banana cookie recipe

Banana Cookie Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth and give you the control to make it yourself? Look no further! Our banana cookie recipe is the perfect choice. This simple yet tasty dessert has all of the flavor and sweetness without being overly complicated or time consuming. Plus, with our easy-to-follow instructions, anyone can create this scrumptious snack in just minutes. Read on to learn more about how you can whip up these yummy treats at home!

banana cookie recipe-this delicious banana cookie recipe is sure to be a hit! perfect for a snack, dessert, or a special treat, these cookies are made with simple ingredients like butter, sugar, eggs, and ripe bananas.
Banana Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

Do you crave something sweet but don’t want to spend hours slaving away in the kitchen? We’ve got just the thing: our banana cookie recipe. It doesn’t require any special ingredients and won’t take a long time to prepare – so if you’re short on time but still want something satisfyingly sweet, then look no further! With our handy guide, even novice bakers can master this delectable creation in no time.

Finally, if you’re looking for an indulgent dessert that will put a smile on everyone’s face while keeping them out of trouble, then our banana cookie recipe is definitely what you need. Not only is it incredibly easy to make, but it also requires minimal effort – meaning there’ll be plenty of opportunity left over for fun activities afterward! So why not try out this mouthwatering treat today? All you need are some ripe bananas and a few other ingredients – let’s get baking!

Ingredient List

banana cookie recipe-this delicious banana cookie recipe is sure to be a hit! perfect for a snack, dessert, or a special treat, these cookies are made with simple ingredients like butter, sugar, eggs, and ripe bananas.
Banana Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

Welcome to the world of banana cookies. If you’ve ever dreamed of indulging in a delicious dessert while having your cake and eating it too, then this is for you! You can have your sweet treat and still be able to achieve that healthy lifestyle you strive for.

So let’s get started with the essentials: what ingredients are needed for these delectable treats? To make heavenly banana cookies, you’ll need some baking staples like flour, sugar, butter, eggs, salt, and baking soda; as well as cookie-specific stuff like vanilla extract and bananas – obviously. The type of flour will depend on whether you want crunchy or chewy textures in your final product. And don’t forget the chocolate chips if desired.

The great thing about making homemade cookies is that it allows you to customize them exactly how YOU want – so throw in whatever else strikes your fancy! With all these necessary items ready to go, it’s time to move onto the next step: gathering up the equipment required…

Equipment Needed

It’s time to gather up the tools of the trade! To make delicious banana cookies, you’ll need a few key pieces of equipment. Let’s start with cookie cutters for that classic shape and style – these come in all sorts of shapes and sizes so you can get creative. Then there are your baking sheets which will be used to hold your finished product as it bakes. Last but not least, you’ll want some measuring cups or spoons on hand to ensure each ingredient is added with precision.

Now that we have all our ingredients and equipment ready, let’s move onto the next step: preparation steps!

Preparation Steps

Let’s get started! As the old adage goes, “A watched pot never boils,” and we want to have these cookies done in no time. So before we dive into prepping our ingredients, let’s start by preheating our oven to 350°F (175°C). While it warms up, let’s measure out all of our ingredients so they are ready when needed.

Once that is complete, it’s time to begin stirring together our wet ingredients – mashed banana, egg, butter or margarine and vanilla extract. After mixing them together until combined thoroughly with a spoon or whisk, set aside for now. Now take your dry ingredient bowl and combine flour, baking soda, salt and sugar then mix well with a spoon.

Now that both the wet and dry ingredients are prepared separately, slowly add the dry mixture into the wet while continuously stirring together until fully blended and resembling cookie dough. We can also use this time to incorporate any additional flavors such as chocolate chips or walnuts if you choose. Finally, using hands lightly floured with extra flour from your recipe- make small balls of cookie dough before forming them into desired shapes on a greased parchment lined baking sheet .

