betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe

Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe is a favorite among bakers and cookie-lovers alike. For many of us, it evokes memories of childhood baking experiences in the kitchen with family members. Whether you’re an experienced baker or just getting started, this delicious recipe will have friends and family asking for seconds!

Making Betty Crocker’s classic chocolate chip cookies doesn’t require any special skills or expertise – all you need are a few simple ingredients to get these tasty treats ready in no time at all. Plus, they’re so easy that even kids can help out! You’ll be surprised how quickly everyone falls in love with these chewy, chocolaty snacks.

So if you’re looking for a fun activity to share with your loved ones while also creating something yummy, why not try making some homemade Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies? It’s sure to bring smiles and satisfaction to those around you – plus maybe a few extra cookie crumbs too!

Overview Of Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies

betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe-make your next batch of homemade cookies extra special with betty crocker's chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe-Make your next batch of homemade cookies extra special with Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe.

There’s something special about a classic chocolate chip cookie. A warm, chewy bite of nostalgia that can bring us right back to childhood days spent in the kitchen with our grandmothers. Betty Crocker has been providing just such an experience for generations – her beloved chocolate chip cookie recipe is as timeless and beloved today as it was when she first published it decades ago.

This classic recipe from Betty Crocker will give you the same delicious results every time: soft on the inside, crisp on the outside, and overflowing with rich chocolate flavor. This tried-and-true favorite never gets old, so let’s begin by gathering all the ingredients we need to make these delightful treats right now!

Ingredients Needed

Making the perfect chocolate chip cookies is all about getting the ingredients just right. Let’s start with what we need:

  • 2 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips

To make sure our cookie dough has that classic sweetness and flavor, we’ll also incorporate a simple sugar syrup made from equal parts of water and white sugar. The addition of this special ingredient takes our recipe to the next level! Finally, for an extra burst of flavor, we will add one teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. With these key components in tow, we are ready to move on to forming our delicious cookie dough.


Making the perfect chocolate chip cookies is like an art form–you have to get each element just right for a masterpiece of delectable deliciousness. Let’s start with bringing our ingredients together and following the baking instructions:

First, preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, cream butter until it becomes light and fluffy. Add in sugars and vanilla extract; beat until well blended. Beat in eggs one at a time until fully incorporated. Gradually add dry ingredients into wet ingredients while stirring constantly. Finally, stir in chocolate chips by hand using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.

Now that we are all mixed up let’s move on to forming our cookie dough balls! Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper then scoop out rounded tablespoonfuls of dough onto them about 2 inches apart from each other. For perfectly round cookies use a small ice cream scoop instead of tablespoons. With our preparation complete, it’s time to put these tasty treats in the oven and watch them transform into golden brown morsels of yumminess!

Baking Tips

Baking cookies is an art form and there are a few tips to make sure your treats turn out perfectly every time.

First, it’s important to keep the baking temperature consistent throughout the process. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) before placing cookie dough on parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Make sure not to open the oven door too often while baking as this can cause uneven cooking and result in floppy or underdone cookies!

Second, consider shaping your cookies for added texture and visual appeal. Scoop out rounded tablespoonfuls of dough onto lined baking sheets about 2 inches apart from each other. For perfectly round cookies use a small ice cream scoop instead of tablespoons (or try making them into fun shapes with cookie cutters!).

Third, pay attention to how long you bake your cookies. Depending on the size of your cookie dough balls, they should bake between 8–12 minutes until golden brown around the edges but still slightly soft when touched in center. As soon as you take them out of the oven let them cool down for two minutes then transfer carefully onto wire racks for further cooling. If left too long in hot oven they will become crispy and harden up quickly – so timing is key here! Here’s a list of things to watch out for when baking chocolate chip cookies:

  1. The right baking temperature – 375°F (190°C).
  2. Shape cookie dough balls consistently using either tablespoons or an ice cream scoop
  3. Don’t open the oven door too often during baking process
  4. Take them out once they have reached golden brown colour around edges yet remain slightly soft when touched in center
    These helpful tips will guarantee that deliciousness awaits after each batch!

Variations On The Recipe

If you’re looking for some fun variations on the classic chocolate chip cookie recipe, then look no further! There are so many different recipes that can be created with a few simple ingredient swaps.

For those seeking a gluten-free twist to their cookies, swap out the regular all-purpose flour in this recipe for an equal amount of almond or coconut flour and add a teaspoon of baking powder. The result will be chewy gluten-free treats that everyone can enjoy!

