optavia dessert recipe

Optavia Dessert Recipe

Are you trying to find a way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sabotaging your hard work? Look no further than Optavia dessert recipes! With this selection of delicious, healthy treats, you can indulge in something sweet after dinner without any guilt. Whether you’re looking for something quick and easy or more complex creations, these recipes will have you covered. So let’s dive right into the world of Optavia desserts!

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Optavia recipes is how simple they are. Not only do they provide great flavor and texture, but each recipe requires minimal time and effort with few ingredients. Plus, there’s an abundance of options so that everyone can find something they love – even picky eaters! And if that wasn’t enough incentive, all of these delightful dishes are diet-friendly as well as free from artificial flavors and colors.

But what really sets Optavia apart is its ability to make eating healthily enjoyable. From creamy protein shakes to decadent cookie bars, it’s proof that nutritious food doesn’t have to be boring – it can actually be exciting and indulgent too! So if you’re ready to try out some amazing desserts while still staying on track with your goals, then get started today by exploring these fabulous Optavia dessert recipes!


When it comes to dessert, we all have cravings for something sweet. But when you’re trying to stay on a calorie-controlled or low-carb diet, it can be hard to find the perfect treat that won’t blow your goals out of the water. That’s where Optavia desserts come in!

Optavia is an incredible meal delivery plan that helps you create balanced and portion-controlled meals with easy access to nutritious ingredients. They also provide several options for delicious low-carb desserts so you can enjoy a treat without completely derailing your progress. Not only are they convenient and accessible, but they’re also designed to help keep you on track with your health objectives.

So if you’re looking for a way to satisfy your sweet tooth while staying committed to your weight loss journey, Optavia desserts could be just what you need! With these tasty treats, there’s no longer any excuse not to indulge guilt free. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of optavia desserts available.

Types Of Optavia Desserts

optavia dessert recipe-discover delicious optavia dessert recipes that are low in calories and high in flavor.
Optavia Dessert Recipe-Discover delicious Optavia dessert recipes that are low in calories and high in flavor.

When it comes to finding a delicious, guilt-free dessert option, Optavia has you covered! There are several types of low-carb desserts available that taste just as good (if not better!) than their sugar-laden counterparts. Whether you have diabetes or are simply looking for something sweet without all the extra calories and carbs, there’s an optavia dessert recipe out there to fit your needs.

If you’re looking for diabetic-friendly desserts, try one of Optavia’s chocolate mousse recipes. This light and airy treat is made with a combination of Greek yogurt, cocoa powder, almond extract, and stevia — perfect for those who want to satisfy their sweet tooth without overindulging in sugary snacks. And if you need some protein along with your indulgence? Optavia also offers brownies packed with 15 grams of protein per serving!

For sugar-free options, check out Optavia’s cheesecake recipes that feature ingredients like cream cheese, eggs, Greek yogurt, lemon juice and other natural flavors. They even include a few no-bake varieties so you can whip up a tasty treat without having to turn on the oven! With these healthy yet decadent options at your fingertips, there’s no excuse not to indulge in something sweet every now and then — especially when it won’t blow your diet goals off track.

Thanks to Optavia’s wide selection of tasty desserts, we don’t have to sacrifice our health in order enjoy something sweet. Now let’s take a look at some of the nutritional benefits associated with incorporating these treats into our diets.

Nutritional Benefits

While indulging in a sweet treat can often feel like we’re being naughty, there are actually some nutritional benefits to eating Optavia desserts. With their low-fat and sugar-free ingredients, these treats allow us to enjoy something delicious without breaking our diets or sacrificing our health. Not only that, but many of the recipes are also gluten-free which makes them perfect for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. Here’s a look at just some of the reasons why you should consider incorporating optavia desserts into your diet:

  • Low Calorie Count: Many of Optavia’s dessert options have fewer than 100 calories per serving — making it easy to indulge without overdoing it on the calories!
  • Sugar Free: Since these desserts are made without any added sugars, they won’t cause blood sugar spikes so you don’t have to worry about crashing later.
  • Gluten Free: For those who need to follow a gluten-free lifestyle, all optavia desserts are free from wheat and other grains containing gluten. So now everyone can enjoy guilt-free sweets!
  • High Protein Content: Thanks to protein powder and other high-protein ingredients used in many of Optavia’s dessert recipes, they offer an extra boost of energy throughout the day (without packing on the pounds).

