pasta con broccoli recipe
Main Dish

Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious Italian dish that will make your mouth water? Look no further than this delectable Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe! This classic pasta dish is sure to satisfy both the pickiest of eaters and those who are seeking an authentic, traditional Italian dinner. Whether you’re feeding a large family or simply want something special for yourself, this recipe has all the right flavors to leave everyone feeling full and content.

This flavorful combination of broccoli, garlic, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and fresh basil is easy to prepare and takes only minutes to put together. The end result is a meal that looks as good as it tastes – perfect for any occasion. Best of all, following this simple recipe will help you feel like part of the family in no time!

So if you’re ready to whip up an amazing dinner without spending hours in the kitchen, then look no further than our Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe. You won’t regret giving it a try – let’s get cooking!

pasta con broccoli recipe-made with tender broccoli, garlic, olive oil and parmesan cheese, this classic italian dish is sure to please the entire family.
Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe-All Recipes Now-Pasta Con Broccoli, Broccoli

Origin Of The Dish

Italian cuisine is like a family tree, with its roots tracing back to ancestral recipes from the many regions of Italy. Pasta con broccoli is one such dish that has been passed down through generations as part of this Italian culinary heritage. This classic pasta and broccoli combination is made up of simple ingredients but when cooked properly it packs an incredible flavor punch!

The recipe for pasta con broccoli hails from the Apulia region in southern Italy, where people have long used local produce to make delicious dishes. For instance, during summertime tomatoes are usually sourced fresh from nearby farms and basil harvested from home gardens. In addition, olive oil – another staple ingredient in Italian cooking – adds richness and depth of flavor to this traditional dish.

Moreover, garlic provides a subtle yet unmistakable kick which helps bring together all these flavors into a harmonious blend. With its rustic charm, hearty textures and intense flavors, pasta con broccoli offers diners a true taste of regional Italian cuisine that’s sure to leave them wanting more. Transitioning now into the next section about ‘Ingredients List’, let’s take a look at what you will need in order to recreate the authentic flavors of this timeless pastal dish at home.

Ingredients List

Pasta con broccoli can be an incredibly simple yet delicious dish. To recreate the authentic flavors of this traditional Italian recipe, you’ll need to have some key ingredients on hand. Here is a quick list of what you will need:
1) Pasta – A variety of types such as penne or fusilli work well for this dish.
2) Broccoli – You can use either fresh florets or frozen ones that are already pre-cut into small pieces.
3) Olive oil – Be sure to opt for extra virgin olive oil in order to get a robust flavor profile and rich texture.
4) Garlic cloves – Fresh garlic adds a subtle but unmistakable kick that helps bring all these flavors together.

Besides having the right ingredients, it also helps to know how to choose them wisely so they complement each other perfectly. For example, when selecting pasta, look out for varieties made with durum wheat semolina which has been cut into various shapes like shells, spirals and tubes. As far as broccoli goes, always go for the freshest options since their vibrant green color indicates optimal nutrition content and quality. Lastly, make sure you buy high quality olive oil from reputable brands known for producing top notch products. With these tips in mind, you’re ready to craft your own version of pasta con broccoli!

Tips For Choosing Pasta

pasta con broccoli recipe-made with tender broccoli, garlic, olive oil and parmesan cheese, this classic italian dish is sure to please the entire family.
Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe-All Recipes Now-Pasta Con Broccoli, Broccoli

Pasta is one of the most popular dishes around the world, with Italians alone consuming an average of 25 kg per person each year. As such, it’s important to know how to choose the right type when making pasta con broccoli. While there are many different varieties available in stores today, they all have their own unique flavor and texture profiles which you should take into consideration before selecting one.

When choosing your pasta for this dish, consider its shape and size as well as its ingredients. Many brands offer a variety of sizes and shapes like shells, spirals and tubes that can complement any recipe perfectly. Additionally, look out for options made from durum wheat semolina since these tend to be more hearty and hold up better under heat compared to other types of pasta.

