beef gravy recipe
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Beef Gravy Recipe

beef gravy recipe-this delicious beef gravy recipe is the perfect addition to any meal!
Beef Gravy Recipe-All Recipes Now

Gravy is a timeless staple in many homes, and beef gravy has become an especially popular choice for families looking to share meals together. From the comfort of Sunday breakfasts to hearty dinners, this classic dish brings people together around the table with delicious flavors that are sure to please everyone. With just a few simple ingredients, you can easily make your own homemade beef gravy recipe right at home!

For anyone who’s ever wanted to create their own special version of this beloved dish, there’s never been a better time than now: we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to craft the perfect beef gravy! Our easy-to-follow guide will help you whip up an irresistible feast that’ll have your family gathering ’round the dinner table every night. We promise it won’t take long before they’re coming back for seconds (and thirds!).

From selecting the right cut of meat to adding herbs and spices for flavor, we’ve got everything covered when it comes to making delectable beef gravy dishes. So don’t wait another minute – let’s get cooking!

Definition Of Gravy

Picture a family gathered around the dinner table, passing bowls of mashed potatoes and steak with beef gravy. Each member of the family takes turns spooning some of the warm sauce onto their plate, creating a delicious and satisfying meal. This is just one example of how gravy can bring people together in an enjoyable shared experience – but what exactly is it? Gravy is defined as a thick liquid made from meat drippings or stock which adds flavor to food. It’s often served on top of other dishes such as roast beef or chicken, adding extra moisture to them.

Gravy is typically made by combining fat with flour to make a roux that thickens when heated; then broth or stock is added along with seasonings like salt and pepper for flavor. The resulting mixture should be smooth enough to pour over whatever dish you’re serving it with, yet thick enough to cling without running off. There are also variations like vegetarian gravies that use vegetable stocks instead of animal-based ones.

No matter what type of gravy recipe you decide upon, there’s no denying that this ingredient has been bringing families together for generations! From its rich flavors to its comforting texture, it’s easy to understand why so many households enjoy using this versatile condiment at dinnertime. With all these positive aspects in mind, let’s take a look at the ingredients needed to create your own homemade beef gravy recipe.


beef gravy recipe-this delicious beef gravy recipe is the perfect addition to any meal!
Beef Gravy Recipe-All Recipes Now

When crafting the perfect beef gravy recipe, it’s important to use quality ingredients. The star of the show is a high-quality beef stock, as this will provide the base flavors for your sauce. You’ll also need cornstarch or flour to thicken the mixture and add body; garlic cloves give the gravy an extra hit of flavor. Finally, some herbs and spices can be added in depending on what you’re serving with your gravy – think thyme, rosemary, sage, paprika, etc.

Once all your ingredients are prepped and ready to go, there’s one more crucial step: choosing the right beef cut! Depending on how much time you have available for cooking and whether or not you want to make a pan sauce from scratch, different cuts may be better suited than others. For instance, if you’re looking for something quick and easy then ground beef might work best; however if you’d like something richer in flavor then ribeye steak would be ideal.

No matter which cut of beef you choose for your gravy recipe, understanding its texture and flavor profile beforehand will ensure that your meal turns out perfectly every single time. With these tips in mind, let’s take a closer look at how exactly to prepare this delicious condiment from start to finish.

Choosing The Right Beef Cut

Choosing the right beef cut for your gravy recipe is crucial to achieving maximum flavor. Selecting a quality cut of meat that has been carefully butchered and prepared will ensure you get the best results from your dish. Here are some tips on how to select the perfect beef cut:

  • Explore different types of cuts – There are many varieties of beef available, including ribeye steak, sirloin, brisket, filet mignon, entrecote or ground beef. Consider which one makes sense for your desired end result before making a decision.
  • Look at grain pattern – When selecting a particular type of meat it’s important to pay attention to its grain pattern; this can help you decide whether it will be tender or not when cooked in gravy form.
  • Ask questions – Don’t hesitate to ask your butcher any questions you might have about their selection of cuts and what would work best for the recipe at hand. They’ll be able to provide valuable insight into choosing the ideal piece of meat that suits all your needs!

Once you’ve chosen the perfect beef cut for your dish, it’s time to start preparing it so that it’s ready for cooking with the other ingredients in your gravy recipe.

