persimmon bread recipe

Persimmon Bread Recipe

Are you looking for a delicious, easy-to-make bread recipe that will make your mouth water? Well look no further – this persimmon bread recipe is sure to tantalize your taste buds and have everyone asking for seconds! Not only does it come together quickly and effortlessly, but the flavor of the spiced fruit makes it an irresistible treat. Plus, it’s perfect for any occasion – whether you’re entertaining guests or just wanting something special on a cold winter day. So let’s get baking – read on to discover how to make this scrumptious loaf!

What Is Persimmon?

persimmon bread recipe-this delicious persimmon bread recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.
Persimmon Bread Recipe-This delicious Persimmon Bread Recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.

Persimmons are an exotic fruit that can be found in many parts of the world. They’re a juicy, sweet-tasting treat from the persimmon tree, which is native to China and other parts of Asia but also grows in some countries like South Africa, Japan, India, and Australia. There are several different varieties of persimmons including Fuyu, Hachiya, Jiro, Tara, Gailey White and Saijo. Each type has its own unique flavor profile with some being more tart than others.

The fruits range in color from yellow to orange when ripe and have a texture similar to tomatoes or applesauce. Persimmons can be eaten fresh off the tree or used as an ingredient for recipes such as jams, jellies, baked goods and even salads! The taste of this delicious fruit pairs well with both savory dishes as well as desserts.

No matter what variety one chooses, eating persimmons is sure to delight the senses! So now that we know what a persimmon is let’s take a look at the ingredients needed to make our very own homemade Persimmon Bread.

Ingredients Needed

persimmon bread recipe-this delicious persimmon bread recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.
Persimmon Bread Recipe-This delicious Persimmon Bread Recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.

As the sweet and succulent aroma of persimmons fills the air, it’s time to dive into preparing this delicious treat. With a few simple ingredients, you can create an irresistible bread that is sure to tantalize the taste buds. Here’s what you need:
1) 2 cups of persimmon puree
2) 1 teaspoon of baking powder
3) 3 cups of all-purpose flour
4) ½ cup of sugar or honey.
These base ingredients are essential for creating a moist and flavorful bread that will be just as good served warm out of the oven as it is days later when enjoyed with tea or coffee. Additionally, feel free to add your own personal touch by incorporating different spices like cinnamon, nutmeg or cardamom or dried fruits such as cranberries, raisins or apricots. The options are endless!
With these items in hand, we’re ready to begin our journey towards crafting a deliciously delightful Persimmon Bread!

Preparing The Fruit

persimmon bread recipe-this delicious persimmon bread recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.
Persimmon Bread Recipe-This delicious Persimmon Bread Recipe is a simple, yet flavorful, way to enjoy the sweet and tart taste of persimmons.

To begin, let’s get to the heart of this recipe: preparing the persimmon. This part is essential for creating a tasty bread that will tantalize your taste buds! To start off, you’ll need to peel and chop up two cups worth of persimmons into small pieces. Then proceed to mash them in a bowl until it forms a puree-like texture. Once you’ve accomplished these steps, you can be proud knowing that your Persimmon Bread has taken its first step towards becoming an absolute success!
Now all there’s left to do is mix together our other ingredients with the mashed persimmon puree. With just a few simple actions we’re almost ready to bake this delightful treat – but before we jump ahead of ourselves, let’s take one last moment to appreciate how far we have come.

Mixing The Batter

It’s time to begin mixing the batter for our Persimmon Bread! This is an exciting step as it marks the beginning of baking this delectable treat. Did you know that over 80% of home bakers view baking as a form of therapy? It’s no wonder why, considering how calming and therapeutic the process can be.

To start off, grab your large baking bowl and add two cups of all-purpose flour, one cup of sugar, half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking powder, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon, half a teaspoon nutmeg and mix them together until everything is well blended. Afterward, pour in the mashed persimmon puree along with one cup worth of cooking oil and three eggs. Finally take a spoon or whisk and mix everything together until you have achieved a uniform texture. Now we are ready to move on to the next step!

With just these few steps our Persimmon Bread has come so far – from preparing the fruit to mixing up its unique ingredients. We should definitely take a moment to appreciate what we’ve accomplished thus far before diving into the final stage: Baking Tips!

Baking Tips

Now that we’ve managed to assemble the ingredients of our Persimmon Bread, let’s take a look at some essential baking tips before putting it in the oven. Here are three easy methods for perfecting the texture and taste of your bread:

1) Make sure to use room temperature eggs when mixing up the batter so as not to curdle the mixture.
2) To get an even bake throughout, rotate your pan halfway through cooking time.
3) The ideal baking temperature is 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 Celsius).

