bisquick dessert recipe-discover the perfect bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.

Bisquick Dessert Recipe

Are you looking for a dessert that’ll make your taste buds tingle? Do you need something to impress family and friends with, but don’t have the time or energy to put together an elaborate dish? Well, look no further! Bisquick desserts are easy to make and even easier to enjoy.

From cakes to pies to pancakes—there’s nothing this magical mix can’t do. And best of all, it doesn’t take hours slaving in the kitchen. In just minutes (and with minimal effort) you can whip up delicious treats everyone will love. So get ready for some serious satisfaction; we’ve got amazing Bisquick recipes coming right up!

Don’t worry if you’re not a whiz in the kitchen; these dishes couldn’t be simpler. Whether you’re baking newbie or seasoned chef, they’ll bring smiles to faces young and old. So grab your ingredients, preheat the oven, and let’s get started on creating some delectable delights!


“Easy as pie” is an adage that comes to mind when talking about baking with Bisquick. Making a delectable dessert is simple and fast using this versatile ingredient. With just a few additional items, you can create delicious recipes for all occasions!

When it comes to making desserts with Bisquick, there are plenty of options available. You could make a classic crumble or cobbler, or if you’re feeling adventurous get creative and try something new like a deep-dish apple tart or lemon meringue cake. No matter which recipe you choose, the ingredients will be easy to find in any grocery store. Plus, most require minimal effort—so your time in the kitchen will be limited.

Whether you’re looking for quick treats after dinner or fancy cakes for special events, creating amazing bisquick desserts is easier than ever before. All you need is some imagination (and perhaps a little sugar!) and soon enough you’ll have masterpieces ready for everyone to enjoy. So let’s get started with learning more about the ingredients we need to create these mouthwatering delights!


bisquick dessert recipe-discover the perfect bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.
Bisquick Dessert Recipe-Discover the perfect Bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! Our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.

All right, let’s get baking! The first step to crafting a bisquick dessert is gathering the necessary ingredients. Thankfully, this list usually isn’t too long or expensive. All you need is Bisquick mix and some other basic items that can be found in nearly any kitchen pantry: butter, sugar, eggs, milk, and flavoring such as vanilla extract. Depending on what type of recipe you’re making, additional items like fresh fruit might also be needed.

Once you have all your ingredients together, it’s time to move onto utensils. This is an important part of the process because using the correct tools will help create delicious desserts with ease. From whisks for whipping cream to spatulas for spreading batter evenly—it pays off to set aside a few minutes to make sure everything is ready before beginning your masterpiece.

With that said, don’t forget about one key thing – having fun! Baking should bring joy into our lives so don’t worry if something doesn’t turn out perfectly at first try; mistakes are a natural part of cooking and learning how things work in the kitchen! Now grab those measuring cups and spoons– we’ve got recipes to whip up!

Utensils Needed

Baking isn’t just about having the right ingredients, it’s also about having the correct utensils. Contrary to popular belief, baking doesn’t require fancy kitchen gadgets; in fact, all you really need is a few basic tools! Imagine how quickly and easily you could whip up a batch of delicious bisquick desserts with just a mixing bowl, measuring cup, whisk, spatula, and baking pan.

Ready to get started? Let’s go through each tool one-by-one so that you know exactly what to look for when stocking your pantry. First on the list are measuring cups – these small, stackable containers come in different sizes and can be used to accurately measure out liquid or dry ingredients like sugar or flour. A good set will include both standard (cup) measurements as well as metric units (milliliters).

Next comes the trusty whisk – an essential kitchen tool that helps blend wet ingredients together smoothly. Whisks range from simple balloon whisks perfect for whipping cream to more complex models suited for combining thick batters without clumps. And finally, there’s the all-important baking pan: this flat surface made of metal or glass is ideal for spreading batter evenly before popping into the oven. Throw in a sturdy spatula too—it always comes in handy while stirring and scraping bowls clean!

With these basics taken care of, all that’s left is finding some time to start creating those yummy treats!

Preparation Time

Now that you have all the necessary utensils, it’s time to get down to business! It’s important to take preparation into account when baking – after all, a rushed recipe can spell disaster for any dessert. So let’s do a quick time assessment and see how long this project will take.

