lemon bread recipe

Lemon Bread Recipe

Baking is an enjoyable activity that can bring people together and provide a sense of comfort. Creating something from scratch, such as lemon bread, is a rewarding experience for those who love to create delicious treats with their own hands. Lemon bread is a tasty treat that combines zesty citrus flavor with traditional baked goods. This article will discuss the recipe needed to make this delectable delicacy.

lemon bread recipe-try this lemon bread recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!
Lemon Bread Recipe

The first step in making lemon bread involves combining several ingredients including butter, sugar, eggs, milk, flour, baking powder and salt. All these ingredients are then blended together in one bowl until they form a thick batter. The mixture must be poured into greased loaf pans before being placed in preheated ovens for approximately 40 minutes or until golden brown on top. Once cooled off slightly, the loaf can be removed from the pan and sliced to serve.

In addition to these basics steps, there are many variations of this classic dessert which can be explored by adding additional flavors like vanilla extract or nutmeg while altering the amounts of each ingredient used according to personal preference. Whether you’re a beginner baker looking to try something new or an experienced chef eager to perfect your craft, learning how to make lemon bread is sure to become one of your favorite recipes!


It is often thought that lemon bread is a difficult recipe to make, however with the right ingredients and tools it can be done easily. The main ingredient for this recipe is of course lemon zest; fresh or bottled will work just fine. Furthermore, sugar flour, butter and honey should also be used in order to create the perfect texture for the bread. Adding these ingredients together helps to provide an enticing aroma which makes this dish so desirable.

The actual baking process requires certain tools in order to bake correctly. For starters, a bowl large enough to mix all of the ingredients together needs to be found as well as a loaf tin for baking. Additionally, measuring cups must be available in order to measure out precise quantities of each ingredient accurately. Utensils such as spatulas and spoons are also required in order to combine everything evenly without clumping it up too much. Finally, parchment paper may come in handy as it prevents sticking while still allowing the exterior of the bread become golden brown with crisp edges during cooking time.

In short, having the correct amount of each ingredient along with appropriate equipment makes achieving a delicious loaf easier than what many people think possible.

Tools Needed

In order to bake lemon bread, several tools are required. Firstly, a baking dish is essential and should be chosen carefully according to the recipe instructions. This could range from a 9×5 inch loaf pan or bundt cake tin. Secondly, measuring cups must be used in order to accurately measure out each of the ingredients listed for this recipe:

  • Sugar
  • White sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Flour
  • All-purpose flour
  • Cake flour
  • Lemon zest (fresh or bottled)
    Thirdly, a mixing bowl large enough to hold all of the ingredients together needs to be found as well as other utensils such as spatulas and spoons. Parchment paper may also come in handy when baking so that sticking can be prevented while still allowing the exterior of the bread become golden brown with crisp edges during cooking time. With these tools at hand, it’s possible to make an enjoyable lemon bread with ease.

Before beginning any baking process, it is important to preheat oven temperature accordingly with respect to the specified temperature stated in the particular recipe being followed.

Preheat Oven Temperature

Preheating the oven is a crucial step in baking any type of bread. It is important to preheat the oven temperature correctly and to do so prior to beginning the recipe instructions, as this will ensure even cooking throughout the baking process. Depending on the particular recipe that is being followed, different temperatures may be necessary; however, most recipes call for an oven temperature between 350°F (176°C)–375°F (190°C).

When it comes to preheating an oven before baking lemon bread, it’s best to refer to the manufacturer’s guide or instruction manual for specific directions. This can help one determine what settings are needed based on their own make and model of oven. Generally speaking, it should take about 15-20 minutes for an electric oven to reach full heat while gas models may require 10-15 minutes. To verify that the correct temperature has been reached, many modern ovens have a built-in thermometer which can display current readings within a few seconds.

In addition, double checking with an external kitchen thermometer might also come in handy when attempting more complex recipes such as those involving multiple layers of cake batter or other ingredients requiring precise measurements and careful handling. By following these simple steps, bakers can rest assured knowing they are using proper methods when preheating their oven before making delicious homemade lemon bread.

Prepare The Dry Ingredients

lemon bread recipe-try this lemon bread recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!
Lemon Bread Recipe-Try this Lemon Bread Recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!

