carrot dessert recipe

Carrot Dessert Recipe

If you’re looking for a sweet treat that’s both delicious and nutritious, then this carrot dessert recipe is just what you need! This simple and easy-to-make dish will have your friends asking for seconds…and thirds. Plus, it’ll make your kitchen smell like a bakery in no time! So forget about the store bought sweets and whip up something unique – this flavorful dessert is sure to be a hit with everyone who tries it.

Are you ready to get cooking? We’ve got all the details on how to prepare this delectable dessert so you can impress your family and friends. With its combination of sweet carrots, creamy frosting, crunchy nuts and zesty spices, they won’t be able to resist taking just one more spoonful! And bonus: It looks as good as it tastes – perfect if you want to show off your culinary skills at the next party or gathering.

So don’t wait any longer – let’s get started making this amazing carrot dessert recipe right now!

carrot dessert recipe-from classic carrot cakes and cupcakes to creative twists like carrot cheesecake and carrot pudding, find the perfect recipe for your next special occasion or everyday treat.
Carrot Dessert Recipe-All Recipes Now

Overview Of Carrot Desserts

Baking with carrots can be a sweet and savory experience – but only if you know the right recipes. Carrot desserts have been around for centuries, and they come in many delicious forms. From carrot cakes to pumpkin-carrot muffins, there is something for everyone when it comes to these unique treats. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular types of carrot desserts that are easy to make and guaranteed to please even the pickiest eater!

Carrot cake has always been a favorite among dessert lovers as its spongy texture pairs perfectly with cream cheese frosting. The combination of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice create an irresistible flavor that will tantalize your taste buds. Plus, you can add walnuts, raisins or shredded coconut for added crunch.

If you’re looking for something lighter than a traditional cake, try making pumpkin-carrot muffins instead! This recipe uses both carrots and pureed pumpkins to give them their signature orange hue while adding moisture and sweetness. Top each one off with gingerbread crumble topping or streusel crumbs for extra flavor and crunch.

No matter which type of carrot dessert you choose to make, they’ll provide a tasty way to enjoy this colorful vegetable without sacrificing on flavor!

Benefits Of Carrots In Baking

carrot dessert recipe-from classic carrot cakes and cupcakes to creative twists like carrot cheesecake and carrot pudding, find the perfect recipe for your next special occasion or everyday treat.
Carrot Dessert Recipe-All Recipes Now-Carrot Dessert Recipe, Carrot, Carrot Cake

Baking with carrots has its benefits, and they go way beyond the sweet taste. Carrots are filled with vitamins and minerals that can give your recipes a nutritional boost while adding flavor and texture to desserts like cakes and muffins. Plus, their vibrant orange color makes them perfect for seasonal baking projects! So what exactly are some of the advantages of carrot baking?

First off, let’s talk about nutrition. Carrots contain vitamin A, which helps keep our eyes healthy as well as promoting good skin health. They also have plenty of dietary fiber to help you feel full longer after eating them in baked goods. And when it comes to calories, carrots have fewer than other ingredients commonly used in desserts such as butter or sugar – so you don’t need to worry about consuming too much!

Another benefit of using carrots in baking is that their natural sweetness means less added sugar is needed. This not only makes these treats healthier but also gives them an extra level of complexity that will tantalize even the pickiest eater’s palate. The moisture from cooked carrots combined with warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice creates a delicious combination that’ll make any dessert instantly more appealing!

So if you’re looking for a tasty way to enjoy this colorful vegetable without sacrificing on flavor, then carrot baking is definitely worth considering. Not only does it provide loads of nutrition but it can also add a unique twist to classic recipes too!

Essential Ingredients And Equipment

Ready to bake up a delicious carrot dessert? Here are the essential ingredients and equipment you’ll need for success.

Let’s go back in time for a moment: baking used to be much more difficult before modern kitchen tools were invented! But nowadays, it’s easier than ever to make an irresistible treat with just a few basic items. Here’s what you’ll need:

You’ll also want some essential cooking supplies such as measuring cups, spoons, bowls, mixers and cake pans of various sizes. Plus, don’t forget the oven mitts so you don’t burn yourself while taking out the finished product! With these items at hand, you can start creating treats like nobody’s business.

