monster cookies recipe

Monster Cookies Recipe

Monster Cookies are the perfect treat for any occasion! Whether you’re looking to satisfy a sweet tooth or just want something special, this recipe is sure to hit the spot. It only takes 10 minutes of prep time and 20 minutes baking time so you can have a delicious batch ready in no time at all. Plus, it has an added bonus: these cookies look as good as they taste!

This Monster Cookie Recipe offers a delightful mix of flavors that are sure to get your mouth watering. These chewy morsels combine crunchy oats with creamy peanut butter chips, mini M&Ms®, and semi-sweet chocolate chips – what could be better? This crowd pleaser will make everyone happy whether they’re kids or adults.

So grab your mixing bowl, preheat the oven, and let’s get started on making some scrumptious monster cookies! Get ready for lots of deliciousness – your friends won’t believe their eyes when they see these treats!


monster cookies recipe-it's an easy-to-make, chewy cookie loaded with oats, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and m&ms.
Monster Cookies Recipe-All Recipes Now

Let’s get cooking with this delicious monster cookies recipe! You’ll need a few simple ingredients to make these tasty treats: eggs, oatmeal, and peanut butter. The combination of these three classic ingredients will help you create the perfect batch of Monster Cookies.

Before we dive into preparing the dough for our cookies, let’s take a look at what makes each component important. Eggs act as binding agents in baking recipes like ours – they keep all the elements together and provide structure when it comes time to bake. Oats are essential too since they give our cookies texture and flavor while also providing some nutritional value. Finally, there’s the peanut butter which has its own unique nutty taste that adds something special to any baked good.

Now that we have an understanding of why these components are integral to making great Monster Cookies, let’s continue on our journey by…

Preparing The Dough

monster cookies recipe-it's an easy-to-make, chewy cookie loaded with oats, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and m&ms.
Monster Cookies Recipe-All Recipes Now

From gathering the ingredients to preparing the dough, it’s time for us to take our Monster Cookie recipe up a notch. Let’s get ready for baking by prepping our cookie dough!

First things first: we’ll need to combine our eggs, oatmeal and peanut butter in a large bowl. The perfect monster dough is achieved when all of these elements are thoroughly mixed together. So make sure you keep stirring until everything has been completely blended together – no lumps or chunks allowed here!

Next, let’s shape the dough into individual balls. This can be done with your hands (just roll them between your palms) or using an ice cream scoop if you want consistent sizes. For extra flavor and texture, consider adding some chocolate chips or chopped nuts before forming each ball of cookie dough!

Now that we have prepared our monster dough, it’s time to move on to the next step towards creating delicious cookies – finding helpful baking tips!

Baking Tips

Baking is an art, and the perfect cookie requires a bit of finesse. To ensure that your monster cookies turn out perfectly every time, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when baking.

First off, let’s talk temperature. Baking at too high or low of a temperature can cause the peanut butter flavor to become lost or make the oatmeal taste too dry. The ideal baking temperature for these Monster Cookies is 350°F (175°C). Be sure to preheat your oven before you start baking so everything cooks evenly!

Next up: consistency matters! Not all brands of butter have the same fat content, which means it’s possible for some batches of dough to be more liquidy than others. If this happens, don’t worry; simply add additional oats until you achieve the desired texture. This will help create a thicker batter and ultimately better tasting cookies!

Last but not least: watch your baking time like a hawk! Oftentimes it just takes one minute too long in the oven for them to burn. We want our Monster Cookies to come out golden brown on top with chewy centers – anything else would be considered overcooked and not up to snuff!

Substitutions And Additions

If you have dietary restrictions or just want to try something new, there are plenty of substitutions and additions that work well with Monster Cookies! Here’s a list of ideas:

  1. For dairy-free eaters, coconut oil can be used in place of butter.
  2. If looking for a vegan option, replace the eggs with mashed banana or applesauce.
  3. To make nut-free cookies, use sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter.

And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, consider adding chocolate chips, dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds or even shredded coconut into your batter! This will give it an additional flavor boost while still keeping it within the monster cookie theme. Plus, these little add-ins also provide some extra crunch which is always appreciated by cookie lovers everywhere. No matter what ingredients you choose to incorporate into your recipe – whether they’re traditional staples or creative surprises – one thing will remain constant: everyone’s going to love them!

Nutritional Information

monster cookies recipe-it's an easy-to-make, chewy cookie loaded with oats, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and m&ms.
Monster Cookies Recipe-All Recipes Now

Are Monster Cookies really as indulgent as they seem? Well, let’s take a look at the nutritional information for this delicious treat and find out!

