jackfruit dessert recipe-from the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.

Jackfruit Dessert Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious dessert that will satisfy your sweet tooth cravings and impress any dinner guests? If so, this jackfruit dessert recipe is sure to do the trick! Jackfruit has been gaining popularity as an ingredient lately, but its unique texture and flavor can make it intimidating to cook with. Don’t worry – this easy-to-follow recipe will have you serving up a delectable treat in no time.

The star of this dish is the jackfruit – a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. Its juicy flesh is high in fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium and magnesium. It also contains natural sweetness which makes it perfect for desserts. Not only does the jackfruit give the dish delightful flavor and texture, but it’s also incredibly nutritious!

This mouthwatering jackfruit dessert recipe combines the creamy textures of cashews and coconut milk with tart lime juice and fragrant cardamom for a truly unforgettable taste experience. With only seven ingredients required, anyone can whip up this tasty creation quickly and easily at home. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get cooking!


jackfruit dessert recipe-from the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.
Jackfruit Dessert Recipe-From the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.

Jackfruit has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially as an ingredient for desserts. Not only is it delicious and versatile, but it also offers some great nutritional benefits that can be enjoyed all year round. In this overview of jackfruit desserts – which includes everything from sweet cakes to ice creams – we’ll look at the many advantages of adding jackfruit to your baking repertoire.

Firstly, let’s take a closer look at why incorporating jackfruit into your diet is beneficial. Jackfruits are low in calories yet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, making them a great source of energy when eaten as part of a balanced diet. It’s also packed with vitamins A and C, minerals such as magnesium and potassium, plus essential amino acids like lysine and tryptophan which help support healthy growth and development. Plus, each serving provides plenty of antioxidants!

Finally, jackfruit desserts make fantastic treats – not least because they don’t contain much fat or sugar; perfect for those watching their waistline without compromising on taste! With its rich flavor profile and versatility across both savory dishes and sweet recipes alike, it’s no wonder that so many people are turning to jackfruit for their next dessert adventure.

Now that you know what makes jackfruit such a great choice for dessert-making, let’s move onto another important factor: the nutritional benefits…

Nutritional Benefits Of Jackfruit

jackfruit dessert recipe-from the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.
Jackfruit Dessert Recipe-From the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.

Jackfruit is an incredibly nutritious fruit, so it’s no surprise that incorporating jackfruit into desserts provides plenty of health benefits. Here are just some of the key nutritional value and health benefits of jackfruit:

  • Jackfruit offers a great source of fiber – approximately 3g per 100g serving. This helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer and can help your digestive system stay healthy.
  • It’s also packed with essential vitamins A and C, plus minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc which all play an important role in maintaining good overall health.
  • Each serving contains several amino acids including lysine and tryptophan – both of which support growth and development as well as contribute to the production of hormones.
  • The high levels of antioxidants found in jackfruits help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Finally, jackfruit is low-fat yet still maintains its sweet flavor – making it a great choice for those looking for guilt-free indulgence!

So now that we know what makes this tropical treat so special nutritionally speaking, let’s take a look at what you need to make a delicious jackfruit dessert…

What You Need To Make A Jackfruit Dessert

jackfruit dessert recipe-from the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.
jackfruit dessert recipe-from the sweet, juicy jackfruit to the creamy coconut milk, this dessert is a flavor-packed treat that will bring a tropical twist to any occasion.

Making a jackfruit dessert is surprisingly simple, and all you really need are some basic ingredients. Here’s what to look for when gathering the necessary supplies:

  • Jackfruit – You can use fresh or frozen jackfruit for your desserts depending on what’s available at your local grocery store.
  • Sweetener – Honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, or coconut sugar can be used to sweeten up your recipe.
  • Dairy-free milk– Soy or almond milk works well in most recipes but feel free to experiment with other options like oat milk too!
  • Coconut cream – This helps add extra richness and flavor so make sure not to forget it! Plus, it will also help create a creamy texture without dairy products.
  • Spices & herbs– For an added kick of flavor, try adding cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom or ginger as well as herbs such as mint leaves or rosemary sprigs.
    TIP:If you’re looking for something even more decadent, consider adding dark chocolate chips for a delicious twist on classic jackfruit desserts.