Now let’s move onto the step-by-step instructions which will help us whip up something special…

Step-By-Step Instructions

Let’s get started on this delicious carrot dessert! The first step is to preheat your oven and prepare the cake pans. Then, it’s time for some mixing fun. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, baking soda and salt until everything is combined. Now add in your freshly grated carrots and stir them into the mixture until they are evenly distributed throughout.

The next step is to pour the batter into your prepared pans and pop them in the oven! Be sure to follow directions carefully when setting up your timer – if you overbake your creation, it won’t be as fluffy or moist as intended. After patiently waiting while the aroma of sweet goodness fills your kitchen…voila! You have just made a yummy homemade treat that will tantalize taste buds everywhere.

Now all that’s left to do is let it cool before frosting or serving with ice cream (or both!) Enjoy every bite of this delightful dessert – you deserve it after following those step-by-step instructions so closely!
Onward now to variations on our recipe…

Variations On The Recipe

Ah, the possibilities of carrot-filled desserts! Let’s start with the classic – carrot cake. This scrumptious treat can be spiced up to your liking and topped with a creamy frosting or crunchy walnuts for extra texture. If you want something on the go, try making some carrot muffins instead – just as delicious but in miniature form!

For those who prefer something even more indulgent, we present: carrot pudding. A simple mixture of grated carrots and milk is transformed into an irresistible custard-like dessert when cooked over low heat. Top it off with a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg for added flavor.

No matter which variation you choose, there’s no doubt that these recipes will help satisfy any sweet tooth cravings you may have. And now let’s move onto decorating ideas so that our creations look as delightful as they taste…

Decoration Ideas

carrot dessert recipe-from classic carrot cakes and cupcakes to creative twists like carrot cheesecake and carrot pudding, find the perfect recipe for your next special occasion or everyday treat.
Carrot Dessert Recipe-All Recipes Now-Carrot Dessert Recipe, Carrot, Carrot Cake

It’s time to turn those ordinary desserts into extraordinary masterpieces! Let’s explore some of the ways we can bring out the beauty of our carrot creations.

First, let’s talk about cake toppers. Carrot-shaped decorations in various colors and sizes are perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any cake or cupcake. You could also opt for edible flower petals or even sprinkle on chopped nuts.

Garnishing ideas come next. A dusting of powdered sugar over your carroty masterpiece gives it an elegant finish, while grated carrots look lovely when placed around its edges. Don’t forget about drizzling honey or maple syrup too – that always adds a delicious flavor boost!

These decoration ideas will help make your dessert stand out from the crowd and give it that extra special something. It’s now time to move onto how best to store these tasty treats…

Storage Tips

With the right storage methods, your carrot desserts can stay fresh and delicious for days. According to a recent survey, over 80% of people are unsure how long they should store their treats in order to maximize taste and texture. Here is a guide on how best to keep your creations:

1) Refrigerating – This is ideal when you want your dessert chilled but still soft and moist. Place it in an airtight container before putting it in the fridge for up to three days.
2) Freezing – If you need to save some for later, freezing works well too! Wrap whole cakes or cupcakes individually in plastic wrap before placing them into an airtight container. Your treat will last up to six months this way.
3) Storing at Room Temperature – For shorter-term storage (up to one day), simply put any uneaten portions back onto the cooling rack and cover with a cake dome or foil.
4) Reheating – When reheating leftovers from the refrigerator/freezer, place uncovered on a baking sheet and heat until warmed through (about 15 minutes).

No matter which method you choose, taking proper care of your desserts ensures that every bite tastes as perfect as when it was first made! Now let’s explore ways we can serve our carroty delights…

Serving Suggestions

Ready for the grand finale? Let’s look at some amazing serving suggestions to give your carrot dessert the perfect presentation.

First, consider pairing ideas that will make a delicious impact! Carrot cakes can be paired with cream cheese frosting or sweet glazes, while cupcakes are great when topped with fluffy buttercream and sprinkles. If you’re feeling extra fancy, dress up your desserts with fresh fruits like oranges or strawberries for an added burst of flavor.