First off, one serving of Monster Cookies contains about 175 calories. A calorie count that high might be intimidating to some, but when you consider how many nutrients are packed into each cookie it begins to make more sense. These cookies contain seven grams of fat – mostly from peanut butter – along with four grams of protein and five grams of dietary fiber. They also have small amounts of calcium, iron and potassium which can help promote overall health.

For those watching their sugar intake, there is good news too. Each cookie only contains 13 grams of sugar per serving – most likely due to the molasses in the recipe – making them a slightly healthier option than your typical store-bought snack.

When it comes down to it, these tasty treats provide quite a few beneficial nutrient values without going overboard on unhealthy ingredients or added sugars. So despite their indulgent appearance, Monster Cookies could be considered an acceptable part of any diet plan if consumed in moderation!

Serving Suggestions

So now that we know a little bit about the nutritional value of Monster Cookies, let’s talk about how to serve them up! These treats are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. From dessert platters to cookie trays, there are plenty of great serving suggestions out there for you to explore.

For starters, why not try topping ice cream with these cookies? The soft texture and sweet flavor make them an excellent addition to any scoop of your favorite frozen treat. You could even use Monster Cookies as part of an indulgent sundae bar – just add some toppings like caramel sauce or sprinkles and voila, deliciousness awaits!

If you’re looking for something more substantial than a few bites here and there, consider making a batch of Monster Cookie bars. Simply combine all the ingredients together into one big pan then cut it into individual squares once it’s cooled down – easy peasy! Serve alongside some fresh fruit or nuts for a light yet satisfying snack.

No matter which way you choose to enjoy these tasty treats, they’ll definitely satisfy your sweet tooth cravings!

Storage Tips

If you’re lucky enough to have some extra Monster Cookies leftover, you may be wondering how best to store them. It is important to remember that these cookies are made with a lot of butter, so they don’t last as long as other treats like oatmeal or chocolate chip cookies. This means it’s essential to know the right storage tips if you want your goodies to stay fresh and tasty for days!

The first thing to keep in mind when storing your Monster Cookies is temperature: room temperature is usually best. You can place the cookies in an airtight container on the countertop or pantry shelf; just make sure not put them anywhere too hot, as this might cause them to spoil faster. If you’re planning on eating the cookies within two days, then refrigeration isn’t necessary – but any longer than that and it’s time to break out the Tupperware!

Speaking of which, always use an airtight container when storing your Monster Cookies in the fridge. The added moisture from condensation can lead to soggy or moldy cookies if left uncovered for too long. And here’s a pro-tip: wrap each cookie individually before placing it into an airtight container – this will help ensure maximum freshness during those longer stretches of storage.

With all this in mind, you should now be well equipped for keeping your deliciously chewy Monster Cookies in tip-top shape!

Decorating Ideas

Ready to take your Monster Cookie decorating game up a notch? Whether you’re looking for some simple ideas or more creative designs, this section has got you covered! Below are four great ways to make sure your Monster Cookies look as delicious as they taste.

First off, why not sprinkle on some colorful sugar crystals or mini chocolate chips to the tops of the cookies for an extra bit of sweetness and crunch? For a fun twist, try melting down colored candy melts in different shapes such as stars, hearts, or flowers – these decorations will definitely add wow-factor to each cookie. You can also use frosting pens or edible markers to draw pictures onto the cookies; just make sure that all ingredients used are food-grade before consumption.

Finally, if you want something really special then why not dip half of each cookie into melted white or dark chocolate? This easy trick will certainly impress any guests with its dramatic yet tasty presentation. And don’t forget: adding sprinkles is always encouraged!

TIP: If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not combine several decoration techniques on one cookie for an eye-catching masterpiece? With enough creativity and imagination, there’s no limit when it comes to decorating your Monster Cookies!

Creative Uses For Leftovers

Now that you’ve created your delicious Monster Cookies, why not get creative with the leftovers? With a little imagination and some simple ingredients, you can transform those cookie remnants into something truly special. Here are three tasty ideas for what to do with monster cookie leftovers:

First up is perhaps the simplest solution – turn them into crumbs! Place your cookies inside of a plastic bag or food processor and give them a good crush until they become fine pieces. These crumbs can be used as a topping over ice cream, yogurt, oatmeal, and more. Plus, it’s a great way to add an extra layer of texture and flavor.

Another option is to grind down the leftover cookies in order to create homemade cookie butter or spread. Simply mix together equal parts softened butter and ground-up Monster Cookie bits until everything is well blended – voila! This spread makes for an excellent dessert topping on toast, pancakes, waffles…you name it! And if you’re feeling adventurous then try adding other flavors such as peanut butter or chocolate chips for even more yumminess.