These delightful desserts not only taste great, but they also provide numerous health benefits as well. That said, it’s important to note that while most optavia recipes use healthy ingredients, there are still some common food items best avoided when baking up something special. Let’s take a closer look at what ingredients should be skipped when whipping up your next batch of guilt-free goodies…

Ingredients To Avoid

When it comes to creating delicious treats that are still healthy and nutritious, there are some ingredients you should avoid when baking with Optavia recipes. While most of the ingredients used in optavia desserts are designed to provide nutritional benefits, some common food items can actually do more harm than good. From artificial sweeteners to high-fructose corn syrup, here’s a look at what ingredients you should steer clear of while whipping up your next batch of gluten-free goodies:

  • Artificial Sweeteners: Many artificially sweetened foods contain chemicals which have been linked to numerous health problems such as headaches, digestive distress, and even cancer. As an alternative option for added sweetness without the side effects, opt for natural sugar substitutes like honey or stevia instead.
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup: This type of sugar is often found in processed foods and has been linked to obesity due to its highly addictive nature. When opting for a dessert recipe, try using maple syrup or agave nectar instead — both options offer a much healthier way to add sweetness without sacrificing taste!

These unhealthy ingredients may seem appealing but they can end up doing more harm than good in the long run. By avoiding them altogether and sticking with natural alternatives whenever possible, we can be sure our treats will not only be tasty but also beneficial for our overall health too!

Tools And Equipment

Now that we know which ingredients to avoid, let’s take a look at the tools and equipment needed for baking up some delicious Optavia desserts. To get started, you’ll need an ice cream maker, food processor, cake pan, and other basic kitchen essentials. An ice cream maker is great for churning out perfectly creamy frozen treats while a food processor can be used to whip up homemade nut butters in no time. A cake pan comes in handy when making layer cakes or brownies as it gives the finished product even heat distribution throughout the baking process!

When selecting cookware and utensils for your optavia dessert recipes, always aim for high-quality items made from nonstick materials such as ceramic or Teflon coated products. This will make cleaning and storage much easier while also ensuring your treats come out looking their best every time! Additionally, having smaller sized pans on hand are essential if you plan on whipping up mini desserts like cupcakes or pies. With all these supplies ready to go, you’re sure to have everything you need to bake up delectable snacks with ease!

Storage Tips

When it comes to storing Optavia desserts, there are a few tips and tricks that can make the process easier. First and foremost, always store your finished treats in an airtight container or bag away from any direct sunlight or sources of heat. This will preserve their freshness for longer periods of time! Additionally, if you plan on keeping your sweets around for more than a week, consider preserving them with special long-term storage techniques such as vacuum sealing or freezing. Vacuum sealers create an airless environment inside the package which helps keep food fresher for extended periods while freezing is great at locking in flavor and texture over time.

For those who love baking up batches of goodies but don’t have space to freeze everything right away, opt for portioning out individual servings instead. This way each serving can still be enjoyed without taking up too much room in your freezer! Lastly, when labeling containers full of sweet treats remember to write down the date they were made so you know how long they’ve been stored and can tell if it’s safe to eat or not. With these simple yet effective storage tips, you’ll never have to worry about wasting any delicious Optavia desserts ever again!

Preparing Optavia Desserts

Now that you know how to properly store Optavia desserts, it’s time to learn about the best ways to prepare them. Preparing these delicious treats can be a fun and rewarding experience for any home chef or baker! With just a few simple tips on dessert making, you’ll soon have your own creations coming out of the oven in no time.

When it comes to preparing Optavia desserts, there are plenty of recipes available online as well as through cookbooks dedicated specifically to this type of low-carb baking. Additionally, if you’re not sure where to start when creating your own masterpiece, try using one of the pre-made mixes found at most major grocery stores. These will provide all the ingredients needed along with detailed instructions on exactly what needs to be done in order for your sweet treat to turn out perfectly every single time.

No matter which recipe you choose though, always make sure that you follow all steps closely and use fresh ingredients whenever possible. This will ensure that each bite is bursting with flavor and texture while still staying within the guidelines set by Optavia diets. With these easy dessert preparation tips, now anyone can enjoy homemade goodies without ever having to feel guilty afterwards!