Baking Time And Temperature

It’s time to get baking! We can now set the oven temperature based on our desired cookie consistency. For a chewy texture, bake for 10-12 minutes at 350°F (175°C). If we’re looking for something crunchier, then increase the heat up to 375°F (190°C) and decrease the cooking time by about 2 minutes.

To ensure our cookies come out perfectly cooked each time, it is important to keep an eye on them as they bake in the oven. Every few minutes check on their progress until you reach your preferred crispness or chewiness. Once satisfied with how they look remove from the oven and let cool before transferring them onto a cooling rack. This also helps prevent any overcooking that might occur if left inside too long.

With all of this information in mind, finding success in cookie baking requires experimenting with different temperatures and times to find what works best for you! By learning how to control these variables you will be able to produce delicious treats every single time.

Types Of Flour

banana cookie recipe-this delicious banana cookie recipe is sure to be a hit! perfect for a snack, dessert, or a special treat, these cookies are made with simple ingredients like butter, sugar, eggs, and ripe bananas.
Banana Cookie Recipe-All Recipes Now

When it comes to baking cookies, the type of flour used is an important factor in determining texture and flavor. Different types of flours contain different amounts of protein, starch, and fiber. Depending on what kind of cookie we’re making, using the right flour can make a world of difference! Let’s take a look at some popular options for our next batch of homemade treats.

Buckwheat flour is a great choice for gluten-free baking as it contains no wheat or other grains and has an earthy taste that adds depth to baked goods. It is most commonly found in pancakes but also makes for tasty cookies when combined with other ingredients such as almond flour. This combination will result in a soft yet slightly chewy texture perfect for those who don’t like crunchy cookies.

Almond flour offers an incredibly rich nutty flavor that many people love. Its high fat content helps produce a melt-in-your-mouth experience and gives baked goods a beautiful golden color when they come out of the oven. Pairing this with coconut flour can help reduce calories while still providing plenty of sweet flavor and moisture without compromising texture or consistency.

No matter which type you choose, be sure to measure your ingredients accurately by weight rather than volume to ensure consistent results each time you bake! By being mindful about which ingredients go into your recipe, you are able to control the outcome more effectively – something all aspiring bakers should strive for! With these tips in mind, let’s move onto adding some extra nutrition into our yummy creations…

Adding Nutrients

Banana-enriched cookies are the perfect way to add some extra nutrition into our baking. Not only do bananas provide a delicious sweetness, but they also contain important vitamins and minerals that can make for healthful cookie recipes. With just a few simple modifications, we can turn any ordinary batch of dough into nutrient-rich treats everyone will enjoy.

The first step is to replace regular flour with whole wheat or other unrefined flours such as oat or spelt. These types of flours contain more fiber which helps lower cholesterol levels and keeps us full longer. Additionally, adding nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds increases flavor while providing essential fatty acids and protein to further boost nutritional value.

Finally, replacing butter with mashed banana adds all kinds of benefits in terms of taste, texture and nutrition – plus it’s an excellent egg substitute! As well as being rich in potassium and fiber, using banana instead of eggs eliminates risk associated with bacterial contamination from raw ingredients. And if you’re looking for dairy free options, simply swap out cow’s milk for almond milk or coconut cream instead – it’s really as easy as that!

So now that we’ve covered how to create nutrient-dense cookies without sacrificing flavor or texture, let’s move onto substitutions for those pesky eggs and dairy items…

Substitutions For Eggs And Dairy

You don’t have to be a vegan or dairy-free baker to enjoy the benefits of egg- and dairy-free baking. In fact, with just a few simple swaps, you can easily make your favorite cookies healthier and more nutritious without sacrificing flavor!

Take banana for example: it’s not only packed full of vitamins and minerals, but also makes an excellent egg substitute in many recipes. And when it comes to replacing butter or other animal fats – this is where coconut oil comes into play. Not only does it add delicious tropical flavors, it’s also rich in healthy fatty acids and cholesterol-lowering properties that make it perfect for vegan cookie recipes.