Accompaniments also play a big role in elevating the experience of eating one of these treats. Consider adding a scoop of ice cream or dollop of whipped cream on top of each slice – this is bound to impress any guest! You could even serve slices alongside warm beverages such as hot chocolate or coffee. The possibilities are truly endless!

To take it up yet another notch, why not offer guests their favorite topping options such as chopped nuts, coconut flakes, and/or mini marshmallows? These additions provide variety and allow people to customize their own piece however they’d like – making sure no two bites are ever exactly alike!

Now that we’ve explored all the delectable ways we can enjoy our creations, let’s turn our attention to nutritional information…

Nutritional Information

It’s time to look at the nutritional value of these delightful desserts. Carrots are a great source for Vitamin A and dietary fiber, both of which can be found in most carrot cakes or cupcakes. For those looking for something a little sweeter without added sugar, many recipes offer options with natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and dates!

When it comes to dessert nutrition information, don’t forget that portion size is key – no matter how delicious your creations might taste! While one slice may not seem particularly unhealthy on its own, eating more than one serving could quickly add up if you’re not careful. So before digging in, be sure to double-check the calorie count and adjust accordingly!

But what about other ingredients? Many store-bought products contain extra fats and oils that may not always appear obvious at first glance. That’s why preparing your own treats from scratch is often recommended as a healthier alternative – this way you know exactly what goes into each bite!

So we’ve got our eye on the prize: healthy but yummy desserts that make everyone happy! Now let’s explore some fun facts about carrots…

Interesting Facts About Carrots

carrot dessert recipe-from classic carrot cakes and cupcakes to creative twists like carrot cheesecake and carrot pudding, find the perfect recipe for your next special occasion or everyday treat.
Carrot Dessert Recipe-All Recipes Now-Carrot Dessert Recipe, Carrot, Carrot Cake

Let’s face it, carrots can be a bit boring. All those crunchy orange sticks certainly have their place in the vegetable world – but for something so commonplace, there must surely be more to this humble root veggie than meets the eye!

Surprisingly enough, carrots actually come with quite an interesting history. From ancient times to modern day, these vegetables have been used in various ways – from medicinal remedies to sweet treats and even as fashion accessories! Here are three curious facts about this amazing food:

1) Carrots were first cultivated by Dutch farmers in the seventeenth century who selectively bred them into different shapes and sizes. The traditional long “carrot” shape we know today was created over time through careful selection of certain varieties.

2) In addition to being highly nutritious, carrots also boast some surprising beauty benefits such as glowing skin and healthy hair when consumed regularly. This is thanks to their high vitamin A content which helps keep your vision sharp while providing antioxidant protection against free radicals that can cause premature aging.

3) While most people think of carrots as just a tasty snack or side dish, they’ve also been known to act as natural dyes for clothing throughout history. It might seem strange now but back then carrot juice was used to color fabrics like linen and wool all sorts of hues ranging from yellowish-orange to deep reds and purples!

Clearly there’s much more going on behind the scenes with our favorite orange vegetable than first imagined! With its unique past and impressive nutrition profile, it’s no wonder why so many recipes feature carrots as a key ingredient – particularly desserts where sweetness is essential! Let’s see how we could substitute other ingredients if needed…

Substitutions For Ingredients

Whether you’re vegan, gluten-free, or allergic to dairy – there are plenty of substitutions for ingredients in your carrot dessert recipe that won’t compromise the taste. Here’s a list of some great options:

  • Vegan Substitutions: Instead of using eggs and butter, try using flaxseed meal mixed with water as an egg replacement and coconut oil/vegan margarine in place of butter.
  • Gluten-Free Substitutes: For those sensitive to wheat products, opt for almond flour instead of regular all-purpose flour when baking cakes and cookies. You can also use oats or quinoa flakes if desired.
  • Dairy-Free Options: If you must avoid milk and cream altogether, then consider other liquid alternatives like soy milk or nut milks such as almond or cashew milk. Coconut yogurt is another delicious option!

No matter what dietary needs you have, there are always creative ways to make desserts without sacrificing flavor or texture. Just be sure to check labels carefully so you know exactly what’s going into each dish – especially if cooking for someone else who has food allergies. With careful consideration and some simple swaps, everyone can enjoy delicious treats made from carrots regardless of their diet restrictions! Onwards to potential food allergens…

Potential Food Allergens

Let’s face it – food allergies and sensitivities can be a major bummer when it comes to dessert. But don’t despair! With some careful planning, you can make allergen-free desserts that everyone will enjoy.

