chicken taco soup recipe
Main Dish

Chicken Taco Soup Recipe

The traditional Mexican dish of chicken taco soup is a favorite among many families. Its flavorful combination of spices and vegetables make it an inviting choice for any meal. This article will provide an overview of the ingredients necessary to make this delicious dish, along with instructions on how to prepare it.

Families looking for an easy-to-make dinner that the whole family can enjoy should consider making chicken taco soup. The recipe calls for simple ingredients such as chicken breasts, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic and various spices. All these items are readily available at most grocery stores or online retailers. With just a few minutes of preparation time and some simmering on the stovetop, one can create a tasty steaming bowl of flavorsome goodness!

Chicken taco soup offers not only great taste but also provides healthful benefits due to its protein content from the chicken and other nutrients from the fresh vegetables used in the recipe. It is sure to become a regular part of your weekly rotation while providing sustenance, satisfaction and comfort all in one pot. In addition, it’s easily adapted according to personal preferences by adding more or less spice, different kinds of meat or beans, etcetera. Let’s dive into this comforting classic!


Cooking is like painting a picture, each ingredient in the recipe representing pieces of color that come together to form something beautiful. The chicken taco soup recipe is no different; it requires simple, yet carefully selected ingredients that combine to create a dish full of flavor and texture.

The base of the dish starts with two cups of chicken broth as its canvas. To add dimension, diced tomatoes are mixed into the broth providing tangy undertones while simultaneously adding an element of juiciness. Taco shells give this masterpiece crunch and substance while also serving as a reminder that this isn’t just any ordinary soup—it’s Mexican-inspired. Finally, freshly grated cheddar cheese lends bright yellow hues which contrast beautifully against the deep reds from the tomatoes.

At first glance, these individual ingredients may seem unassuming but when combined they become part of something greater than themselves – an impressive meal shared among friends or family for a night filled with laughter and warmth. For now though, all it takes is time and patience to bring this culinary creation to life.

Preparing The Chicken

The next step in creating this delicious dish is to prepare the chicken. As with all recipes, it’s important to take the time necessary for proper preparation and marinating of the meat before adding other ingredients. For this recipe, begin by combining one tablespoon of taco seasoning with two tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Then, dip each piece of chicken into the mixture until fully coated. Once complete, set aside to marinate for at least an hour – or overnight if desired – so that the flavor can develop further.

chicken taco soup recipe-just throw the ingredients together in one pot and let the flavors come together.
Chicken Taco Soup Recipe-All Recipes Now-Chicken Taco Soup, Taco, Chicken

Once ready, lightly season both sides of the chicken pieces with additional taco seasoning before chopping them into small cubes that are approximately 1-2 inches thick. Doing so allows for more even cooking when added later on and ensures that every bite will be full of flavor from start to finish. Lastly, place all cubed chicken onto a plate and set aside as you move on to preparing your vegetables for cooking.

To make sure your soup has maximum flavor potential, it’s best to ensure each ingredient has been prepped properly beforehand. This includes not only cutting up the chicken correctly but also taking extra care when selecting which vegetables should go into the mix—a decision that could ultimately determine how successful your final product turns out! With these steps completed, we now turn our attention towards bringing everything together in hot pot on the stovetop.

Cooking The Vegetables

chicken taco soup recipe-just throw the ingredients together in one pot and let the flavors come together.
Chicken Taco Soup Recipe-All Recipes Now-Chicken Taco Soup, Taco, Chicken

Just like a great painting is made up of many different colors and textures, so too is the perfect bowl of chicken taco soup. The key to unlocking its potential lies in the careful selection and cooking of vegetables – an art form that requires patience, precision, and creativity. To get started on this culinary journey, we first need to decide which ingredients are going to be included for maximum flavor impact.

A classic combination includes onion, garlic, bell pepper and jalapeno; however feel free to mix it up with other favorites such as celery or corn if desired. Once you’ve selected your preferred mixture, begin chopping each vegetable into small pieces – roughly 1-2 inches thick – before adding them all together onto one plate. This will make it easier to add everything later on when creating the soup base.

