we need.

The star ingredient is the banana bread mix–easy peasy. But of course, we want it to be special, so let’s add some brown sugar for an extra sweet kick. Then just top it off with some butter to give it that extra richness. It’s like all your favorite flavors combined into one mouth-watering treat!

The combination of these three ingredients will create something truly magical. All that’s left is the equipment needed to get started on this delectable journey…

Equipment Needed

To make this banana bread come to life, you’ll need some basic equipment. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:
1) A large mixing bowl so that all the ingredients can be incorporated together easily;
2) A 9×5 inch baking pan for your banana bread masterpiece;
3) An oven preheated to 350°F (175°C); and finally,
4) Some measuring spoons and cups for precision measurements.
So now that we have everything ready, let’s get started on our delicious slice of heaven! However, before we pop it into the oven, there are a few steps to take in order to ensure success.

Pre-Baking Prep

Pre-baking preparation is an essential step when making any delicious dish. Before we can even think about popping our banana bread into the oven, it’s important to make sure that all of our ingredients are in place and ready for use. It’s like putting together a puzzle: if you don’t have the right pieces in their correct places, then your final product won’t look quite as good as it could be!

To ensure success with this recipe, let’s take a few moments to measure out all of our necessary ingredients first. We’ll need ¾ cup (150 g) of sugar, 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of baking soda, ½ teaspoon (2.5 mL) of salt, 1 egg lightly beaten, and 3 ripe bananas mashed up until smooth. And lastly – don’t forget about those walnuts! Measure out 1 cup (100 g) before chopping them finely so they’re easier to incorporate later on.

Now that everything is measured out and chopped accordingly, it’s time to move onto mixing bowl directions! With just a few steps left ahead of us, soon enough we’ll be sitting down and enjoying some warm slices of delicious banana bread with crunchy walnuts inside each bite.

Mixing Bowl Directions

Alrighty, let’s get this baking adventure rolling! By now you should have all your ingredients measured and prepped. Now it’s time to move onto the mixing bowl directions – this is where things start to come together.

Grab a large bowl and begin by combining the sugar, baking soda, and salt. Give it a good stir until everything is mixed in evenly. Then go ahead and add in the egg before stirring again for another minute or two.

Once those ingredients are combined nicely, pour in the mashed bananas and give them a quick mix as well. You can also toss in those chopped walnuts at this point if you like; just make sure that they’re incorporated into the batter completely. And there we have it! Our banana bread batter is ready to be poured into its pan for baking.

Baking Pan Directions

The next step on this baking journey is to prepare the pan. This is an essential and often overlooked part of making banana bread, so take your time and get it right!

First things first – figure out what size of baking-pan you’ll need for your recipe. If you’re using a standard loaf pan, 9 inches by 5 inches usually works great, but be sure to double check the recipe just in case. Once that’s established, go ahead and grease up the pan with butter or cooking spray. This will help the finished product come out nice and clean once it’s done baking.

Finally, line the bottom of the bakeware with parchment paper before pouring in your batter. This extra layer should ensure that nothing sticks when it comes time to remove the finished banana bread from its home! With everything prepped correctly, we are now ready to set our oven temperature and start our timer.

Temperature & Cooking Time

Alright, it’s time to set the oven temperature and get baking! To achieve an evenly cooked loaf of banana bread, you’ll want to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important not to rush this process – under-heating or over-heating can both lead to subpar results. Make sure you give your oven plenty of time to reach that ideal temperature before putting in the pan with your batter.

Once the timer is set, you’re ready for the next step: adjusting cooking times accordingly. The standard time for a 9×5 inch loaf pan of banana bread is usually around 40 minutes, but this could vary depending on factors like humidity or elevation. If possible, try testing your finished product after about 25 minutes – if the top looks golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean when stuck into the center then you know it’s ready! Otherwise keep checking every 5 minutes until it passes these tests.

Now that your timing is all set up and everything seems good to go, we can move onto thinking about toppings & variations! But first let’s quickly recap our progress so far – we’ve greased our pan correctly, measured out ingredients accurately, adjusted the proper oven temperature and tweaked cooking times based on factors like humidity levels. All systems are GO!