Oatmeal raisin fans should try subbing half of the semi-sweet chocolate chips in this recipe with plump raisins and adding 1/2 cup of rolled oats. This variation is sure to please even the pickiest eaters!

And last but not least, brownie lovers rejoice – it’s possible to transform these yummy chocolate chip cookies into rich and decadent brownies by swapping out the semi-sweet chips with dark cocoa powder (1/3 cup) and increasing the butter from 3 tablespoons to 6 tablespoons. Ready to satisfy your sweet tooth?

With just a few easy changes, you can create delicious new desserts that have something special for everyone. So get creative and let your imagination run wild as you experiment with flavors!

Nutritional Benefits

betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe-make your next batch of homemade cookies extra special with betty crocker's chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Ghirardelli Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

It’s no secret that the classic chocolate chip cookie recipe is a treat for all ages. But what may come as a surprise is that there are plenty of ways to make this delicious dessert even healthier! With some simple ingredient swaps, you can create healthy-alternatives to traditional recipes without sacrificing any flavor.

For starters, try swapping out the white sugar and semi-sweet chips in this recipe with nutritious alternatives like coconut palm sugar or dark cocoa powder. Not only will these substitutions give your cookies an added boost of flavor, but they’ll also provide essential dietary nutrients like magnesium, zinc, iron and fiber.

In addition to adding nutrition benefits, there are other ingredients that can be swapped into the mix such as nut butter or flaxseed meal – both of which provide healthy fats and fiber while still satisfying those sweet tooth cravings. Plus, if you’re looking for dairy-free options then simply replace the regular butter with vegan margarine or applesauce for a tasty alternative.

No matter how you choose to tweak this classic recipe, it’s important to remember that small changes can have big impacts on the overall nutritional value of your desserts – so don’t forget to experiment with different flavors and ingredients!

Alternatives To Chocolate Chips

If you’re looking for an interesting twist on the classic chocolate chip cookie recipe, then look no further! There are plenty of alternative ingredients that can be added to give your cookies a unique flavor. For instance, try swapping out the semi-sweet chips with carob chips which provide a deep chocolaty taste but contain far less sugar than standard cocoa powder.

Or if you prefer something sweeter, why not add some peanut butter or butterscotch chips? Both of these options offer a delicious nutty sweetness that is sure to please even the pickiest eaters. Plus, they’ll still provide all of the nutrition benefits from traditional recipes without overloading on sugar or fat.

These alternatives will work just as well in any recipe and can turn this classic treat into something new and exciting every time. So don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different flavors – you never know what kind of tasty combination awaits your tastebuds!

Substitutions For Butter

betty crocker chocolate chip cookie recipe-make your next batch of homemade cookies extra special with betty crocker's chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe-Make your next batch of homemade cookies extra special with Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe.

If you’d like to make your chocolate chip cookies without the use of butter, there are a few delicious substitutions that can give you equally tasty results. By using dairy-free alternatives such as coconut oil or vegetable shortening, it’s possible to create a nutritionally balanced recipe with no added fat. Here are three excellent options for making butter-free cookies:

1) Coconut Oil – This vegan-friendly option provides plenty of flavor and texture while also offering essential fatty acids that will help keep your baked goods moist and flavorful. Plus, it has been found to reduce cholesterol levels in some cases!

2) Vegetable Shortening – Similar to coconut oil, this ingredient is made from plant oils which makes it suitable for those who follow a plant-based diet. It’s also lower in saturated fats than traditional butter so it won’t leave your cookie dough feeling greasy after baking.

3) Non-Dairy Butter Substitute – If you need something even closer to the real thing, then try out one of the many non-dairy margarine products on the market today. These spreads have all the same properties as regular butter but with none of the cholesterol or lactose content which might be problematic for certain diets.

These substitutes can provide an easy way to enjoy classic recipes without worrying about unhealthy ingredients. So don’t be afraid to experiment until you find just what works best for your taste buds! With these versatile options, creating delicious treats free from animal byproducts has never been easier – now let’s move onto egg substitutes!

Substitutions For Eggs

When it comes to making eggless chocolate chip cookies, there are several options available. Whether you’re vegan or simply want to reduce the amount of cholesterol in your baking, substituting eggs can be a great way to create delicious treats without compromising on flavor. Here’s a look at some of the best ingredients for replicating an egg-like texture and flavor:

1) Egg Replacer – Available from most health food stores, these mixes usually come as either powders or liquids that act like eggs when added to recipes. They’re often made with various starches such as tapioca or potato starch which help bind together baked goods while adding moisture.