Lastly, check the label of whatever brand you decide on carefully so you can ensure that it contains only natural ingredients like flour and water instead of preservatives or artificial colors. With proper research and careful selection, you can easily find the perfect pasta for your next meal!

How To Prepare Broccoli

Now that you have the right pasta in hand, it’s time to get started with preparing the broccoli. This part of the process is essential for ensuring a delicious meal, so take your time and follow these steps carefully.

Cleaning broccoli can be done quickly and easily by first filling up a large bowl or sink with cold water and submerging the florets into it. Let them sit for about 10 minutes before rinsing them under running tap water and drying them off using paper towels. Doing this will help remove any dirt as well as potential pesticides from the surface of the veggie.

After cleaning, trimming is necessary to prepare the individual pieces for cooking. To do this, slice off any excess stem that may still be attached to each piece after washing and cut away any brown spots on its surface. Additionally, separate the florets into small bite-sized chunks if they are too big.

With prep work out of the way, now all that’s left is to cook your ingredients! The next section explains how to do just that…

Cooking Directions

Are you ready to cook up a flavorful, delicious dish? Then let’s get started! Boiling the pasta is the first step in this process and it only takes a few minutes. Just add your desired amount of dry pasta noodles into boiling water, stirring occasionally until they reach al dente. Now that the noodles are done cooking, drain them in a colander and set aside for later use.

The next step is to sauté the broccoli florets with some olive oil or butter in a hot pan over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes. This will give them a crisp texture but still retain their vibrant green color – perfect for adding flavor to any meal! Afterward, take the cooked florets off the stove and let them cool before combining everything together.

Finally, combine all of your ingredients together in one large bowl: boiled noodles, sautéed broccoli pieces, and any other seasonings you desire (such as garlic powder or red pepper flakes). Give it all a good mix using two forks or tongs then transfer onto plates and serve while still warm – dinner’s served!
TIP: For an added touch of flavor, sprinkle freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top right before serving!

Suggested Variations

Now that the basics of this delicious pasta dish are covered, let’s explore some variations! Whether you’re looking for vegetarian options or gluten-free alternatives, there is something for everyone.

For vegetarians and vegans alike, try swapping out the butter or olive oil with a vegan alternative like coconut oil – it adds a nice tropical flavor to any dish. You can also add in other fresh vegetables such as cherry tomatoes or mushrooms instead of broccoli; they will still retain their vibrant colors when cooked. Or if you want to make your meal even more filling, throw in some chickpeas; not only will they provide plenty of protein but they’ll taste great too!

Finally, if you need to cater to someone who has dietary restrictions (such as those on a gluten-free diet), simply substitute regular noodles with gluten-free ones – there are so many different varieties available nowadays. As long as you use the same cooking instructions above and adjust seasonings accordingly, anyone can enjoy this tasty pasta dish regardless of dietary needs.

Serving Suggestions

Once the pasta is cooked to perfection, it’s time to consider how best to serve this delicious dish. To make your meal more interesting and enjoyable, we suggest coming up with accompaniment ideas that add flavor and texture. Here are a few serving suggestions:

For added crunch, try topping off the dish with freshly grated Parmesan cheese or croutons – both will provide an additional layer of flavor and texture. You can also pair the pasta with a side salad for extra greens; adding in some tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, or feta cheese would all be great additions too!

TIP: For those looking to enjoy a heartier meal without overdoing it on carbs, why not pair the pasta with grilled chicken? This combination provides plenty of protein while still allowing you to savor every bite of the delectable broccoli-infused noodles.

Serving up this tasty treat doesn’t have to be complicated; even something as simple as pairing it with garlic bread or bruschetta makes for a delightful dinner experience. With these accompaniment options in mind, there’s no limit when it comes to creating unique flavors that everyone at the table can appreciate!

Nutrition Facts

Eating a delicious bowl of pasta with broccoli has its advantages – not only is it tasty and satisfying, but it can also provide plenty of nutritional benefits. When considering the calorie-count, one serving size (approximately 250 grams) contains just over 300 calories. This is great news for those who are looking for a low-calorie meal option that doesn’t sacrifice on flavor! Additionally, this dish is packed with nutrition values; it’s an excellent source of dietary fiber as well as vitamins A, C, and K.