The most time consuming part of making bisquick desserts is measuring out your ingredients accurately—for instance, if you need 1 cup of sugar and only use 3/4 cups instead, the entire batch could be ruined! Thankfully, with careful attention and an accurate set of measuring cups, this process shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes or so.

Whisking together wet ingredients also takes some timing estimation; it helps to start slow at first then gradually increase speed as everything starts to come together. Generally speaking, combining wet elements should not exceed 5 minutes (unless you’re making something particularly thick). And finally there’s oven prep—which doesn’t require much effort beyond preheating and greasing your pan. All in all, we’re looking at approximately 15-20 minutes until your treat is ready for its grand debut!

Let’s put our estimates into action now by taking a look at the step-by-step directions…

Step-By-Step Directions

Ready to get baking? Here’s your step-by-step guide to making a delicious bisquick dessert! According to the experts, following recipe steps precisely is key – after all, even the slightest deviation can result in disaster. So grab your measuring cups and let’s dive right in!

First things first – preparing ingredients. This means measuring out each item as accurately as possible (here’s where those 10 minutes come into play!). Once you have everything ready, gradually combine wet ingredients with a whisk until fully blended together for about 5 minutes. Next comes the oven prep: preheat it to 350°F and grease your pan of choice thoroughly. Now that everything is set, pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown on top.

With any luck, these instructions should be enough to help you create a sweet treat worthy of praise! Remember though—there are always variations of the recipe available if you’d like to change up the flavor profile or add an extra dimension. Let’s take a look at some of these options now…

Variations Of The Recipe

bisquick dessert recipe-discover the perfect bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.
Bisquick Dessert Recipe-Discover the perfect Bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! Our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.

Now that you’ve got the basics of the bisquick dessert down, it’s time to get creative! If you’re looking for a way to spice up your dish, there are plenty of variations to choose from. From fruits and nuts to spices and extracts, these tweaks can help take your treat from ordinary to extraordinary.

Let’s start with adding some crunchy texture. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, macadamias or pecans make great additions – just toss ‘em in after combining the wet ingredients together. Or if you prefer something sweeter, try throwing in some dried fruit like cranberries or raisins before baking. For an extra punch of flavor, add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon or nutmeg with the dry ingredients – this will really bring out the sweetness in each bite!

And don’t forget about extract flavors either – they can be added along with the wet ingredients for a unique twist on traditional recipes. You could go classic (vanilla) or experiment with almond, coconut or even peppermint – whatever suits your taste buds best!

Once you’ve found a combination that works for you, it’ll be time to serve up your masterpiece…

Serving Suggestions

In the culinary world, presentation is just as important as taste. Serving your bisquick dessert with some thoughtfully chosen accompaniments can elevate it from an ordinary treat to a cherished mealtime experience.

Think of creating an inviting dessert platter – start by arranging small slices of the dish on individual plates for each guest. For added texture and visual appeal, scatter colorful fresh fruits or crunchy nuts around the plate. You could also include a dollop of whipped cream or homemade ice cream alongside – this will really tie everything together! To complete the look, why not set out a few sprigs of mint leaves? They’ll add both flavor and charm to any table setting.

But no matter what you choose for garnishings, remember that simple ingredients are often best when they come together in harmony – so take your time creating those perfect pairings, and enjoy the process along the way!

Nutritional Benefits

If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to traditional sugary desserts, then bisquick is the perfect choice. It’s gluten-free and low in sugar – so it won’t spike your blood glucose levels after eating. Plus, with its high fiber content, this delicious treat will help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on indulging! By using natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup instead of white processed sugar, you can still enjoy all the flavor without any of the guilt. You could also make use of beneficial fats like nuts, avocado or coconut oil; these are not only tasty but also provide essential fatty acids which can boost heart health. And if you want an extra zingy kick to your dessert – why not try adding some freshly squeezed citrus juice?

So whether you’re trying to reduce refined sugars from your diet or just looking for something special to share with friends and family – there are plenty of ways to get creative with bisquick while keeping things nutritious too!

Substitutions For Special Diets

Making desserts that are free of gluten, dairy and nuts can seem like a daunting task. But with the help of bisquick, it doesn’t have to be! Like a chef preparing an exquisite meal in their kitchen, you too can whip up amazing sweet treats without having to worry about any food allergies.