2) Vegan Egg Substitute – Made by combining vital wheat gluten with starch, this unique ingredient creates an “eggy” consistency perfect for vegan desserts. Simply mix equal parts of each component until they form a paste-like substance – then add it into your batter just as you would a regular egg!

3) Flaxseed Meal – This superfood is full of omega fatty acids and provides countless health benefits too. By mixing one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds with three tablespoons of water per large egg called for in the recipe, you’ll get similar results without all the animal products.

Each alternative has its own unique properties which means that getting creative with your recipes could result in even tastier treats than usual! With so many options out there, producing delectable cookie creations sans eggs doesn’t have to be difficult – now let’s move onto recommended storage methods…

Recommended Storage Methods

When it comes to storing your delicious chocolate chip cookies, having the right storage methods is key. Properly stored homemade treats can last up to four days at room temperature and two weeks in the refrigerator! Additionally, you can freeze them for a few months if needed – just make sure to wrap them airtight in freezer-safe packaging first. On average, Americans consume around 300 cookies per year – that’s roughly three times more than they did 30 years ago.

One of the best ways to ensure your cookies stay fresh is by using an airtight container like Tupperware or a Mason jar with a tight fitting lid. This will prevent moisture from getting into the cookie mix which could otherwise lead to mold growth and spoilage. If you plan on gifting some of your creations, consider wrapping each one individually before packing them away in boxes or gift baskets. For easier transport, try putting batches in resealable plastic bags; this way they won’t get crushed during travel either!

TIP: To keep your chocolate chips as crisp as possible over time, place half of them between layers of wax paper then store these separately from the rest of the batch until ready to use. Doing so will help reduce clumping while preserving their flavor and texture too!

Food Safety Considerations

It’s important to take precautions when handling any type of food, and cookies are no exception. Food safety is an essential part of ensuring that you and your loved ones don’t get sick from consuming these treats. Properly storing homemade goodies can reduce the risk of bacteria growth such as salmonella or E-coli, which can be major contributors to foodborne illnesses.

When it comes to safe handling, always wash your hands before preparing cookie batter or dough. Additionally, make sure all surfaces where ingredients will come into contact with have been sanitized first. While baking, use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature – chocolate chip cookies should reach at least 165°F in order for them to be safely eaten without worry!

Lastly, store freshly baked goods in the refrigerator right away; this will prevent spoilage and keep everyone healthy while they enjoy their delicious creations. With proper storage methods and safe handling practices in place, there’s nothing stopping you from serving up the perfect batch of Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Serving Suggestions

Now that you have your batch of Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies ready to go, it’s time for the fun part: presenting them! After all, presentation is key when it comes to making a great impression on guests. There are several ways to serve these tasty treats in style; here are some ideas to get started.

For starters, why not try pairing the cookies with delicious accompaniments such as ice cream or fruit? This will add an extra layer of flavor and texture that can really elevate the taste experience. Also consider creating dessert platters out of different kinds of cookies – from chocolate chip to oatmeal raisin – which can make for a visually stunning display!

TIP: Make sure all ingredients used in cookie pairings are fresh and haven’t been exposed to potential contamination sources like pests or unclean surfaces. That way, everyone can enjoy their snacks without worrying about any health risks.

With these serving suggestions in mind, you’re now well-equipped to whip up something special that’ll make your guests smile. So gather those ingredients and get baking – we guarantee they won’t be disappointed!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Common Issues
When making Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies, there are a few common issues that may arise. Fortunately, these can be easily addressed with the right troubleshooting tips and techniques. Here’s what you need to know:

Cookie Texture: If your cookies come out too dry or crumbly, it could mean that either not enough butter was used or the oven temperature wasn’t hot enough. To fix this issue, try adding a bit more butter or increasing the heat slightly for your next batch of cookies.

Cooking Time: It’s important to note that different ovens will require different baking times; check on your cookies regularly to make sure they don’t burn. If you find yourself needing extra time in order to achieve the desired texture, consider decreasing the amount of dough per cookie so that they bake faster. Additionally, lightly greasing the baking sheet before placing the dough can also help speed up cooking time.