The first step is understanding which ingredients may trigger an allergic reaction and avoiding them in your recipes. Common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, dairy and wheat are common culprits – but there are plenty of other potential triggers too (soy, fish, shellfish). Be sure to read labels carefully or contact the manufacturer for more information if necessary.

Once you know what to avoid, then it’s time to get creative with ingredient substitutions. Try swapping out regular flour for gluten-free options such as coconut flour or almond meal. You can also use nut milks instead of cow’s milk and vegan margarine instead of butter. There are tons of inventive ways to make allergen-free treats – so get creative!

At this point we have all the knowledge needed to create delicious carrot desserts without compromising flavor or texture due to dietary restrictions – now let’s explore some interesting alternatives to classic recipes…

Creative Alternatives To Classic Recipes

When it comes to desserts, carrots are often overlooked – but they shouldn’t be! Carrots make a tasty and nutritious addition to cakes, cookies, pies and more. And with some creative thinking, you can come up with all sorts of unique alternatives to classic recipes.

Take carrot cake for example – why not try making cupcakes instead? Or if you’re looking for something different than the standard two-layer round cake, why not bake it in an 8×8 pan and cut slices like brownies or bars? Better yet – ditch the traditional frosting altogether and top your creation with cream cheese glaze or vegan coconut cream. The possibilities are endless!

Let’s not forget about vegan dessert options either. You can use plant-based ingredients such as almond milk, flaxseed meal and vegetable oil when baking carrot desserts that adhere to vegan diets. If these substitutes aren’t doing it for you there’s always aquafaba (the liquid from canned beans) which makes an excellent egg replacer that yields moist results every time!

With so many variations available at our disposal, we have access to plenty of delicious non-traditional carrot recipes sure to please even the pickiest eaters. So don’t shy away from incorporating this amazing root vegetable into your sweet treats – get cooking today!

Troubleshooting Common Problems

When it comes to making carrot desserts, there are some common issues that can arise. But don’t worry – you’ll be armed with the knowledge necessary to troubleshoot them in no time! Here’s a four-step guide to help you tackle any hiccups along the way:

1) Soggy Crusts – Make sure your oven is preheated before baking and increase the bake time if needed. You may also want to add an extra layer of oats or nuts as well as an egg wash on top for added crunchiness.

2) Burnt Edges – This can happen when cooking at too high a temperature. Try turning down the heat slightly and keep an eye on your creation while it’s in the oven. If this doesn’t work, try lowering the baking pan onto a lower shelf in order to prevent burning.

3) Lumpy Batter – A lumpy batter usually results from overmixing, so take care not to whisk too much once all ingredients have been combined together. Alternatively, adding more liquid such as almond milk or vegetable oil can help smooth out lumps and ensure even distribution throughout your dessert.

4) Dry Results – Too little moisture will lead to dryness, so make sure you’re measuring correctly and adding enough eggs/oil/liquid into the mix according to recipe instructions. Adding a little bit of honey or maple syrup should do the trick if everything else fails!

No matter what issue arises during preparation, these helpful tips should get you back on track towards creating delicious treats that everyone will love. So go ahead and give those carrots their deserved place in your next dessert dish – they won’t disappoint!

Popular Carrot Dessert Recipes Around The World

Carrot desserts are a globally-loved treat, with recipes varying from country to country. Whether it’s sweet or savory, the humble carrot can be used in so many delicious ways! Let’s take a tour of some popular international carrot cakes that will have your mouth watering for more:

In France, you’ll find the classic Gâteau à la Carotte – an orangey sponge cake made with fresh carrots and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. This traditional cake is usually served plain or topped with cream cheese frosting. Another favorite French dessert is Crème de Carottes – a creamy pudding packed full of grated carrots and flavored with orange liqueur.

Head over to Germany and you’ll come across Rüblitorte – a moist carrot cake filled with walnuts and covered in marzipan. And if you want something even sweeter, try Karottenkuchen – a rich pastry tart featuring layers of shredded carrots, apples and raisins.