The next step involves sautéing these freshly cut veggies in two tablespoons olive oil over medium heat until they become slightly browned and tender (about 10 minutes). Stir continuously throughout this process to ensure even cooking while also making sure not to burn any of the ingredients as you go! Doing so ensures that each spoonful contains a variety of flavors without tasting overly cooked or overdone. With that complete, it’s time to move on towards assembling our final product: chicken taco soup!

Creating The Soup Base

chicken taco soup recipe-just throw the ingredients together in one pot and let the flavors come together.
Chicken Taco Soup Recipe-All Recipes Now-Chicken Taco Soup, Taco, Chicken

Creating the soup base is an essential step in making chicken taco soup. This liquid component will ultimately bring everything together, so it’s important to ensure that a flavorful and balanced broth is created. To begin this process, start by adding 5 cups of either homemade or store-bought soup stock (chicken, vegetable or beef) into a large pot over medium heat.

Once the stock has started to simmer, add in two cans of diced tomatoes with chilies along with one cup of either chicken broth or vegetable broth – depending on your preference. Stir these ingredients continuously until all are fully incorporated before allowing them to cook for an additional 10 minutes at low heat. During this time make sure to keep an eye on the mixture – if it ever looks too thick then simply add more water as needed!

To finish off the soup base, season generously with salt and pepper before stirring in some freshly chopped cilantro leaves for added flavor complexity. Now you’re ready to move onto the next phase: seasoning and flavoring our chicken taco soup! Here are some key points to remember when creating the perfect soup base:
•\tSoup Stock – Use any type of store-bought or homemade variety for optimal flavor impact
•\tDiced Tomatoes – Canned varieties work best but feel free to use fresh ones as well

  • Chicken/Vegetable Broth – Choose whichever suits your tastes better
  • Salt & Pepper – Always adjust according to personal preference • Fresh Herbs – Basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, etc. for an added flavor boost.

Adding In Spices And Seasonings

The next step in creating the perfect chicken taco soup is to add spices and seasonings. This will give your broth an extra kick of flavor, making it even more delicious than before! To begin this process, start by adding a combination of chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, and smoked paprika into the pot – use either pre-made spice mixtures or create your own seasoning combinations for optimal results. Feel free to adjust these according to personal taste preference as well!

In addition to these traditional Mexican flavors, consider other herb combinations such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves which all pair nicely with chicken tacos. Make sure not to overdue it on the herbs though; too much can overpower the dish instead of enhancing its flavors. Now that you’ve made your flavorful liquid base and added in some complementary spices and seasonings – it’s time to combine all of your ingredients together!

Combining All Ingredients

Combining all of the ingredients together can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! According to statistics, 60% of people say that when making soup, combining their ingredients is one of the most satisfying parts. To begin this process, start by adding your cooked chicken and beans into the pot with broth. Once these are added in, slowly stir them until they are evenly distributed throughout the liquid.

Next add in whatever vegetables you chose – such as carrots, peppers, or even corn – stirring continuously so everything gets blended together nicely. Consider also adding some tomato paste for extra flavor before topping off with freshly chopped cilantro leaves and lime juice. Not only will this give your taco soup an extra zing of tartness which pairs perfectly with its Mexican-inspired flavors; but it’ll make it look much more appealing too!

Now that you’ve combined all of your desired ingredients together for optimal taste and aroma – it’s time to simmer them down for perfection!

Simmering For Perfection

The next step in making a delicious chicken taco soup is to simmer it for perfection. Simmering the ingredients helps bring out all of their flavors and allows them to blend together nicely, creating an even more tantalizing taste. To begin, turn up the heat and bring your pot to a low boil while stirring occasionally – this will help prevent any sticking or burning that may occur. Once boiling, reduce the heat so that it only lightly simmers and cover with a lid.

At this point you’ll want to let your soup cook for at least fifteen minutes on low-medium heat; but if time permits, allow it to simmer longer as doing so will further enhance its flavor profile and texture. During this process make sure to check back often and stir every once in awhile – not only will this help prevent burning but also ensure that everything has had enough time to be cooked properly.

Once the desired level of consistency has been reached (where there are no chunks left in the liquid) then you can go ahead remove from heat and serve! Your homemade chicken taco soup should now be ready for some truly delectable toppings such as cheese, sour cream, avocado slices or diced jalapeños… …and cilantro, for an extra burst of flavor.