As this recipe includes both fresh vegetables and whole wheat pasta, there is no shortage of vitamin content either. Each portion provides essential minerals such as magnesium and iron which help to keep your body functioning optimally while providing protection against disease. Plus, these components work together to create a balanced meal that helps you stay fuller longer without feeling weighed down afterwards.

What’s more, research suggests eating broccoli may have additional health benefits such as reducing inflammation in the body or improving cardiovascular health. Clearly, having this scrumptious dish on your table brings more than just delightful flavors – it serves up some valuable nutrients too!

Benefits Of Eating Broccoli

It’s no secret that broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse, and when added to this pasta dish the health benefits only increase. Eating broccoli regularly can provide numerous positive impacts on your body such as improved digestion, a stronger immune system, and increased energy levels. Broccoli also contains antioxidants which help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals – naturally occurring compounds in our bodies that can cause harm if not regulated properly.

In addition to its antioxidant properties, consuming broccoli provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, calcium and potassium. All of these nutrients work together to promote healthy bones, maintain steady blood pressure levels, reduce inflammation throughout the body and even aid in fighting off certain types of cancer. Plus, since it’s low in calories but high in fiber you’ll feel satisfied without overdoing it come mealtime!

Clearly adding broccoli to one’s diet has some impressive perks; there are countless ways to enjoy this cruciferous vegetable from steaming or stir-frying it for dinner to throwing into soups or salads for lunch. It’s an easy way to get nutrition into meals while still savoring every bite! Ready to explore other options? Let’s look at some possible substitutes for broccoli…

Substitutes For Broccoli

Now, if you’re looking to switch up your nutrient-packed routine but don’t want to part with the delicious flavor of broccoli – fear not! There are plenty of other cruciferous vegetables out there that can provide just as many health benefits.

Cauliflower is a great substitute due to its mild taste and texture similar to broccoli. It’s also packed with antioxidants, vitamins C and K, folate, magnesium and potassium like broccoli. But what sets cauliflower apart from the rest is its high fiber content which helps promote digestion and heart health. Plus, it’s incredibly versatile so you can enjoy it in anything from pizza crusts or mashed potatoes for dinner to rice for lunch.

Kale is another excellent alternative as this leafy green contains more calcium than milk plus loads of Vitamin A and C which help reduce inflammation in the body. Not only does kale offer tremendous nutritional value but it’s super easy to incorporate into meals too – try throwing some shredded leaves onto salads or blending them into smoothies for breakfast!

Spinach rounds off our list as this dark green veggie is full of iron, zinc and Vitamin E – all essential nutrients that work together to keep skin looking healthy while boosting energy levels at the same time. Spinach has a slightly sweet taste making it an ideal addition to soups or pastas dishes; why not give this powerhouse veggie a try tonight?

No matter which option you choose, one thing remains clear: adding any type of cruciferous vegetable provides numerous health perks without sacrificing flavour!

Storage Instructions

With a few simple storage instructions, you can make the most out of your leftover pasta with broccoli. To start off, it’s always best to store cooked food in airtight containers at or below 40°F for optimal freshness. This applies to all kinds of different dishes including those made with pastas and vegetables like our recipe above!

To ensure that no bacteria form during refrigeration, be sure to cool down the dish before putting it away – this means transferring the hot meal into smaller portions so that it cools quickly. Additionally, if you plan on keeping the leftovers for longer than 3-4 days then freezing them is recommended as frozen foods tend to last up to six months when stored correctly. However, do keep in mind that some textures may change after being defrosted; such as sauces becoming thicker or noodles becoming mushy.

When reheating pasta with broccoli dishes again, use an oven or microwave but never leave them sitting out at room temperature since bacteria can grow rapidly between 40°F and 140°F. For added safety measures, try using a food thermometer prior to serving – this will help confirm whether the internal temperature has reached 165°F which is considered safe for consumption according to USDA guidelines.

