cream of bacon soup recipe

Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe

The Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe is an indulgent and delicious way to enjoy a hearty meal. This dish can be made in under 40 minutes, making it the perfect choice for busy lifestyles. It combines savory bacon with creamy potatoes and vegetables into one comforting soup that will tantalize taste buds. With this recipe, anyone can master the art of comfort food cooking; suitable for any occasion or season.

This article explores the different ingredients necessary to make the Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe as well as instructions on how to prepare it properly. Additionally, tips are provided on how to customize the flavor profile of this classic dish according to individual tastes and preferences. The recommended modifications have been chosen based on their ability to maximize flavor while still keeping preparation time low.

Finally, further details about why this particular recipe stands out among other similar dishes are discussed. Through these explanations, readers will gain more knowledge about why they should choose this Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe over others available today. By understanding its unique characteristics, individuals can unlock culinary creativity and achieve spectacular results at home without sacrificing precious time or money resources.

Ingredients Needed

cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!
cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!

A steaming bowl of cream of bacon soup is an ideal cold-weather comfort food. It has been a winter staple in many households for centuries, as it provides sustenance and warmth to those who consume it. In order to prepare this delicious dish, one must first acquire the necessary ingredients: bacon, vegetables of preference (such as celery and onion), and chicken or vegetable broth.

The addition of bacon adds a unique smoky flavor to the traditional cream soup base while providing some protein content. Vegetables add texture and additional nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Broth serves as the liquid foundation which binds all flavors together; use either store-bought or homemade stock depending on personal preference.

Once these key components are gathered, one can begin to construct the savory meal that will bring joy to those around them.

Kitchen Utensils Required

In order to effectively produce a delicious cream of bacon soup, one must acquire the applicable kitchen utensils. A large soup pot is needed for simmering and combining ingredients as they cook together. Additionally, measuring cups are necessary for properly portioning out ingredients in accordance with specific recipes. Lastly, spoons or ladles will be required for stirring and mixing all components throughout the cooking process.

Having gathered these tools prior to beginning preparation ensures that there will not be any unforeseen obstacles along the way which could impede upon the progress of creating this savory dish. Furthermore, having an organized workspace during food production can help reduce stress levels while allowing for greater concentration on further steps involved in creation of the meal.

With all essential items at hand, it is easy to move onto the next phase of crafting this culinary masterpiece: preparing a flavorful broth-based foundation from which additional flavors may be added.

Steps For Preparing The Soup Base

The first step in preparing a cream of bacon soup is to create an aromatic base. This can be achieved by simmering vegetables such as carrots, celery, and potatoes in oil or butter. To add another layer of flavor, try frying onions until slightly caramelized before combining them with the vegetables. Once all components have been combined together into a pot, chicken or beef broth may then be added for additional liquid volume and savory notes in the overall dish. Simmer the mixture for several minutes until it has reached its desired consistency.

To further enhance the flavors present in this recipe, spices such as parsley, oregano, thyme, garlic powder, and pepper may now be incorporated according to personal preference. These herbs are sure to bring out even more depth from the already complex combination of ingredients that make up this wonderful meal. It is important not to over season though; too much spice can easily overpower other subtle flavors within the concoction.

As a final touch to ensure maximum flavor potential is achieved when creating this delectable dish, a bit of white wine can be stirred in at low heat. The hint of acidity will provide an exciting contrast between salty and sweet elements while simultaneously bringing out enticing aromas during cooking time. TIP: Always keep tasting throughout preparation so that any last minute adjustments may be made if necessary!

With these foundational steps complete, everything is ready for chopping and cooking the bacon which will give this comforting classic its distinctive taste!

Chopping And Cooking The Bacon

Now that the aromatics and spices have been prepared, it is time to chop and cook the bacon. This step requires careful attention to ensure each piece of meat is cooked properly and brings out its full flavor potential. To begin, cut the bacon into small cubes or strips before adding them to a medium-high heated skillet with some extra oil if needed. Gently stir or move the pieces around during cooking so they do not stick together, then remove once the desired crispiness has been achieved. For even more flavor, try using different types of bacon for this recipe such as applewood smoked or maple-glazed varieties which can add an interesting twist to traditional cream of bacon soup recipes!

After all pieces are cooked according to preference, set aside on a paper towel-lined plate in order to absorb access grease. Once cooled down slightly, crumble them up into smaller bits for easier incorporation into later steps. If desired, reserve some larger chunks for garnish at the end when dishing out individual servings – a beautiful presentation will be sure to impress any dinner guest!

At this stage in preparation everything necessary has been chopped and cooked; ultimately bringing us one step closer towards achieving our ultimate goal: blending these delicious components together into one harmonious dish!