For those who prefer nut milks like almond milk or cashew milk over cow’s milk, there are plenty of substitutes available in stores today such as oat milk, soy milk or rice milk – all equally flavorful options for vegans and non-vegans alike. Plus these alternatives contain fewer calories than traditional cows’ milk while adding additional protein and calcium bonuses to any recipe.

So whether you’re trying to adjust ingredients due to dietary restrictions or simply looking to reap the health benefits associated with plant-based foods, swapping out eggs and dairy items has never been easier! Now let’s move onto mix-ins and toppings for our cookies…

Mix-Ins And Toppings

With so many delicious mix-ins and toppings to choose from, it can be difficult to decide what you want in your cookies. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips that will help you create the perfect cookie combination for any occasion!

For starters, why not add some fresh or dried fruit like blueberries, cherries, raisins, or cranberries? These colorful additions provide bursts of flavor as well as added texture and nutrition. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try adding nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pecans for an even more flavorful treat. And finally – no cookie is complete without a sprinkle of something sweet – like chocolate chips or shavings.

No matter which ingredients you opt for – make sure they complement each other rather than overwhelm one another. It’s always best to take small steps when baking with multiple flavors so that everything comes together nicely in the end. With this approach you can’t go wrong! Now let’s look at some fun decorating ideas…

Decorating Ideas

When it comes to decorating cookies, the possibilities are endless! According to a survey by the American Bakers Association, over 70% of people who bake at home enjoy creating unique designs for their cookie creations. With that in mind, let’s look at some creative ways you can use banana frosting and other ingredients to give your cookies a special touch.

One idea is to pipe different shapes onto each individual cookie – like stars, circles or flowers. You could also make stripes with two colors of icing, or draw faces on them using food coloring markers. For an even more impressive result, try making a patterned design such as polka dots or zigzags. You can also create 3D effects by adding candy decorations like sprinkles and chocolate chips around the edges of the cookie before baking.

No matter what kind of design you choose, have fun experimenting with different techniques and color combinations until you find one that fits your style perfectly! From there, all that’s left is to package up your delicious treats for storage and gifting…

Storage Tips

With creative decorating ideas in hand, it’s time to consider how best to store your delicious banana cookie creations. After all, no one wants their cookies going stale before they can be enjoyed! Fortunately, with the right storage tips and tricks, you can keep your treats tasting fresh for longer.

When it comes to storing banana cookies, airtight containers are key. This helps prevent moisture from getting into the container and ruining your hard work. For maximum shelf life – up to two weeks if stored properly – use a sealable plastic bag or an airtight container that doesn’t allow any light or oxygen inside. If you’re concerned about taste, try wrapping each individual cookie in wax paper before placing it in the storage container of your choice.

Finally, when storing banana cookies, always check expiration dates on ingredients used and pay attention to temperature fluctuations as well as humidity levels in your kitchen. Doing so will ensure that your cookies remain safe to eat for days – even weeks – after baking them!

Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting baking problems can be a key part of making delicious banana cookies. According to research, up to 90% of all cookie-baking fails are due to not following the recipe properly. To help you ensure success in your cookie creations, here is a list of troubleshooting tips for getting perfect results every time.

First and foremost, it’s important to pay attention to the consistency of your cookie dough – especially when using bananas as one of the ingredients. If the dough feels too wet or sticky, add some extra flour until it has reached the desired texture. On the other hand, if you find that your dough is too dry or crumbly, try adding a bit more liquid such as oil or melted butter.

Another common issue with banana cookies is overbaking them which can lead to hard and crunchy treats instead of soft and chewy delights! To avoid this problem, watch your oven closely while they’re baking and make sure you remove them from heat once they turn golden brown around the edges. This will also prevent any burnt bits on top from ruining their taste.