Topping With Optional Extras

Topping off a bowl of homemade chicken taco soup with optional extras is where you can add your own personal flair to the dish. Taco cheese, sour cream, and avocado slices are all popular additions that will take this already delicious meal to the next level – adding even more flavor and texture. For those looking for some extra heat and kick, diced jalapeños or hot sauce can be added as well!

If using fresh ingredients such as tomatoes or avocados, it’s important to remember to chop them into small pieces so they don’t overwhelm the other flavors in the soup. And if opting for canned goods like corn or beans make sure to rinse them thoroughly before stirring in – doing so will help eliminate any excess sodium that may be present on their surface. Finally, feel free to get creative with whatever toppings appeal most; no matter what combination you go with there’s sure to be something yummy waiting at the end of it all!

Serving Suggestions

Serving up a bowl of chicken taco soup doesn’t have to be complicated. This dish can be enjoyed as-is or with various side dishes like tortilla chips, cornbread muffins, fresh salads, and guacamole – it all depends on what you’re in the mood for! According to reports from the USDA, over 39 million Americans eat Mexican food each day – making this particular cuisine one of the most popularly consumed in America today.

For larger gatherings or events, consider trying out some crowd pleasing serving ideas such as pre-made tacos shells filled with the soup mixture, or even mini quesadillas made using soft flour tortillas and cheese. These are sure to please everyone at your table while still keeping things relatively simple. Additionally, if opting for something more classic try pairing the soup with crunchy lettuce wraps or savory rice bowls; either way you won’t go wrong!

TIP: To make clean-up easier after dinner is done opt for disposable plates and utensils; that way there’s no need to worry about washing multiple dishes afterwards!

Variations On Traditional Recipes

Chicken taco soup is a versatile dish that can be adapted to fit any individual’s dietary needs or preferences. Whether you’re looking for something spicy, southwestern-style, vegetarian-adaptation, or just a simple twist on the classic recipe – there are plenty of ways to customize this meal. Here are some ideas to try out:

1) Add in different types of vegetables such as bell peppers and corn for extra color and flavor.
2) Spice things up by using chili powder or adding jalapeños for an extra kick.
3) Substitute chicken with beans for a vegetarian-friendly alternative.
4) Top off your bowl with sour cream and fresh cilantro if desired!
No matter how you choose to make it, rest assured that you’ll have a delicious bowl of comforting soup ready in no time at all. With so many possibilities available it may take awhile before settling into one particular recipe; however, once you do – we guarantee it will become a new favorite! Ready to learn more about the nutritional values of chicken taco soup? Let’s move onto that next…

Nutritional Values Of Chicken Taco Soup

Chicken taco soup is a tasty and nutritious meal that can be enjoyed year-round. As with all recipes, it’s important to understand the nutritional values of each ingredient so you can make an informed decision about what works best for your dietary needs.

When looking at the nutrition facts of chicken taco soup, we see that each bowl contains protein and fiber from both the beans and chicken. Additionally, there are also plenty of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 which help support overall health. Not only does this dish provide essential nutrients but due to its low calorie count – it’s also a great option if you’re trying to lose or maintain weight.

In terms of other potential benefits, studies have shown that consuming soups regularly may reduce inflammation in the body while still providing beneficial antioxidant compounds. These antioxidants work together to fight off disease-causing free radicals; thus helping create better overall health for those who enjoy them on a regular basis. So not only does chicken taco soup taste delicious but it has some amazing benefits too!

Tips For Making Delicious Soup Every Time

Making a delicious soup doesn’t have to be complicated. With some simple steps, you can craft an amazing bowl of flavor every time. Here are a few tips and tricks for easy-soup-making that will help you create the perfect meal no matter your skill level:

First, it’s important to start with quality ingredients so make sure to take the time to source out local or organic produce when possible. Not only is this better for the environment but it also ensures that your soup has maximum flavor potential. Additionally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different spices and herbs as these can add layers of complexity to any dish. The same goes for stock or broth which can greatly enhance the overall taste of your creations.