Finally, for those who like their desserts on the spicier side there’s Tres Leches de Zanahoria from Mexico – made using condensed milk, evaporated milk and whole milk soaked into fluffy layers of lightly spiced carrot cake. Yum!

From light sponges to decadent tarts; each culture has its own way of celebrating this vibrant vegetable through scrumptious desserts. So why not add these flavorful treats to your baking repertoire? Your taste buds will thank you later!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Way To Store Leftover Carrot Dessert?

Asking what the best way to store leftover carrot dessert is a valid question. Perhaps you made too much of it and are wondering how to properly save some for later. If that’s the case, there are several ways you can store your delicious carrot dessert without having any worries about it going bad or losing its flavor.

To start with, make sure your serving dish is airtight so bacteria won’t be able to get in and ruin the dessert. Then, put it in the refrigerator – this will help keep it fresh and tasty as long as possible! Additionally, if there’s still more than enough left over after one mealtime, consider freezing portions of it for future meals. That way, you’ll always have some on hand when cravings strike!

When storing carrot dessert in either place (the fridge or freezer), be sure to tightly wrap each piece before doing so; this will ensure no unwanted flavors sneak their way into your treat. Plus, if you’d like to savor every bite even longer than usual, try adding an extra layer of plastic wrap around everything before putting it away – bonus points if you find something that seals nicely! All these tips should give your leftover carrot dessert a fighting chance against spoilage and taste loss – now all that’s left is to enjoy it whenever the mood strikes!

What Are Some Creative Alternatives To Traditional Carrot Dessert Recipes?

Carrots are often associated with rabbits, and that is no coincidence. These crunchy vegetables have been a mainstay of cuisine for centuries – from savory dishes to sweet desserts. But what if you’re looking for something new? A carrot dessert recipe alternative can be the perfect way to break out of your culinary routine and explore something fresh and exciting!

Vegan carrot desserts are an excellent option when it comes to finding alternatives to traditional recipes. From cakes made with almond flour instead of wheat flour, to vegan ice cream featuring carrots as one of the main ingredients, these plant-based delights can make any meal or snack special. Plus, they don’t skimp on flavor – in fact, many vegan treats actually take taste levels up a notch!

If you want something savory rather than sweet, there are still plenty of options. Consider whipping up some spicy roasted carrots topped with feta cheese or preparing quinoa salads full of diced carrots, herbs and vinaigrette. The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to creating creative alternatives to classic carrot cake recipes!

No matter how you choose to use this versatile vegetable, getting creative in the kitchen is sure to bring about lots of fun and satisfaction. So why not give it a try today? Who knows – maybe you’ll discover a delicious dish that will become part of your regular rotation!

What Are The Most Common Food Allergens Found In Carrot Desserts?

When it comes to carrot desserts, many people think of the traditional recipes that often require ingredients like flour and butter. But what are some of the most common food allergens found in these types of treats? Let’s take a closer look at gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free alternatives for creating delicious carrot desserts.

To begin with, when making a gluten-free dessert such as a carrot cake or muffins, be sure to use certified gluten-free baking mixes or flours instead of wheat flour. This will ensure that there is no trace of gluten present in your dish. Additionally, make sure all other ingredients you’re using (e.g., sugar, spices) also don’t contain any traces of gluten before incorporating them into your recipe.

If you’re looking for an allergy-friendly alternative to baked goods containing milk products – like cream cheese frosting – try substituting coconut yogurt or almond milk instead! You can also opt for non-dairy whipped topping or vegan cream cheese if desired. Finally, if you need an egg replacement while baking with carrots, chickpea flour works well as an egg substitute due to its binding properties—allowing you to create moist and flavorful cakes without worrying about cross contamination from eggs.

By keeping these simple tips in mind when crafting your own carrot desserts, you’ll be able to enjoy tasty treats free from common food allergens! Whether you bake up a classic favorite – like everyone’s beloved Carrot Cake –or come up with something totally new, knowing how best to accommodate those with allergies ensures that everyone gets their just deserts!

Are There Any Health Benefits To Eating Carrot Desserts?