Preparing The Beef

beef gravy recipe-this delicious beef gravy recipe is the perfect addition to any meal!
Beef Gravy Recipe-All Recipes Now

Preparing the beef for your gravy recipe is an essential step in ensuring it turns out flavorful and delicious. Here are some tips on how to properly prepare the beef before cooking:

  • Trim away any excess fat – It’s important to remove any unwanted fat from the meat before proceeding with preparation as this will help create a more balanced flavor profile when cooked together with other ingredients.
  • Season generously – Generously season both sides of the meat with salt, pepper, garlic powder, or other desired spices and herbs to give your dish a unique flavor that everyone will love!
  • Allow time for marinating – If you have the time, allow your seasoned cuts of beef to sit at room temperature for 15-20 minutes so that all the flavors can really sink into the meat. This will ensure maximum taste when cooked down into a rich gravy sauce.

With these simple steps completed, you’re now ready to begin making your roux and creating one yummy beef gravy dish!

Making The Roux

Making the roux for your beef gravy is one of the most important steps in creating an exquisite dish. It requires a combination of ingredients and technique that will guarantee mouth-watering results, leaving everyone wanting more.

To begin, you’ll need to gather together some basic pantry ingredients – butter and flour. Start with equal parts butter and flour, but feel free to adjust those amounts depending on how thick or thin you want your gravy to be. Once combined into a paste-like consistency, take it off the heat briefly before slowly returning it back while continually stirring until it has reached a light golden brown color. This process may seem daunting at first glance, but with patience and practice anyone can master making a perfect roux!

Finally, once your roux has achieved its desired hue it’s time to start getting ready for adding stock. Here comes another exciting step towards crafting deliciousness!

Adding Stock To The Roux

Adding stock to the roux is a crucial step in creating an amazing beef gravy. Start by pouring your chosen stock into the pan with the roux, and stir quickly to combine them together. This will create a new mixture that you’ll need to bring up to a boil before lowering it back down again for gentle simmering. The heat of the stove should be kept at low-medium while stirring occasionally until the desired thickness is achieved. If needed, feel free to add more flour or butter as needed during this stage.

As you wait for your sauce to thicken, now would also be a good time to season it with some salt and pepper – depending on your taste preference – so that all of its flavors come alive! Don’t forget that other herbs and spices can also make great additions here too; try adding garlic powder or thyme leaves if you like those tastes better than plain salt and pepper.

When thickened enough, remove from heat and let cool slightly before serving over steaks, potatoes, vegetables…whatever strikes your fancy! With each bite you take into this flavorful gravy dish, rest assured knowing that all of your hard work has truly paid off!

Simmering And Seasoning

Now that the stock and roux are combined, it’s time to start simmering and seasoning your beef gravy. Simmering is an important part of any sauce-making process as it allows for flavors to develop while also concentrating textures. When simulating, there are several methods you can use – such as stirring frequently or leaving ingredients undisturbed – so experiment until you find a method that works best for you!

When it comes to seasoning, don’t forget about robust flavor profiles! Mixing together different types of herbs and spices will create unique blends that can really elevate a dish. Try experimenting with combinations like garlic powder and thyme leaves or smoked paprika and oregano; these kind of mixes will help build dynamic layers in your beef gravy. And don’t be afraid to adjust saltiness either depending on your taste preferences – sometimes adding more than expected might just bring out the perfect savoriness when all is said and done.

Finally, remember to keep tasting throughout the cooking process too; this way you can make sure everything is coming along nicely before thickening up the gravy at the end. With each successive sip from your spoon, you’ll know for certain that something special has been created here today!

Thickening The Gravy

Now that the beef gravy is simmering and seasoned to perfection, it’s time to focus on thickening. One interesting statistic to take note of here is that most recipes call for a roux ratio of 1 tablespoon butter per 1 tablespoon flour in order to make a good-tasting, thick sauce. This means that if you want an even thicker consistency, you can increase the amount of these ingredients – just don’t forget to adjust other seasonings accordingly!

Thickening agents are also great for turning any liquid into a sticky sauce or glaze. If you’re not up for making your own roux at home, try using cornstarch slurry instead; all you have to do is whisk together equal parts cold water and cornstarch until blended well before adding it into hot liquids like stock or broth. Once it has been incorporated fully, cook over medium heat while stirring continuously until desired thickness is achieved – usually 5 minutes should do the trick.

Don’t be afraid to play around with different combinations either; adding in some arrowroot powder along with cornstarch will help create a silky texture without compromising flavor. Whatever route you choose though, remember to give yourself enough time for experimentation as this part may require several rounds of trial and error before getting right! With each step forward comes greater understanding when it comes to creating the perfect beef gravy – so keep going!