Cooking Techniques

When it comes to cooking Optavia desserts, there are a variety of techniques you can use to create delicious treats that will have everyone asking for more. Here’s a quick guide of baking, steaming and roasting techniques that can help take your desserts from good to great:

1) Baking Techniques – This is the most popular way of preparing Optavia desserts as it tends to be easier than other methods. You can bake cakes, brownies, cookies and even pies using this technique – just make sure you follow all instructions closely for best results.

2) Steaming Techniques – For an extra moist texture in cakes or muffins, steaming can be used instead of baking. All you need is a pan with some water on the bottom plus a heat-safe bowl placed over top for holding the batter while it cooks. This method works well when making certain types of custards too!

3) Roasting Techniques – If you want something warm and comforting like bread puddings or cobblers, try roasting them in the oven instead of baking or steaming them. Just remember to keep an eye on these dishes while they’re cooking so they don’t overcook or burn!

These three simple techniques should provide plenty of options when creating Optavia desserts that not only taste amazing but look gorgeous as well. With a few practice runs under your belt, soon enough you’ll be able to whip up delectable confections without ever having to worry about added sugar or unhealthy fats sneaking into your recipes. And now onto decorating and presentation ideas…

Decoration And Presentation Ideas

optavia dessert recipe-discover delicious optavia dessert recipes that are low in calories and high in flavor.
Optavia Dessert Recipe-Discover delicious Optavia dessert recipes that are low in calories and high in flavor.

When it comes to Optavia desserts, presentation and decoration are just as important as the flavor. After all, a beautiful plate can be more inviting than one that is merely tasty. With this in mind, here are some tips on how to make your desserts look as good as they taste:

1) Decorating Techniques – When it comes to decorating your creations, there’s no wrong way of doing things. From drizzles of chocolate or caramel sauce to colorful sprinkles and edible decorations like fruits or nuts – you can let your imagination run wild when adding finishing touches that will truly elevate the appearance of your dishes.

2) Presentation Tips – For maximum impact, consider arranging different components of your dish onto separate plates before assembling them together for optimal visual appeal. Creative plating techniques like layering sauces and toppings around an entrée can also help bring out its vibrant colors while drawing attention to its deliciousness. Just remember not to overdo it; too much fussiness might take away from the overall experience instead!

3) Attention To Detail – Finishing touches such as garnishes or small decorative pieces placed strategically around a dessert’s circumference go a long way towards creating eye-catching displays that will tantalize everyone’s palate with anticipation. Try adding something unexpected every now and then by using unique ingredients like herbs for extra texture or contrast – little flourishes like these add up quickly and can really set apart a memorable meal!

Popular Recipes

When it comes to Optavia desserts, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a decadent treat or a healthier alternative, these recipes will hit the spot every time! From brownies and cheesecake to cookies and bars – here are some of our favorite creations that indulgence seekers can’t get enough of:

Optavia Brownies – These moist and fudgy delights are sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. With just four simple ingredients, they’re an easy way to whip up a delicious dessert in no time. Plus, their rich chocolate flavor makes them perfect for sharing with friends or family members during special occasions!

Optavia Cheesecake – Creamy yet light, this classic dessert is always a crowd pleaser. You can customize it with your favorite toppings like fresh berries or jam for extra flair before serving it as-is or alongside other dishes such as salads or grilled proteins.

Optavia cookies – If you love cookie dough but don’t want all the added sugar and calories that come along with it, try making these bite-sized treats instead. They have all the sweetness without being overly indulgent – plus they make great snacks on-the-go too!

No matter which recipe you choose, Optavia desserts promise guaranteed satisfaction each and every time. So go ahead and give one (or two!) a try today – after all, life is too short not to enjoy a little bit of deliciousness now and then!

Serving Suggestions

Now that you’ve chosen your favorite Optavia dessert, it’s time to think about how you’ll serve it! While these treats are delicious on their own, there are plenty of ways to enhance the experience with some added accompaniments. Here are a few serving suggestions for making your next indulgence extra special:

  • Dessert Pairings – Serve up your desserts alongside complementary flavors such as fresh fruit or ice cream for an unbeatable combination. You can even get creative by pairing unique items like savory cheeses and jams – just make sure everything complements each other nicely!
  • Accompaniments – Topping off your treat with something simple yet elegant can take it from good to great. Consider adding a dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of nuts, or even some shredded coconut flakes to complete the look and taste.
  • Beverage Suggestions – Whether you’re sipping coffee after dinner or enjoying a glass of wine before bedtime, certain beverages pair especially well with certain desserts. For instance, hot tea is a perfect match for brownies while lemonade goes wonderfully with cookies or cake. Experimenting with different combinations will help you find what works best for you!