For those looking for alternative substitutes for gluten-free baking, there are plenty of options available. Almond flour is one great choice; it has a light texture which makes it perfect for cakes and muffins. Coconut flour is another option – its natural sweetness combined with its high fiber content make this an ideal ingredient for baking delicious cookies or brownies. And if neither these two suit your fancy, then using cornstarch as a thickener will also do the trick!

But whatever ingredients you decide on – making sure the measurements are exact is key to creating tasty treats everyone can enjoy. Here’s a handy 3 step list: 1) Measure all dry goods precisely (if substituting other flours for wheat/bisquick use ¾ cup per cup). 2) Use only room temperature ingredients when mixing together batters and doughs; cold ingredients may cause lumps which won’t bake evenly. 3) Add additional liquids such as milk or water sparingly; adding too much liquid can lead to dense results rather than fluffy confections.

With these tips and tricks in mind, even novice bakers can create mouthwatering masterpieces from scratch without sacrificing taste or nutrition!

Tips For Baking Successfully

Baking success is all about following the right steps, and that starts with proper preparation. Before you even begin measuring ingredients or preheating your oven, be sure to read through the recipe thoroughly so there are no surprises down the road! Once you’ve got a handle on what needs to be done, it’s time to start gathering materials – like bowls, measuring cups/spoons, spatulas and mixers.

When it comes to getting everything just right in terms of baking temperature and measuring ingredients accurately, making sure not to cut corners will pay off big time. Preheat your oven before adding any batters or doughs; this will give them enough time to turn out perfectly cooked treats every time. And don’t forget to double check measurements when portioning out liquids such as milk or oil – a little bit too much can ruin an otherwise delicious treat!

Finally, if you’re ever in doubt while baking– use your nose! A sweet aroma coming from the oven usually means whatever’s inside is turning out great! With these tips in mind, you’ll have nothing but tasty desserts coming out of your kitchen each and every time.

Storage And Reheating Instructions

Storing and reheating your delightful desserts don’t have to be difficult. With the right instructions, you’ll never worry about how to keep your treats fresh for days on end.

First off, it’s important to cool down any baked goods before storing them away – otherwise condensation might form inside the container making your treat soggy or stale. Once cooled, wrap up each piece individually in foil or store in an air-tight container. This will help prevent excess moisture from getting in and ruining all that hard work!

When it comes time to enjoy a second helping of deliciousness, make sure not to overheat those goodies! Turn on the oven just low enough so that your sweets warm up gently without burning them. You can also opt for microwaving if you’re short on time – but remember that some desserts may not turn out quite as good as when they were freshly made.
TIP: To ensure the best results when reheating, skip the microwave altogether if possible and use an oven instead!

Decorating Ideas

bisquick dessert recipe-discover the perfect bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.
Bisquick Dessert Recipe-Discover the perfect Bisquick dessert recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth! Our collection of delicious recipes includes cakes, pies, bars, and more.

Making your desserts look as good as they taste can be just as enjoyable! With a few simple decorating techniques, you’ll have even the pickiest guests in awe of your culinary creations. Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Cake Decorating:
  • Experiment with different frosting techniques like piping or drizzling for an eye-catching finish.
  • Add fresh fruit and edible flowers as accents to give it that extra oomph.
  • Dessert Plating:
  • Create beautiful arrangements by grouping together similar items on one plate.
  • Use fun props such as slates or stands to give each dish its own unique presentation.

No matter what style you choose for plating, always keep in mind how color combinations will come into play – try mixing lighter and darker shades for maximum impact! And don’t forget about texture – adding crunchy elements like nuts or chocolate chips will make every bite interesting and exciting. But whatever you do, remember not to overdo it – too much decoration can take away from the natural beauty of the dessert itself.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Now that you’ve got some ideas for decorating your desserts, let’s take a look at the basics of making them with Bisquick. Baking is an art form and it can be tricky to get just right – so avoiding common mistakes is key if you want delicious results every time! Here are some tips to help make sure your dessert preparation goes off without a hitch:

  • Read the instructions carefully before beginning any recipe. Measure out all ingredients accurately and double-check measurements when it comes to baking powder or soda. You don’t want too much (or too little) in there as this will affect how your dessert turns out!
  • Use room temperature ingredients such as butter, milk, eggs and Bisquick mix for best results. Cold ingredients won’t emulsify properly which could lead to lumpy batters or tough textures.
  • Don’t overmix the ingredients once they have been combined together – this can create dense cakes or muffins that lack air pockets which give baked goods their lightness. A few lumps here and there are normal but vigorous stirring should be avoided unless instructed otherwise.