By following these troubleshooting tips carefully each time you bake banana cookies, you’ll be able to create scrumptious snacks that everyone will love without having to worry about any baking disasters occurring along the way! Transitioning into serving suggestions, there are plenty of delicious ways…

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving up banana cookies, you can never go wrong with a classic cookie platter. Arrange your freshly-baked treats on a plate or tray and add some extra flavors such as chocolate chips, sprinkles, and nuts for an even more delicious dessert experience! You could also create mouthwatering banana cookie desserts by filling them with creamy fillings like Nutella or peanut butter – the possibilities are endless!

For those who prefer something fancier than just eating their cookies straight from the oven, there are plenty of creative ways to make banana cookie platters look stunningly beautiful. Experiment with different shapes and sizes of cookies and choose complementary colors that will give your presentation maximum visual impact. Whether you opt for vibrant rainbow swirls or simply stack them in neat columns – take pride in creating a visually appealing display that everyone will be sure to appreciate.

No matter how you decide to present your homemade goodies, guests will surely love indulging in these tasty treats at any special occasion!

Variations On The Recipe

When it comes to making banana cookies, the flavor possibilities are endless! Whether you’re looking for a classic chocolate chip cookie or something more exotic like banana-oatmeal, there’s an option for everyone. For added texture and sweetness, mix in some chopped pecans and shredded coconut. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding in your favorite dried fruits such as cranberries or cherries. The combinations are up to you!

If you want a healthier take on the traditional recipe, swap out white flour with whole wheat or oat flours and replace butter with applesauce. Or if you prefer vegan treats – opt for plant-based margarine instead of butter and use dairy-free dark chocolate chips. With these simple swaps, it’s easy to make delicious banana cookies without compromising on taste or nutrition.

For those who don’t have time to bake from scratch – no worries! Ready-made dough is also available at most grocery stores so all that’s left is popping them into the oven before indulging in a warm, gooey treat.

TIP: To get creative with presentation ideas, turn your freshly baked cookies into ice cream sandwiches by filling them with scoops of vanilla ice cream – now that’s a sweet surprise your guests won’t forget anytime soon!

Nutrition Information

Whether you’re baking them from scratch or buying pre-made dough, it’s important to check the label for nutrition information. After all, many of our favorite treats are full of sugar and fats that can be detrimental to our health if we overindulge!

Now let’s take a look at what goes into making banana cookies. Generally speaking, one cookie is about 50 calories with 5g of fat (3g coming from saturated fat). It also contains 6g of carbohydrates and 1g of protein per serving. For those watching their sodium intake – beware – these little bites pack in around 100mg per cookie.

When it comes to ingredients found within banana cookies, most recipes call for butter/margarine, granulated sugar, flour, baking powder/soda, eggs, bananas and chocolate chips. Besides being tasty treats – some of these ingredients offer nutritional benefits as well such as potassium which helps regulate fluid balance in cells and fiber which aids digestion. So while they may not be considered “healthy food” by some standards – there certainly is an element of nutrition involved when eating this delicious snack.

With so much flavor packed into each bite size treat – it’s easy to see why banana cookies have been enjoyed by generations past and present alike!

History Of The Banana Cookie

It’s no wonder that banana cookies have become such a beloved treat – they’ve been around for centuries! Let’s take a closer look at the history and origin of this delectable dessert.

Banana cookies can be traced back to 17th century England, where sugar was first added to biscuits – transforming them into sweet treats. Over the next few hundred years, bananas began appearing in cookie recipes as well, thanks to their availability in tropical parts of the world. Today, these classic goodies are enjoyed all over the globe with each region putting its own unique spin on the traditional recipe.