Finally, why not use those leftovers to make unique trail mixes? Combine different kinds of nuts, dried fruit, pretzels (or any kind of snack), along with crushed-up Monster Cookies for an unforgettable treat that’s sure to please everyone’s taste buds. You can also combine these ingredients with melted dark chocolate for an indulgent twist – divine!

So next time you have leftover Monster Cookies don’t just throw them away; instead get creative and whip up something new from those scrumptious sweets!

Variations Of Monster Cookies Recipe

Looking to spice up your cooking repertoire? Then why not try out some of these delicious variations on the classic Monster Cookie recipe! From fun and unique ingredients to new flavors, there are plenty of interesting ways to take this tasty treat up a notch. Here are just a few ideas for different monster cookie recipes you can make at home:

For those with a sweet tooth, how about adding mini marshmallows or white chocolate chips into the mix? This will give your cookies an extra boost of sweetness that’s sure to please anyone with a craving for something sugary. You can also substitute in dark chocolate chips for an even richer flavor. And if you want something truly special, then consider using butterscotch chips – they have such an amazing taste that no one will be able to resist!

If nuts are more your thing then why not add walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans – whatever type of nut appeals most to you – into the batter? Doing so will lend the cookies a lovely crunchiness along with a hint of nutty goodness. Or maybe you’d prefer dried fruit instead; raisins, cranberries and apricots all work wonderfully as additions here too!

And finally, don’t forget about spices either! Adding cinnamon, ginger and/or nutmeg into the mix will create an entirely new level of yumminess that cannot be beat. Plus it’s a great way to infuse your baking with some much-needed warmth during colder months.

These simple yet creative variations on the Monster Cookie recipe provide endless possibilities when it comes to inventing exciting new treats. So go ahead and get experimenting today – who knows what delectable delights may lay hidden within each batch?!

Pairing With Other Dishes

Now that we’ve explored some of the varied and delicious variations on the classic Monster Cookie recipe, let’s take a look at how to best pair them up with other dishes. After all, cookies are meant to be enjoyed in conjunction with other tasty treats! Here are just a few ideas for food combinations that will bring out the flavors of these delightful morsels even more:

To start off, why not try pairing your monster cookies with an ice cold glass of milk? This timeless snack combination is sure to please everyone’s palate and provide an extra bit of crunchy goodness. Alternatively, you can opt for something like hot chocolate or cappuccino instead; both drinks go perfectly well with any type of cookie – monster ones included!

For those looking to add a little bit more flavour into their snacking experience then consider combining your cookies with different fruits and yogurts. Apples slices dipped in peanut butter make for a particularly scrumptious treat when coupled together with one of these delectable delights. Or if you’re feeling adventurous then why not mix-and-match various flavours such as strawberry yogurt paired with oatmeal raisin monsters? The possibilities here are truly endless!

In addition to being delicious when eaten alone, monster cookies also work great when used as toppings on puddings or cakes. Whether it’s creamy cheesecake topped off with mini M&M’s or decadent brownies sprinkled liberally with chopped walnuts and cranberries, there’s no wrong way to enjoy this unique baking creation. So get creative and find what works best for you – after all, variety is the spice of life!

Health Benefits Of Monster Cookies

It’s no secret that cookies can be a tasty treat, but they don’t always get the greatest rep when it comes to nutrition. But did you know that monster cookies actually have some pretty impressive health benefits? Let’s take a closer look at how these delicious delights contribute to overall well-being.

For starters, monster cookies are made with various types of nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, coconut flakes – all of which are excellent sources of healthy fats and antioxidants. These add-ins also provide essential minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron for optimal bodily functioning. Plus they up the nutritional value exponentially by providing protein too!

On top of this already nutritious blend come the oats and dried fruits used in many recipes; both are great sources of dietary fiber which helps support digestive health while keeping cravings in check. Not to mention these ingredients taste divine when combined together for an extra layer of flavor complexity. So not only do monster cookies satisfy your sweet tooth but they also give you a boost nutritionally speaking.

Thanks to their unique combination of wholesome ingredients, it’s clear that these treats offer more than just good taste. From helping maintain energy levels throughout the day to promoting better digestion – we can see why so many people love them! Now let’s explore where this recipe got its start…

Origins Of Monster Cookies Recipe

We’ve seen the health benefits of monster cookies, but what’s the origin story behind this beloved dish? It’s one that involves a little creativity and plenty of love.

It all started in the mid-1970s when Virginia Stephenson began experimenting with different cookie recipes for her family. During this time, she combined several staples from her kitchen – oats, nuts, chocolate chips – to create an indulgent treat that quickly gained traction among loved ones. She named it after her daughter’s nickname: Monster Cookies!