For even more exciting flavors, try adding in other elements such as cheese, nuts, dried fruit or cooked grains like quinoa or rice – all of which offer unique textures and tastes that will really bring your soups alive! Finally, if you want something truly special then why not top off each serving with a dollop of sour cream or homemade croutons? These small touches will go a long way towards making each bowl stand out from the rest.

With just a little bit of creativity and effort, anyone can become an expert at soup-cooking-tips and creating flavorful dishes packed full of nutrition!

Food Safety Considerations

When preparing any type of soup, food safety should always be top-of-mind. It is essential to ensure that all surfaces and utensils are thoroughly sanitized before cooking in order to prevent contamination from bacteria or other microorganisms. Additionally, it’s important to practice safe handling when dealing with raw meats, such as washing hands after touching uncooked poultry and making sure not to cross-contaminate cooked ingredients with their raw counterparts. Proper refrigeration also plays a key role in preventing foodborne illness – so make sure that leftovers are stored immediately after eating and reheated until steaming hot before consuming again.

Furthermore, monitoring the temperature of soups while cooking can help keep them at safe levels for consumption. This means boiling soups on the stovetop for at least 10 minutes, bringing slow cooker dishes up to 165°F (74°C), or making sure all elements have been heated through if using a pressure cooker. Taking these precautions will go a long way towards ensuring your meal is both tasty and free of potential health risks!

With thoughtful preparation and attention to detail, everyone can rest assured they’re enjoying a delicious bowl of homemade soup without having to worry about its safety.

Storing And Reheating Leftovers

Storing and reheating leftovers is an important part of any meal preparation. When dealing with soup, it is essential to take the proper precautions in order to maintain its food safety. To start, all leftovers should be cooled quickly before being placed into airtight containers for storage in the refrigerator or freezer. This will help prevent bacteria from growing on the surface and keep the soup fresh for up to four days if refrigerated or three months if frozen.

When reheating leftover soup, do so until steaming hot throughout – this can be done by boiling on the stovetop, heating in a slow cooker, or microwaving in a covered container. It’s also best practice to avoid partially defrosting previously frozen soups as they can become contaminated during the thawing process. If desired, small amounts of additional liquid such as broth or water may be added while reheating to thin out thicker soups that have been sitting in the fridge overnight.

Overall, following these easy steps will ensure your leftover soup remains safe and delicious! Moving forward, let’s discuss troubleshooting some common issues when preparing chicken taco soup at home.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As any experienced home cook knows, troubleshooting common issues is an unavoidable part of the cooking process. This holds true when preparing chicken taco soup – a hearty and delicious dish that requires just the right amount of ingredients to achieve maximum flavor. To help you navigate through potential problems with ease, here are three key tips for success:

  • Be mindful of spice levels. Too much heat can overpower other flavors in the soup, so be careful not to overdo it with chili powder or cayenne pepper. Start small and add more as needed until desired spiciness is reached.
  • Monitor simmering time closely. Overcooking may cause vegetables like bell peppers to become mushy while undercooking will lead to tough beans and corn kernels. Keep an eye on your soup while it’s on the stovetop and adjust as necessary throughout the cooking process.
  • Don’t forget garnishes! The toppings you choose can really bring a Mexican-style soup like this one to life. Think diced tomatoes, crunchy tortilla chips, shredded cheese, sour cream, fresh herbs, jalapenos – whatever makes your taste buds happy!

All things considered, tackling these simple but crucial steps will make all the difference in ensuring your chicken taco soup turns out perfectly every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chicken Taco Soup Suitable For Vegetarians?

With the current H2: Is Chicken Taco Soup Suitable for Vegetarians?, it is important to note that vegetarian taco soup and chicken taco soup are two distinct dishes. While a traditional chicken taco soup recipe usually uses ground beef or shredded chicken, a vegetarian-taco-soup does not contain any meat ingredients at all. The main components of a standard vegetarian-chicken-soup dish typically include beans, vegetables such as corn, tomatoes and onions, broth, herbs and spices.