Blending The Soup

Having prepared the components of this cream of bacon soup recipe, attention now turns towards blending them together to create a rich and flavorful dish. Before starting, it is important to consider which technique will be used as the final texture can depend on specifics such as blender blades or speed settings. For instance, if looking for a smooth consistency then pulse-blending with sharp blades at lower speeds could work well; whereas if wanting more chunky pieces within the finished product then simply blend all ingredients together in one go using higher speeds may achieve desired results.

Regardless of what method is chosen, ensure everything is properly folded into each other until reaching an even mixture without any lumps – an indicator that proper combining has been achieved. Additionally, take note of how thick or thin the base appears compared to personal tastes – adding extra broth or milk later should help reach the optimal thickness level. As always, taste along the way to make sure flavors are developing correctly and adjust seasoning accordingly!

The last step before serving involves slowly incorporating heavy cream until desired richness is reached; stirring continuously ensures thoroughness so there are no clumps left behind. After careful scrutiny by tasting and adjusting seasonings where necessary, the soup should now have transformed from its individual parts into one harmonious result ready for plating up!

Adding Milk And Cream

cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!
cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!

With the soup now blended and ready to move onto its finishing touches, attention turns towards incorporating two of the key ingredients – milk and cream. As with all culinary steps preceding this one, it is essential to remain mindful of how these additions can affect flavor depth.

Milk should be added slowly while stirring continuously; depending on personal preferences this could either be whole or reduced-fat varieties. Regardless of which type is chosen, adding too much at once may result in an overly diluted taste that cannot easily be rescued by adjusting seasonings afterwards. Thus taking time to gradually add small amounts will bring out optimal flavors for a balanced dish!

The same principle applies when introducing cream into the mix – best results are achieved through slow blending after smaller sections have already been folded into each other. Moreover, keep an eye on texture as well since using high speeds can cause separation between solids and liquids; if needed adjust speed settings accordingly until achieving desired consistency without any lumps left behind.

Having carefully combined both dairy components within the soup mixture, it’s now time to start flavoring with spices before serving up a warm bowl of bacon goodness!

Flavoring With Spices

Achieving the perfect flavor balance is essential for any successful dish, and this cream of bacon soup is no exception. With the addition of milk and cream now complete, it’s time to focus on seasoning through the careful selection of spices. To best bring out its unique character, a blend of smoked paprika, garlic powder, black pepper, and Italian herbs are recommended as an ideal combination to add when flavoring with bacon-spice.

The importance of adjusting seasonings goes beyond simply sprinkling in salt; rather a more nuanced approach should be taken by considering how different ingredients work together. Soup-seasoning could benefit from incorporating other savory elements such as onions or mushrooms – depending on personal tastes naturally. Also take into account whether additional sugar might be needed to offset some sharpness due to acidic tomatoes or even tangy mustard!

Once all components have been combined and blended evenly into the creamy base, gently simmer until desired consistency has been reached before tasting once again for further adjustments along the way. Through trial and error it should eventually become possible to create a delicious bowl that embodies both delicate yet powerful flavors associated with cream-flavoring. Now that everything’s ready it’s only left to finish off with a few touches…

Finishing Touches

cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!
cream of bacon soup recipe-this delicious cream of bacon soup recipe is full of flavor and sure to become a family favorite!

The finishing touches of any dish are just as important as the ingredients that make it up, and this cream of bacon soup is no exception. When looking to complete the recipe there are a few garnish ideas recommended for topping choices. Firstly, chopped fresh parsley adds a subtle depth of flavor while also providing an attractive visual appeal. Secondly, diced green onions provide a mild onion-flavor with taste buds tingling texture. Lastly, crumbled crispy bacon bits add both crunchy texture and smoky aroma – making them one of the most popular suggestions when considering how best to finish off a bowl of cream-soup!

These toppings can be added individually or combined together to create a multi-layered experience in each spoonful taken. With these final flourishes now complete all that’s left is to serve and enjoy what has been created!

Serving Suggestions

It’s time to put the finishing touches on this cream of bacon soup and serve it up! There are a number of different serving ideas that can be used when presenting this savory dish. Depending on preference, adding unique garnishes or pairing with sweet accompaniments can make each bowl even more special.

Firstly, for those who enjoy creamy soups but also crave something crunchy, adding croutons is an excellent way to add texture while still keeping the focus on the creamy flavor profile. Secondly, fresh herbs such as thyme or rosemary added in small amounts will bring out aroma and depth without overpowering other flavors. Thirdly, for a hint of sweetness drizzling honey overtop adds just enough without becoming overly sugary. Lastly, for a truly indulgent experience try topping with grated Parmesan cheese – this simple addition creates a whole new level of sophistication and complexity in taste and presentation.