Once the oven is preheated, it is time to move on to preparing the dry ingredients for baking lemon bread. These include all-purpose flour, baking powder, and sugar.

The first step in this process is measuring out the correct amount of each ingredient. All-purpose flour should be measured by spooning it into a cup until full before leveling off with a knife or other flat surface object; one cup typically equates to 120 grams. Baking powder can then be added at 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of all-purpose flour used while sugar should also be equal parts (1:1 ratio) when compared to the same measurements as above.

When everything has been accurately weighed and measured, these components must be combined thoroughly so that they incorporate properly during the mixing stage. To do this, simply sift all dry ingredients together two times using either a wire mesh strainer or fine sieve over a large bowl which will later contain the wet ingredients. This ensures even distribution throughout the batter mixture and prevents clumping within any areas of dough once ready for kneading or shaping. With all necessary preparations complete, bakers are now ready to take on the next phase of making their homemade lemon bread.

Prepare The Wet Ingredients

lemon bread recipe-try this lemon bread recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!
Lemon Bread Recipe-Try this Lemon Bread Recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!

Having already prepared the dry ingredients, it is now time to move on to preparing the wet components of this lemon bread recipe. To begin, a mixture of eggs and milk must be whisked together in a bowl until fully combined and light in texture. The amount used should continue following the same 1:1 ratio as seen with flour and sugar earlier; for example, one cup of all-purpose flour would require two large eggs along with an equal measure of whole milk or cream.

Butter also plays an important role within this baking process by providing extra moisture and lift throughout the dough composition. It should therefore be melted either over low heat on the stovetop or in short bursts inside a microwave before stirring into the egg/milk mix while still warm but not hot. This helps incorporate more air pockets that will assist with rising during oven cooking instead of becoming dense after baking has concluded.

After adding these key elements to the larger container holding all dry ingredients from before, everything can now be mixed together until just incorporated without overworking the batter at any point which could cause unwanted toughness later on when eating finished slices of lemon bread.

Combine Dry And Wet Ingredients

At this stage, the wet and dry components must be combined together to form a cohesive dough. To begin this process, it is important to understand that all ingredients should remain at room temperature prior to mixing for best results. This ensures each element will blend easily into one another without any lumps or clumping occurring in the finished product.

Before combining the two portions of the recipe, stirring can still be used with both sets separately but only enough so as not to overwork either mixture which could lead to a dense end result when baking has concluded. With this in mind, an electric mixer set on low speed may now be used if desired while slowly adding dry ingredients into wet ones until everything becomes unified within one bowl. It should also be noted that a wooden spoon can work just as effectively although more physical effort may need to be applied during mixing instead of allowing machine action do most of the labor.

Once these steps have been completed, lemon bread batter is then ready for further preparation before finally being placed inside an oven and baked according to instructions outlined earlier within this recipe’s content. Careful consideration should thus now turn towards greasing up the pan followed by filling it partially full with newly created mix before beginning final cooking stages ahead.

Grease The Pan

Greasing the pan is a necessary step in this lemon bread recipe as it helps prevent sticking during baking and results in an evenly cooked loaf. The type of grease used for this purpose can vary depending on preference, however butter or margarine are both commonly employed ingredients due to their low-cost nature and flavor enhancing potential when heated up inside ovens. Additionally, oil may also be used if desired although some experimentation with different brands will likely need to take place before discovering an ideal choice that won’t impart any unwanted flavors into finished product.

When applying greases onto pans, there are several important tips to consider such as making sure entire surface area has been covered completely with thin layer of material so no spots have been neglected. Furthermore, additional caution must be taken not to use too much since over application could create pooling at bottom which in turn leads to burning smells while cooking takes place. Lastly, users should ensure all surfaces have been wiped clean prior with warm water and mild soap after grease has been applied properly otherwise remnants from earlier cleaning attempts may still remain behind leading to less than desirable outcomes later down line.

Following these steps carefully ensures pan is ready for batter pouring stage where remaining mix from bowl needs to be transferred into container chosen previously by user in order continue progress towards final stages of baking process according to instructions provided within this recipe’s content.

Pour Batter Into Pan

Now that the pan has been properly greased, it is time to pour the batter into the pan and continue towards the final stages of baking. This step requires some degree of precision in order to achieve desired results since improper application may lead to unevenly cooked loafs with sections either too dry or overly moist. As such, users should ensure their hands are clean prior before attempting this task so no foreign particles from earlier touches enter mix. Additionally, they must take care not to overload container by pouring slowly while rotating sides as needed for even dispersion all around area covered.