No matter how you choose to enjoy them, Optavia desserts always provide an easy way to indulge in guilty pleasures without overindulging. With so many possibilities at hand, all that’s left is deciding which one (or two!) will be enjoyed first!

Meal Planning Ideas

When it comes to meal planning, Optavia desserts can be a great way to add some indulgence to your diet without compromising on nutrition. Here are some tips for incorporating these delicious treats into your weekly meal plans:

  • Meal Planning Strategies – Start by setting aside a designated day each week where you make time to plan out all of your meals. This will help ensure that you’re including healthy foods and snacks alongside your Optavia dessert. Utilize online resources such as recipes and sample menus to get creative with how you structure your meals.
  • Meal Preparation Guidelines – Make sure to prepare enough food in advance so that you have plenty of options during the week. Consider making large batches of dishes like casseroles or soups ahead of time, then portioning them off for individual servings throughout the week. Don’t forget to account for leftovers too – they make an excellent addition to lunch boxes!

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to easily incorporate guilt-free indulgences like Optavia desserts into your regular eating routine while still adhering to a balanced diet. Now let’s move onto learning about substitutions and modifications that can take any treat from ordinary to extraordinary!

Substitutions And Modifications

When it comes to making Optavia desserts, there are a variety of substitutions and modifications you can make in order to suit your dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for gluten-free options or vegan substitutions, here are some alternative ingredients that will help transform any treat into something special:

  • Gluten-Free Flour – If you’re on a gluten-free diet, try swapping out all-purpose flour with almond flour or coconut flour instead. These flours have a lighter texture than traditional wheat varieties so they’ll still yield delicious results. You could also use oat flour as an alternative if needed.
  • Sweeteners – Instead of relying solely on sugar, explore healthier alternatives like honey or maple syrup. If you need a low-calorie option, stevia is another great choice that provides plenty of sweetness without adding extra calories.
  • Dairy Substitutes – For those who avoid dairy products but still want the richness and creaminess of butter in their desserts, non-dairy margarine or oil works just as well in many recipes. Coconut milk and almond milk can also be used as substitutes for cow’s milk when making batters or custards.
    By getting creative with these ingredient swaps and modifications, you’ll be able to enjoy guilt-free indulgences while maintaining optimal nutrition levels! Who said healthy eating has to be boring? Now let’s move onto troubleshooting tips for avoiding common baking mistakes.

Troubleshooting Tips

Baking can be a tricky process, but with the right troubleshooting advice you’ll soon become an expert in no time! Common issues that arise when making Optavia desserts include over-mixing ingredients, undercooking treats or using too much sugar. With these simple solutions strategies, however, your dessert dreams will come true:

  • Over-mixing – To avoid this issue altogether, mix your batter just until all of the dry ingredients are incorporated into the wet ones and then stop there. This will ensure even distribution without creating tough textures.
  • Undercooking – Always set a timer and check for doneness before taking any goodies out of the oven to make sure they’re perfectly cooked through. Alternatively, use a toothpick test; if it comes out clean after being inserted into the center of the treat, it’s ready to go!
  • Too Much Sugar – The key here is moderation – start off by adding less than what the recipe calls for and taste as you go until you get to desired sweetness level. You could also try substituting regular white sugar with healthier options such as honey or maple syrup for added flavor.
    With these tips in mind, you’ll have all the tools necessary to create delicious desserts that everyone can enjoy! Now let’s take things one step further and explore some creative variations on classic recipes…

Creative Variations

When it comes to creating delicious desserts, the possibilities are truly endless! With a few creative variations and substitutes, you can make Optavia-approved treats that everyone will love. Here are some ideas for gluten-free versions, no-bake recipes, and crockpot concoctions that’ll tantalize your taste buds:

  • Gluten-Free Variations – If you want to avoid wheat products altogether, there are plenty of ways to substitute regular ingredients with gluten-free alternatives. For instance, almond flour or coconut flour could replace all purpose white flour in many recipes while oat bran makes an excellent alternative to breadcrumbs. You could also try using xantham gum as a binding agent instead of traditional wheat flours.
  • No Bake Recipes – Let’s face it – sometimes we don’t have time (or energy!) to bake up something sweet. Thankfully though, Optavia has come up with several no bake options such as their classic chocolate peanut butter balls or banana date bites which only require a food processor and fridge time before they’re ready to be enjoyed!
  • Crock Pot Concoctions – Who knew slow cookers could be used for more than just savory dishes? With this handy kitchen appliance at your disposal, you can whip up amazing dessert creations like fudgy brownies or even creamy custard without ever having to turn on the oven. All you need is a little bit of patience and voila – decadent desserts made easy!
    These are just a few ideas when it comes to making unique Optavia desserts but the list goes on! Whether you prefer baking from scratch or whipping up quick treats with minimal effort, there’s sure to be something here that will satisfy any sweet tooth craving. So go ahead and get started today; who knows what deliciousness awaits?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Sweetener Is Used In Optavia Desserts?

Oh, sweeteners! If you love those delicious Optavia desserts but want to steer clear of regular sugar, then this article is for you. We’re here to explore the various types of sweetener that can be used in your favorite Optavia recipes. Let’s dive right into it, shall we?

When it comes to swapping out sugar for something a bit healthier and lower calorie, there are several options available when making an Optavia dessert. Here’s a quick bullet point list of some popular options:

  • Artificial Sweeteners like Aspartame or Saccharin
  • Natural Sweeteners such as Honey or Agave syrup
  • Sugar Alcohols including Xylitol or Maltitol
  • Plant-based Sweeteners e.g., Stevia or Monk Fruit extract

Each type of sweetener has its own unique flavor profile and sweetness level so experimenting with different ones until you find one that works best for you is key. Plus, they all have different health benefits associated with them depending on what ingredients they contain and how much of each ingredient is present. For example, artificial sweeteners are usually calorie-free while natural sweeteners tend to have lower calories than regular sugar but still offer nutrients like vitamins and minerals which makes them better for overall health. On the other hand, plant-based sweeteners don’t provide any nutritional value at all but may help reduce blood pressure levels due to their antioxidant content. Ultimately, choosing the right type of sweetener depends on personal preference and dietary needs.

So whether you’re looking for a low-calorie option or just want to mix things up by trying new flavors – using alternative sweeteners in Optavia desserts can be a great way to satisfy your cravings without sacrificing taste or nutrition!

Are Optavia Desserts Suitable For People With Diabetes Or Other Dietary Restrictions?

When it comes to having dietary restrictions or diabetes, sticking to a healthy diet can be difficult. But thankfully, there are options available for those looking for desserts that fit into their diets. So, the question is: Are Optavia desserts suitable for people with diabetes or other dietary restrictions?

The good news is that most of Optavia’s desserts are designed to be both diabetic-friendly and comply with most common dietary restrictions. They make use of natural sweeteners such as stevia and monk fruit which are low in calories and free from artificial ingredients. This means they will provide a delicious treat without compromising on health benefits. Additionally, many of the recipes have been tailored to meet specific nutritional needs so individuals can enjoy guilt-free indulgence.

It’s also worth noting that all of Optavia’s desserts are made with wholesome ingredients and contain no added preservatives or chemicals. With this in mind, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting a nutritious snack while still enjoying something tasty! And if you need any help adapting recipes to suit your own individual dietary needs then there are plenty of resources available online too.

So whatever your requirements may be, Optavia has got you covered when it comes to providing delicious desserts that satisfy your cravings without breaking the rules of your diet plan!

What Is The Shelf Life Of An Optavia Dessert?

Have you ever wondered how long a dessert might last? It’s important to know the shelf-life of your desserts so that you can make sure they stay safe and fresh for as long as possible.

When it comes to optavia desserts, there are several factors that determine their shelf life. These include the ingredients used in the recipe, proper storage methods, and even the type of dessert itself. For example, some cakes and cookies have a longer shelf-life than others. Knowing these details is essential when making sure your optavia desserts remain edible over time.

One way to maximize the shelf-life of optavia desserts is by storing them correctly. To do this, make sure to keep all desserts in an airtight container at room temperature or below. Additionally, be sure not to store any kind of dessert with strong odors like garlic or onions since this could affect its taste and quality over time. Finally, if you want your optavia desserts to last longer than usual then consider freezing them for up to two months – just be sure to thaw them properly before consuming!