Toppings & Variations

It’s time to let your creativity shine and explore some delicious variations on traditional banana bread! From the classic iced banana bread sprinkled with a touch of sugar glaze, to cinnamon-spiced loaves that have just enough warmth for chilly days – there are so many possibilities. Not to mention the ultimate twist: walnut-raisin banana bread packed full of crunchy nutty goodness! Adding extra ingredients like this is an excellent way to dress up any recipe and make it truly unique.

Best of all, these new flavors can be easily tweaked depending on how sweet or savory you want your loaf. For example, if you’re looking for something a bit more subtle then try adding only half the amount of nuts or raisins as recommended in the original recipe. Or add a dash of ground cinnamon to give it even more depth without overwhelming other flavors. Experimentation is key when it comes to finding that perfect balance!

Now that we’ve explored different toppings & variations, our minds are buzzing with ideas about what kind of delectable treats we can whip up next. It’s almost time for us to start packing away our tools and breathe life into our creations – but first, let’s take one last look at storage instructions before putting them away safely.

Storage Instructions

Now that we’ve looked at all the tasty variations on banana bread, let’s talk about how to store these delicious treats. Storing your loaf correctly will help keep it fresh and tasty for as long as possible! The key is knowing what type of storage you need based on the shelf-life of your chosen recipe – some recipes may require refrigeration while others can be kept in a cool, dry place.

The most important thing is to make sure your banana bread is completely cooled before wrapping it up or transferring it into an airtight container. This helps prevent condensation from occurring inside the wrapper which can lead to mold growth if left out too long. If you’re planning on storing your loaf for more than a few days then keeping it refrigerated is always recommended. Just remember to take it out of the fridge and bring it back to room temperature before serving!

No matter where you decide to store your homemade creation, just remember: enjoy soon after baking for maximum flavor and texture! With this advice in mind, you’ll be ready to serve up perfectly moist slices of sweet indulgence whenever cravings strike. Now that our loaves are safely stored away, let’s move onto discussing nutritional information so we know exactly how much goodness each slice contains.

Nutritional Information

It’s a common belief that banana bread is loaded with calories and not the healthiest snack option. But, it turns out this isn’t necessarily true! When made correctly with wholesome ingredients like whole wheat flour, oats, nuts, and honey – in place of refined sugar – banana bread can be surprisingly healthy. It all comes down to portion control; even if your loaf contains more than 250 calories per serving, you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging every now and then.

So what else does our beloved dessert contain besides empty calories? In addition to being an excellent source of dietary fiber, each slice provides essential vitamins and minerals such as potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Whether you choose traditional or vegan options for your recipe will determine the exact nutrient content but overall banana bread offers some great nutritional benefits!

The takeaway here is: while it’s important to stay mindful when consuming treats like banana bread – especially if you’re watching your calorie count – these delicious loaves are far from unhealthy snacks! Knowing exactly how much goodness is packed into each bite adds another layer of enjoyment when savoring them. So go ahead and treat yourself without feeling any guilt…it’s time for us to move onto discussing serving suggestions so we can enjoy our creations even further!

Serving Suggestions

Now that we know all about the nutritional value of banana bread, it’s time to discuss how best to serve it. We’ve already established that a slice or two won’t break your diet – so let’s get creative with presentation ideas and pairing options!

When it comes to serving suggestions, there are several possibilities for elevating our scrumptious snack into something truly special. Here are some simple yet effective ways to enjoy banana bread:

  • Top slices with seasonal fruits like strawberries, blueberries, peaches – even bananas themselves – for added sweetness and texture.
  • For an extra kick of flavor try adding a dollop of nut butter (almond is especially delicious) on top. This will also provide essential nutrients and healthy fats.
  • If you’re feeling really adventurous why not whip up some homemade coconut whipped cream as a topping? It’s sure to satisfy any sweet tooth cravings!

These simple additions can take your classic loaf from plain Jane to gourmet status in no time at all! Additionally, don’t be afraid to experiment by trying different spices or herbs depending on what flavors strike your fancy; think cinnamon, cardamom, ginger…the sky is the limit when it comes to transforming traditional recipes into inspired treats!