In addition to these points, if you find yourself having other issues while making Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies – such as uneven sizes or batches turning out differently from each other – then feel free to experiment with variations in ingredients and methods until you get them exactly how you want them!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
When it comes to Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies, there are a few common questions that many people have. To help you troubleshoot and perfect your cookie-baking skills, here are some of the most frequently asked questions answered:

What Is A Good Butter Substitute? If you’re looking for an alternative butter substitute, try using a plant-based margarine or coconut oil instead. Both options will work just as well as regular butter but provide a healthier alternative if desired. However, bear in mind that these substitutes may require slightly different cooking times than what is specified in the recipe.

How Do I Make My Cookies More Chewy On The Inside? For chewier cookies on the inside, try adding more brown sugar than white sugar to the recipe – this will add extra moisture and result in a softer texture overall. Additionally, decreasing baking time by 2-3 minutes can also help achieve this effect!

TIP: Once your cookies have finished baking, let them cool down completely before transferring them onto cooling racks so they maintain their shape and don’t break apart. This way, you can enjoy perfectly chewy chocolate chip cookies every time!


When it comes to cookie-making, Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies stand out as one of the most iconic sweets in history. From their delicious taste and chewy texture to their perfect balance of sweetness and chocolatey goodness, these cookies are truly a treat for all ages! Not only do they bring joy with each bite but they also have an undeniable charm that makes them special – no matter where you’re from or what type of lifestyle you lead. Whether you’re looking for a tasty snack or something to share with family and friends, there is no better option than Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies! So why not take some time today to enjoy this timeless classic? Bake up a batch of freshly baked cookies and savor every moment as you experience the true pleasure of cookie-enjoyment. The unique flavor combination will transport your palate through centuries of cookie-history while giving you that feeling of pure bliss we all know so well. There’s nothing like it – just give it a try and see for yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible To Make The Cookies Vegan?

Are you looking for a vegan-friendly cookie recipe? If so, then it is indeed possible to make delicious chocolate chip cookies without any animal products. However, finding the perfect egg-replacement can be tricky and requires some experimentation. Here are five tips that will help you create a vegan version of Betty Crocker’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe:

1) Use a plant-based milk as an egg replacement – this works best with almond or oat milk;
2) Try using applesauce or mashed banana instead of eggs;
3) Replace butter with vegetable oil such coconut or olive oil;
4) Look for vegan-friendly sugar varieties such as organic cane sugar or date sugar;
5) Experiment with different flours like whole wheat flour or spelt flour.

These ingredients may take some getting used to, but they offer new possibilities in terms of texture and flavor when baking. Furthermore, by substituting these items for traditional ingredients, you’re helping reduce your environmental footprint while still enjoying delicious desserts!

Creating vegan versions of classic recipes doesn’t just benefit vegans who follow a strict vegan diet – everyone can enjoy the taste and health benefits that come from incorporating more plant-based alternatives into their diets. So why not give it a try? With some careful consideration regarding ingredient replacements, there’s no reason why you won’t be able to enjoy homemade vegan chocolate chip cookies soon!

Can I Use A Stand Mixer To Mix The Ingredients?

Mixing ingredients for baking can be an arduous task, with over 80% of American households owning at least one stand mixer. So it’s no wonder many individuals ask if they can use a stand mixer to make beloved treats like cookies.

A stand mixer is ideal for making vegan cookies as the dough requires more mixing and kneading than traditional recipes that call for butter or eggs. Stand mixers have come a long way since their invention in 1885; now you can easily add other ingredients such as dried fruit into your recipe without having to worry about over-mixing the batter.

Using a stand mixer also allows you to control how much air gets added to the cookie mixture, which results in soft and chewy textures – perfect for Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe! And because the machine does all of the hard work, there’s less mess left behind on countertops and bowls when compared to using hand mixers or electric whisks.

So if you’re looking for a convenient option that promises delicious results every time, try out using a stand mixer for your next batch of vegan cookies – you won’t regret it!

What Are The Best Type Of Chocolate Chips To Use?

Which type of chocolate chips are the best to use when baking cookies? It’s a question that any passionate baker will struggle with. There’s so many delicious options – milk chocolate, dark chocolate and semi-sweet! So which should you choose for your cookie recipe?

If you’re looking for a classic flavor then milk chocolate is always an excellent choice. This sweet variety gives your cookies just enough sweetness without being too overpowering. Milk chocolate also pairs well with other ingredients like nuts or caramel bits, adding texture and complexity to the final product.