Preparation Steps

Making a delicious jackfruit dessert is easier than you might think. In fact, it only takes about 30 minutes to prepare all the ingredients and have your masterpiece ready for the oven! Here’s how you can get started:

First, start by preparing the jackfruit. If using fresh fruit, remove any seeds or stems and cut into small pieces before adding to a pan with some oil over medium heat. Cook until softened then set aside to cool. For frozen jackfruit, thaw in warm water before proceeding with recipe steps.

Next, assemble the remaining ingredients such as sweetener of choice, dairy-free milk, coconut cream and spices/herbs. Measure out each ingredient carefully according to amounts specified in recipe directions – this will help ensure that flavors are balanced correctly and textures remain consistent throughout baking process. Finally, mix everything together until fully combined and pour mixture into greased baking dish. Pop in preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (176 Celsius) for 25-30 minutes or until top is golden brown and edges are slightly crispy. Enjoy!


If the idea of making a jackfruit dessert is intriguing but you don’t have access to the fruit, never fear! There are plenty of vegan alternatives that can be used instead. For starters, many gluten-free options such as cooked bananas or applesauce work wonderfully in place of fresh jackfruit for baked goods like cakes and pies. Additionally, canned pumpkin puree makes an excellent substitute in recipes calling for diced jackfruit – just make sure it’s unsweetened so your final product isn’t too sweet! Finally, coconut milk yogurt can also be swapped in if desired; however, keep in mind that this will change the taste and texture somewhat compared to using fresh jackfruit.

No matter what type of alternative you choose, with some creativity in the kitchen there’s no reason why any recipe involving this tropical fruit can’t be made delicious and enjoyable.

Serving Ideas

When it comes to serving jackfruit desserts, the possibilities are endless! From rustic platters of homemade cake slices topped with tropical fruit and edible flowers, to elegant trifles piled high with fresh coconut cream – no matter what type of presentation you choose, there’s bound to be something that will delight both your guests and their taste buds.

To start off, why not try adding some festive decorations like colorful paper umbrellas or sparkly sugar crystals? Even a few strategically placed edible flowers can bring an extra bit of charm to any plate or bowl. For those looking for a more eye-catching display, consider arranging your treats on different levels such as tiered stands or individual platters for each guest. The options for decoration really depend on your own preferences and interests!

No matter how you decide to present them, one thing is certain: these vegan jackfruit desserts are sure to make an impression. With their unique flavor combinations and beautiful presentations ideas, they’ll become the highlight of any gathering in no time.

Storage Tips

Storing jackfruit desserts can be an easy process. To ensure that your treats stay as fresh and flavorful as possible, it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind. First of all, make sure you store any leftovers properly in the refrigerator or freezer. If storing for more than two days, wrap tightly with plastic wrap or foil and place inside an airtight container before putting into the refrigerator. For longer-term storage, they can also be frozen – just make sure to remove them from their packaging first!

When freezing jackfruit recipes, it’s best to divide each portion into individual servings so that you can easily thaw out what you need when ready to enjoy. Also consider labeling each package with the dish name and date stored so that nothing goes forgotten in the back of your freezer.

If you make extra batter or filling while creating a recipe from scratch, it is also safe to store these items separately until needed. Simply pour into containers and seal tightly before refrigerating for up to three days or freezing for future use. With these helpful tips in hand, your delicious jackfruit desserts will last much longer than expected!

Variations On The Recipe

When it comes to creating delicious desserts featuring jackfruit, the possibilities are nearly endless. From trifles and mousses to ice cream and more, there is something for everyone when crafting a culinary masterpiece with this tropical treat. Here are just a few variations that you can try out:

  • Jackfruit Trifle – Layer fresh or canned jackfruit along with whipped cream, custard, sponge cake, and other ingredients of your choice for an easy-to-make dessert that looks as good as it tastes.
  • Jackfruit Mousse – Turn canned jackfruit into a light yet decadent filling by combining pureed fruit with sugar, butter, vanilla extract, heavy cream, and gelatin. Serve in individual dishes or ramekins for a beautiful presentation.
  • Jackfruit Ice Cream – Make use of frozen jackfruit chunks to create creamy homemade ice cream without the need for an ice cream maker! The subtle sweetness from the fruit pairs perfectly with all sorts of mix-ins like cookies and chocolate chips.
  • No-Bake Cheesecake – Whip up a simple cheesecake batter then fill pre-made graham cracker crusts with canned jackfruit before pouring over top. Place in the refrigerator until set and enjoy chilled slices anytime you’re craving something sweet! With these interesting variations on traditional recipes involving jackfruit, you’ll be sure to find one that fits any occasion – no matter how big or small.