The popularity of banana cookies continues to soar due to its undeniable combination of flavor and texture. From crunchy edges to soft centers – it’s easy to see why people keep coming back for more. Here are four key factors behind this timeless tradition:

1) Versatility: Banana cookies can come in different shapes and sizes depending on how you’d like them prepared. Whether you prefer chewy or crunchy, mini or jumbo size – there’s an option out there for everyone!
2) Cost-effectiveness: It doesn’t require much money or effort to make homemade banana cookies since most ingredients can easily be found in your kitchen cupboard already.
3) Adaptability: With so many variations available from adding nuts and chocolate chips too using alternative flours – you’re sure never get bored when baking banana cookies!
4) Comfort food appeal: The familiar taste of a warm and gooey banana cookie is enough to instantly bring comfort and joy no matter what mood you’re in.

From its humble beginnings centuries ago until now – banana cookies continue to remain one of life’s simple pleasures that just keeps giving!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind Of Bananas Should I Use?

When it comes to baking with bananas, the type of banana you choose is important. There are a variety of bananas out there and each has its own unique flavor that can be beneficial or detrimental to your cookie recipe. While ripe bananas often work best for many recipes, the fact remains: different banana varieties will bring about distinct results in your cookies.

So what kind of banana should you use when making banana cookies? Generally speaking, if you want sweet, delicious cookies with strong hints of banana flavor, then opt for ripe bananas that have just started to brown—but not overripe. This way, you won’t need any added sugar as they will already be naturally sweet enough. Additionally, yellow-greenish underripe bananas may produce too acidic a taste compared to their riper counterparts.

Alternatively, if you don’t mind subtle notes of sourness but still prefer a moist texture, then an underripe one could also do the trick! Just keep in mind that these types tend to give off more starch than sweetness while baking which might affect the overall consistency and texture of your cookies.
TIP: When selecting a type of banana for a cookie recipe, always consider how much natural sweetness or acidity it has so that your final product turns out exactly as desired!

Are There Any Vegan Alternatives For The Recipe?

Are there any vegan alternatives for the recipe? While it may seem like a difficult task, creating delicious vegan banana cookies is actually quite easy. Whether you’re an experienced baker or trying your hand in the kitchen for the first time, substituting traditional ingredients with vegan-friendly ones can be done without sacrificing flavor.

When baking vegan-banana-cookies, start by swapping out dairy and eggs for plant-based substitutes such as almond milk or flax seeds. To sweeten up your treats try using dates instead of sugar or coconut nectar to create a more natural sweetness. Consider alternative flour options such as oats, quinoa, or garbanzo bean flour when making these recipes too! Here’s a 5 item bullet point list that could help:

  • Vegan Margarine
  • Coconut Oil
  • Almond Milk
  • Dates/Coconut Nectar
  • Oats/Quinoa Flour

Incorporating these items into your cookie recipes will give them life and make them even healthier than their non-vegan counterparts. Not only are these ingredients packed with nutritional value but they also tend to cost less than traditional baking supplies which helps keep costs down while cooking tasty treats! Finally, if you’re stuck on ideas for how to use these ingredients look no further than online blogs and recipe books where you can find endless inspiration from other bakers who have successfully created delicious vegan banana cookies.

Can I Substitute Other Fruits Instead Of Bananas?

Want to create a delicious cookie recipe, but don’t have the ingredients? Substituting other fruits is an option that many bakers are considering. But what kind of recipes can you make and how do you choose the right fruit for your cookie creation?

When it comes to creating a unique fruit cookie recipe, making substitutions in existing recipes is always tricky. It takes creativity and knowledge about which fruits work best with certain flavors and textures. Some popular choices include apples, pears, peaches, raspberries, cranberries, and even oranges! There are also some less common options like figs or dates. The key is understanding how each type of fruit will affect the flavor of the cookie as well as its texture.

Finding the perfect substitution for bananas in a cookie recipe isn’t easy – there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to utilizing other types of fruits for baking purposes. Each type has different characteristics that must be taken into consideration when looking for the ideal substitute. For example, apples may add sweetness while still maintaining crunchiness whereas pears could provide moisture without compromising on taste. Basing decisions off these factors will ensure finding success with any fruit-based cookie recipe – regardless of whether bananas were originally included or not!