These simple tips will help you achieve a reliably delicious slice of persimmon bread every single time – with just enough sweetness from the puree and spices while maintaining its light and fluffy consistency! Furthermore, if you’re short on time or would prefer a less labor-intensive treat, there are many alternatives to traditional baking such as quick breads or muffins using similar ingredients. Let’s explore those now…

Alternatives To Persimmons

If you’re looking for a sweet treat without the hassle of baking, there are several alternatives to traditional persimmon bread. For example, why not try adding some dried fruit and hazelnuts for an extra crunchy texture? Or if you’re looking for something even simpler, applesauce can be used as a substitute with surprisingly delicious results! There is plenty of room to play around with different ingredients and flavors – so don’t hesitate to experiment in order to find what works best for your taste buds.

To really make this dessert stand out from others, variations on the theme are key. Consider incorporating seasonal fruits or nuts depending on when it’s being served; these added touches will give the dish just enough flair while still staying true to its original flavor. With minimal effort but maximum impact, it won’t take long before everyone at the table is asking you how you made such a delicious dessert!

Variations On A Theme

Persimmon bread is an incredibly versatile dish, as there are many delicious variations. One of the easiest ways to vary this recipe is by switching up the type of persimmons you use; for instance, vegan and gluten-free versions can be made with specially marked varieties of the fruit. Other creative additions include chocolate chips or swirls, which add a much needed sweetness that pairs perfectly with the tartness of the persimmon.

For those who want something a bit more exotic in their dessert, consider adding spices such as cardamom or nutmeg to your batter. The subtle flavor will bring out different nuances in your finished product – plus it adds just enough warmth to make everyone feel special! If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try combining several flavors together? For example, a mix of dried fruits, nuts, and even some white chocolate could work wonderfully if done right.

No matter what kind of variation you choose to go with, one thing remains true: making persimmon bread can be an incredibly rewarding experience that yields delicious results every time. With just a few simple ingredients and some creativity on your part, any home cook can produce a treat that tastes like it came from a professional bakery.

Nutritional Benefits Of Persimmon Bread

Surprisingly enough, persimmon bread can provide a variety of nutritional benefits that make it more than just an indulgent dessert. Rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, this delicious treat also contains several essential vitamins and minerals – all while remaining low in calories! For those looking for a healthy snack or light breakfast option, persimmon bread is an excellent choice.

In particular, one serving of the dish offers up substantial amounts of Vitamin C which helps bolster immunity as well as potassium to help regulate blood pressure levels. Plus there’s even some calcium included to keep bones strong and healthy! Of course, these aren’t the only wonderful health components packed into each slice; other key ingredients like iron and magnesium will ensure you get your daily dose of vital nutrients too.

It’s clear that persimmon bread isn’t simply a decadent treat but rather an incredibly nutritious food item with many beneficial qualities. From providing essential vitamins and minerals to helping maintain good cardiovascular health – this delectable delight has plenty going for it nutritionally speaking!

Storage & Shelf Life Of Persimmon Bread

Knowing how to store and preserve persimmon bread is essential for ensuring it remains fresh, flavorful, and ready to enjoy at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, there are several easy tips that can help you keep this delicious treat in perfect condition until you’re ready to indulge.

When not being served immediately, the best way to store persimmon bread is by wrapping it tightly with plastic wrap or placing it into an airtight container. This will ensure it retains its moisture and flavor while also preventing any potential contamination from other food items. Additionally, keeping persimmon bread refrigerated can further extend its shelf life – allowing you to savor each slice without worrying about spoilage.

It’s important to note however that freezing persimmon bread isn’t recommended as the texture of the dish could be impacted negatively when defrosted; instead try portioning out smaller servings before storing them away so they’re readily available whenever hunger strikes! By following these simple storage instructions your delectable slices of delight will remain tasty and enjoyable far longer than expected.

With proper care and attention given towards proper preservation techniques, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to relish every last morsel of your homemade persimmon bread for days on end!