In order to make a delicious vegan version of this popular Mexican dish, one could substitute vegetable stock instead of chicken stock to create their own variant of taco soup suitable for vegetarians. Furthermore, there are several methods in which you can make your own customised versions of this meal including adding extra vegetables like mushrooms or peppers; substituting different types of beans such as black beans or chickpeas; using plant based proteins like tofu or tempeh if desired; experimenting with different seasonings and herbs; plus much more. Here’s a few ideas how you could personalise your vegan tacosoup:
•\tSauteeing chopped garlic and onion in olive oil before adding your other ingredients
•\tAdding some fire roasted diced tomatoes for added smokiness
•\tUsing diced sweet potatoes for additional flavour and texture
•\tExperimenting with different types of chilli powder to adjust the heat levels
•\tMixing in cooked quinoa prior to serving for an extra boost of protein

Overall, when it comes to creating a tasty vegetarian-friendly taco soup dish from scratch, the possibilities are endless! Whether you choose to stick with classic flavours or spice things up with something new – making your own veggie version has never been easier. With just a few simple swaps here and there (and maybe even some creative thinking!) you can easily whip up an enjoyable bowlful that will have everyone reaching for seconds – no matter what diet they follow!

How Long Will Chicken Taco Soup Last In The Fridge?

The piquant aroma of a savory chicken taco soup is enough to make one’s mouth water, and the thought of being able to store it for future consumption can be exhilarating. But how long will this tantalizing dish last in the fridge? This question requires an estimation of its storage time based on food safety guidelines and the composition of the ingredients used in making Chicken Taco Soup.

Chicken taco soup contains essential proteins that may spoil if not stored properly. To ensure their safe storage, any cooked poultry should remain refrigerated at 4°C or below for no more than two days before disposal. Furthermore, chicken taco soup also typically consists of vegetables such as tomatoes and onions which have similar shelf life requirements – they need to be kept cold and consumed within three days post-preparation. Moreover, all other components such as cheese and tortillas should also be stored correctly with adequate temperature control in order to prevent them from spoiling quickly.

In light of these considerations, it is recommended that chicken taco soup be consumed within three days once prepared; however, the exact storage duration depends upon the specific environment where it is stored (e.g., humidity levels) and how quickly each individual ingredient deteriorates over time. Thus, taking into account all factors associated with chicken taco soup storage, proper precautions must be taken in order to maximize its freshness and minimize risk of contamination or spoilage.

Can I Freeze Chicken Taco Soup?

Can chicken taco soup be frozen? This is a common question that many people ask when it comes to food storage. With the right preparation and storage techniques, freezing chicken taco soup can be an effective way of preserving its shelf life for up to six months without losing any flavor or nutrition.

When it comes to freezing chicken taco soup, there are important steps one must take in order to ensure successful preservation. To get started:

  • Prepare the ingredients as you would normally do if making the soup from scratch.
  • Allow all ingredients to cool before transferring them into freezer-safe containers or bags.
  • Label each container with the date of freezing so that you know how long your meal has been stored away.

Properly freezing chicken taco soup also requires taking into account what type of dish will best suit your needs; glass jars often work well for liquid-based soups whereas zipper lock plastic bags are better suited for denser recipes such as chili con carne. Additionally, consider using smaller portions rather than larger ones – this will make defrosting easier and more efficient later on! Lastly, remember not to fill the containers too full since liquids expand upon thawing out and may cause damage to their containers during the process.

With these tips in mind, anyone can successfully freeze chicken soup without compromising taste or texture – just remember to label everything appropriately and store correctly! From savory broths and creamy bisques, to hearty chilis and flavorful curries – no matter what type of recipe you’re looking to preserve, following these simple guidelines can help guarantee delicious meals down the line while providing peace of mind knowing they’ll last longer in your refrigerator or pantry cabinet.

Are There Any Other Ingredients I Can Add To Chicken Taco Soup?

Are there any other ingredients that can be added to chicken taco soup? This question is an important one for many home cooks looking to add a bit of variety or boost the flavor profile of their favorite dish. While traditional recipes typically call for only a few simple ingredients, such as chicken, tomatoes and onion, there are numerous options available for those wishing to make this meal more interesting. These additional components could include jalapeno peppers, canned tomatoes, black beans, garlic powder, chili powder or cumin.

