king arthur bread recipe

King Arthur Bread Recipe

Have you ever wanted to make a magical loaf of bread? Well, now you can with this King Arthur Bread Recipe! It’s the perfect recipe for any baker, whether they’re a novice or an experienced chef. With just a few ingredients and some simple steps, you’ll have a delicious and hearty loaf of bread that is sure to impress.

Do you want to be the star of your next dinner party? This King Arthur Bread Recipe will do the trick! Not only is it easy to make, but it also has an interesting story behind it. According to legend, this bread was once eaten by none other than King Arthur himself. So not only are you making something delicious, but you’re also creating a little bit of history in your kitchen!

Are you ready for an enchanting culinary adventure? Then let’s get baking! Follow this King Arthur Bread Recipe and you’ll be able to whip up a tasty loaf that will transport your taste buds back in time. Let’s go on an epic journey through the ages and find out how to make this ancient recipe today!

History Of King Arthur Bread

king arthur bread recipe-enjoy the taste of homemade bread with this king arthur bread recipe.
King Arthur Bread Recipe-Enjoy the taste of homemade bread with this King Arthur Bread Recipe.

The history of King Arthur bread is steeped in mystery and myth. For centuries, the origin of this famed bread has been shrouded in speculation. From tales of a king’s legendary quest for the perfect loaf to modern day interpretations, King Arthur bread remains an enigma.

Many believe that the recipe originated with the wizard Merlin, who crafted the first loaf for King Arthur himself. Others claim it was invented by medieval monks who used only natural ingredients to create a nutritious and delicious meal. Whatever its true source, one thing is certain: King Arthur bread has become a part of culinary culture around the world.

Generations have enjoyed this delectable treat, from ancient times to present day. Though the exact origin may remain unknown, its legacy lives on in recipes shared between families and friends throughout time. With each bite, we can all experience a little piece of history – and savor some truly legendary flavor! Ready to learn how to make your own King Arthur Bread? Let’s take a look at what you’ll need…


Making this classic bread is easier than you think! To get started, you’ll need some basic ingredients. The main components of King Arthur Bread are flour, yeast, and grains. Depending on the type of loaf you’re making, you may also use milk or other liquids, spices, nuts, or fruits. Let’s take a look at each ingredient in more detail.

When it comes to flour measurements for King Arthur Bread, you want to use about three cups per one-pound loaf. White all-purpose flour works perfectly – but feel free to experiment with different types of flours like whole wheat or rye to add unique flavor and texture.

Yeast is the leavening agent that helps your bread rise and gives it its signature light and airy texture. You can use either active dry yeast or instant yeast for this recipe. Be sure to follow the instructions on your package for how much to use and how long it should be kneaded.

Finally, there are many types of grains that can be used in your King Arthur Bread recipe. These include oats, barley, millet, quinoa – even ground flaxseed! Adding these will give your loaf an extra boost of nutrition as well as a delicious nutty flavor. Try experimenting with different combinations to see what you like best!

That’s all the ingredients you’ll need for your King Arthur Bread! Now let’s take a look at what kind of equipment we’ll need…

Equipment Needed

You may be thinking that making your own King Arthur Bread is a lot of work – but it doesn’t have to be! With the right equipment, you can make a delicious loaf in no time. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A bread machine: This handy appliance takes all the guesswork out of kneading and rising times, making for a perfectly textured loaf every time.
  • A dough hook: If you don’t have a bread machine, you’ll need a dough hook – this will help get your dough just right for baking.
  • A baking stone: This will help give your finished loaf a beautiful golden-brown crust and ensure that it cooks evenly.

Now that you have all the necessary tools, it’s time to prepare the dough! But before you get started, there are just a few things to keep in mind…

Preparing The Dough

king arthur bread recipe-enjoy the taste of homemade bread with this king arthur bread recipe.
King Arthur Bread Recipe

Ready to get started? First things first, you’ll need to knead the dough. Kneading is an important step in bread-making, as it helps build up gluten strands and gives the dough its elasticity. Depending on your equipment, you may need to knead by hand or with a dough hook – either way, be sure to knead for at least 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Once the dough has been kneaded, you’ll need to let it rise. This is when the yeast gets to work and starts fermenting the dough into a light and fluffy texture. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature for about an hour or until doubled in size.