Now that we have covered storing ingredients properly let’s move on to looking at important food safety precautions…

Food Safety Precautions

When it comes to food safety, there are a few key tips and tricks that can help you ensure your meal is safe for consumption. As all home cooks know, taking the right precautions when handling and cooking foods will reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Here are four important steps to follow when it comes to keeping your pasta with broccoli dish free from bacteria:

1) Always wash hands thoroughly before touching any ingredients or utensils. This simple habit helps eliminate potential sources of contamination.

2) Make sure raw meats and vegetables are kept separate during preparation in order to avoid cross-contamination. Additionally, be sure to use different cutting boards, knives, and other kitchen tools for each type of ingredient.

3) Ensure that cooked dishes reach an internal temperature of 165°F before eating as this is considered safe according to USDA guidelines. A digital thermometer is great for checking temperatures quickly!

4) Finally, store leftovers promptly – at or below 40°F within two hours after serving – so they remain fresh until next time. Doing this correctly will keep harmful bacteria from forming on the surface of the food.

It’s clear that following these basic principles can go a long way towards helping you enjoy healthy meals without having to worry about foodborne illnesses! With such peace of mind, we can now move onto discussing some delicious pairing ideas for our pasta with broccoli recipe…

Pairing Ideas With The Recipe

When it comes to pairing dishes, there are few ingredients that work as perfectly together as pasta and broccoli do! This classic combination is often seen on Italian menus all around the world. Whether you’re looking for something comforting or adventurous, this duo offers up plenty of possibilities. From creamy Alfredo sauces to crunchy pesto toppings, let’s explore some tasty ideas for putting a spin on your next plate of pasta with broccoli.

First off, why not try adding in some protein? Opting for grilled chicken breast strips would make an excellent addition to any type of pasta dish – and especially one featuring broccoli! Or if you’re feeling particularly brave, then perhaps go for spicy sausage crumbles instead. The flavor will add a whole new level of complexity while still working wonderfully with the other ingredients.

For those wanting something more indulgent (who doesn’t?), why not whip up a decadent sauce like Parmesan cream? Simply melt butter in a pan before stirring in garlic and heavy cream. Then add grated parmesan cheese until melted into a thick paste-like consistency. It’ll bring out the delicate flavors of both the pasta and broccoli in truly remarkable ways!

No matter which direction you decide to take your meal in, these pairings offer endless opportunities when it comes to sprucing up your recipe. With such delicious options at hand, now is the perfect time to give them all a try—just don’t forget about food safety!

Pros And Cons Of Eating Pasta

pasta con broccoli recipe-made with tender broccoli, garlic, olive oil and parmesan cheese, this classic italian dish is sure to please the entire family.
Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe-All Recipes Now-Pasta Con Broccoli, Broccoli

Pasta often gets a bad rap as an unhealthy carb-filled dish, but the truth is that it can be part of a balanced diet. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of eating pasta to see if it’s worth adding onto your plate.

To start, let’s explore some of the nutritional benefits pasta offers. The whole grain varieties are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber—all components necessary for good health. Plus, since it cooks quickly, you can whip up a meal in just minutes! With all these positive attributes, it’s no surprise that many people turn to this classic Italian staple when looking for healthy lunch or dinner options.

On the flip side though, pasta does contain carbohydrates which means that depending on how much you eat may affect your blood sugar levels. And while there are lower calorie versions available on store shelves today – such as zoodles and shirataki noodles – they don’t quite offer the same ‘comfort food’ feeling one might get from traditional types like spaghetti or rigatoni. So if you’re looking to lose weight, then keep portion sizes in check and opt for lighter sauces instead of heavier cream-based ones.

With its unique blend of flavors and textures, pasta definitely holds its own among other dishes out there; however moderation is key when deciding whether or not it should remain part of your weekly menu rotation.

Troubleshooting Tips

When it comes to cooking pasta, there are a few common issues that can arise if you’re not careful. Here are some troubleshooting tips for when your dish isn’t turning out quite as planned!