Related Recipes

It’s no surprise that jackfruit is quickly becoming a popular ingredient in desserts, as it adds a unique flavor and texture to many recipes. According to recent studies, over 80% of people who have tried jackfruit in their desserts claim they will do so again. With its versatility, this tropical treat can be used for much more than just trifles and mousses!

If you’re looking for something a bit heartier than an icy dessert or creamy cheesecake, try using jackfruit to create cookies, crumbles, cobblers, and other fruit-based treats. Use fresh or canned jackfruit along with your favorite cookie dough recipe for delicious homemade cookies – perfect for coffee breaks and after-dinner snacks. Or make use of frozen chunks of the fruit when creating crunchy crumbles or sweet cobblers topped with oat topping or streusel. The possibilities are endless!

No matter which type of dessert you decide on making with jackfruit, there are certain techniques that will help ensure the best results each time. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips for making the perfect jackfruit dessert every single time.

Tips For Making The Perfect Jackfruit Dessert

Ready to get started on your jackfruit dessert creation? To ensure you end up with the perfect dish, here are some tips for making a delicious and unique jackfruit-based treat.

First of all, start by selecting the right kind of jackfruit. If using fresh fruit, look for firm but ripe pieces that have an almost creamy texture when squeezed – they should be free from blemishes or bruises. Canned jackfruit is also available pre-cut into cubes in water or syrup; however, make sure it doesn’t contain any added sugars or preservatives before purchasing.

Second, pay attention to how you prepare the jackfruit before adding it to your recipe. For most desserts, canned jackfruit can simply be drained and cut further if needed; however, fresh fruits need more preparation as their skins must first be removed before slicing them into smaller pieces. Additionally, keep in mind that different types of recipes may call for slightly different methods of preparing the fruit depending on what type of flavor profile you’re looking for.

Lastly, consider ways to enhance the fruity flavors even further while baking your treats like adding spices such as cardamom or nutmeg to really bring out its natural sweetness. You could also explore pairing it with other tropical ingredients like coconut flakes or mango puree – both will add complementary textures and flavors to create something truly special!

Troubleshooting Common Problems

It’s natural to encounter some issues when making a jackfruit dessert, but with the right knowledge and troubleshooting techniques you can overcome them. Let’s take a look at three common problems people may run into and how to solve them.

The first problem is that jackfruit has an extremely sticky consistency, which makes it difficult to work with in certain recipes. The best way to combat this is by lightly coating your hands or tools with oil before handling the fruit; doing so will provide enough lubrication to make the task simpler and more manageable. Additionally, if you find yourself dealing with particularly stubborn pieces of jackfruit while baking, try pre-cooking it on its own for a few minutes – this should help reduce its stickiness.

Another issue many face is that their finished product does not have enough flavor or sweetness. To prevent this from occurring, consider adding extra spices like ground ginger or cinnamon during preparation as these will enhance the taste without overpowering it completely. Similarly, feel free to add small amounts of sugar to counter any tartness – just be sure not to overdo it!

Finally, avoid becoming too fixated on following exact measurements in recipes; instead trust your instincts and adjust according to what feels right for you and your ingredients. With practice comes perfection! By learning how different flavors interact together, you can create amazing dishes unique only to you – ones that are tailored specifically around your palate preferences. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to tackle any potential issues that come up while crafting delicious sweet treats using jackfruit!

Interesting Facts About Jackfruit Desserts

There’s much more to jackfruit desserts than meets the eye! From its ancient history to modern-day applications, let’s explore some of the interesting facts about this unique type of sweet treat.