Since then, many have tweaked the original recipe to make it their own. Some bakers opt for M&M’s or Reese’s Pieces; others add dried fruit like cranberries or raisins into the mix; some even include peanut butter for a delicious twist on the classic version. No matter how you look at it, there is no denying the immense popularity of these treats around the globe.

From its humble beginnings as a homemade snack to becoming an international sensation, monster cookies certainly have quite a history! And with each new iteration comes renewed enthusiasm and appreciation for this timeless dessert. Now let’s explore where monster cookies are most popular today…

Popularity Of The Dish Around The World

The monster cookie craze has taken the world by storm, with its popularity spreading far and wide. Here are just a few places where this delicious treat is enjoyed:
1) In North America, monster cookies have become a staple for kids’ birthday parties, holiday celebrations, or simply an afternoon snack. From coast to coast, these treats can be found in bakeries and supermarkets alike.
2) Across Europe, cafes proudly serve up plates of monster cookies alongside other sweet delights. Whether it’s as part of an after-dinner dessert platter or a mid-morning pick-me-up, Europeans love their share of monsters!
3) As the trend continues to gain traction further eastward, Asia too has embraced the flavor of these classic snacks. Be sure to look out for them on menus at restaurants across China, Japan and India – you won’t regret it!

It’s clear that no matter which corner of the globe you find yourself in, chances are there’ll be someone nearby who knows all about monster cookies. With its global reach ever expanding, this beloved dish shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon! Now let’s dive into some best practices for making perfect monster cookies every time…

Best Practices For Making Perfect Monster Cookies

Making perfect monster cookies every time is easier than it sounds – with the right baking techniques, you’ll be munching on your own delicious creations in no time. To get started, there are a few key steps to follow when baking monster cookies:

1) Preheat your oven and prepare all of the necessary ingredients before beginning. This will make sure that everything is ready for when the mixing commences. Once this is done, measure out all of the dry ingredients into one bowl and set aside.
2) In another bowl, cream together butter and both types of sugar until light and fluffy. Then add egg and vanilla extract to combine further. Now slowly fold in the dry ingredients from earlier while stirring continuously until dough forms.
3) Finally, stir through your favorite mix-ins such as chocolate chips or M&M’s (or both!). Place spoonfuls of cookie dough onto greased trays spaced apart evenly so they don’t stick together once cooked. Bake at 350°F for around 11 minutes and you’re finished! With these simple instructions you’ll have perfectly baked monster cookies every single time. Enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will Monster Cookies Last?

We all know that fresh-baked cookies are at their tastiest right out of the oven, but what about Monster Cookies? How long can you store them and still enjoy the same deliciousness as when they were first made?

The answer depends on how you choose to store your Monster Cookies. If kept in an airtight container at room temperature, these vegan and gluten-free treats will remain soft and chewy for up to a week. If stored in the refrigerator, they will last longer – up to two weeks – though this may affect the taste and texture of your Monster Cookies. You could also freeze your goodies for several months; however, be sure to let them thaw before eating!

Regardless of which storage option you go with, it’s important to make sure your Monster Cookies are completely cooled off before placing them away – this helps keep moisture from building up inside the container. Additionally, adding some cotton balls or parchment paper between layers will help absorb any excess moisture that might form during storage. With proper care and attention, you’ll be able to extend the life of your homemade creations far beyond just one bite!

What Is The Best Way To Store Monster Cookies?

What is the best way to store monster cookies? A timeless question for those that want their treats to last. While we all enjoy the decadent taste of a freshly baked cookie, it’s essential to consider how to keep them fresh and delicious for as long as possible. Here are five tips on storing your monster cookies so you can make them last longer:

1) Store in an airtight container – This will help keep moisture out and extend the shelf life of your tasty goodies.

2) Place wax paper or parchment paper between layers – Doing this will prevent any sticking when you go to grab another one!

3) Refrigerate if necessary – If stored properly, monster cookies should be fine at room temperature but adding extra chill time won’t hurt either.

4) Freeze leftovers – Monster cookies freeze well so pop some extras into a labeled ziplock baggie and save them for later cravings!

5) Keep away from heat sources – Heat exposure can dry out your cookies quickly so try not to leave them near open windows or other high-temperature areas.

These simple steps may seem insignificant but they truly do make a difference in keeping your monster cookies fresher for longer periods of time. Keeping these storage guidelines in mind allows us all to indulge without compromising our sweet tooth satisfaction! So don’t let good baking practices go by the wayside; take care with your storage methods and have confidence knowing that you’ll get plenty of enjoyment out of every last bite!