Serving Suggestions For Persimmon Bread

Persimmon bread is an incredibly versatile dish that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Whether you’re looking for a sweet treat to savor on its own or a flavorful accompaniment to your meal, there are plenty of serving suggestions available to tantalize your taste buds!
For those who prefer something simple yet delicious, persimmon bread can be served as-is with butter and jam – the perfect comfort food for any time of day. If you’d like to elevate the flavor even further, try adding fresh fruit such as strawberries or blueberries for added sweetness. Toasting the slices before serving will also give them a crunchy texture that pairs nicely with both sweet and savory toppings alike.
For more adventurous palates, why not consider experimenting with unique flavor combinations? Try combining persimmon bread with cream cheese, honey, nuts, chocolate chips, cinnamon sugar – whatever tickles your fancy! You could even serve it alongside other delectable dishes such as soups and salads for a truly unforgettable dining experience. No matter how you choose to enjoy it, one thing’s certain: this tasty treat is sure to please everyone at the table!
With all these incredible options available at your fingertips, now’s the perfect time to get creative in the kitchen and explore all the scrumptious possibilities that await when making persimmon bread. From traditional methods to innovative recipes, there’s no shortage of mouthwatering ideas waiting out there just begging to be discovered! Ready to dive into some culinary genius? Let’s move on to troubleshooting tips so we can make sure each slice comes out perfectly every time.

Troubleshooting Tips

As we move towards the baking process for persimmon bread, it’s important to be aware of any potential issues that could arise. Thankfully, with a few simple troubleshooting tips and techniques at your disposal, you won’t have to worry about ruining your delicious creation! Here are three helpful pointers:
1) If the dough is too sticky or wet when kneading, simply add more flour until a desired consistency is achieved.
2) To ensure even baking throughout each loaf, make sure the oven temperature is set correctly before placing in the pan.
3) Finally, check on your bread periodically while cooking so as not to overbake or burn it.
By keeping these key points in mind and making adjustments along the way if needed, you can rest assured that your finished product will come out perfect every time! Now let’s explore different substitutions for common ingredients found in this recipe so everyone can enjoy a delicious slice no matter their dietary restrictions or preferences.

Substitutions For Common Ingredients

Did you know that over 3.5 million people in the United States alone are vegan or vegetarian? This means many of us have to get creative when it comes to finding substitutions for common ingredients like eggs, dairy, and sugar found in everyday recipes. Fortunately, there is a plethora of delicious alternatives available so everyone can still enjoy tasty persimmon bread!

When it comes to egg-substitutes, aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) makes an excellent replacement due to its natural binding properties. To replace dairy without sacrificing taste, try using plant-based milk such as almond or oat milk instead. As for sugar substitutes, honey and maple syrup make great all-natural options with added health benefits compared to processed sugars.

The possibilities don’t stop here either – experimenting with different combinations of ingredients can be fun and rewarding! Don’t be afraid to mix things up by adding nuts, spices, fruits or other flavorful additions until you find the perfect combination for your palate. With these simple swaps at your disposal, anyone can create a delicious slice of persimmon bread no matter their dietary needs or food preferences. And now that we’ve covered substitutions let’s explore ideas on how best to serve this delightful treat!

Pairing Ideas For Persimmon Bread

Now that we’ve gone over some great substitutions for common ingredients, let’s look at how to best enjoy our delicious persimmon bread. With its unique flavor and texture, there are plenty of ways to pair it with other foods or create special recipes. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1) Spread on nut butter and top with fresh fruit for an energizing snack.
2) Add in dark chocolate chips and bake as muffins for a sweet treat.
3) Use as the base of French toast topped with cinnamon sugar or maple syrup.
4) Slice thinly and sandwich between two pieces of pound cake for a delightful dessert.

These are just a few tantalizing combinations but the possibilities don’t end here! Get creative by adding other flavors like nuts, spices, dried fruits or even herbs to make exciting new versions of this classic recipe. Serve up your creations for breakfast, lunch or dinner – the options are endless! From simple snacks to decadent desserts, persimmon bread is sure to add something special to any meal. There’s one more way to elevate this timeless favorite though – creative toppings & garnishes!

Creative Toppings & Garnishes For Persimmon Bread

Persimmon bread is a classic that can easily be taken up a notch with the right toppings and garnishes. With just a few simple ingredients, you can transform this beloved recipe into something truly special. Let’s explore some creative ideas to get your inspiration flowing!

A recent survey found that 72% of people prefer sweet flavors when it comes to desserts. This makes perfect sense as persimmon bread on its own already has such an enjoyable flavor profile. To make it even more decadent, try pairing it with these tasty add-ons:

  • Nut butter glaze – Mix together nut butter (such as peanut or almond) with honey and milk for a delicious topping that will take your treat to the next level.
  • Spiced sugar – Combine brown sugar, ground cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice for a heavenly sprinkle over any type of bread.
  • Honey drizzle – Whisk together melted butter and honey for a mouthwatering combination that adds sweetness without being overpowering.
  • Chocolate chips – For those who love chocolate, adding in dark or semi-sweet chips creates an indulgent treat everyone can enjoy.
  • Coconut flakes – Toast finely shredded coconut until golden brown before sprinkling it over warm slices of persimmon bread for added texture and flavor.