No matter which toppings or pairings are chosen they should always complement rather than compete with one another; working together to create an ensemble effect that brings out all the best elements of the recipe itself. With these serving suggestions now understood it’s time to move onto techniques for ensuring every batch comes out perfectly smooth!

Tips For Making A Smooth Soup

Making a smooth and creamy soup requires attention to several key elements when preparing. With the right techniques, a velvety texture can be achieved with every batch. Firstly, it is important to use an appropriate thickening agent such as flour or cornstarch; these ingredients help create the desired creaminess while also ensuring that everything stays together in one cohesive structure. Secondly, controlling the speed of the blender used for puréeing is critical – too high of a setting may cause small chunks of food to remain intact, while going too slow will not achieve the desired consistency. Lastly, allowing enough time to simmer after all ingredients are added helps blend flavors together into one harmonious combination; this step should never be rushed due to its importance in achieving true perfection.

Allowing sufficient time throughout each stage of preparation ensures that no shortcuts are taken which could lead to subpar results. Taking care during each process pays off in dividends later on by producing flavorful soups with unparalleled textures that keep customers craving more! The next section explains how best to reheat any leftovers without compromising quality or flavor.

Reheating Instructions

At times, the joy of a meal can be extended with leftovers. Reheating soup so that it tastes just as good as when first prepared requires attention to a few key details. Firstly, it is essential to heat the soup slowly and evenly in order to maintain its creamy texture; microwaving on high or boiling may cause separation of ingredients which ruins the overall consistency. Secondly, adding additional liquid such as water or broth helps thin out any remaining chunks while also ensuring all components are cooked thoroughly without burning. Lastly, seasoning should be adjusted accordingly since reheating often brings out more intense flavors than originally experienced.

By following these steps carefully, leftover soups remain every bit as delicious as freshly made batches – no one has to miss out on enjoying their favorite recipes! With some minor modifications, this cream of bacon soup recipe can easily be tailored to each person’s individual taste preferences.

Modifying The Recipe To Your Taste

Modifying a recipe to meet individual taste is an integral part of the cooking process. The cream of bacon soup recipe can be easily personalized by customizing the flavors to fit personal preferences. This begins with adjusting the seasonings, such as adding more salt or pepper to suit palates that prefer stronger flavor profiles. Additionally, herbs and spices like cumin or oregano can also be added for extra depth while still maintaining the overall quality of the dish.

In order to further customize this recipe, various ingredients can be substituted out or swapped in depending on what’s available at home or desired tastes. For example, turkey bacon may replace pork bacon if someone prefers a leaner meat source; however, it is important to note turkey bacon has less fat and therefore will not produce quite as much creamy texture when cooked into the soup. Other substitutions can include using vegetable stock instead of chicken broth or replacing potatoes with cauliflower – all without sacrificing any of its deliciousness!

The cream of bacon soup recipe offers endless possibilities to those looking for variety in their meals. Whether one wishes to emphasize certain flavors or experiment with different ingredients, there are plenty of ways they can make it uniquely their own. With some minor modifications, cooks have full control over how they want their finished product to turn out.

Variations Of The Recipe

No two cooks approach recipes the same way; there are always slight variations that can be made to tailor a dish to one’s own tastes. The cream of bacon soup recipe is no exception – it offers plenty of opportunities for personalization and experimentation. From using different types of bacon such as crispy or smoked, to adding additional ingredients like bacon bits, this dish has endless possibilities for variation.

The type of bacon used when making cream of bacon soup will have an impact on the flavor profile and texture of the final product. Crispy bacon adds crunchy texture to contrast with creamy potato chunks and broth while smoked varieties offer a unique smoky flavor that many find appealing in combination with other savory flavors. Bacon bits may also be added to give an extra boost of umami without overpowering the delicate balance between salty and sweet components in the recipe.

These modifications allow cooks to create their own signature version of cream of bacon soup by finding out what works best for them through trial and error. For those who enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, playing around with various ingredients until they’ve achieved their desired result can be both rewarding and satisfying. Even minor tweaks can make all the difference in transforming this classic comfort food into something truly special!

Storing Leftovers

When a dish is as delicious as cream of bacon soup, it’s no surprise that there are often leftovers. To ensure the best quality and taste when reheating these leftovers, proper storage techniques should be employed. As with any perishable food item, storing leftovers in an airtight container and refrigerating them within two hours after cooking is key to maintaining their freshness. Leftover portions can also be frozen for up to three months for longer-term storage options.

