gemelli pasta recipe

Gemelli Pasta Recipe

Gemelli pasta is a unique Italian dish that’s sure to tantalize the taste buds of anyone who tries it. An exquisite blend of flavors, textures, and colors make this meal an unforgettable experience for any food lover looking for something new and exciting. This recipe provides an easy way to prepare gemelli pasta in less than 30 minutes – perfect for those seeking liberation from their busy schedules while still wanting to enjoy delicious dishes.

Cooking can be intimidating at times, but with this simple recipe you’ll have no trouble creating your own masterpiece in the kitchen! All you need are basic ingredients like olives, tomatoes, garlic, parsley, olive oil, and gemelli noodles – plus some spices for added flavor. The result is a delectable dish full of freshness and savoriness with every bite!

The best part? You don’t even need to be a master chef or spend hours slaving away in the kitchen. With just a few steps and minimal effort you can easily whip up a scrumptious plate of Gemelli pasta that will leave your guests begging for more!

What Is Gemelli Pasta?

gemelli pasta recipe-try this gemelli pasta recipe tonight for a flavorful italian meal that's sure to delight!
Gemelli Pasta Recipe-Try this Gemelli Pasta Recipe tonight for a flavorful Italian meal that’s sure to delight!

Gemelli pasta is a delightful treat for the taste buds – an experience that unites flavor and texture. Its origins date back centuries, when Italian cooks used simple ingredients to create something truly special. This unique shape of twisted and twirled noodles has become popular around the world due to its versatility in recipes. Its name comes from the Italian phrase “gemelli di fratelli” which translates to “twins of brothers,” referencing how each piece looks like two pieces joined together in one twisty bundle.

Gemelli pasta offers a satisfying crunch with every bite, making it perfect as a side dish or incorporated into main dishes. It can also be added to salads or soups for extra flavor and texture. With numerous shapes and sizes available on today’s market, there are many ways to incorporate this delicious food option into your cooking routine!

No matter what you choose to do with gemelli pasta, its savory delightfulness will tantalize your palate – leaving you wanting more with every bite. Ready to get started? Let’s check out what ingredients we’ll need…


gemelli pasta recipe-try this gemelli pasta recipe tonight for a flavorful italian meal that's sure to delight!
Gemelli Pasta Recipe-Try this Gemelli Pasta Recipe tonight for a flavorful Italian meal that’s sure to delight!

To make gemelli pasta, you’ll need a few simple ingredients. The main component is the dough itself – you can either buy pre-made pasta dough or make your own. Once you have the dough in hand, it’s time to gather the rest of the ingredients. Here’s what else you’ll need:

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 3 garlic cloves (minced)
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

With these items prepared and ready for use, we’re almost there! Garlic adds some flavor while the olive oil helps keep things moist and add richness to every bite. Both are essential for achieving that classic Italian taste. And you can’t forget about the flour – an important base ingredient that will help bind everything together. All in all, these three components create a flavorful dish sure to tantalize anyone’s tastebuds!

Preparing The Ingredients

gemelli pasta recipe-try this gemelli pasta recipe tonight for a flavorful italian meal that's sure to delight!
Gemelli Pasta Recipe-Try this Gemelli Pasta Recipe tonight for a flavorful Italian meal that’s sure to delight!

The next step in creating the perfect gemelli pasta is preparing all of the necessary ingredients. This process could be considered a magical transformation – taking simple, raw elements and transforming them into something extraordinary! To get started, start by gathering your garlic cloves and chopping them until they’re very fine. Then measure out 2 cups of flour, as well as any other spices or seasonings you want to add for flavor. Finally, take ¼ cup of extra-virgin olive oil and set it aside for later use.

Once all these components have been prepped and ready to go, it’s time to move on to the next step: cooking up the dish! But before that can happen, there’s one final thing left to do: combine everything together! With all of these ingredients gathered and prepared separately, now is the time to mix them up until they form a cohesive dough. Doing so will help bring this recipe full-circle; from separate parts to one delicious whole. Now we’re finally ready to move on and create a truly scrumptious meal with ease!