Now that your dough has had time to rest, it’s time to shape it! With a lightly floured surface, gently roll out your dough into a rectangle or circle before transferring it onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Then use your hands or a knife to cut slits in the top of your loaf before transferring it back onto the baking sheet.

And there you have it – now all that’s left is for your King Arthur Bread loaf to rise one last time before baking!

Rising And Shaping The Dough

Rising and shaping the dough is an essential step in making any loaf of bread, especially King Arthur Bread. According to a recent study, it takes between two and three hours for most doughs to rise – that’s over 180 minutes of fermentation! But with a little bit of kneading, patience, and preparation, you’ll be rewarded with a delicious loaf of bread.

Here are five steps to help you make the perfect King Arthur Bread:

  • Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic – about 10 minutes.
  • Let the dough rest in a covered bowl at room temperature until doubled in size – about one hour.
  • Roll out the dough on a lightly-floured surface into your desired shape – rectangle or circle.
  • Transfer the dough onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet before cutting slits in the top.
  • Let it rise one last time before baking – about 45 minutes.

Once your dough has had its final rise, it’s time to pop it into the oven! With just these few simple steps, you’ll be enjoying freshly-baked King Arthur Bread in no time.

Baking The Bread

Now that the dough is ready, it’s time to get baking! To make sure your King Arthur Bread turns out perfectly, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, preheat your oven to 350°F—that’s the ideal baking temperature. Then, depending on the size of your loaf, you’ll want to bake for anywhere between 30-45 minutes. During this time, keep an eye on the bread and use a toothpick or knife to check if it’s done – when it comes out cleanly, you can be sure it’s finished baking. It’s also important to remember that different baking techniques will affect how your bread looks and tastes. For example, brushing the top of the loaf with butter or oil before baking will give it an extra golden color and shiny crust.

But no matter what technique you use, one thing is certain: fresh-baked King Arthur Bread is always delicious!

Glazing And Topping Options

king arthur bread recipe-enjoy the taste of homemade bread with this king arthur bread recipe.
King Arthur Bread Recipe

Finishing off your King Arthur Bread with the perfect glaze or topping can take it from delicious to delectable! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Glazing Ideas: Try brushing your loaf with a mixture of melted butter and honey for an extra sweet touch, or even just plain melted butter for a classic sheen. You could also go all out with an egg wash before baking for an extra glossy surface.
  2. Topping Suggestions: For added flavor, sprinkle some coarse salt, sesame seeds, or chopped fresh herbs on top of the loaf right before baking. You could also add dried fruit or nuts for some texture and sweetness.
  3. Decorative Toppings: If you’re feeling creative, use cookie cutters to make shapes out of thinly rolled dough and place them on top of the bread before baking – stars, hearts, and even animals are all options!

Whether you decide to stick with simple glazes or get creative with toppings, making your King Arthur Bread look beautiful is part of the fun. Now that it’s ready to bake, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to serve it up!

Serving Suggestions

Now that your King Arthur Bread is ready to go, it’s time to think about how you can get the most out of it. With a few simple serving suggestions and the right accompaniments, you can really make this loaf shine! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Serve It Up Hot: Nothing beats fresh-baked bread slathered with butter or jam! For an extra delicious treat, try cutting the loaf into thick slices and serving them warm with a side of honey butter.
  2. Bread Accompaniments: The possibilities are endless when it comes to what you can serve alongside your King Arthur Bread. Cheese and charcuterie boards are always popular, especially if you’re hosting guests for dinner or a special occasion. You could also pair it with soup or salad for a light lunch option.
  3. Sandwich Fillings: Make sure to save some of your freshly-baked bread for sandwiches too! Try spreading cream cheese and chopped herbs on one side and creamy peanut butter and sliced bananas on the other for an easy but delicious lunchtime favorite. Or stuff it with any combination of veggies, meats, cheeses, and sauces – just about anything goes when it comes to sandwich fillings!

No matter how you decide to serve up your King Arthur Bread, make sure to savor every bite – after all that baking work, you deserve it! Now let’s explore some alternative flour options that will help take your baking game even further…

Alternative Flour Options

Imagining the aroma of freshly-baked bread wafting through your kitchen is enough to make your mouth water. But what if you want to take it a step further and try something new? That’s where alternative flour options come in. With a few simple swaps, you can easily transform your King Arthur Bread recipe into something even more delicious!