To further explore these ideas, consider experimenting with different pairings such as coffee or tea for a morning pick-me-up or wine/beer for a more indulgent evening spread. No matter which combination you choose one thing remains constant — everyone loves freshly baked banana bread!

Troubleshooting Tips

No matter how delicious a recipe may be, there are always potential baking pitfalls that can arise – especially when it comes to banana bread! Luckily, we’ve got your back and have compiled some helpful troubleshooting tips for those unforeseen (yet totally solvable) issues.

  • If you find the top of your loaf is too brown but the center isn’t cooked all the way through yet, try loosely covering it with foil while it continues to bake in order to protect against further charring.
  • If you’re worried about overmixing your batter, feel free to use a rubber spatula instead of an electric mixer – this will help prevent dense lumps from forming.
  • Don’t forget that walnuts tend to sink during baking so if desired sprinkle them on top before placing in the oven. This will ensure they stay visible after being baked into the finished product.
  • Is your bread coming out dry? Make sure not to overbake as this can cause moisture loss which leads to dryness. Use the toothpick test at the end of baking time and remove from oven once done!
  • Did your loaf come out flat and spread across pan? Try increasing amount of leavening agent or check expiration dates on ingredients like baking soda/powder; old products won’t rise properly resulting in a flatter final product!

These simple tricks should get you well on your way towards mastering our tasty banana bread recipe with walnuts! Now let’s explore what substitutions & alternatives exist…

Substitutions & Alternatives

banana bread recipe with walnuts-so, try out this delicious banana bread recipe with walnuts today and enjoy a delicious, home-baked treat.
Banana Bread Recipe with Walnuts-So, try out this delicious banana bread recipe with walnuts today and enjoy a delicious, home-baked treat.

If you’re looking to make this recipe more health-conscious, there are a few easy substitutions that can be made. For starters, try swapping out some of the white flour for almond flour – it’s a great gluten-free alternative with added fiber and protein! You could also replace regular sugar with coconut sugar, which has lower glycemic index than other types of sweeteners. And finally, if walnuts aren’t your thing then feel free to add in blueberries instead – they go really well with banana bread and provide an extra boost of antioxidants too!

Speaking of bananas and walnuts… let’s take a look at their respective health benefits so we can appreciate just how good these ingredients are for us. Not only do they taste delicious together but they also offer vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining good physical condition. Let’s dive into the specifics now and see what makes them such nutritional powerhouses!

Health Benefits Of Bananas & Walnuts

Bananas and walnuts are two of the most nutritious ingredients you can incorporate into baking. Not only do they make a delicious combination, but their health benefits are undeniable! Let’s start with bananas – did you know that just one banana provides up to 35% of your daily vitamin B6 needs? Plus, it contains potassium which helps regulate blood pressure levels. As for walnuts, these tasty little morsels are packed full of healthy fats, protein, zinc and magnesium. They’re also loaded with antioxidants which help fight against free-radical damage in our bodies.

In terms of baking nutrition too, both bananas and walnuts provide plenty of beneficial nutrients. Bananas have lots of natural sugars so they act as an excellent sweetener without needing any added sugar – plus, they add moisture to baked goods. Walnuts on the other hand contribute crunchy texture along with essential fatty acids like Omega 3s which are important for cardiovascular health. All in all, these two ingredients offer an array of nutritional benefits when combined together – making them perfect companions for any type of baking recipe!

These impressive health benefits explain why more people now than ever before are turning to banana bread recipes as part of their regular meal plans. It’s time to find out what makes this classic treat so popular…

Popularity Of Banana Bread Recipes

It’s obvious why banana bread recipes have become so popular. After all, these sweet treats combine two of the healthiest ingredients imaginable – bananas and walnuts – into one delicious bake! Plus, they can be made in a variety of ways to suit any occasion. Whether you’re looking for an easy midweek snack or something more elaborate to serve at a special event, there’s always a way to whip up some tantalizing banana bread.