Furthermore, those who wish to further optimize outcomes can also consider tapping edges lightly against counter surface after transfer has taken place which helps settle contents while simultaneously reducing chances of air pockets forming inside once heat begins acting upon ingredients present during oven’s heating process. Last but certainly not least, important tip worth noting here includes light spreading motion taking place at end where spatula or other utensils used previously during mixing stage should be employed one last time for ensuring remaining items have been evenly distributed across entire area without any large chunks still lingering behind near corners where sticking could occur later on down line if left unattended now.

With these steps followed successfully, pan is now ready for being placed into preheated appliance where temperatures and times specified within recipe must be respected strictly in order yield desirable flavor profiles when finished product emerges out afterwards according to instructions provided herein.

Bake Time And Temperature

With the pan now prepped and in position, the final step before beginning baking process is to properly set oven’s temperature according to recipe specifications. This can be achieved by consulting document or instructions provided at start which should include exact number needed for achieving desired results when finished product emerges out afterwards. As such, users must take care not to underestimate importance of this task since incorrect figures could lead to undercooked loaves with raw centers that will require additional time spent inside appliance later on down line if mistakes are made here initially. Furthermore, those who wish to further optimize outcomes can also consider setting timer beforehand so they don’t forget about dish after it has been placed within heat source as part of their overall preparation routine while awaiting completion.

Once all settings have been applied correctly, lemon bread is ready for being inserted into device where temperatures specified earlier will begin acting upon ingredients present causing them rise slowly until golden brown color appears on top surface indicating point readying for removal from appliance shortly afterwards. While waiting patiently during bake-time, individuals may opt perform other tasks like preparing toppings such as icing cream or sugar powders commonly added later once loaf cooled off slightly before slicing into sections prior serving others members household relishing treats created moments ago using skills learned today through following simple steps described above.

Preparing Toppings

lemon bread recipe-try this lemon bread recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!
Lemon Bread Recipe-Try this Lemon Bread Recipe for a delicious and flavorful treat!

Once the bread has been baked and is ready to be served, it can be further decorated with a variety of toppings. Common choices that are often added include icing sugar, glaze syrup, or freshly candied lemons for extra sweetness and texture. Preparation of these items usually requires different methods depending on which one is desired as final result; however they all tend provide same general outcome when finished. For instance, those who wish use icing must first mix powdered substances together with water until paste-like consistency appears before spreading over surface evenly while waiting few minutes allow drying process take place prior serving others later time frame afterwards. On other hand, those looking add glaze onto product may do so by combining sugars into pan then boiling mixture until thickened slightly before pouring liquid directly upon loaf wait cool down bit afterwards offering guests sweet treat in end. Lastly, individuals interested making candied lemon slices should begin cutting citrus fruits thin strips before dropping them inside pot full of simmering sugar syrup allowing cook away slowly eventually giving perfect topping once removed from heat source after predetermined amount hours have passed since start process began initially.

Finally, all these elements can now be combined in order to create a delicious version of lemon bread suitable for any occasion or gathering where friends family members come together enjoy culinary masterpiece created today using skills learned earlier through following simple steps described above.

Adding Toppings To Bread

Once the bread has been baked and is ready to be served, it can be further decorated with a variety of toppings. As if painting on a canvas, these ingredients are carefully chosen to provide an aesthetic presentation for guests while simultaneously enhancing flavor. The most popular choices generally include lemon zest, coconut flakes, and powdered sugar.

When using lemon zest as topping, it should first be grated off from fresh lemons into thin strips or small pieces before being sprinkled over loaf evenly in order create distinct aroma that’s both tart sweet same time; this particular addition will also give rise to bright yellow hue when viewed through naked eye. Coconut flakes meanwhile offer crunchy texture added contrast surface softness making perfect combination for those who enjoy bit extra bite their meals whereas powdered sugar adds subtle sweetness without overwhelming taste buds senses completely giving overall dish nice balance between flavors within course meal later down line.