For starters, did you know that jackfruit has been used for centuries in many different cultures? In India and Southeast Asia, it is a popular ingredient in traditional dishes like curries; meanwhile in Latin America, it’s often used as an ingredient in sweet desserts and drinks. And while recipes vary from region to region, one thing remains consistent: everyone loves the delicious taste of jackfruit!

Not only does this fruit have a rich cultural history but also provides numerous health benefits too. Jackfruit contains vitamins A and C which help strengthen your immunity, plus essential minerals such as magnesium and potassium which can promote healthy blood pressure levels. It’s even loaded with dietary fiber – perfect for keeping your digestive system running smoothly. So if you’re looking for something tasty and nutritious then look no further – try out a delicious jackfruit dessert today!

But don’t forget that there are safety considerations when eating these treats as well. As always, make sure to read labels carefully before consuming any food product or consult your doctor if needed – taking these steps will ensure your experience is both enjoyable and safe.

Safety Considerations When Eating Jackfruit Desserts

As we explore the delicious world of jackfruit desserts, it’s important to remember that safety should always come first. So let’s take a look at some key considerations when eating these sweet treats.

First and foremost, make sure you’re only consuming ripe jackfruit for desserts as unripe fruit can be toxic. To check if your jackfruit is ready to eat, simply press on the skin – it should give slightly but not too much. If there are any signs of mold or discoloration then throw it away immediately – no one wants an upset stomach!

When purchasing pre-made jackfruit desserts from stores or online markets, always read labels carefully before making a purchase. Check ingredients lists for potential allergens such as nuts, dairy products or gluten; also confirm that the product has been stored in hygienic conditions and hasn’t exceeded its expiry date.

Finally, if you’re preparing fresh jackfruit desserts yourself then make sure to use clean utensils and prepare food items separately so they don’t become cross-contaminated with other ingredients. Taking this extra step will guarantee that your dessert remains safe and tasty throughout the process.

How To Choose The Best Quality Jackfruit For Your Dessert

When it comes to making jackfruit desserts, choosing the right fruit is essential for delicious results. Here are some key tips on selecting quality jackfruit that will take your dessert from good to great:

  1. Choose firm fruits with bright yellow skins and no spots or blemishes. This indicates freshness and ensures that you won’t end up with a dish that tastes mealy or mushy.
  2. Smell the jackfruit before buying – it should have a sweet, floral aroma without any unpleasant odors. If there’s an off-putting smell then move on to another one!
  3. Feel the skin of the fruit – if it gives slightly but doesn’t cave in too much when pressed, then this means it’s ripe and ready to be turned into something special.

These simple steps will help ensure you select only the best quality jackfruit for your dessert recipes every time! By taking just a few moments out of your day to assess each piece of produce carefully, you can make sure that all your creations taste as amazing as they look!

Common Questions About Making Jackfruit Desserts

Making jackfruit desserts can seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of know-how and the right ingredients it’s actually easier than you think! To help get you started on your baking journey, here are some of the most common questions about making delicious jackfruit desserts.

To make sure that everything goes smoothly, here is all the information you need to know:

*Getting Started:
*What equipment do I need?

  • The basic pieces of cookware and bakeware will suffice for making jackfruit desserts (e.g., saucepans, mixing bowls, cake tins). Additionally, an electric mixer or food processor may be useful if making meringue or other delicate recipes.
    *Where can I find good quality jackfruit?
  • Look in Asian supermarkets or specialty grocers for fresh ripe jackfruits. If unavailable in your area then frozen versions should give just as good results.

*Preparing & Cooking Jackfruit:
*How do I prepare the fruit?

  • Depending on the recipe, either peel and cut into cubes/slices or puree the flesh before adding to the mix. Make sure to remove any seeds prior to use so they don’t ruin your dessert!
    *Do I need to add anything else when cooking with it?
  • If using canned jackfruit then no additional liquid needs to be added as there’ll already be enough moisture inside from its own juices. However for fresh varieties, you may wish to include a splash of coconut milk or cream for extra richness and sweetness.

With these answers in hand, now all that’s left is getting creative and experimenting with different combinations – have fun playing around with flavors and textures until you come up with something truly unique!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Jackfruit Dessert Suitable For People With Dietary Restrictions?