Finishing Touches

Now that the beef gravy is coming together, it’s time to add those all-important finishing touches. Here are a few flavor enhancers and garnish ideas that will help bring your dish to life:

1) A splash of Worcestershire sauce or balsamic vinegar can add an extra depth of flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.
2) If you’re looking for something with more umami, try adding some soy sauce or mushrooms into the pan along with garlic and onion.
3) To give the gravy a richer color, sprinkle in some smoked paprika and stir until fully combined.
4) Lastly, don’t forget about fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary or parsley – they’ll make for lovely garnishes when sprinkled over top!

These simple additions can really transform a basic beef gravy into something special – so don’t be afraid to get creative here! With just a few finishing touches, you’ll have created a delicious meal that everyone at the dinner table is sure to enjoy.

Storing And Reheating Tips

Gravy is an essential part of any meal, but it can be tricky to store and reheat. Thankfully, with the right storage and reheating tips, you can ensure your beef gravy stays delicious every time!

First off, let’s talk about storing. The best way to keep your leftovers fresh is by transferring them into an airtight container before placing in the refrigerator or freezer. For maximum flavor retention, try to use up your gravy within two days if stored in the fridge or three months if frozen. Once you’re ready to enjoy it again, make sure to thaw out completely before re-heating on a stovetop over low heat until warmed through.

When reheating gravy, don’t forget that even when heated gently it will still continue to cook a bit – so take care not to overcook! Stir regularly while heating and add a little water as needed for desired consistency. A pinch of salt may also help revive some of the original flavor if needed.

These simple steps will help guarantee that no matter how much time has passed since its creation, your hearty beef gravy will always taste like it was just made!

Serving Suggestions

Now that you know how to store and reheat beef gravy, it’s time to start thinking about the best ways to serve it! Gravy is an incredibly versatile condiment and pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes. Here are some ideas for delicious meals featuring this classic sauce:

  • Roast Beef: Enjoy your beef gravy alongside juicy roast beef and creamy mashed potatoes – a timeless combination sure to impress.
  • Green Beans: For a fresh take on green beans, try topping them with spoonfuls of warm beef gravy. The flavor combo is one-of-a-kind!
  • Soups & Stews: A dollop of rich gravy adds just enough heartiness to any soup or stew recipe, making it perfect for fall nights spent in front of the fireplace.

No matter which way you choose to enjoy your homemade beef gravy, there’s no doubt that its savory taste will make every meal extra special.

Variations On A Classic Recipe

There’s no denying that beef gravy is a classic, but don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen. With just a few simple modifications, you can transform this traditional dish into something totally new. Here are some ideas for spicing up your beef gravy recipe:

  • Asian-Style: For an exotic twist on your favorite sauce, try adding soy sauce and sesame oil to give it an Asian-style flair.
  • Vegetarian-Friendly: If you’re looking for a meatless option, opt for vegetable broth instead of the typical beef stock. You’ll still get all the same deliciousness without any animal products!
  • Cilantro-Infused: Give your gravy a zesty kick by stirring in freshly chopped cilantro leaves. The bright flavor will bring out even more complexity from the other ingredients.

No matter which variation you choose, you won’t be disappointed with these tasty takes on beef gravy!

Substitutions For Common Ingredients

Sometimes it can be tricky to find the perfect ingredients for a recipe, but luckily there are some great gluten-free and dairy-free substitutes that will help you create an amazing beef gravy. Here’s how to make sure your dish is delicious no matter what dietary restrictions you may have:

Gluten-Free Substitutes: To keep this dish gluten free, switch out the flour for arrowroot powder or cornstarch as a thickening agent. This will give you a silky smooth texture without any wheat products.

Dairy-Free Alternatives: If you’re looking for a dairy-free option, opt for almond milk instead of cow’s milk. It has a subtle flavor that won’t overpower the other flavors in the sauce—it’s also incredibly creamy!

Vegan Replacements: For vegans, try substituting vegan butter or coconut oil in place of regular butter. The end result will still be just as rich and flavorful, but with none of the animal byproducts.

With these easy swaps, you’ll be able to enjoy beef gravy regardless of your diet! Now let’s move on to troubleshooting tips so we can ensure our dish turns out perfectly every time.

Troubleshooting Tips

As we move on to troubleshooting tips, it’s important to remember that beef gravy can sometimes be tricky. To ensure your dish turns out perfectly every time, there are a few key steps you should follow.