All these elements come together beautifully to transform plain-looking piece bread into something extraordinary that’s sure please everyone at table no matter what preferences happen have during special occasion gathering family friends alike. Transitioning now onto cooling process necessary ensure ingredients stay put place once gone out oven previously described section prior proceeding any further steps involved recipe itself moving forward near future timeline developments related subject matter herein discussed today’s context.

Cooling Down Process

It is important to allow the freshly-baked lemon bread to cool down before serving in order for all of the flavors and ingredients to fully combine. The cooling process should take around 10 minutes or so, but can vary depending on how hot the oven was when baking as well as what type of pan or loaf tin was used. During this time, it’s a good idea to cover the bread with aluminum foil in order to keep warm air inside while allowing excess heat to escape without drying out any surface moisture that may still be present. Once cooled completely, the result will be a perfectly golden crust surrounding a soft and fluffy interior – ready to serve!

When it comes to serving up the finished product, there are many different options available. One popular choice is simply slicing into thick pieces and eating plain; however this does not do justice in terms of showcasing all that went into making this delicious treat. For added visual appeal, consider topping each slice with butter or cream cheese prior to presentation – both choices will add an extra layer of flavor for guests (and yourself!) to enjoy. Lastly, if preferred, fresh fruits such as blueberries or strawberries make great accompaniments due to their natural sweetness which contrast nicely against tartness from lemons within recipe itself – just another way bring out best every possible bite taken throughout shared meal together those nearby who partake experience alongside you.

Serving suggestions then become next logical step towards completion culinary journey undertaken here today…

Serving Suggestions

Serving suggestions are a great way to take full advantage of the flavors and textures created in freshly-baked lemon bread. According to statistics, over 8 out of 10 people prefer adding an additional layer or two when serving up a meal – something which can easily be done with this particular dish. Here are some pairing ideas that will enhance any gathering:

  • Serve alongside a creamy dip such as hummus or tzatziki for added texture and flavor;
  • Add a scoop of ice cream on top for the perfect dessert combination;
  • Pair it with orange marmalade or jam to emphasize the citrus notes present in lemon bread;
  • Enjoy it with fresh fruit slices for balance between sweet and tart elements;
  • Indulge in some grilled cheese sandwiches made using thick slices of this delicious treat.

These meal ideas provide endless possibilities when it comes to planning meals around this popular recipe. Whether served as part of brunch, snack, or dinner spread, each option brings its own unique set of benefits that’ll ensure guests leave satisfied every time! With all these choices available, there’s no wrong answer when deciding how best to enjoy homemade lemon bread – just pick favorite one(s) begin journey today towards making lasting culinary memories those nearby who join you along way. As final step before savoring results hard work put forth here so far, next logical course action involves finding suitable storage solution…

Storage Solutions

Once the fresh-baked lemon bread has cooled off, it’s time to think about storage solutions that’ll preserve its flavor and texture for as long as possible. The good news is that there are several reliable options available when it comes to keeping this delicious treat in optimal condition – no matter how much of a rush one may find themselves in.

For short-term storage needs, wrapping each loaf individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil tends to be a great way to retain moisture levels over the course of hours or days. In addition, storing loaves in airtight containers can also help keep them from drying out too quickly. If planning on saving multiple batches of lemon bread for extended periods of time however, consider freezing uneaten portions instead to prevent any further spoilage down line. Even though refrigeration isn’t necessarily required if consuming within 24 hours after baking, doing so provides an extra level protection against mold growth that shouldn’t be overlooked under certain circumstances either.

When all else fails though, opting for proper bread storage techniques ensure successful preservation results every single time. To do this effectively requires implementing combination strategies such as: making sure product remains dry at all times; placing wrapped loaves inside sealed bags before putting away; choosing dark cool places with minimal exposure light; and lastly, thoroughly inspecting goods prior usage determine whether still safe enjoy consumption-wise or not (especially case frozen items). Once these steps have been taken into account accordingly then – only thing left worry about will be finding enough room freezer!

Variations And Substitutions

When it comes to baking delicious homemade lemon bread, the options are seemingly endless. Not only can basic recipes be tailored to one’s individual tastes and preferences but even more complex variations of this classic treat can be explored as well. For example, those looking for a slightly sweeter taste might opt for adding poppyseeds or orange-cranberry zest instead while others seeking out heartier alternatives may experiment with banana-walnut combinations in order to achieve desired results. No matter which route is chosen however, making sure that each ingredient is properly measured remains paramount if wanting final product come out just right – every single time.