Making substitutions opens up opportunities to explore new flavors and ideas in your cooking experiments—no matter if it’s changing out banana cookies for something else entirely or just adding an extra layer of complexity by incorporating multiple kinds of fruit into one recipe. With careful attention given to ingredient combinations and experimenting accordingly, you’re sure to find yourself in control of your own creative kitchen masterpiece!

Can I Freeze The Cookies After Baking?

When it comes to freezing baked cookies, the answer is a definite ‘Yes!’ Baked cookies can easily be frozen after they come out of the oven for longer-term storage. Whether you’re looking to save time or preserve some flavorsome creations, freezing your cookies can help make sure that nothing goes to waste.

But what about banana cookie recipes specifically? Can these also be stored in the freezer after baking? Again, absolutely! If you’ve taken the time and effort to bake up some tasty banana cookies, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of their long-lasting potential by storing them away. Not only will this allow you to savor those delicious treats over an extended period, but it gives you control over when and how much of your stash you decide to use – great news for anyone who enjoys being in charge!

The process couldn’t be simpler: just place your freshly-baked banana cookies on a tray or plate lined with parchment paper and put them in the freezer until solid (which should take around two hours). Once cooled completely, transfer them into airtight containers and label accordingly. With this method, your treats are guaranteed to stay fresh and ready to enjoy whenever desired!

So don’t let any of those scrumptious goodies go stale – freeze ‘em if you got ‘em!

How Long Will The Cookies Last If Stored Properly?

Have you ever wondered how long banana-cookie recipes last if stored properly? It’s an important question – after all, no one wants their cookies to go bad before they have a chance to enjoy them! Fortunately, with the right storage techniques, it is possible to keep your banana cookies fresh for up to two weeks.

The key to keeping your cookies from spoiling quickly lies in proper storage. Cookies should be kept in an airtight container at room temperature as this will slow down the spoilage process and preserve their texture and flavor. If you want your cookie shelf life extended even further, make sure that you store them away from direct sunlight or any other sources of heat. This will help protect the integrity of your delicious treats so that you can savor them for longer.

By following these simple tips on storing banana cookies, you can ensure that they remain fresh and tasty for up to two weeks. With careful attention paid to cookie-storage-time and proper technique when storing-banana-cookies, there’s no need to worry about wasting precious time baking only for the results to become stale or unappetizing soon afterwards. So don’t hesitate – whip up some delicious banana cookies today and enjoy them while they are still freshly baked!


In conclusion, I’m sure many of you have been eager to try out this delicious banana cookie recipe. With simple ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, it’s a great way to indulge your sweet tooth without spending too much time in the kitchen.

First things first: what kind of bananas should you use? Ripe ones are best for baking cookies as they will give you that wonderful sweetness and texture. If you’re looking for vegan options, there are alternatives available such as applesauce or mashed avocado. You can also substitute other fruits instead of bananas if desired – just make sure to adjust the amount of sugar accordingly so that the final product is not overly sweet.

Finally, once you’ve finished baking your banana cookies, you may be wondering how long they’ll last when stored properly. The answer depends on how well sealed they are – but generally speaking, these treats will stay fresh for up to two weeks! So take a bite and savor every scrumptious morsel – because with this amazing banana cookie recipe, it won’t be long before everyone’s craving more!

Banana Cookie Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





These banana flavored cookies are the perfect treat for any occasion! They are soft, chewy, and packed with flavor.


  • 2 2 ripe bananas

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 melted butter

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 brown sugar

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 white sugar

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1 1 egg

  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped walnuts (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • In a medium bowl, mash the bananas with a fork.
  • Add melted butter, brown sugar, white sugar, and vanilla extract and mix until combined.
  • Beat in the egg until combined.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until combined.
  • Stir in the chopped walnuts (optional).
  • Drop spoonfuls of cookie dough onto a greased baking sheet.
  • Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Let cool and enjoy!