By following these simple guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating delectable treats made from Bisquick that everyone will love!

Troubleshooting Problems

When it comes to baking, things don’t always go as planned. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro in the kitchen, there may come a time when your dessert recipes just aren’t coming out right. Don’t panic – this is where troubleshooting can save the day!

The first step in tackling any baking problems is to figure out exactly what went wrong so that you can avoid making the same mistake next time. Did you accidentally use too much Bisquick? Or maybe you didn’t leave enough room for air pockets during mixing? The key is to identify and address any issues before they become bigger problems. For instance, if something has been overmixed then adding an extra egg white or two can help give lightness back to the batter.

No matter how small (or big) the problem may seem at first glance, remember that it’s usually possible to fix whatever issue arises with some quick troubleshooting techniques. So take a deep breath and get ready for action – armed with these tips, your desserts will be better than ever before!

Creative Uses For Leftovers

Now that you’ve conquered your baking problems with a little troubleshooting, it’s time to get creative. Leftover Bisquick can be used in so many delicious dessert recipes – the possibilities are endless! Here are four ideas for what to do with those extra ingredients:

  1. Make some tasty muffins or biscuits; just add sugar and cinnamon for an extra kick of flavor.
  2. Whip up a batch of cookie bars with melted chocolate chips and marshmallows.
  3. Create mini-pies by pressing the dough into cupcake tins and filling them with fruit preserves or jam.
  4. Top off pancakes or waffles with fresh fruits like strawberries and blueberries, or even some chopped nuts for crunchiness.
    No matter which route you end up taking, one thing is certain – there is always something sweet and yummy waiting to be made from leftover Bisquick! So don’t let these ingredients go to waste – start experimenting today and see where your culinary creativity takes you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Other Ingredients Can I Use To Make The Bisquick Dessert?

Have you ever looked in your pantry and thought: ‘What can I make with the ingredients that I have?’. Chances are, if you’ve got Bisquick – a flour-based baking mix – on hand then it’s time to get creative! If you’re looking for an endless array of ideas on how to use Bisquick as a dessert base, this article is here to help.

From fruits to nuts to syrups and beyond, there’s no end of options when it comes to crafting a delicious Bisquick treat. Consider using fresh or frozen fruit as a topping – strawberries, blueberries, peaches or even cherries would all work wonderfully. Nuts add great texture along with some healthy fats; try walnuts, almonds, macadamias or cashews. To give the dish a sweet finish, drizzle honey or maple syrup over top – yum!

Making something delicious out of what you already have doesn’t have to be hard. All these possibilities should give you plenty of inspiration so why not grab those ingredients and get cooking! Who knows where your creativity will take you next time you need a quick fix…dessert style.

Is There A Vegan Version Of This Recipe?

Are you looking for a vegan version of your favorite dessert? If so, you may want to try out this delicious Bisquick Dessert Recipe. There are plenty of ways to make the classic dish without the use of animal products.

If you don’t have much experience cooking with plant-based ingredients, fear not! This recipe is easy enough for even novice chefs. All you need to do is replace traditional dairy products with non-dairy replacements – such as almond milk or coconut cream instead of cow’s milk and vegan margarine in place of butter. Plus, it won’t take long to prepare since Bisquick makes the process incredibly simple.

So if you’re craving something sweet but want to stick to vegan dishes, why not give this Bisquick Dessert Recipe a go? You’ll be surprised at how tasty it turns out – just remember that substitutions can make all the difference when it comes to creating an amazing plant-based meal!

What Is The Best Way To Store The Finished Dessert?