Many people struggle to find suitable desserts for those with dietary restrictions. Is jackfruit dessert a viable option? The answer is yes – depending on the ingredients used, some versions of this recipe can be gluten-free, diabetic-friendly and even dairy-free.

Gluten allergies in particular are very common amongst many populations; however, traditional baked goods contain wheat products which makes them unsuitable for consumption. Jackfruit dessert uses naturally gluten-free ingredients like coconut milk or water instead of dairy milk and rice flour as an alternative to wheat flour. Therefore, it’s possible to make a delicious treat without any traces of gluten while still keeping the same flavor profile as regular recipes. Moreover, the added bonus is that these adaptations can often times provide additional health benefits due to the use of fresh fruit and natural sweeteners.

For individuals managing diabetes or other sugar sensitivities, there are several ways to modify jackfruit desserts so they’re more appropriate for their needs. Instead of using cane sugar, you could try substituting honey or maple syrup as a healthier alternative. Additionally, if you’d like your dessert to have less calories but still retain its sweetness, adding fruits such as mangoes or pineapples provides both texture and flavor without compromising on taste.

Jackfruit desserts offer great opportunities for making delicious treats that are accommodating for all diets – whether it’s trying something new or creating old favorites without sacrificing flavor. With just a few simple adjustments here and there, everyone can enjoy a satisfying meal together!

How Long Does Jackfruit Dessert Keep For?

When it comes to ensuring the longevity of jackfruit desserts, there are several factors to consider. How long does this type of dessert keep for? Is there anything that can be done to make sure that your jackfruit dessert lasts as long as possible in storage?

The shelf life of a jackfruit dessert ultimately depends on how closely you adhere to best practices for storing and preserving it. Generally speaking, when stored correctly, a homemade jackfruit dessert will last up to four days at room temperature or up to one week if kept refrigerated. It’s important not to leave prepared dishes outside for too long before eating them since food safety is always paramount.

Fortunately though, there are plenty of ways to extend the shelf life of your jackfruit dessert so that you can enjoy its deliciousness over an extended period of time. For example, freezing the dish helps increase its lifespan significantly; frozen-desserts made with jackfruits can usually remain edible for 2-3 months! Additionally, proper packaging and labeling also play an integral role in keeping the dish safe from spoilage and contamination while increasing its storage longevity.

No matter what method you choose, taking the appropriate steps towards preserving your jackfruit desserts is essential if you want them to stay fresh and tasty longer. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can ensure that every bite remains lip smacking good until they’re all gone!

Can I Freeze Jackfruit Dessert?

The question of whether jackfruit dessert can be frozen is a tantalizing one, much like the sweet treat itself. Can you take this delicious dish and store it away for future use? Freezing jackfruit offers an enticing opportunity to preserve its flavor and texture in a convenient manner – but does that work with desserts too?

From sweet creamy custards to spongy cakes, jackfruit desserts are incredibly varied. Each type poses different challenges when it comes to freezing them successfully. Fortunately, there are several tips on how to freeze your jackfruit dessert without compromising quality.

When freezing jackfruit dessert, temperature control is key. Make sure that the freezer you’ll be using has been set at around 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower – anything higher than that will make the food spoil faster due to bacteria growth. Here’s a list of other helpful actions you can take:

  • Store in airtight containers or vacuum sealed bags to keep out moisture and prevent freezer burn
  • Leave enough headspace in the container so that contents won’t expand during freezing
  • Place wrapped portions into freezer-safe zip-top plastic bags before freezing
  • Defrost slowly by transferring frozen items from the freezer into the refrigerator overnight

Taking these steps helps ensure that your Jackfruit dessert freezes correctly while retaining all its mouthwatering flavors. With proper storage techniques, Jackfruit desserts have never tasted better!

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Jackfruit Dessert?

When it comes to desserts, most people think of indulging in something sweet and tasty. But what if there was a way to enjoy a dessert that also provided health benefits? Jackfruit dessert is one such option! It has gained popularity recently as its nutrition benefits are being touted by experts. Let’s take a look at the various health benefits of eating jackfruit dessert.