With so many options available, it’s easy to customize this timeless favorite according to personal preferences or dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for an extra layer of sweetness or want to switch things up by adding savory elements instead, there are plenty of ways to experiment with different combinations while still maintaining the essence of this traditional dish.

How To Share Your Own Recipe

Once you’ve perfected the art of making persimmon bread, there’s no better way to share your newfound knowledge than by putting it out into the world. Whether you want to post your recipe online or create a blog showcasing all sorts of tasty treats, there are plenty of ways to make sure others can benefit from what you know. Here are some ideas for getting started:

1) Sharing Your Recipe Online – Posting recipes on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest is an easy way to reach many people at once. Not only will this help spread the word about your amazing dish, but it also gives you the chance to connect with other foodies who may have similar interests. You can even submit recipes to popular websites such as Allrecipes or Food Network which feature user-submitted dishes from around the globe.

2) Creating a Recipe Blog – If you’re passionate about cooking and baking then why not start up your own recipe blog? This allows you to take control over how much information is shared and gives readers access to step-by-step instructions in order to recreate whatever delightful treat you decide to write about. Plus, if done correctly this could be a great source of passive income down the line!

3) Submitting Recipes To Contests – Participating in various contests related to food (both online and offline) is another fantastic way for budding chefs and bakers to showcase their talents. Even if you don’t win first place, submitting recipes still helps increase exposure since most competitions require entrants’ names and contact information alongside submissions. Who knows—you might just end up being featured on TV or in print magazines one day!

No matter how you choose to go about sharing your culinary creations, remember that everyone has something unique they can bring to the table when it comes to cooking and baking. So embrace every opportunity available and get creative with how best express yourself through food!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Make Persimmon Bread?

Making a delicious and flavorful bread such as persimmon is like creating an exquisite painting – the end result is delightful but there’s plenty of work to be done before it arrives at that point. It takes time, effort and attention to detail in order for any baker to create something truly special. So naturally, one might ask: how long does it take to make persimmon bread?
The answer depends on two things: preparing time and baking time. Preparing time will usually include gathering ingredients, measuring them out correctly, and mixing them together according to the recipe instructions. This can range from 15 minutes up to 1 hour depending on the complexity of the recipe and number of ingredients required. Baking time includes preheating your oven and actually cooking the bread which varies based on size and type of bread being made – anywhere from 30 minutes up to 2 hours.

Overall, when considering all factors involved in making persimmon bread you should plan for:

  • Preparing Time:
    \t• Gather Ingredients
  • Measure Out Correctly
  • Mix Together According To Instructions
  • Baking Time:
    \t• Preheat Oven
  • Cook Bread Based On Size And Type

Though this may seem daunting at first, with patience (and practice!) anyone can master the art of crafting delectable baked goods. But regardless if you’re a novice or experienced baker, having enough prep and bake times set aside ensures every loaf comes out just right – golden brown crusts with fluffy insides!

What Temperature Should The Oven Be Set To Bake The Bread?

When it comes to baking any kind of bread, one of the most critical elements is oven temperature. Without the right heat setting, your bread can come out either undercooked or burnt – neither of which are desirable! But when it comes to making persimmon bread in particular, what should you set your oven at?

Well, for starters, preheating your oven is essential. That’s because most recipes call for a high initial temperature that will slowly lower during the baking process. Generally speaking, you’ll want to set your oven between 325-375°F – and depending on the recipe you’re following, this might vary slightly. For instance if you’re using fresh fruits like persimmons in your recipe, some chefs suggest setting the temperature higher than 375°F so they get cooked through properly.

It’s also important to remember that each type of oven behaves differently – whether gas or electric. So don’t forget to check up on your loaf regularly as it bakes if you want perfect results every time! Keeping an eye on how things are going while checking with a cake tester (or toothpick) ensures that all ingredients have been fully incorporated and baked correctly. This way, you won’t end up with an overly dry or soggy pastry; instead, you’ll be enjoying delicious slices of homemade persimmon bread!

Is The Recipe Suitable For Vegetarians?

When it comes to creating a delicious treat for vegetarians, the age-old question is always there – can persimmon bread be part of the equation?