First, make sure all ingredients are properly combined before adding them to the pan. If any lumps form while stirring, use a whisk or immersion blender until they’re completely dissolved. This will help prevent lumpy gravy!

Another common problem is separating—this happens when too much fat and liquid mix together in the pan. To avoid this issue, reduce the heat slightly and stir often to keep everything evenly distributed. You may also want to add an extra thickening agent like cornstarch or arrowroot powder if needed.

Finally, let the sauce simmer for at least 10 minutes once everything is added so that the flavors have time to meld together and create a truly delicious result! With these simple tricks in mind, you’ll be able to whip up amazing beef gravy each time without fail.

Nutritional Information

When it comes to enjoying beef gravy, there’s no denying that this comfort food is a real treat. Rich and savory with just the right amount of spice, this dish creates an inviting atmosphere for any occasion. But before you indulge in its deliciousness, it’s important to consider the nutritional information behind this tasty meal.

Calorie count can vary depending on what ingredients are used—most recipes will have anywhere between 160-200 calories per serving. With regards to fat content, about 8-10 grams come from each portion size. Fortunately, if you’re looking to reduce your sodium levels then most gravies contain less than 300 milligrams per serving; making them a great choice for those watching their salt intake!

While these numbers may seem high at first glance, don’t forget that smaller servings usually mean fewer calories overall. Enjoying gravy as part of well balanced meals or even reducing ingredient portions when preparing can help keep things under control while still providing enjoyment for all!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Make Beef Gravy?

Cooking is often seen as a creative activity, and making beef gravy is no exception. But one of the most important aspects of cooking that can’t be overlooked is timing – how long does it take to make beef gravy? It’s an important question for any home chef who wants their meal to come out just right.

For starters, it takes between 10-15 minutes to prepare the ingredients needed for a basic beef gravy recipe. The time spent preparing these ingredients should include sautéing onions and garlic in butter or oil until they become fragrant, adding flour to create a roux, then stirring in your favorite stock or broth. Once all of these steps are complete, you’ll need to cook the gravy on low heat until it has thickened properly – usually around 8-12 minutes.

At this point, your delicious beef gravy will be ready! Depending on the type of dish you’re serving with your gravy, you may want to add some finishing touches like herbs or spices before serving. This could potentially add a few extra minutes onto your overall preparation time, so it’s best to factor that into your calculations when determining how long it will take to make beef gravy from start to finish.

No matter what kind of meal you have planned for yourself or your family, understanding how long it takes to make beef gravy ensures that everything will turn out perfect every single time. With just a little bit of patience and practice, anyone can master the art of making delicious homemade gravies in no time!

Is Beef Gravy Gluten-Free?

Is beef gravy gluten-free? It’s a question that many people have asked themselves, like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Like a bright pearl wrapped up in layers of foggy mystery, the answer is often hard to find.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to remain an enigma; with some knowledge and research, you can finally make sense of this conundrum. In order to get to the bottom of this query, let’s dive into what we know about gluten-free beef gravy:

Firstly, there are different types of beef gravies available on the market today which vary in their ingredients. Some may contain wheat flour or other grains containing gluten while others might not. To ensure your beef gravy is free from any trace of gluten, look for labels stating “gluten-free” on the packaging or opt for homemade recipes using only naturally gluten-free ingredients such as butter, stock and spices. Secondly, check if the brand has been certified by organizations like Coeliac UK – they certify products as suitable for those with coeliac disease – so customers can trust them when buying food items labeled ‘gluten-free’. Thirdly, consider making your own recipe at home using only naturally gluten-free ingredients like butter, stock and garlic powder instead of relying on store bought brands; this way you can guarantee that no cross contamination takes place during production process. Last but not least, always read product labels carefully before purchasing anything just in case certain brands add hidden sources of gluten without disclosing them on their label.

By following these steps and taking time to research what goes into your meals – whether eating out or cooking at home – you can confidently enjoy delicious dishes whilst still keeping yourself safe from potential allergens!

Is Beef Gravy Suitable For Vegetarians?

Vegetarians often have a hard time finding meals that fit their dietary requirements. But the question remains: is beef gravy suitable for vegetarians? After all, most gravies tend to include some form of meat or animal by-products, making it difficult to find an option that fits vegetarian needs.