Jackfruit is naturally high in fiber, along with other essential nutrients like Vitamin C, magnesium, iron, niacin and potassium. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to get their daily dose of these important vitamins and minerals without going overboard on sugar or calories. Additionally, research shows that consuming jackfruit can help reduce blood pressure levels due to its abundance of antioxidants which prevent inflammation in the body.

In terms of taste, jackfruit’s slightly sweet flavor gives traditional desserts a unique twist while still preserving their sweetness. Plus, this fruit contains no cholesterol or saturated fats – both factors associated with increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. As such, opting for a jackfruit-infused treat instead of a classic can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining good cardiovascular health.

Not only does adding jackfruit into your diet provide numerous nutritional advantages over regular desserts; it’s also easy to incorporate into recipes without compromising flavors. Try using mashed jackfruit pulp as part of your cake batter or blending up fresh chunks for smoothie bowls – whatever you do with it will add deliciousness and nourishment to every bite! With so many positive aspects accompanying this delectable delight, why not give it a try today?

Is Jackfruit Dessert Suitable For Vegans?

Is jackfruit dessert suitable for vegans? This is an important question to consider, especially with the increasing popularity of vegan-friendly diets. With so many dietary restrictions in place, it can be difficult for people to find recipes that are both delicious and fit their lifestyle. Fortunately, there are some great options when it comes to jackfruit desserts.

For starters, jackfruit itself is a naturally vegan-friendly ingredient as it does not contain any animal products or byproducts. Therefore, if you’re looking for a vegan-friendly dessert recipe that includes jackfruit, then you’ll likely have no problem finding one. Additionally, there are numerous other ingredients used in these kinds of desserts that also happen to be vegan friendly such as:

  • Fruits & Vegetables: apples, oranges, bananas etc.
  • Nuts & Seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds etc.
  • Flours & Grains: oat flour, wheat flour etc.
  • Sweeteners: maple syrup, agave nectar etc.
  • Dairy Substitutes: coconut cream/milk or almond milk etc.

What’s more is that these recipes often require minimal effort since most only need a few simple steps before they’re ready to enjoy! For instance; combining all your chosen ingredients into a bowl before baking them in the oven – this type of quickness makes preparing homemade jackfruit desserts incredibly easy and convenient too! Moreover, due to its versatility and sweet flavor profile – Jackfruit Desserts can easily be tailored to suit different tastes without sacrificing taste or texture which is why they remain popular among vegans and nonvegans alike!

All things considered; when done right – Jackfruit Desserts make for excellent snacks or even meals depending on what kind of dish you decide to prepare! Not only do they satisfy cravings but also help ensure those following strict dietary requirements get enough nutrients while still enjoying tasty treats from time to time!


In conclusion, jackfruit dessert is a delicious and nutritious treat that can be enjoyed by people with all sorts of dietary restrictions. It’s low in calories, high in fiber, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, it keeps for up to 5 days when stored correctly – so you can make enough to last the week! Even better, you can freeze any extra servings for use later on.

One interesting statistic about jackfruit is that it contains more potassium than a banana! Potassium helps regulate your body’s fluid balance as well as muscle contractions – making this versatile fruit an excellent addition to anyone’s diet. And since it’s vegan-friendly too, there’s no need to worry if you or someone you know follows a plant-based lifestyle.

Overall, jackfruit desserts are an amazing way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing nutrition. So why not try out one of these recipes today? You won’t regret it!

Jackfruit Dessert Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This sweet and decadent Jackfruit Dessert Recipe is the perfect way to enjoy a delicious treat. It takes a total of 45 minutes to make and yields 4 servings. It’s a medium difficulty recipe and a great way to get your daily dose of fiber and vitamins.


  • 2 can 2 jackfruit

  • 2 tbsp 2 honey

  • 2 tbsp 2 nut butter

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped walnuts

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 coconut flakes

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 dark chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Drain the jackfruit and spread it onto a baking sheet.
  • Bake the jackfruit in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • In a medium bowl, combine the honey, nut butter, and vanilla extract.
  • Pour the honey mixture over the jackfruit and spread it evenly.
  • Sprinkle the walnuts, coconut flakes, and dark chocolate chips over the jackfruit.
  • Bake in the oven for an additional 15 minutes.
  • Let cool and serve.