The type of container used for keeping leftovers will affect how well they stay preserved and retain their flavor. For maximum freshness, use glass or hard plastic containers that have tight-fitting lids which create an airtight seal. Foods stored in paper bags tend to dry out quickly; if using this option, wrap foods tightly with foil before putting them into the bag. Whatever storage choice is made, make sure to label containers clearly so that nothing gets accidentally forgotten about!

Storing leftover dishes like cream of bacon soup properly helps prevent wastage while allowing meals to be enjoyed again later on down the road. With just a little bit of planning ahead, cooks can easily extend the life span of their creations beyond one mealtime – giving everyone something extra special to look forward to!

Nutritional Information

Cream of bacon soup is not only delicious, but also a nutritious meal. Understanding the calorie-count and nutrient-content of this dish can help diners make informed decisions when planning meals that fit into their dietary needs. As with most recipes, the amount of fat content will vary based on ingredients used to create it; however, in general terms, one cup contains approximately 250 calories and 14 grams of fat.

This creamy recipe provides an array of essential vitamins and minerals as well. One serving provides about 35% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin A, 15% RDI for vitamin C, 4% RDI for iron and 10% RDI for calcium – making it a great source of these key nutrients! Additionally, cream of bacon soup includes protein from the pork sausage used in its preparation; two cups provide up to 20 grams of protein per serving.

When creating or eating this dish, keep an eye out for other potential ingredients that may influence nutritional values such as high sodium levels if processed cheese has been added during cooking. With knowledge about nutrition facts at hand before indulging in any culinary delight like cream of bacon soup, everyone can enjoy each savory bite without worry!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Bacon Should I Use For This Recipe?

The type of bacon a person should use in any given recipe is an important factor to consider. Bacon brings a unique flavor and smoky aroma that can greatly enhance the dish. When it comes to choosing which kind of bacon for making cream of bacon soup, there are several options available. Smoked bacon, turkey bacon, and even pre-packaged bacon bits can all be utilized depending on the personal preference of the chef or cook.

Smoked bacon has been traditionally used by many chefs when making this particular type of soup because of its strong flavor profile. Using smoked bacon creates a robust taste compared to other types such as turkey bacon or pre-packaged bits, due to the smoking process utilized during preparation. Additionally, it adds texture with its crunchy bite that helps make dishes more enjoyable when eating them.

Turkey bacon has become increasingly popular over time since it contains less fat than regular pork varieties, yet still packs a flavorful punch with its savory seasonings and spices added during production. On the other hand, convenience-oriented cooks may prefer utilizing pre-packaged bits instead; they provide quick access without sacrificing too much on quality or flavor intensity since these kinds are often well seasoned prior to sale at stores.

In selecting what kind of bacon to use for one’s cream of Bacon Soup Recipe, each individual must weigh their own priorities carefully between convenience, health benefits, and desired flavor depth. Whichever option is chosen will surely bring about delicious results in this classic dish!

How Long Should I Cook The Soup For?

Simmering and stirring, the cooking duration of Cream of Bacon Soup is subject to debate. Those seeking a simple answer must consider a variety of factors before determining the ideal cooking length for this savory dish.
First, it is important to understand that simmering time can vary depending on the type of bacon used in the recipe. Smoked or thick-cut varieties may require longer cook times than traditionally cut strips due to their unique texture and flavor profiles. Additionally, if pre-cooked bacon is used instead of raw, then the total cooking length will be significantly reduced since most of the fat has already been rendered out during smoking or curing processes.

Furthermore, other ingredients like potatoes and onions also contribute to overall soup consistency and thickness which could affect how long one should simmer Cream of Bacon Soup. For example, adding more diced vegetables will add bulk to the mixture but might take slightly longer to fully incorporate flavors into broth compared with fewer chunks per batch. On the flip side, reducing vegetable amounts brings down both prep time as well as final cooking duration without compromising quality or taste.

Finally, personal preference plays an essential role when deciding on optimal simmering time for Cream of Bacon Soup; some chefs prefer thinner broths while others opt for richer consistencies that require additional minutes over heat source. As such, experimentation with different ingredient proportions and durations are recommended until desired results have been achieved – ensuring robust flavor from every spoonful!

Is This Recipe Suitable For Vegetarians?

Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular for various reasons. The current H2, ‘is this recipe suitable for vegetarians?’, inquires whether the Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe can be altered to comply with vegetarian dietary guidelines and preferences.