In addition to incorporating different flavors into traditional recipes though, other creative ideas such as using flavored oil (i.e olive) instead butter or substituting almond flour wheat also exist providing individuals with even greater flexibility when it comes crafting own unique versions of this popular baked good. Likewise, switching up specific spices like cardamom cinnamon can affect flavor profile considerably too leading potentially exciting discoveries along way!

Ultimately then, finding perfect balance between sweet tartness ultimately lies within baker’s hands allowing them express their creativity through food form possible – all while enjoying tasty rewards end!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Pan Is Best For Baking Lemon Bread?

The type of pan used for baking lemon bread is a critical factor when it comes to achieving the desired result. An appropriate baking pan can make all the difference in texture, taste and overall outcome. The best choice of pan will depend on several factors such as size, shape, material and non-stick coating.

A typical loaf pan or rectangular cake tin is an ideal option for baking lemon bread due to its optimal dimensions and shape that allows air circulation inside while preventing burning at the base. Non-stick coatings help maintain structural integrity by ensuring that the bread does not stick to the sides during baking. Furthermore, materials like aluminium provide good heat conduction which helps with even cooking throughout.

When looking for a suitable pan for baking lemon bread, there are numerous options available including ones made from stainless steel, silicone or glass among others. However, a lightweight aluminium loaf pan with a non-stick coating offers superior performance considering the quality of bake along with convenience for easy cleaning after use. As such this could be said to be the ‘best’ baking pan for creating delicious loaves of lemon bread every time.

How Long Can I Store The Lemon Bread Before It Goes Bad?

Storing lemon bread correctly is an important factor in enjoying the best quality product. Knowing how long a freshly baked loaf of lemon bread can be stored before it goes bad is key to ensuring that you get the most out of your baking experience. This article looks at what factors influence the shelf life of lemon bread, and provides some advice on storing it for maximum freshness.

The shelf life of lemon bread depends largely on how quickly moisture evaporates from the crust and interior crumb. If not properly sealed or refrigerated immediately after baking, this process will occur much faster than desired, leading to spoilage within a few days. To extend its storage potential, consider wrapping and sealing tightly with plastic wrap or airtight containers once cooled. It’s also recommended to place lemon bread in the refrigerator if possible as this slows down both bacterial growth and enzymatic breakdowns which cause staleness over time. Refrigeration should only be used for short-term storage however; any longer periods are likely to adversely affect flavor and texture due to condensation forming on the surface during thawing.

As far as optimal temperatures go, keeping lemon bread between 40°F (4°C) and 70°F (21°C) will keep it fresher for longer when stored in an airtight container without direct contact with light or humidity sources such as steamy bathrooms or humid kitchens. Additionally, monitoring moisture levels is critical: too dry can lead to mold growth if left exposed; too wet can increase chances of spoiling bacteria taking hold quicker due to higher water activity levels. Good ventilation is also necessary so dough does not become soggy from lack of airflow – all these contribute towards extending lemon bread’s shelf life significantly when done right!

Overall, proper storage techniques like those discussed above play an essential role in maintaining optimal quality when preserving homemade lemon bread for later consumption – something all bakers should strive for!

Is It Possible To Make A Vegan Version Of This Recipe?

The ever-increasing demand for vegan products has been seen in the food industry. This trend is now being applied to baking, where bakers are experimenting with different plant-based ingredients and recipes. Among them is the question of whether it is possible to make a vegan version of lemon bread.

Symbolism can be found in this concept; while lemons represent sourness and tartness, bread symbolizes comfort and warmth. To combine these two opposing flavors could potentially lead to something new and exciting that could benefit vegans who seek out unique treats without compromising their dietary choices.

When making vegan lemon bread, there are many substitutes available such as vegetable shortening instead of butter or dairy milk alternatives like almond or coconut milk. Furthermore, flax eggs can replace regular eggs in order to create a perfect texture for the cake. Additionally, agave nectar can sweeten the recipe along with some freshly squeezed lemon juice for added flavor and moistness. The end result would be a delicious treat that can satisfy both vegans and nonvegans alike!

By replacing animal-derived ingredients with those suitable for vegans, it is indeed possible to bake an excellent vegan version of lemon bread. With its creative combination of contrasting flavors and textures, this dessert offers a delightful experience that will not leave anyone feeling deprived of anything!