Let’s start with gluten-free flours. Substituting all-purpose or whole wheat flour for a gluten-free one like almond, coconut, or cassava will give you an entirely different flavor profile – think nutty and sweet notes rather than the more traditional wheat taste. And don’t forget about the health benefits that come along with it too! Gluten-free flours are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that can help boost immunity, increase energy levels, and improve digestion.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something a bit heartier, then whole grain flours are the way to go. Whole grain flours contain all three parts of the grain – bran, germ, and endosperm – which means they have more fiber and protein than regular white flour. Plus they pack in a lot of nutrients like zinc, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins for added health benefits.

No matter which type of flour you choose to use in your King Arthur Bread recipe, you’ll be sure to find something that suits your tastes perfectly. With just a few simple swaps and some experimentation, you can create delicious treats that everyone will love!

Substituting Other Ingredients

Now that you know the basics of swapping out different flours for your King Arthur Bread recipe, let’s take a look at some other ingredient substitutions. Whether you’re looking to add a little extra flavor or make your bread healthier, there are plenty of options to choose from.

For instance, if you want to give your bread a bit of sweetness, consider adding in some honey or molasses instead of sugar. Not only will this give it a nice flavor boost but it’ll also help keep it moist and tender. If you’re looking for something even more indulgent, try swapping out regular butter for coconut oil or vegan butter. They both have their own unique flavor profiles and can take your bread to the next level!

Finally, why not try replacing wheat flour with oat flour? It adds a nutty flavor and has loads of health benefits like fiber and protein. Oat flour will also help keep your bread light and fluffy without sacrificing taste.

So whether you’re looking for something sweet or savory, these ingredient substitutions are sure to please everyone at the table! With just a few simple swaps, you can easily enhance your King Arthur Bread recipe and create something truly delicious. Now let’s move on to troubleshooting tips for baking the perfect loaf!

Bread Troubleshooting Tips

Ah, the art of bread baking! Nothing quite compares to the smell of freshly-baked bread wafting through the house. From sweet honey oat loaves to savory rosemary focaccia, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But sometimes things don’t go as planned and you end up with a dense, unappetizing brick instead of a light and fluffy loaf. Don’t worry – here are a few tips on how to troubleshoot your dough and get that perfect loaf every time.

First, be sure to measure all ingredients accurately. Too much flour or not enough liquid can lead to dry, crumbly dough that won’t rise properly. Similarly, make sure you knead the dough for a full 8-10 minutes so it develops its gluten structure correctly and has an elastic texture when stretched. Lastly, proof your dough in a warm place with plenty of humidity – this will give it time to rise and develop its flavor without drying out.

But sometimes even after taking all these steps, your bread just won’t bake right. If this happens, check the temperature inside the oven with an oven thermometer – if it’s too hot or too cold, you’ll need to adjust accordingly. Additionally, use an instant read thermometer while baking so you know exactly when it’s done (usually 180 degrees Fahrenheit). With these simple tricks under your belt, you’re well on your way to achieving perfectly baked bread every single time!

Storage And Reheating Instructions

Once you’ve achieved that perfect loaf of bread, it’s time to think about storage and reheating instructions. If you’re not planning to eat the whole thing right away, the best way to store your bread is in an airtight container or bag at room temperature. This will help keep it from going stale too quickly.

If you need to freeze a loaf for later use, just make sure you wrap it tightly first – otherwise, moisture will escape and the bread won’t be as delicious when you thaw it out. And if you want to reheat pre-sliced pieces of bread, simply pop them in the toaster oven (or even just a regular toaster) for a few minutes – this will bring back that fresh-from-the-oven taste.

Now that your baked good is all ready for consumption, all that’s left is finding out how many calories are in a slice! Let’s move on and take a look at the nutritional information.

Nutritional Information

Have you ever wondered what the nutritional value of your favorite king arthur bread is? Knowing this information can help us make more informed and healthier choices when it comes to our diets. So, let’s take a look at the nutrition facts for this delicious loaf.

The average slice of king arthur bread contains approximately 70 calories, 2 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, and 1 gram of protein. For those watching their carbohydrate intake, this is a great choice – as it provides only a fraction of the daily recommended amount for most people. Additionally, each slice contains some dietary fiber (1 gram) and iron (0.8 milligrams).