What makes it even better is that banana bread can be enjoyed plain or with added toppings like chocolate chips, dried fruits and nuts – making it truly customizable depending on your tastes. And if you want to make an impressive dessert out of your banana bread recipe then just add a scoop of ice cream and fruit compote – voila! You’ve got yourself an indulgent treat. For those who are nut-free, don’t worry; you can still enjoy many tasty variations such as blueberry banana bread or vegan zucchini walnut bread!

No matter what type of dish you choose, creating delicious homemade baked goods with wholesome ingredients will always win over hearts (and stomachs). So next time you need something special for any occasion, why not try whipping up a batch of mouth-watering banana bread? The possibilities really are endless…

Ideas For Special Occasions

Who doesn’t love a gift of warm, freshly-baked banana bread? Whether it’s for someone special or just to show you care, this delectable treat is sure to make anyone feel appreciated. Plus, homemade baked goods have a unique charm that store-bought items simply can’t replicate – so why not take advantage and create something truly unforgettable?

If you’re looking for the perfect birthday present then why not bake up some banana bread muffins with colorful sprinkles on top? Not only are they delicious but also visually appealing – plus, there are plenty of options when customizing them like adding dried fruits, nuts or chocolate chips. And if you want to send your best wishes at Christmas time then how about giving festive holiday themed mini loaves as gifts? You could even include an accompanying card expressing your gratitude in a charming way.

Creating beautiful baked gifts for any occasion will always put smiles on people’s faces. So next time you need something special, don’t forget that banana bread makes an excellent choice!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Walnut Should I Use In The Recipe?

Are you wondering how much walnut to use in a banana bread recipe? Don’t worry, I’m here to help! You might be overwhelmed by the amount of choices when it comes to deciding what quantity of walnuts your recipe needs. But don’t fret – there’s an easy way to figure this out.

When considering what amount of walnuts to add for an optimal banana bread recipe, think about the size and flavor profile you’re looking for. Do you want your finished product to have a strong nutty taste or do you prefer something milder? The answer depends on not only how many walnuts you need but also their type and freshness level. A good rule of thumb is that one cup of chopped nuts should be enough for most recipes unless otherwise specified.

Now if you really want your banana bread to stand out from the crowd, try mixing different types of walnuts with other ingredients like chocolate chips or dried fruit. Doing so will give your loaf more texture and flavor without overpowering its delicate sweetness. Plus, adding various types can make it look appealing too! TIP: Consider using unsalted roasted nuts as they tend to bring out flavors better than raw ones do.

Is It Possible To Freeze Banana Bread?

I’m sure you’ve been wondering, is it possible to freeze banana bread? Well, the answer is YES! And I’ll tell you my three top tips for freezing your delicious banana bread.
First of all, make sure that your banana bread has cooled completely before freezing it. It’s a must! This will help prevent any sogginess when defrosting. Secondly, wrap your banana bread in foil or cling film and place into an airtight container or freezer bag – this helps ensure that no odors from other food items can get inside and taint the flavor. Finally, label your container with the date so you know exactly how long it’s been frozen for – because nobody wants stale banana bread!
So there you have it: freezing bananas bread is totally doable and doesn’t take too much effort either. Banana bread freezing may sound intimidating but with these simple steps, you can keep your homemade goods fresh for months on end without worrying about them going bad.

What Is The Best Way To Store Banana Bread?

Storing banana bread is like a game of Jenga. You need to delicately balance the shelf life and temperature, all while making sure you don’t make your delicious creation topple over!

When it comes to storing this scrumptious treat, there are some important steps that must be taken in order for it to last as long as possible. Firstly, wrap the bread tightly with plastic wrap or foil – this will prevent any moisture from getting in and drying out your sweet masterpiece. Secondly, place the wrapped loaf on a baking sheet inside an airtight container to store at room temperature. This method helps preserve its soft texture and flavor as well as extends its shelf-life. Lastly, if you plan on freezing your banana bread, make sure you cut it into slices so that each piece can be thawed individually whenever desired.