Let’s explore the hidden delicacies that can be found in carrot desserts. They may not sound like a treat, but are there any health benefits to eating them? If you’re looking for something tasty and nutritious, then it is time to take a closer look at what carrot desserts have to offer!

A healthy dose of vitamins and minerals can be found in many carrot dessert recipes. Carrots contain plenty of Vitamin A which helps support vision, skin, and immune system health. Additionally, carrots provide important carotenoids – natural pigments with antioxidant properties – as well as dietary fiber that aids digestion. So if you’re looking for some nutrition while enjoying your sweet treats, adding carrots into the mix could be beneficial.

Carrot desserts also come packed with flavor. From lightly spiced cakes to muffins filled with nuts or raisins – these recipes offer an array of delicious options to enjoy. Plus they make great afternoon snacks or even special occasion treats when topped off with cream cheese frosting or caramel sauce! With such delightful combinations of flavors and nutrients on offer, why not give one of these recipes a try?

TIP: For extra crunch and sweetness, add walnuts or pecans along with chopped dates or dried cranberries to your favorite carrot dessert recipe. These ingredients will elevate the texture and flavor profile of your creation without taking away from its nutritional value. So let’s get creative in the kitchen and see how we can use this versatile ingredient!

Is It Possible To Substitute Ingredients In Carrot Desserts?

Have you ever wanted to make a carrot dessert but didn’t have the right ingredients? Or perhaps you’re looking for an allergen free alternative or want to try something different? It is indeed possible to substitute ingredients in carrot desserts, making them versatile and customizable. Let’s look at some of the options available when it comes to replacing carrots in your favorite recipes:

  • Carrot replacements – There are plenty of alternatives that can be used instead of carrots. Parsnips, sweet potatoes, zucchini, squash, applesauce and even pumpkin puree can be great substitutions for carrots. Try out different combinations to find what works best for you!
  • Allergen-free desserts – Many people are gluten intolerant or have other food allergies. Luckily there are lots of allergy friendly substitutes for traditional ingredients like flour and eggs which can help make your carrot cake recipe safe for everyone. Look for gluten-free flours such as almond flour and coconut flour or egg replacers like chia seeds or apple sauce.
  • Substitute Ingredients – Don’t feel limited by what’s on the ingredient list – get creative with other flavors and textures! Add nuts, raisins or dried cranberries for sweetness; switch up spices and seasonings; add nutmeg, cinnamon or cardamom; replace sugar with honey or maple syrup – these little tweaks will give your dish its own unique twist while still keeping it delicious!

With so many possibilities out there, why not take advantage of them and create something special? Whether you’ve been baking cakes since childhood or just starting out in the kitchen, any home baker can enjoy experimenting with new flavor combinations and finding their perfect combination. Who knows — maybe this could lead to discovering a brand new favorite treat!


We’ve explored the best ways to store leftover carrot desserts, creative alternatives to traditional recipes, common food allergens that should be avoided and even health benefits of eating them. It’s clear that carrot desserts have a lot going for them!
One thing is certain: no matter what your dietary needs or preferences are, there is likely a delicious carrot dessert out there with your name on it – literally ‘a-peeling’ you to try it! With so many options available, why not take advantage of this sweet treat and create something unique? Whether you choose to stick close to classic recipes or experiment with substitutions, you’ll find yourself in for a tasty surprise.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an easy yet scrumptious way to satisfy your sweet tooth then look no further than carrot desserts. From quick snacks to elaborate dishes, these treats offer endless possibilities. So grab some carrots from the fridge and get cooking; you won’t regret it!

Carrot Dessert Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time





This Carrot Cake is a delightful dessert that is moist, flavorful, and full of carrots, walnuts, and spices.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 2 tsp 2 baking powder

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 2 tsp 2 ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 ground ginger

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 ground nutmeg

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 ground cloves

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1 cup 1 vegetable oil

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 granulated sugar

  • 3 3 large eggs

  • 2 tsp 2 pure vanilla extract

  • 2 cup 2 finely grated carrots

  • 1 cup 1 chopped walnuts


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a 9-inch cake pan.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and salt.
  • In a large bowl, beat together the oil, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract until well combined.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, stirring until just combined.
  • Stir in the carrots and walnuts.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
  • Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.