So while bread isn’t always seen as a “healthy” food option, there are actually some nutritional benefits to be had with king arthur bread – especially if you opt for the whole wheat variety. Plus, it tastes great too! Now that we know how many calories are in each slice, why not explore some variations on the recipe to make your loaf even more delicious?

Variations On The Recipe

If you are looking to add more flavor to your king arthur bread recipe, there are many ways to do so! For a hint of herb-infused flavor, try adding some fresh rosemary or thyme into the dough before baking. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not experiment with adding in a few tablespoons of pumpkin-spice mix for an autumn twist? Or, for a savory garlic kick, try tossing in some minced garlic and grated parmesan cheese into the dough.

No matter which variation you choose to make, be sure to use quality ingredients for the best results. And don’t forget to knead your dough well before baking – this will ensure that all of the flavors are fully incorporated into your loaf. Additionally, make sure that you give your bread plenty of time to rise before sliding it into the oven. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy delicious and flavorful king arthur bread any day of the week!

To take your king arthur bread recipe from good to great, keep reading for our top tips on perfecting this classic loaf.

Tips For Perfecting King Arthur Bread

As with any baking project, there are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when crafting your perfect king arthur bread. First of all, always use quality ingredients – after all, you want this loaf to be as delicious as possible! Secondly, don’t skimp on the kneading process; it’s a crucial step that helps develop the gluten structure in your dough and makes sure that all the flavors are fully incorporated. And finally, be sure to give your dough enough time to rise before baking.

When it comes to baking times and temperatures, experimentation is key. While most recipes suggest baking at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes, you may need to adjust this based on the size and shape of your loaf. If you’re unsure how long to bake yours for, start checking it around 20 minutes into the baking process. To check if it’s done, insert a toothpick or knife into the center of your bread – if it comes out clean, then your king arthur bread is ready to enjoy!

No matter what type of king arthur bread recipe you choose to make, these tips will help ensure success every time. With just a little bit of practice and patience, you’ll soon be able to whip up delicious loaves that will have everyone coming back for more!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between King Arthur Bread And Other Types Of Bread?

When it comes to bread, there are so many different types to choose from. But what makes King Arthur bread stand out from the rest? Well, when it comes to bread comparison, this type is definitely unique.

Let’s start by looking at the ingredients. King Arthur bread is made with unbleached flour and no preservatives or additives, whereas other types of bread may contain high levels of sugar and/or gluten that can make them unhealthy. Additionally, King Arthur bread has a slightly nutty and sweet flavor due to its use of honey in the recipe. This stands in stark contrast to other types of bread which tend to have more savory flavors like garlic or onion.

Finally, another major difference between King Arthur Bread and other types of bread is texture. King Arthur has a lighter and airier crumb than most other types of bread, making it easier to slice and spread with butter or jam. This means that it’s not only delicious but also incredibly versatile! You can use it for sandwiches, breakfast toast or even as a side dish for dinner – the possibilities are endless!

So when you’re deciding what type of bread to buy next time you go grocery shopping, why not give King Arthur a try? With its tasty flavor and unique texture, it just might be your new favorite loaf!

How Long Will The King Arthur Bread Stay Fresh?

Have you ever wondered how long King Arthur Bread will stay fresh? Believe it or not, I was asking myself the same question just yesterday! With all the different types of bread available today, it can be hard to figure out which one is going to last the longest.

I did some research and here’s what I found out. It turns out that King Arthur Bread has a longer shelf life than other types of bread because of its high-quality ingredients. It’s made with natural flour and yeast, so it won’t go stale as quickly as other types of bread. Plus, the dough is kneaded with a special technique that helps create an airtight crust that keeps moisture from getting in. This means that your loaf can last for up to two weeks without going bad!

But how should you store your King Arthur Bread if you want it to remain fresh for as long as possible? The best way is by keeping it in an airtight container at room temperature. If you’re looking for an even more extended shelf life, you can also store it in the freezer and thaw it when you’re ready to eat. This way, your bread will stay good for up to three months!

Storing your King Arthur Bread properly will give you plenty of time to enjoy its delicious taste and texture without worrying about spoilage. So if you’ve been wondering how long this type of bread stays fresh, now you have your answer – two weeks at room temperature or three months in the freezer!

Is It Possible To Freeze The King Arthur Bread?