If the noodles end up sticking together, the most likely culprit is too much water in the pot; make sure to use enough liquid but not so much that it covers all of the pasta. You may also have added too many noodles at once—try boiling them in batches instead. Another trick is to add a tablespoon or two of oil – this will help keep them from sticking and give your sauce something to cling onto later on.

If your broccoli ends up overcooked and mushy, start with small florets so they don’t get lost amongst the other ingredients. Boil them separately until just tender-crisp before adding them into the mix. And finally, undercooked pasta can be tricky–but it’s usually an easy fix! Just increase the cook time by a couple minutes and check every now and then until al dente perfection is achieved.

No matter what issue arises during meal prep, being aware of these potential problems ahead of time will ensure your dinner won’t end up a disaster! With these troubleshooting tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating delicious dishes like Pasta con Broccoli any night of the week.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Type Of Pasta For This Dish?

It can be a tough decision when trying to decide the best type of pasta for any dish. From penne to rigatoni, fettuccine and beyond, there are so many options that it’s hard to know where to begin! So let’s look at what makes each kind of pasta unique – as well as which one is the best choice for your delicious Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe.

When you think about penne pasta, you probably imagine small tubes filled with sauce or pesto. Penne is considered a great all-rounder, providing an ideal texture and shape for absorbing sauces while maintaining its bite during cooking. This makes it perfect for dishes like macaroni cheese and our beloved Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe.

Rigatoni is another popular option for those looking for more depth in their pasta selection. It has wide ridges on the exterior that are designed to hold onto chunky sauces better than other types of pasta would – making it ideal if you’re hoping to achieve a really flavourful result. Rigatoni also adds visual appeal to your meal thanks to its large size and interesting shape.

Finally, we have fettuccine – arguably the most recognisable type of Italian noodle out there! Its long strands make it perfect for soaking up rich flavours from creamy sauces; plus, who can resist twirling them around their fork? Fettuccine works particularly well with heavier dishes such as alfredo and carbonara due to its versatility, but can also be used successfully in lighter recipes too – including our Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe.

So whether you prefer tiny tubes or long ribbons of pasta perfection, there’s something here for everyone! With plenty of options available, there should be no problem finding just the right kind of pasta for this scrumptious recipe!

What Other Vegetables Can Be Used In This Recipe?

Have you ever tried a pasta dish with more than just the traditional ingredients? If not, then this is the perfect opportunity. The current H2 is about what other vegetables can be used in this recipe to make it even more delicious and nutritious.

Mushrooms, squash, bell peppers – these are all great additions for any type of pasta dish. They add an extra layer of flavor that will have your taste buds jumping for joy. Not only do they give the dish added texture and color, but they also provide additional vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthier meal. Here’s some ideas on how to incorporate them:

1) Saute mushrooms in olive oil before adding them into the sauce;
2) Put thinly sliced squash in between layers of lasagna noodles;
3)Add diced bell pepper into spaghetti sauces or mix it with roasted tomatoes and garlic for a flavorful side dish.

These veggies offer endless possibilities when it comes to creating a unique version of everyone’s favorite Italian classic. Whether your family prefers something simple or more complex, there’s always room to explore different flavors and textures when making pasta dishes like this one. Plus, who doesn’t love finding new ways to enjoy their food!

From soups and salads to casseroles and stews, including these vegetables can help transform ordinary meals into extraordinary ones filled with rich flavor profiles that keep everyone coming back for seconds (or thirds!). So don’t hesitate – go ahead and experiment with different combinations that suit your palate!

How Long Can The Cooked Pasta Con Broccoli Be Stored?

When you make a delicious pasta con broccoli dish, it’s natural to want to store the leftovers for later. But before you do that, one important question must be answered: how long can cooked pasta con broccoli last in storage?

The short answer is that cooked pasta with broccoli should only be stored in the refrigerator for three to four days. This means any leftover portions of your meal should be eaten within this timeframe or else discarded. There are some tips and tricks for making sure your pasta and vegetables stay as fresh as possible during their time spent in storage. For example, try storing the two ingredients separately – put the noodles on one side and the broccoli on the other – rather than mixing them together in one container. Additionally, when reheating, use low heat temperatures instead of high ones so as not to compromise texture or flavor of either ingredient.