Are There Any Substitutions I Can Make For The Lemon Zest?

The use of lemon zest is a popular ingredient in many recipes, particularly those with a citrus flavor. As such, it can be beneficial to consider possible substitutions for this common element when creating dishes. This article will discuss the various options available as substitutes for lemon zest, focusing on both vegan and non-vegan alternatives.

When looking for an appropriate replacement for lemon zest, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. These include compatibility with other ingredients in the recipe, availability of sources, and cost. Depending on these criteria, some vegetables or fruits may serve as suitable replacements for lemon zest. For instance, lime zest is often used in place of its cousin due to its similar tart taste. Additionally, orange peel can also provide a similar flavor profile to lemon zest without being overly sweet.

For vegan versions of recipes requiring lemon zest, there are even more possibilities from which cooks can choose. Vinegar provides an acidic bite that can mimic the sourness associated with lemons while avoiding any animal products; furthermore, herbs like oregano and thyme offer additional complexity to otherwise one-dimensional flavors. Other choices include ginger root or miso paste; these items work well if added sparingly and blended together quickly so their individual tastes do not overpower the overall dish’s flavor profile.

With careful consideration given to each potential substitute’s unique flavor characteristics and impact on the final product’s texture and appearance, cooks can find creative solutions to replace traditional elements like lemon zest. Ultimately achieving delicious results requires thoughtfulness combined with experimentation – but this same process leads to culinary discoveries worth exploring!

Can I Bake The Lemon Bread In A Muffin Tin Instead Of A Loaf Pan?

It is possible to bake lemon bread in a muffin tin instead of a loaf pan, however it is important to consider the implications and effects this substitution may have on the recipe. It is true that when baking with lemons, using a muffin tin rather than a loaf pan can bring out different flavors and textures from the lemon zest, as well as lead to more evenly cooked breads. However, baking times will be shorter due to the smaller size of each individual portion and there are potential risks associated with over-baking or under-baking if not monitored closely.

When attempting to bake lemon bread in a muffin tin instead of a loaf pan, one should assess their oven’s temperature accuracy first. This will help ensure that all portions of the lemon bread cook evenly; something which may become difficult when baked in multiple tins at once. In addition, individuals should use wax paper liners for each section of the muffin tin so that they do not stick together during cooking. Furthermore, checking temperatures periodically throughout the cooking process can prevent any surprises at the end.

Ultimately, deciding whether or not to substitute a loaf pan for a muffin tin while making lemon bread requires careful consideration beforehand – especially given that inaccurate temperatures and/or over-cooking could result in undesirable results such as dryness or uneven texture within the final product. By taking into account these tips before beginning preparation, bakers can rest assured knowing they are well prepared for success!


The lemon bread, with its zesty and sweet flavor, is a delightful treat that can be enjoyed for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. The aroma of this delicious baking project will fill the house with joy and anticipation. Baking the perfect loaf begins by selecting the right pan – a standard 9×5 inch loaf pan works best to achieve even cooking throughout. To ensure maximum freshness, store any remaining slices of lemon bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to four days.

Making vegan-friendly versions of classic recipes has become increasingly popular over recent years. For those who prefer their treats to be dairy-free, substituting applesauce for butter and omitting eggs are two easy adjustments which make this recipe suitable for vegans without sacrificing taste or texture. Additionally, if desired, other citrus fruits such as oranges or limes may be used instead of lemons when adding zest into the batter.

Finally, muffin tins may also be employed in lieu of a traditional loaf pan – simply adjust bake time accordingly so that your creation does not burn while achieving proper doneness inside. With these simple considerations taken into account, everyone is sure to enjoy a flavorful slice (or two!) of freshly baked lemon bread!

Lemon Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Lemon Bread Recipe is a light and fluffy bread that’s filled with the tangy flavor of fresh lemon. It’s great for breakfast, brunch, or as a snack.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/3 cup 1/3 vegetable oil

  • 1/3 cup 1/3 granulated sugar

  • 2 2 large eggs

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp 2 lemon zest

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 buttermilk


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a 9×5-inch loaf pan.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the oil, sugar, eggs, lemon juice, lemon zest, and vanilla extract until combined.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir until just combined.
  • Add the buttermilk and stir until just combined.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean.
  • Let the loaf cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.