The good news is that there are vegan and vegetarian options available when it comes to beef gravy. Many brands make gluten-free versions of beef gravy made with vegetable stock instead of traditional animal sources. This means you can still enjoy the rich flavor of classic beef gravy without sacrificing your plant-based lifestyle. Furthermore, many companies are now offering organic and non-GMO alternatives as well!

So if you’re looking for a delicious way to add some extra flavor to your favorite dishes while staying true to your diet choices, then look no further than beef gravy. With so many great options on the market today, you’ll be sure to find something that suits both your taste buds and your dietary beliefs. And who knows – maybe one day we’ll even see more vegan varieties popping up in our local grocery stores!

What Type Of Beef Cut Is Best For Beef Gravy?

If you’re looking for the best type of beef cut to make a beef gravy recipe, look no further than the humble beef chuck! This underrated cut is not only packed with flavour, but it’s also incredibly versatile too. You can use it in all sorts of dishes from hearty stews to delicious broths. Not only that, but this cut is also so tender and juicy that your mouth will be watering just thinking about it!

When using beef chuck in your beef gravy recipe, there are several ways you can go about preparing it. To get optimal flavours out of this cut, slow-cooking is always recommended as this gives the meat time to really absorb all those wonderful juices and aromas. Of course, if you want something quicker then simply searing or pan-frying should do the trick – either way you’ll end up with some seriously tasty results!

But what makes beef chuck such an ideal choice for making a great beef gravy? Well firstly, its high fat content ensures that any dish cooked with it comes out extra succulent and juicy – perfect for when you need that rich flavour in your meal. In addition to that, its texture holds up well during cooking which means that all those lovely flavours stay locked in place while still providing plenty of tenderness once served. All these features combine to create one truly sensational result – a perfectly flavoured and sumptuously textured gravy every single time!

So next time you find yourself wanting to whip up a delicious beef gravy recipe, don’t forget about selecting the right cut of meat – give the lowly yet mighty beef chuck a try and see how far it takes your dish! With its unbeatable combination of taste and texture, there’s no denying that after trying it once you’ll be hooked forever more on creating amazing meals like never before.

Does Beef Gravy Require Any Special Equipment?

Making beef gravy can be an intimidating task for many home cooks, but it doesn’t have to be. What kind of special equipment do you need? Let’s take a look at the different types of beef gravy equipment and what they are used for.

First up is a good blender or food processor. This is essential if you want your gravy to be nice and smooth, with no lumps in sight! You’ll also need a whisk or spatula to keep everything mixed together as it cooks on the stovetop. Finally, having a ladle or spoon handy will help make sure that your sauce has just the right consistency when serving.

These three items should cover most of what you need for making beef gravy. Here’s a quick rundown of some of their uses:

  • Blender/Food Processor: Used to blend ingredients into a smooth sauce
  • Whisk/Spatula: Stirring mixture while cooking
  • Ladle/Spoon: Serving portions and checking final texture

Having these pieces of equipment around makes creating delicious homemade gravies much easier – so don’t forget them next time you’re whipping up something savory! With the right tools in hand, anyone can master this classic comfort food in no time.


Making beef gravy can be a speedy and simple process. Preparing the perfect pot of this classic comfort food doesn’t have to take hours, but it does require some basic know-how. Whether you’re cooking for gluten-avoiders, vegetarians or meat lovers alike, there are plenty of ways to make sure your beef gravy turns out delicious every time.

The type of cut makes all the difference when making beef gravy. Choose cuts with more fat, like chuck roast or short ribs for richer flavor and texture that’s hard to beat. You don’t need any fancy kitchen gadgets either; just an appropriate sized pot will do!

In conclusion, if you’ve got the right ingredients on hand and follow a few simple steps, you’ll be able to whip up a batch of savory beef gravy in no time at all. With proper preparation and attention to detail, I guarantee that everyone will be eager for seconds – so why not give it a try?

Beef Gravy Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: MainCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Recipe Summary: This Beef Gravy Recipe is a savory and flavorful way to top off your favorite dishes. It’s made with simple ingredients and is ready in under 30 minutes.


  • 2 tbsp 2 butter

  • 2 tbsp 2 all-purpose flour

  • 2 cups 2 beef broth

  • 2 tbsp 2 Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 tsp 1 garlic powder

  • salt and pepper to taste


  • In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over low heat.
  • Add the flour and stir until it forms a paste.
  • Slowly add the beef broth, whisking continuously to prevent lumps.
  • Add the Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
  • Increase the heat to medium and bring the mixture to a simmer.
  • Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Remove from heat and serve.