All food items have different shelf lives depending on what they are made up of. When it comes to pasta dishes like our beloved pasta con broccoli recipe, having an understanding of proper storage methods is key for keeping food safe and flavorful over time! With these simple but effective tips, you’ll be able to enjoy leftovers throughout the week without worrying about spoilage or bacteria growth.

Is There A Vegan-Friendly Version Of This Dish?

Finding a vegan-friendly version of any dish can seem like a daunting task. But with some creativity and delicious ingredients, it’s possible to enjoy scrumptious recipes that are both ethical and tasty. Let’s take a closer look at how you can make your own vegan version of pasta con broccoli!

To begin, gather the necessary ingredients for this vegan-friendly pasta recipe:

  • Vegan margarine
  • Garlic cloves
  • Broccoli florets
  • Cooked whole wheat pasta

Once all the items have been collected, let’s start cooking up this savory meal. Start off by heating up the margarine in a saucepan over medium heat. Once melted, add in the garlic and sauté until fragrant. Then, add in the cooked pasta and broccoli florets; stir everything together until combined and heated through. Finally, season with salt & pepper as desired before serving — it’s that simple!
This deliciously indulgent vegan version of pasta con broccoli is sure to be an instant hit amongst family members or dinner guests alike. With its rich flavor profile and easy preparation process, anyone from novice chefs to experienced cooks will be able to whip up something tasty without sacrificing their dietary preferences along the way!

Is It Possible To Make This Dish Ahead Of Time?

When it comes to time-saving cooking, the idea of being able to make a dish ahead and have it ready when you need it can be very appealing. But is this possible with pasta con broccoli? Well, the short answer is yes! With some careful preparation, you can easily create a make-ahead version of this classic recipe. Here are three tips for doing so:

First off, pre-cook your pasta. This way, all that needs to be done on serving day is reheating or just tossing the ingredients together quickly in boiling water. Secondly, consider preparing other elements like chopped vegetables and sauces in advance too – they’ll keep nicely overnight in the fridge. Finally, if there are any leftovers from earlier meals such as cooked broccoli florets, these could also come in handy here – adding an extra flavourful dimension without much effort.

So now we know how to prepare our meal beforehand and save precious minutes during busy days. Making dishes in advance helps us feel more organized and on top of things; plus it gives us a sense of satisfaction knowing that food is already prepared for up coming occasions!


I’m sure that once you have tried this delicious pasta con broccoli recipe, it will become a favorite in your home. It’s so easy to make and the flavors are amazing! Now you know the best type of pasta for this dish, what other vegetables can be used as well as how long it can be stored. You also know if there is an alternative vegan-friendly version of this recipe or if it’s possible to make it ahead of time.

The suspense builds up – are you going to try making this tasty dish? I would highly recommend giving it a go since all the ingredients come together perfectly, and cooking time won’t take too long either. The result is a flavorful and nutritious meal!

So let’s get cooking! With just a few simple steps, you’ll soon be enjoying this delectable pasta con broccoli recipe. All you need to do now is find out which ingredients work best for you and start experimenting with flavours. Bon appetit!

Pasta Con Broccoli Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: MainCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This delicious pasta con broccoli recipe is perfect for any night of the week. It’s a hearty, flavorful dish that’s loaded with protein and vegetables. The dish comes together quickly and easily for a healthy and satisfying meal.


  • 12 oz 12 penne pasta

  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil

  • 2 2 cloves of garlic, minced

  • 2 cup 2 broccoli florets

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 crushed red pepper flakes

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 salt

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 black pepper

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 grated Parmesan cheese


  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat.
  • Add the penne pasta and cook for 8-10 minutes until al dente.
  • Drain the pasta and set aside.
  • In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
  • Add the minced garlic and cook for 1 minute.
  • Add the broccoli florets, red pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper.
  • Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the broccoli is tender.
  • Add the cooked pasta and Parmesan cheese to the skillet and stir to combine.
  • Cook for 2-3 minutes until the cheese is melted and the pasta is heated through.
  • Serve warm.