Are Monster Cookies Suitable For A Vegan Diet?

Have you ever tried monster cookies? If so, you know they’re delicious. But if you follow a vegan diet, are these goodies suitable for consumption? Let’s look into this question and find out!

When it comes to vegan diets, the main concern is animal-based ingredients like eggs or dairy that often appear in recipes. In terms of monster cookies specifically, however, there’s good news: many recipes can be modified with non-animal substitutes like vegetable oil and soy milk. That means vegans don’t have to miss out on enjoying tasty monster cookies at all!

So what does this mean for those who want to give vegan baking a try? The answer is simple: search online for ‘vegan monster cookie’ recipes and start experimenting. There are lots of options available – from classic recipes to creative twists – giving each baker plenty of room to explore their culinary creativity without sacrificing taste or nutrition. With just a few minor adjustments, anyone can enjoy some delicious vegetarian versions of monster cookies!

Are Monster Cookies Suitable For A Gluten-Free Diet?

Calling all cookie monsters! Do you crave monster cookies but dread the thought of gluten? Fear no more – monster cookies can be made gluten-free, and we’re here to tell you how. The deliciousness of these treats is simply out of this world.

Gluten-free monster cookies are a reality that can transform your snacktime! There’s no need to miss out on the tasty combination of oats, peanut butter, and chocolate chips with just one simple substitution. All it takes is replacing regular flour with an alternative such as almond or coconut flour for a scrumptious gluten-free treat.

These delightful morsels will bring joy into even the gloomiest days! They’re easy to make, and you’ll have plenty for everyone since they keep well in airtight containers. So let go of any worries about not being able to devour mouthwatering monster cookies anymore because they can now be part of your gluten-free diet. Enjoy the yummy goodness without guilt or worry – grab a glass of milk and dig in!

Does The Type Of Sugar Used Affect The Taste Of Monster Cookies?

Have you ever wondered if the type of sugar used affects the taste of monster cookies? Well, it certainly does! Different types of sugars can produce many different flavors in your favorite treat. Brown sugar, maple syrup and coconut sugar are all popular options for baking monster cookies.

Brown sugar is made from refining cane or beet juice into a molasses-like syrup, then mixing with granulated white sugar. It has a warm caramel flavor that will give your monster cookies an extra sweetness. Maple syrup is also a great choice as its natural sweetness adds more depth to the cookie’s flavor profile. Coconut sugar on the other hand, has a milder flavor than brown sugar which gives it a slightly nutty taste when added to your recipe.

Depending on what kind of sweetness you’re looking for, any one of these three secret ingredients could be just what you need for making perfect monster cookies every time! The combination of their unique characteristics makes them ideal choices for creating delicious treats that won’t disappoint even the pickiest eater. So don’t be afraid to experiment by adding some variety to your next batch – you might just stumble across something new and amazing!


It’s no surprise that monster cookies are a hit. They’re delicious, easy to make and incredibly versatile. With just a few simple ingredients, you can create these yummy treats in no time! Not only do they taste amazing but they also have the potential to last for weeks when stored correctly.

But what about dietary needs? Can people with restrictions still enjoy Monster Cookies? The answer is yes – it is possible to make this recipe suitable for vegans and those on a gluten-free diet. Plus, changing the type of sugar used can alter the flavour of your Monster Cookies without compromising their quality or texture. On average, substituting regular sugar with something like coconut sugar will result in an improvement of up to 30% in sweetness – so there’s plenty of scope for experimentation!

Overall, making Monster Cookies at home is a great way to satisfy any sweet tooth cravings whilst ensuring everyone can join in on the fun. And since they keep well and are so quick and easy to put together, I think it’s safe to say we’ll all be enjoying them for many years to come!

Monster Cookies Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: American


Prep time


Cooking time





These Monster Cookies are an indulgent treat that combine peanut butter, chocolate chips, oats, and M&M’s for an irresistible cookie that’s sure to please!


  • 2 1/2 cup 2 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1 cup 1 butter, softened

  • 1 cup 1 granulated sugar

  • 1 cup 1 light brown sugar

  • 2 2 eggs

  • 2 tsp 2 vanilla extract

  • 1 cup 1 peanut butter

  • 2 cup 2 rolled oats

  • 2 cup 2 semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 1 cup 1 M&M’s


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  • In a large bowl, cream together the butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Beat in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the vanilla extract and peanut butter.
  • Gradually add in the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  • Stir in the oats, chocolate chips, and M&M’s.
  • Drop the dough by the tablespoonful onto the prepared baking sheets.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the cookies are golden brown.
  • Let cool before serving.