Cooking Directions

Now that the ingredients are prepped and ready to go, it’s time for the exciting part: bringing this delicious dish to life! Cooking up a batch of gemelli pasta is all about finding just the right combination of boiling and sautéing techniques. Follow these simple steps below for fool-proof results every time:

  • Boil a large pot of salted water before adding in the raw dough. This helps bring out its flavor while also avoiding any sticking together during cooking.
  • After around eight minutes, test the dough with a fork or spoon; if it’s tender enough, then you can remove it from heat and strain it into a colander.
  • Heat some extra-virgin olive oil in a separate skillet over medium heat before adding your cooked noodles. Then season them with garlic powder, salt, and pepper according to taste.
  • Once everything is nicely browned on both sides (around five minutes total), you can turn off the stovetop heat and transfer your finished product onto plates for serving.
  • Finally, top with grated cheese such as Parmesan for an added layer of flavor!

With so many options available, there’s no limit to what kind of flavors you can add to your gemelli pasta – even without sauce! But for those who prefer their noodles slathered in something special, there are plenty of types of sauces worth trying too…

Types Of Sauce To Use

Think of your favorite pasta dish and the sauce that goes along with it; chances are, they come together to create a symphony of flavor like no other. The same can be said for gemelli pasta – only this time, you get to choose from an array of sauces all cooked up in different ways! From classic tomato-basil to hearty bolognese or creamy alfredo, there’s sure to be one perfect for your taste buds.

To start off, a simple tomato-based sauce is always a great option when looking to add some extra zest to any recipe. Not only does it go well with most types of noodles (including gemelli!), but it also comes pre-made and ready out of the jar as well. All you need to do is heat it up and pour over top before serving – easy peasy and delicious!

Bolognese sauce is another popular choice among pasta lovers and works particularly well when paired with gemelli due its thicker texture. This type of sauce usually contains ground beef, onions, celery, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, oregano, parsley and more – making every bite full of robust flavors people can’t get enough of. However if you’re looking for something a bit lighter on the palette then why not try out an alfredo? Its creamy consistency adds just the right amount of richness without being too heavy which makes it ideal for those who want their meals light yet fulfilling at the same time.

No matter what type of sauce you decide upon – make sure you take into account each ingredient’s individual flavor profile so that everything blends together perfectly in harmony. Now let’s move onto finding suitable substitutes…


With the right blend of ingredients and a good sauce, you can turn any gemelli pasta dish into something truly special. But if for some reason your pantry is running low on certain items – never fear! There are plenty of substitutions available to help give your meal that extra oomph it needs.

For starters, there’s always alternative ingredients like garlic powder or onion flakes as a way to flavor up your tomato-based sauces without having fresh onions or cloves on hand. Or try using vegan options such as cashew cream instead of traditional dairy milk for an alfredo recipe with a twist. You can even get creative by experimenting with different types of noodles too; penne rigate works just as well in most dishes so feel free to switch things up every once in awhile!

No matter what combination you end up going with, one thing’s for sure: when it comes to making perfect gemelli pasta dishes, being flexible with substituting ingredients will definitely come in handy. Up next we’ll be discussing tips and tricks for mastering this delicious Italian classic…

Tips And Tricks For Perfecting The Recipe

Creating the perfect gemelli pasta recipe takes a bit of practice – but with these helpful tips and tricks, you’ll be sure to impress even the pickiest eaters! Here are some things to keep in mind when making this Italian classic:

First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that your noodles are cooked al dente. If they’re too soft or mushy, your dish won’t have the right texture – so take care not to overcook them! Secondly, always salt the boiling water before adding your noodles; this will ensure that all of their flavor is sealed inside as they cook. And finally, don’t forget about seasoning your sauce properly; a few dashes of garlic powder can really bring out its taste!

By following these simple steps, you can rest assured knowing that your gemelli pasta dish will turn out just right every time. Up next we’ll discuss how best to serve this delicious meal…

Serving Suggestions

With your gemelli pasta cooked to perfection, it’s time to get creative with serving suggestions! Whether you’re whipping up a quick weeknight dinner or hosting an elegant gathering of friends and family, there are plenty of ways to make this classic dish shine.

For starters, serve the pasta in its own bowl topped with freshly grated Parmesan cheese – it’s sure to be a hit! You can also opt for more traditional sides such as garlic bread or a simple side salad. Or if you want something heartier, try pairing the noodles with grilled chicken breasts and steamed vegetables. The possibilities here are endless!