To ensure optimal storage of your delectable confectionery creation, follow these simple tips: keep it away from direct sunlight or heat sources; avoid keeping it near strong smelling foods (such as onions); check regularly for signs of mold growth; and use within two weeks after baking for best results. With just a little bit of effort and care you’ll have freshly baked banana bread ready to tantalize your taste buds anytime you wish!

Is Banana Bread Suitable For People With Nut Allergies?

Ah, banana bread. Who doesn’t love a tasty slice of this classic treat? But what if you have an allergy to nuts – can you still enjoy it?

Well, the answer is yes! If you are avoiding walnuts in your diet due to a nut allergy, there are lots of great recipes out there for making delicious and safe banana bread. Many people opt for using alternative ingredients such as sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds instead of walnuts. These give the same texture without triggering any allergies – plus they add some extra flavor too!

But if you don’t want to bother with finding alternatives, then rest assured that most store-bought banana breads won’t contain any nuts at all. So whether you make it yourself from scratch or buy pre-made slices, you can safely indulge in some yummy banana goodness without worrying about potential allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers rejoice!

Banana bread lovers around the world can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing that they don’t need to miss out on this delectable dessert just because of their dietary restrictions. Now go forth and get baking (or buying) – happy snacking everyone!

What Are Some Creative Ways To Serve Banana Bread?

Have you ever thought of creative ways to serve banana bread? It’s an intriguing question, and one that could spark endless possibilities. From desserts to breakfast dishes or even snacks in between meals, the theory holds true: if you have some good old-fashioned banana bread, there are always plenty of options!

Let’s start with something sweet – what about turning your banana bread into a delicious dessert? With just a few simple ingredients like cream cheese frosting and chocolate chips, you can turn any ordinary loaf into an extraordinary treat. Or why not try adding some nuts for added crunch? There are so many different variations out there that you won’t be able to resist trying them all.

If you’re looking for something more savory than sweet, then never fear; there are plenty of recipes for easy banana bread breakfasts too! Try making French toast with it by slicing up the loaf and dipping it in egg before frying – yum! And don’t forget about those tasty muffins either; simply add some mashed bananas for extra flavor and sweetness. For those times when hunger strikes unexpectedly, there’s nothing quite like homemade banana bread snacks such as energy bars or fruit leathers.

Banana bread is truly versatile – no matter how picky the eater might be, everyone can find something they love. So go ahead and explore these creative ways to enjoy this classic dish – your taste buds will thank you later!


In conclusion, making banana bread with walnuts is a great idea for breakfast or an afternoon snack. It’s the perfect combination of sweetness and crunchiness that will leave your mouth watering! The key to success when baking banana bread with walnuts is finding the right balance between the two ingredients. Too much walnut can overpower the flavor of the bananas while too little won’t give you enough crunchy texture.

Just like in life, learning how to find harmony between different elements can be difficult but rewarding. By taking the time to experiment and adjust our recipes, we are able to create something unique and delicious that satisfies everyone’s taste buds. With practice, patience, and creativity, anyone can make a scrumptious banana bread with walnuts that will have their family and friends asking for more!

Banana bread with walnuts may seem intimidating at first but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Just remember, use a good quality recipe as your starting point then feel free to get creative by adding extra nuts or spices if desired – just don’t forget about the basics: ripe bananas and freshly chopped walnuts!

Banana Bread Recipe with Walnuts

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Banana Bread Recipe with Walnuts is moist and delicious with its rich, nutty flavor. The walnuts add a crunchy texture to the bread, while the ripe bananas and dark brown sugar provide a sweetness that will make this a favorite.


  • 2-3 2-3 ripe bananas

  • 1/3 cup 1/3 melted butter

  • 1 cup 1 dark brown sugar

  • 1 1 egg

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • Pinch of salt

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped walnuts


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan.
  • In a large bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth.
  • Add the melted butter, dark brown sugar, egg, and vanilla extract and whisk together until combined.
  • Add the baking soda, salt, and all-purpose flour and stir together until combined.
  • Fold in the chopped walnuts.
  • Pour the batter into the greased loaf pan and spread evenly
  • Bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center.
  • Allow to cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving. Enjoy!