As with all food items, the best way to store a dessert recipe is of great importance. But what makes the storage of bisquick desserts different from other recipes? Is it special ingredients or methods? Fortunately, there are some simple and straightforward tips you can use to store your delicious bisquick desserts for later enjoyment. Here is a list of 4 must-follow rules when storing any type of dessert recipe:
1) Immediately refrigerate leftover portions in an airtight container.
2) Properly wrap unused batters or doughs to prevent them from drying out.
3) Freeze pre-made desserts if they will not be consumed right away.
4) Ensure that all stored dishes are labeled properly so as not to mix up flavors and textures.
Now, let’s take a look at how following these steps can help ensure that our perfect bisquick desserts remain just as tasty after being stored! Refrigerating leftovers quickly helps preserve freshness by preventing bacteria growth on the surface of the dish, while wrapping batter or dough prevents it from becoming too dry and stale over time. Furthermore, freezing pre-made desserts locks in moisture and preserves flavor much better than leaving it at room temperature would do alone. Finally, labeling each item stores keeps things organized and allows us to easily pick out which one we want without having to guess based on appearance only! With these helpful tips in mind, you can now rest assured knowing that your delectable Bisquick creations will taste just as good tomorrow as they did today!

Is There A Way To Make The Dessert Gluten-Free?

Are you looking for a way to make dessert that’s gluten-free? It might seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be! With Bisquick, you can whip up a delicious gluten-free dessert in no time.

Bisquick is an all-purpose baking mix that contains wheat flour and other ingredients. But don’t worry—it also comes in a version with rice flour instead of wheat, making it an ideal option for those who are avoiding gluten. You’ll still get the same great taste as traditional Bisquick recipes without having to worry about any potential intolerance issues.

To make things even easier, there are plenty of online resources available that offer recipes specifically designed to work with the gluten-free version of Bisquick. So if you’re craving something sweet and want to avoid using wheat flour, then this could be your solution! From cakes and cookies to pies and more, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating tempting treats made from Bisquick.

So if you’re wanting to indulge yourself while sticking with your dietary restrictions, why not try out some tasty gluten-free desserts made with Bisquick? There’s sure to be something delicious waiting for you!

What Type Of Utensils Do I Need For This Recipe?

If you’ve ever tried baking a dessert, then you know the importance of having the right utensils and tools. It’s like trying to build something without the proper tools – it’ll take twice as long and look half as good! When it comes to making a Bisquick dessert recipe, however, the utensil requirements are even more stringent. Sure, all your basic baking tools such as measuring cups will be needed, but what else?

Let me tell ya: if you want that classic Bisquick flavor in your dessert, there’s no way around investing in some quality kitchenware. And I’m not talking about those plastic tupperware containers either! You should invest in stainless steel mixing bowls so that each ingredient is blended together just right. Nothing compares to stirring that batter with an old-fashioned wooden spoon like grandma used to use – it adds a certain je ne sais quoi.

Don’t forget about greasing up that pan too. No one likes when their dessert sticks to the bottom – talk about a disappointment! So make sure you have plenty of butter or margarine on hand for spreading over every inch of the dish before pouring in your mixture. All these items can add up quickly, but trust us when we say they’re worth it for achieving maximum deliciousness in your finished product. In other words: don’t skimp out on grabbing the necessary baking supplies; otherwise you may wind up disappointed with stale results!


In conclusion, Bisquick desserts are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth. With so many variations available, you can customize the recipe to fit your dietary needs and preferences. You may be wondering how best to store the finished dessert? The answer is simple: place it in an airtight container and keep it at room temperature for up to three days. To extend its shelf life further, you can also freeze it for up to one month.

When making this dessert, remember that there are plenty of ingredients you can use instead of Bisquick such as flour or oatmeal. For those with special diets, vegan or gluten-free options are available too! All you need is a few basic utensils like a bowl and spoon to get started.

Making a delicious Bisquick dessert doesn’t have to be complicated – just grab some ingredients from your pantry and let your imagination run wild! Why not try something new today? Who knows – maybe you’ll create the perfect treat for any occasion!

Bisquick Dessert Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Bisquick dessert recipe is a quick and easy way to make a delicious dessert. It takes just minutes to prepare and bake, and is a crowd pleaser. It is light and fluffy, with a sweet flavor and a crunchy topping. It’s sure to become a favorite!


  • 2 cup 2 Bisquick

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 butter, melted

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 brown sugar

  • 1 tsp 1 ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped pecans

  • 2 tbsp 2 sugar

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 cup milk


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease an 8-inch square baking pan.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together Bisquick, butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon until combined.
  • Spread the mixture into the prepared pan. Sprinkle with pecans and sugar.
  • Pour milk over the top.
  • Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool before serving.