On the other hand, if you want something more intense in terms of taste then dark chocolate is definitely worth considering. Its bold flavor complements savory elements such as sea salt or even chili powder very nicely. Dark chocolate can add depth to your cookie recipe while still providing sweetness on the palate.

Finally, if neither of those sound quite right for your creation then consider semi-sweet chips; they offer something between the two extremes and make for a unique combination within baked goods. Semi-sweet chips are incredibly versatile and can be used in various recipes depending on what flavors you’d like to achieve. Whichever type of chip you decide on, it’s sure to bring deliciousness to your finished product!

How Many Cookies Can I Make With This Recipe?

Cookies are a classic treat that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. How many cookies you’ll get from your recipe depends on the size and shape of the cookie as well as how much dough you use per cookie. To determine an accurate cookie yield estimate, it’s important to understand what factors go into a successful batch.

When making cookies, there are several things to consider when estimating how many will come out of a given recipe. The size and thickness of each cookie is one factor; for example, if you make smaller or thinner cookies then the yield will likely be higher than with larger ones. Additionally, the amount of dough used per cookie also plays a role in determining the overall yield – more dough equals fewer but bigger cookies, while less dough yields more but smaller treats. Finally, the type of oven being used could have an effect on baking times and thus impact the number of finished goodies at the end.

Knowing these variables can help you determine how many cookies your Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe will produce – just keep track of how much total dough was used along with adjusting sizes accordingly and voila! You’ll have a good idea about the actual cookie yield before ever firing up your oven. So don’t worry: even if measurements aren’t exact, this handy guide should put you in position to enjoy plenty freshly-baked deliciousness soon enough!

Can I Add Dried Fruit To The Cookie Dough?

Did you know that over 60% of cookies contain some type of dried fruit? Whether it’s raisins, cranberries or dates, adding dried fruits to cookie dough can take your baking from ordinary to extraordinary. The current H2 asks if one can add dried fruit when making Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe – and the answer is a resounding yes!

When making this particular recipe, it’s important to consider what type of dried-fruit-cookies you’d like to make. Different types of dried fruits offer different flavor profiles and texture variations. For example, using cranberry in the cookie dough will give it a tartness while using apricot will provide an extra sweetness with subtle hints of citrus. Once you’ve decided on which kind of dried fruit to use, there are several ways to incorporate it into the cookie dough for optimal results.

Adding dried fruit doesn’t have to be complicated; all you need is the right equipment and knowledge about how adding-dried-fruit works best with each type of cookie-dough-fruit concoction. To start off, cut up the chosen dried fruit into small pieces so they’re evenly distributed throughout the batter. If desired, lightly coat them in flour before mixing them in order to prevent clumping together during baking time. This simple step helps ensure that every bite contains bits of delicious juicy goodness – perfect for any sweet tooth craving!

Using these tips as guidelines, anyone can create their own unique version of Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe by simply incorporating a few choice ingredients such as drying fruits. Who knows – maybe even yours could become a classic favorite among family and friends!


I’m sure you’re ready to get started baking these delicious, Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies! After all the questions I’ve answered about vegan options, stand mixers, chocolate chips, cookie yield and dried fruit additions; my advice is simple. Get your ingredients together, gather up some friends or family for help if necessary, turn on some music and have fun making those cookies!

The process may feel daunting at first but it’s really not that difficult. Plus, think of how amazing it’ll be when you bite into one of those warm gooey morsels of chocolaty goodness! I promise you won’t regret taking the time to make them – even if they don’t come out perfect; there’s still a great satisfaction in having made something with your own two hands.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get baking! And remember: practice makes progress so don’t be afraid of experimenting and trying different things until you find the combination that works best for me. Enjoy!

Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This recipe for Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies will provide delicious and classic chocolate chip cookies with a chewy and soft center and a slightly crunchy exterior.


  • 2 1/4 cup 2 1/4 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1 tsp 1 salt

  • 1 cup 1 (2 sticks) butter, softened

  • 3/4 cup 3/4 granulated sugar

  • 3/4 cup 3/4 packed brown sugar

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla

  • 2 2 large eggs

  • 2 cup 2 (12-oz. pkg.) semi-sweet chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 375°F.
  • In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.
  • In a large bowl, beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs.
  • Gradually add flour mixture, beating until well blended. Stir in chocolate chips.
  • Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheets.
  • Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 1 minute on baking sheets; remove to wire rack. Cool completely.