By understanding the shelf-life of optavia desserts and learning proper storage techniques, you can ensure that each dessert remains delicious and enjoyable every time! With these tips in mind, you’ll always have great tasting treats on hand no matter what occasion arises.

What Is The Best Way To Store Optavia Desserts?

It’s essential to understand that all desserts have a limited shelf-life. On average, most store bought and homemade desserts will last for about 3 to 5 days in the fridge. However, when it comes to storing Optavia Desserts, there are some things you need to keep in mind. Here is what you need to know about storing your Optavia desserts:

Firstly, proper storage of Optavia desserts can help prolong their shelf life significantly. The most important thing is keeping them at a temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Additionally, make sure they’re stored in an airtight container as exposure to oxygen can cause spoilage quicker than expected.

Having good storage practices also helps preserve flavor and texture of the dessert longer. As we all know, one of the best parts of enjoying a delicious dessert is savoring its unique taste and texture; so maintaining optimal storage conditions can ensure these attributes remain intact while maximizing the lifespan of your treat!

When it comes down to properly storing Optavia Desserts here’s 4 tips you should follow:
1) Always refrigerate immediately after opening
2) Make sure containers are completely sealed before putting them back into the refrigerator
3) Avoid leaving your desserts out for long periods of time (especially on hot summer days!)
4) Use up leftovers within three days for maximum freshness
All in all, having reliable storage strategies not only extends the life of your treats but ensures they stay enjoyable as well – giving you more chances to indulge on something sweet without worrying if it’ll turn bad too soon!

Are Optavia Desserts Suitable For Vegans?

Are desserts suitable for vegans? It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves when trying to decide on what type of dessert to make. With veganism becoming more and more popular, it is essential that we know which desserts are safe to consume without compromising our values. Fortunately, Optavia has an amazing selection of delicious vegan-friendly desserts that not only offer great taste but also provide peace of mind in knowing you are making the right choice.

When considering whether or not Optavia desserts are suitable for vegans, there are several factors to take into account. Firstly, all ingredients used in their products must meet strict guidelines set by the company such as being cruelty free and sustainably sourced. Secondly, they use plant-based alternatives for any animal-derived ingredients ensuring no animals were harmed during production. Lastly, their recipes clearly indicate if a product contains any animal-derived ingredients so customers can easily identify which items are suited for them before purchasing.

The extensive range offered by Optavia means there really is something for everyone – from decadent chocolate brownies to fruity mousses and crunchy cookies! All these treats will tantalise your taste buds while giving you the assurance that they stick to vegan principles. Here’s a quick breakdown of some vegan-friendly options:

  • Chocolate Brownie Bites
  • Fruity Parfait Cups
  • Coconut Almond Date Bars

Optavia provides plenty of tasty vegan options meaning those who adhere to this lifestyle don’t need to compromise on flavour or quality when it comes time for dessert!


In conclusion, Optavia desserts are a great choice for people with diabetes or other dietary restrictions because they use natural sweeteners instead of sugar. They also have a relatively long shelf life when stored properly and can be enjoyed by vegans who make the necessary substitutions.

However, the best part about Optavia desserts is that you don’t have to sacrifice taste in order to enjoy them! With their delicious recipes and array of flavors, these desserts will satisfy your cravings without making you feel guilty afterwards. Plus, since most of them are easy to make at home, I can whip up something yummy any time my sweet tooth calls for it.

Overall, if you’re looking for healthy yet equally tasty alternatives to sugary treats, Optavia desserts are definitely worth trying out! Whether you need something special for an event or just want a treat every now and then, these guilt-free indulgences won’t disappoint.

Optavia Dessert Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: DessertCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Optavia Dessert Recipe is a quick and easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth while maintaining your Optavia diet. It only takes 15 minutes to prep and bake, and yields 8 servings with only 130 calories each.


  • 2 cup 2 Optavia brownie mix

  • 2/3 cup 2/3 water

  • 2 tbsp 2 vegetable oil

  • 2/3 cup 2/3 semi-sweet chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 8×8 inch baking pan.
  • In a bowl, combine Optavia brownie mix, water, and oil. Stir until the batter is well blended.
  • Pour batter into the greased baking pan and spread evenly. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top.
  • Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Allow to cool before serving. Enjoy!