No matter which accompaniments you choose, don’t forget about adding some fresh herbs like basil or parsley. These fragrant additions will really tie everything together and turn your plate into a work of art. And that’s all there is to it – so go ahead and enjoy your homemade masterpiece!

Nutrition Information

If you’re looking for a nutritious meal that won’t skimp on flavor, gemelli pasta is an excellent choice. Not only does it have the perfect al dente texture, but its nutrient content packs some serious benefits as well. To start, this type of noodle contains significant amounts of B vitamins and complex carbohydrates to provide energy throughout the day. Plus, it’s also high in fiber which helps with digestion and can even assist with weight management.

When it comes to nutrition facts, one serving (or two ounces) of cooked gemelli pasta has about 200 calories and 8 grams of protein. This amount also provides 28% of your daily value for iron and 18% for zinc – both essential minerals needed for healthy immune system functioning. So if you’re in search of a filling meal that will keep you energized all day long, then this dish should be at the top of your list!

What makes this particular item so great is its versatility. With just a few minor tweaks here and there, you can easily turn this classic Italian favorite into something unique and delicious every time. And thankfully we don’t need to worry about missing out on any important nutrients – no matter how creative we get with our recipes! So let’s take a look at some variations on the dish…

Variations On The Dish

When it comes to variations on the dish, there’s no shortage of possibilities. For vegetarians looking for a filling meal that won’t skimp on flavor, you can easily make this recipe without the meat by simply omitting it and adding more vegetables like mushrooms or peppers. To give your gemelli pasta an extra pop of flavor, try sautéing some garlic in olive oil before tossing in your noodles. Then, top off with fresh herbs like basil and oregano – delizioso!

If you’re feeling adventurous, why not spice things up with some pesto? This traditional Italian sauce is made from basil leaves, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, olive oil, and garlic – all blended together until smooth. You can find pre-made varieties at most grocery stores or whip up your own batch if you have time (trust us – it’s worth it!). Simply toss a spoonful into the cooked gemelli pasta along with some freshly grated cheese and voila – you’ve got yourself a delicious meal fit for any occasion.

No matter how you choose to enjoy it, gemelli pasta is sure to be a hit every time. Not only does it provide essential vitamins and minerals but its unique shape also makes for an interesting presentation when served as part of a larger meal. So next time you feel like experimenting in the kitchen, don’t forget about this tasty option!

Storing Leftovers

Storing leftovers is a great way to enjoy your gemelli pasta meal the next day. With the right storage techniques, you can keep all those delicious flavors intact and have just as tasty of a dinner tomorrow night. Here are three tips for properly storing leftovers so they stay fresher longer:

  • Refrigeration: Place your leftover gemelli pasta in an airtight container or resealable bag before transferring it to the refrigerator. This will help reduce spoilage and ensure that none of its flavor goes wasted!
  • Freezing: For long-term storage, freeze your gemelli pasta in freezer bags or containers for up to six months. Be sure to label each one with the date so you know when it was stored. When ready to use, simply thaw overnight in the fridge then heat in a skillet on low heat until warmed through – yum!
  • Reheating Instructions: Reheat any leftover gemelli dish either covered over medium heat on the stovetop or in a 350°F oven for about 10 minutes (depending on how much you’re reheating). To enhance both flavor and texture, add a tablespoon of butter while stirring occasionally during cooking time.

No matter what method you choose, make sure not to leave cooked food out at room temperature more than two hours – this increases bacteria growth and could make you sick. As long as these guidelines are followed, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy another round of your favorite homemade Italian dish whenever hunger strikes!

Reheating Instructions

Reheating your gemelli pasta is like a journey of liberation. It’s the opportunity to liberate yourself from food boredom and experience a culinary adventure with every bite! If done properly, you can enjoy all the delicious flavors that were present when your dish was first cooked. Here are some tips for reheating your leftovers:

  • Reheat Gemelli Pasta: To ensure even heating, break up any large chunks of pasta before placing it on the stovetop or in an oven-safe dish. Heat over medium heat or in a 350°F oven until warm throughout – stirring occasionally. For extra flavor, add butter while cooking or sprinkle parmesan cheese on top after it’s finished.
  • Reheat Sauce: Whether you’re using tomato sauce or alfredo sauce to accompany your gemelli pasta meal, make sure to bring it back up to temperature slowly. This will help maintain its texture and keep it from separating into oil and solids. Place sauce in a small pot over low heat until warmed through then serve with freshly cooked gemelli pasta.