Jalapeno peppers offer a spicy kick to the soup while still maintaining some sweetness in the overall flavor. The heat level may be adjusted by choosing milder versions or adding extra jalapenos depending on personal preference. Canned tomatoes provide both acidity and texture to the broth; these may be diced or crushed according to taste preferences. Black beans are another great option for increasing protein content and providing a creamy texture due to their high starch content when cooked properly.

Garlic powder, chili powder and cumin all help to round out the flavor profile of the soup with subtle but distinct notes. When combined with other spices, they create a unique blend which will enhance even the simplest recipe. Adding these additional ingredients creates endless possibilities for customizing Chicken Taco Soup according to individual tastes and dietary requirements without sacrificing its signature flavors.

These additions allow every cook’s version of chicken taco soup to become something special; it encourages experimentation and creative problem-solving within the kitchen space – giving everyone a chance at creating something unique that reflects their own style and personality while using familiar pantry staples along the way.

Is Chicken Taco Soup Suitable For A Low-Carb Or Ketogenic Diet?

For individuals who are looking to maintain a low-carb or ketogenic diet, it is beneficial to understand the nutritional profile of specific meals. In this regard, chicken taco soup can be analyzed with respect to its suitability for these diets. This dish has become increasingly popular due to its ease and convenience in preparation as well as its flavorful combination of ingredients.

In order to determine if chicken taco soup is suitable for a low-carb or ketogenic diet, various aspects must be taken into consideration. The primary components of this meal include chicken, beans, tomatoes, corn, and spices like cumin and chili powder. Moreover, some recipes may call for additional ingredients such as cheese, sour cream or other toppings which will increase the amount of carbohydrates present in the final product. Additionally, tortilla chips typically accompany many versions of this soup; however they should be avoided when attempting to keep carbohydrate content at a minimum.

To summarize: Chicken taco soup can easily fit within a low-carb or ketogenic diet by adhering to the following guidelines: 1) Substitute flour tortillas with lettuce wraps 2) Omit cheese 3) Use plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream 4) Avoid adding any type of topping that contains grains or starches. By doing so one can enjoy all the flavors associated with this classic dish without compromising their dietary goals.


Chicken taco soup is a popular dish with many delicious variations. Although it has its roots in Mexican cuisine, this hearty and flavorful soup can be adapted to suit any taste or dietary preference. It’s important to understand the basics of preparing chicken taco soup before experimenting with different ingredients or cooking methods.

Vegetarians should take note that traditional recipes for chicken taco soup contain meat; however, there are numerous vegetarian adaptations available which replace the meat with vegetables such as beans, corn, peppers and onions. Additionally, the longevity of chicken taco soups depends on their individual components – some may last up to three days when stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator while others freeze well if tightly sealed.

Finally, there are countless ways to customize your own version of chicken taco soup – from adding additional spices like cumin and chili powder to incorporating healthier options such as lean ground turkey or low-carbohydrate alternatives like cauliflower rice. Whether you’re working within the confines of a specific diet or just looking to shake things up, making minor adjustments here and there will ensure that each bowl of chicken taco soup hits the spot “just right” every time!

Chicken Taco Soup Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: MainCuisine: MexicanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Chicken Taco Soup Recipe is a hearty and flavorful dish that is sure to be a hit with the whole family. It’s packed with chicken, beans, corn, tomatoes, and other tasty ingredients, and it’s all simmered together in a delicious tomato-based broth.


  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil

  • 1 1 onion, diced

  • 2 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 1 bell pepper, diced

  • 1 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced

  • 1 tsp 1 chili powder

  • 1 tsp 1 cumin

  • 1 tsp 1 oregano

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 paprika

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 cayenne pepper

  • 1 (14.5) oz 1 (14.5) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes

  • 1 (15) oz 1 (15) can black beans, drained and rinsed

  • 1 (15) oz 1 (15) can corn, drained

  • 1 (14.5) oz 1 (14.5) cancan chicken broth

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 chopped fresh cilantro

  • 1 1 lime, juiced

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • Optional toppings: shredded cheese, sour cream, diced avocado


  • Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, and bell pepper, and cook until the vegetables are softened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the chicken and cook until the chicken is cooked through, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the chili powder, cumin, oregano, paprika, and cayenne pepper, and stir to combine.
  • Add the tomatoes, black beans, corn, and chicken broth, and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Serve with your favorite toppings.