To make a vegetarian version of this soup, bacon must be replaced with an appropriate substitute. Vegetable-based substitutes provide similar smoky flavors while still being dairy-free. For example, smoked paprika or liquid smoke are excellent options as they replicate the flavor profile without using animal products. Additionally, it is important to check that other ingredients used in the recipe such as stock cubes or pre-made sauces contain no animal derivatives to ensure full compliance with vegan standards.

When adapting recipes to cater for different diets, it is essential to consider any potential allergens present in replacement ingredients if applicable. Careful product research should also be done when looking at alternative food items; ensuring the ingredients meet strict vegetarian standards by following label guidance may become necessary.

TIP: Consider adding additional vegetable based soups like carrots or mushrooms which add more flavour and texture while providing extra nutrition!

How Many Servings Does This Recipe Make?

This article will explore the question of how many servings a single recipe yields. It is important to understand the number of servings per recipe as it directly affects meal preparation and planning. The yield, or quantity produced from a given amount of ingredients in a recipe, can vary depending on preferences and portion size.

When considering the number of servings per recipe, there are some key factors that should be considered. Firstly, recipes may have different serving sizes based on whether they are for appetizers or main dishes. Secondly, other components such as side dishes and desserts must also be taken into account when determining the total number of servings needed from one recipe. Finally, individual taste preferences play an important role in deciding if more than one batch of a certain dish needs to be prepared to ensure satisfaction among diners.

Understanding how much food each recipe produces gives people greater control over their culinary endeavors. Knowing the exact number of servings ensures that enough food is available while avoiding unnecessary waste due to excess leftovers. With this knowledge comes power; being able to give specific instructions about what should be cooked and served at any occasion increases confidence in both chefs and hosts alike!

Can I Freeze The Soup After It’s Cooked?

Freezing soup is a popular method for preserving leftovers and extending the shelf life of cooked meals. Many people wonder if this technique can be used to store bacon soup. This article will discuss whether it is possible to freeze cream of bacon soup after it has been prepared.

When freezing cooked foods, there are a few considerations that should be taken into account before deciding on a storage solution. The texture, flavor, and safety of the food must all be considered when determining how long items can remain in the freezer without becoming spoiled or hazardous to consume. Because of these factors, some types of soup may not be suitable for freezing due to their high moisture content and potential risk associated with storing them at low temperatures.

In the case of cream of bacon soup, research indicates that while freezing does offer an extended period of time where the dish remains safe to eat, its consistency may be compromised during thawing as liquid separates from solid components; because of this issue, many cooks recommend consuming any remaining portions within two days rather than attempting to freeze them for later use. Therefore, although it is technically feasible to freeze cream of bacon soup after cooking it, doing so will likely result in reduced quality compared to immediately eating what was made fresh on the day it was created.

It is important for home chefs and those who frequently prepare dishes like cream of bacon soup to understand both their options for storage and which might provide better results over time. In general, freshly-made soups have more intense flavors that diminish with age; therefore opting for immediate consumption is often preferable over freezing as a way to preserve taste and texture.


The soup is a hearty, comforting dish. It has long been a staple of traditional cooking and can be made with many different types of bacon – from crispy streaky to smoky lardons. Symbolically, the rich aroma of simmering bacon evokes feelings of warmth and togetherness. The length of cooking time will depend on the type of bacon used; however it should always be cooked until tender. This recipe is not suitable for vegetarians as it contains bacon; however, alternative ingredients such as mushrooms or tofu could be substituted in its place to make a vegetarian-friendly version.

The creaminess of this soup makes it ideal for sharing with family and friends, providing a sense of connection and community between eaters. One batch should yield around four servings but may vary depending on portion size. The soup can also be frozen successfully after cooking so that leftovers don’t go to waste – another symbol of care for those who are partaking in the meal.

In conclusion, cream of bacon soup provides an opportunity to come together over something warm and delicious while reflecting on both tradition and modernity alike. With its balance of creamy texture, savoury flavour and ability to feed multiple people at once, this timeless classic continues to bring people closer even when they’re apart.

Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: SoupsCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Cream of Bacon Soup Recipe combines smoky bacon with creamy potatoes to make a delicious and hearty soup. It’s a perfect dish for a chilly night and is easy to prepare.


  • 2 tbsp 2 butter

  • 1 cup 1 diced onion

  • 4 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 6 6 slices bacon, chopped

  • 4 cup 4 chicken broth

  • 4 cup 4 peeled and chopped potatoes

  • 2 cup 2 heavy cream

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  • In a large pot, melt the butter over medium-high heat.
  • Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion is soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the bacon and cook until the bacon is crisp, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the chicken broth and potatoes and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and add the cream.
  • Puree the soup using an immersion blender or in batches in a blender or food processor.
  • Season the soup with salt and pepper.
  • Serve the soup hot.