With these simple instructions, you can now easily transport yourself back to Italian cuisine paradise without having to cook another full meal from scratch – how liberating!

Pairings With Gemelli Pasta

Now that you know how to reheat your gemelli pasta, it’s time to think about the best pairings for this Italian-style dish. With its hearty texture and delicate flavor, there are endless possibilities when it comes to creating a delicious meal with this type of pasta. Here are some pairing ideas to get you started:

  • Gemelli Pasta Pairings: To give your gemelli pasta an extra boost of flavor, consider adding vegetables like mushrooms or spinach; herbs such as parsley or oregano; proteins like chicken or shrimp; and cheeses including parmesan or ricotta. For a truly unique experience, try mixing these ingredients together in one pan before serving over freshly cooked gemelli pasta!
  • Wine Pairings: When selecting wine to accompany your gemelli pasta dish, look for something light yet full-bodied – such as pinot noir – which will compliment the flavors without overpowering them. Alternatively, white wines like sauvignon blanc can be used if preferred. Be sure to experiment until finding what works best for you and your guests!
  • Regional Recipes: If you’re looking for inspiration from Italy itself, why not explore popular regional recipes featuring gemelli pasta? Examples include spaghetti all’amatriciana (spaghetti with tomato sauce and bacon), carbonara (pasta with egg yolk and pancetta) and cacio e pepe (pasta with cheese and black pepper). By experimenting with different combinations of ingredients, you can create an authentic Italian feast right at home!

These are just a few tips on how to make the most out of your next gemelli pasta dinner – so go ahead and start exploring all the exciting options available!

Popular Regional Recipes Featuring Gemelli Pasta

When it comes to Italian cuisine, gemelli pasta recipes are a great way to explore the culture’s flavors and traditions. Regional recipes have been passed down through generations of families, so there is no shortage of delicious ideas for you to try!

One popular regional recipe featuring gemelli pasta is spaghetti all’amatriciana – a dish made with tomato sauce and bacon that originates from Amatrice in Lazio region. The combination of salty bacon with sweet tomatoes creates an incredibly flavorful result – perfect for any dinner party or gathering. Another classic favorite is carbonara, which hails from Rome and consists of egg yolk mixed with pancetta over cooked pasta. This simple yet satisfying meal can be enjoyed alone or topped off with parmesan cheese as desired. Finally, cacio e pepe is also native to Italy – this one utilizes black pepper along with grated cheese like pecorino romano. Whether served as part of a larger feast or simply on its own, this savory dish will leave your taste buds wanting more!

No matter which recipe you choose, gemelli pasta provides plenty of opportunities to experiment in the kitchen and create something truly unique. With just a few ingredients and some creative flair, anyone can become an expert at making these traditional Italian dishes right at home!

Troubleshooting Common Issues With This Dish

It can be difficult to perfect a gemelli pasta dish, but troubleshooting these common issues will help bring out the best in your cooking. Here are some of the most common problems you might encounter and how to fix them:

  • Flavor:
    \t* If your pasta is too bland, try adding more herbs or spices for added flavor – garlic powder, oregano, and basil work great! You can also add cheese like parmesan or pecorino romano for an extra punch of taste.
    \t* If it’s too salty, cut back on any pre-seasoned ingredients such as bacon or pancetta. Alternatively, reduce the amount of salt used when boiling the water for your noodles.
    \t* If there’s too much heat from chili flakes or other spicy additions, cool things down by adding cream or yogurt to balance it out.
  • Texture:
  • If your dish comes out mushy or overcooked, this usually means that the pasta was cooked for too long – make sure to double check timing instructions before starting on this step! Reducing liquid levels in sauces can also help prevent oversoftening.
  • On the flip side, if your gemelli is still crunchy after following all steps properly then it could mean not enough moisture has been added to pan during sautéing process – add a splash of oil and mix well until desired texture is achieved.

With these tips in mind, you’ll have no problem creating a delicious gemelli pasta masterpiece every time! Whether it’s served with sauce or simply tossed in olive oil and lemon juice – nothing beats homemade Italian cuisine straight from the kitchen!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should Gemelli Pasta Be Cooked For?