When it comes to storing bread, one of the most common questions is whether you can freeze it. People often wonder if it’s possible to freeze King Arthur bread too. Well, the answer is yes! Freezing King Arthur bread is a great way to keep it fresh and flavorful for longer periods of time. Here are a few tips for freezing King Arthur bread:

First, make sure you wrap or store the bread in an airtight container before freezing it. This will help lock in the flavor and keep out any moisture that could potentially ruin your loaf. Second, consider cutting your loaf into slices before freezing. This will make thawing the bread quicker and easier as well as make portioning out slices easier when ready to eat. Third, use the frozen bread within three months – after that time frame, some of its flavor may be lost.

Freezing your King Arthur bread can be an easy way to keep it tasting good over long periods of time – without having to worry about spoilage or waste! Plus, by portioning out slices beforehand you’ll know exactly how much you need each time you’re ready for a snack or meal. So go ahead and give freezing your King Arthur bread a try – you won’t regret it!

Is The King Arthur Bread Suitable For Vegan And Gluten-Free Diets?

When it comes to vegan and gluten-free diets, it’s often hard to find bread that fits the bill. But could King Arthur bread be the answer? It’s certainly worth investigating! After all, if we can’t trust King Arthur with our bread needs, who can we trust?

King Arthur is known for its high quality flour and grains, making it the perfect choice for those looking to stick to a vegan and gluten-free diet. Not only does King Arthur use non-GMO ingredients, but they also take special care in ensuring their products are free of allergens like wheat and dairy. This means that you can enjoy your favorite bread without worrying about any potential health risks.

In addition to being completely vegan and gluten-free friendly, King Arthur also offers some pretty amazing flavors. From rosemary olive oil and honey oat to sunflower seed rye, they have something for everyone. And with so many delicious choices available, there’s no reason not to give King Arthur a try!

So if you’re looking for an awesome vegan or gluten-free option for your next loaf of bread, look no further than King Arthur! With its high quality ingredients and variety of flavors, it’s sure to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

What Is The Best Way To Store The King Arthur Bread?

You’re probably wondering how to store your King Arthur bread so it stays as fresh as possible. Well, you’ve come to the right place! There are some key tips for storing King Arthur bread that can help keep it tasting great and lasting longer.

Storing King Arthur bread doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s actually pretty simple; just make sure you follow a few basic guidelines. To start with, store your King Arthur bread in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or other heat sources. This will help keep it fresher for longer. You can also wrap the bread in plastic wrap or foil and store it in the refrigerator if you want to keep it for a few days.

Finally, there are some special storage methods that work especially well for King Arthur breads. For instance, you can freeze the loaves of bread in airtight containers or bags to extend their shelf life even further. When you’re ready to eat them, just thaw them in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy!

So there you have it – storing King Arthur bread isn’t rocket science! With these simple tips and methods, you’ll be able to keep your delicious loaves of artisanal goodness fresh for days while still enjoying them at their peak flavor.


In conclusion, King Arthur Bread is a delicious and unique type of bread that has a lot of advantages. It is different from other types of bread because it uses natural ingredients that are free from artificial flavors and preservatives. It also stays fresh for longer periods of time, making it ideal for those who like to bake their own bread at home.

On the other hand, King Arthur Bread can be difficult to store as it needs to be kept cool and dry. Additionally, while this type of bread is suitable for vegans and those on gluten-free diets, it might not be the best option if you’re looking for a light and fluffy loaf.

Overall, King Arthur Bread is a tasty and healthy alternative to traditional white or wheat-based loaves. While it requires extra care when storing and may not suit everyone’s dietary needs, its unique flavor makes it worth the effort!

King Arthur Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: EuropeanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This King Arthur Bread recipe is easy to make and yields a soft and delicious artisan-style loaf. It is perfect for sandwiches, toast, or simply enjoyed on its own.


  • 2 1/2 cup 2 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 salt

  • 2 tsp 2 active dry yeast

  • 1 tbsp 1 sugar

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 warm water

  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil


  • In a large bowl, combine the flour, salt, yeast, and sugar.
  • Slowly add the warm water and olive oil, stirring until the dough starts to come together.
  • Knead the dough for about 5 minutes until it is soft and elastic.
  • Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover it with a damp cloth. Set aside to rise for at least 1 hour.
  • Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  • Punch down the dough and knead it for a few minutes.
  • Form the dough into a round loaf and place it on a greased baking sheet.
  • Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown and an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
  • Let the bread cool before slicing.