One of the most common questions in regards to cooking gemelli pasta is how long should it be cooked for? The answer to this depends on a few factors, such as what type of sauce you are serving with your gemelli pasta and how al dente you like your noodles. In general, gemelli pasta should be cooked between 8-10 minutes, but it’s important to keep an eye on them so they don’t overcook. Here are some tips that can help ensure your gemelli pasta turns out delicious every time:

  • Cook the gemelli in boiling salted water – Salting the water helps give flavor to the noodles and aids in evenly cooking them.
  • Check often while simmering the noodles – It’s easy for a pot of boiling water to go from perfectly done to overdone in just a couple of minutes.
  • Taste test along the way– This will help determine when the noodles have been cooked for enough time since everyone has different taste preferences.
  • Use tongs or a fork rather than stirring with a spoon– Stirring with a spoon can break apart the noodles making them mushy versus keeping their shape intact.

It’s recommended to start by setting aside at least 8 minutes for cooking gemelli pasta and then adding additional time if needed until desired texture is achieved. Depending on whether you’re making one dish or prepping several meals ahead, knowing how long each item takes may require trial and error before getting everything timed correctly. But once mastered, having precise timing down for all dishes makes meal preparation much easier!

What Are Some Different Ways To Serve Gemelli Pasta?

Preparing meals can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right recipes and ingredients, gemelli pasta can be transformed into something truly extraordinary! Talk about an amazing culinary experience that will leave your taste buds floored; from classic dishes like gemelli salad and casserole, to more creative options such as a gemelli bake – there are endless possibilities when it comes to serving up this delicious pasta dish.

To start off with some flair, why not try making a gemelli salad? It’s incredibly easy to prepare and requires minimal effort for maximum flavor. Simply cook the pasta according to package directions then combine with your favorite vegetables, herbs, and dressings of choice for a delectable side or main course. Another option is creating a scrumptious gemelli casserole by combining cooked gemelli pasta with other ingredients such as cheese, tomatoes, onions, and seasonings before baking in the oven until golden brown perfection is achieved!

For those looking for something outside-the-box yet still delicious, consider trying out an inventive gemelli bake. This recipe combines cooked gemelli noodles with sautéed veggies like bell peppers and mushrooms along with garlic powder and Italian seasoning to create layers of mouthwatering flavors in every bite. The best part? You can easily customize the recipe by adding different proteins like chicken or shrimp for added nutrition – you won’t regret giving this one a try!

Gemelli pasta provides limitless opportunities for creativity in the kitchen. From simple salads to hearty bakes – let your imagination run wild while experimenting with various combinations of ingredients resulting in unique dishes sure to tantalize any palate. Whether choosing traditional preparation methods or going off script – make sure you bring bold flavors and big smiles to the dinner table each time!

Is Gemelli Pasta Gluten-Free?

One of the most common questions about gemelli pasta is whether it is gluten-free. Unfortunately, this type of pasta isn’t naturally gluten-free. Though some brands may offer a special version that is made with gluten-free ingredients instead, regular gemelli pasta does contain wheat flour and other grain starches which are not suitable for those on a gluten-free diet.

Despite being off limits to those who cannot consume gluten, gemelli pasta can still be enjoyed by many people. It has become increasingly popular due to its shape and texture; though it looks like spaghetti or macaroni noodles, the twists create a unique look when cooked in dishes. For those looking for an alternative to traditional long strands of noodle shapes, trying out gemelli pastas could be just the thing they need – as long as they don’t require their food to be entirely free from gluten!

For individuals looking for a way to enjoy this delicious type of pasta without worrying about any potential health risks, there are options available such as making homemade versions using rice flours or quinoa pastas. Additionally, seeking out pre-made gluten-free varieties at local stores allows consumers to experience all the flavors gemelli has to offer without having to worry about compromising their dietary restrictions. With so many alternatives now available, everyone can have access to delicious meals, regardless of what kind of diet they adhere too.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Gemelli Pasta?

What are the health benefits of eating gemelli pasta? As a delicious and versatile side dish, it can be hard to determine whether or not there is any nutritional value in this popular Italian food. Fortunately, research has shown that gemelli pasta does offer some notable health benefits.

For starters, gemelli pasta nutrition is rich in carbohydrates and low in fat – making it an excellent source of energy for those who lead active lifestyles. Additionally, the complex carbs found in gemelli pasta provide essential nutrients such as fiber which aid in digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels. Furthermore, this type of pasta also contains B-vitamins which play an important role in maintaining good overall physical health.

Eating gemelli pasta is also beneficial for its high iron content – something that many people struggle to get enough of on a regular basis. Iron helps our bodies produce red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout our system. This means consuming foods with higher iron concentrations can help promote healthy cardiovascular function and keep us feeling energized all day long!

Gemelli pasta offers a great way to enjoy your favorite Italian dishes without compromising on nutrition. It’s quick and easy to prepare, plus its diverse flavor profile makes it ideal for pairing with other ingredients like vegetables, sauces, meats, and cheeses – giving you endless options when creating unique meals at home!

What Is The Best Type Of Sauce To Use With Gemelli Pasta?

When it comes to classic pasta dishes, many people will opt for the traditional spaghetti and marinara. But if you’re looking to switch things up a bit, why not try gemelli pasta? This type of noodle is similar in shape to elbow macaroni but has ridges that run along its length. The unique shape lends itself well to different types of sauces – from creamy alfredos and pestos to light tomato-based ones or more robust meaty recipes. So what’s the best type of sauce for a delicious bowl of gemelli pasta?

A great option is a simple tomato sauce with fresh basil. Start by sautéing onions and garlic in olive oil until they are fragrant and lightly golden brown. Then add canned tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, and red pepper flakes and simmer for about 10 minutes. Once the sauce has thickened slightly, stir in some freshly chopped basil leaves before serving over warm cooked gemelli noodles. Not only does this dish provide an incredible burst of flavor with every bite – it can also be served as either a main course or side dish!

Other tasty options include cheesy alfredo sauces made with butter, cream, Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, and lots of black pepper; white wine mushroom sauces with shallots and thyme; creamy carbonara recipes with bacon or pancetta; sun-dried tomato pestos blended together with almonds or pine nuts; spicy arrabiata sauces prepared using canned crushed tomatoes seasoned with garlic powder and chili flakes; and even rich Bolognese ragu’s simmered slowly until full of flavor. Here’s a list of ideas that your taste buds will love:

  • Tomato & Basil Sauce
  • Alfredo Sauce
  • White Wine Mushroom Sauce
  • Creamy Carbonara Recipe
  • Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto
  • Arrabbiata Sauce
  • Bolognese Ragu

No matter which one you choose – each one will bring something special to your bowl of gemelli pasta. Experimenting with these combinations can help create new flavors while adding texture and complexity to any meal. Why not give them all a try today?


At last, we come to the conclusion of our exploration into Gemelli pasta. This delectable dish has been a favorite in Italian cuisine for centuries and offers an array of tantalizing flavors and textures that can’t be beat!
Cooking it is easy as pie: just bring water to a boil, add some salt, then add your uncooked Gemelli pasta and let it cook until al dente. You’ll know it’s ready when you taste it – its toothsome texture will make your mouth sing with joy! Plus, Gemelli pasta is gluten-free so everyone can enjoy this delicious treat.
What really sets Gemelli apart from other pastas though is the countless ways it can be served. From simple sauces like olive oil or pesto to more complex dishes such as lasagna or macaroni salad, there are endless possibilities for how to prepare this beloved noodle. And each one will have your taste buds soaring through the stratosphere with delight!
So don’t wait any longer – break out those pots and pans and get cooking up something truly spectacular with Gemelli pasta today! I guarantee you won’t regret it; you’re sure to experience an explosion of flavor never before thought possible!

Gemelli Pasta Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: PastaCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This delicious Gemelli Pasta Recipe is a great way to enjoy a classic Italian dish. It comes together quickly and is full of flavor. It is a great dish to enjoy with family or friends.


  • 1 1 package gemelli pasta

  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil

  • 4 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 crushed red pepper

  • 2 tbsp 2 fresh parsley, chopped

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/4 tso 1/4 black pepper

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 grated Parmesan cheese


  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  • Add the gemelli pasta to the boiling water and cook according to package instructions.
  • In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
  • Add the garlic and crushed red pepper and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Add the cooked gemelli pasta to the skillet and stir to combine.
  • Add the parsley, salt, and black pepper and stir to combine.
  • Serve topped with Parmesan cheese.