The answer lies in understanding what goes into making this tasty dessert. Persimmons are naturally vegetarian friendly and contain no animal products as an ingredient, so they make an ideal base for any recipe that caters to those on meat-free diets. Additionally, many recipes for persimmon bread include ingredients like flour, sugar, baking powder and other common vegan substitutes such as almond milk or vegetable oil which help ensure that these treats remain suitable for all dietary requirements.

This means that anyone looking to create a decadent yet ethical treat need not worry about including persimmon bread within their menu – whether it’s served with coffee at breakfast time or enjoyed after dinner as dessert. With its sweet flavor and soft texture, it’s sure to be a hit amongst vegans and omnivores alike!

Persimmon bread provides everyone with an opportunity to enjoy something special regardless of personal diet preferences – you won’t regret giving this scrumptious snack a try!

Can Persimmon Bread Be Frozen?

Can persimmon bread be frozen? This is a great question for anyone interested in preserving their delicious homemade bread. The answer is yes, with the right technique and storage tips, you can freeze your freshly baked persimmon bread to enjoy at a later time. Here are four ways to maximize your freezing success:

  1. Slice the loaf before freezing – this will help prevent large ice crystals from forming inside of the bread as it freezes.
  2. Double wrap each slice or half-loaf – using plastic wrap and then aluminum foil helps keep moisture out and flavors in while also providing an extra layer of protection against freezer burn.
  3. Label and date each package – labeling what’s inside and when it was made makes future use easier so that nothing gets forgotten about in the depths of your freezer!
  4. Store away from other foods – store the packages on the top shelf of your freezer where they won’t get knocked around by heavier items like frozen meat or vegetables; this will ensure maximum freshness when thawed later on.

Whether you have vegan persimmon bread or traditional recipes, these steps should help you preserve its flavor until ready to serve again. Make sure to thaw carefully too – not all appliances heat evenly which could lead to soggy spots if left unattended during defrosting cycles! With these simple rules in mind, your next batch of persimmon bread should stay fresh no matter how long it spends hibernating in cold storage!

Is There A Vegan Version Of This Recipe?

Finding a veganized version of your favorite recipes can seem like an impossible task. But, with the right substitutions and dairy-free ingredients, it’s entirely possible to make delicious meals that everyone can enjoy. This is especially true when it comes to persimmon bread: you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or texture just because you’re trying to stick to a plant-based diet.

But how do you veganize this recipe? It’s actually not as challenging as you might think! Here are three easy steps for creating a tasty, animal product-free persimmon bread:

  • Use coconut oil instead of butter.
  • Substitute almond milk for cow’s milk.
  • Mix in flax meal or chia seeds as an egg replacement.
    These simple swaps will help create a delectable loaf without compromising on taste or nutrition.

Moreover, there are plenty of other options for customizing your own veganized version of persimmon bread. You could add chopped walnuts or pecans into the batter; top with pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds before baking; use maple syrup instead of honey; include spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and/or cloves for extra flavor – whatever suits your fancy! The possibilities are endless. And no matter what combination you choose, one thing is certain: this dish will be sure to please vegans and non-vegans alike!


Making Persimmon Bread is like having a little piece of heaven. With its sweet and earthy flavor, it’s sure to be a hit with the whole family! The process itself isn’t too difficult either; in about an hour you can have your own loaf ready for baking.

When it comes time to pop it in the oven, make sure the temperature is set right so that it bakes evenly. This recipe is also suitable for vegetarians, as no animal products are used. If you want to enjoy this treat later on down the road, freezing it is possible too! For those looking for vegan options, there’s even a version available using substitutes such as almond milk instead of dairy milk.

In conclusion, getting started on making your very own persimmon bread couldn’t be easier! With just a few ingredients and some patience, I’m certain anyone can whip up their own delicious creation in no time at all. So go ahead – give this tasty treat a try and savor each bite!

Persimmon Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Persimmon Bread Recipe is a delicious and healthy treat that is perfect for any occasion. It is full of sweet flavors, a hint of spice, and just the right amount of crunch. The prep time is only 15 minutes, with a total time of 1 hour. This recipe yields 12 servings and each serving contains about 180 calories. It is an easy recipe that is sure to be a hit with family and friends.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking powder

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1 tsp 1 ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 ground nutmeg

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 ground allspice

  • 2 2 large eggs, lightly beaten

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 vegetable oil

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 granulated sugar

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 packed brown sugar

  • 2 cup 2 pureed persimmon pulp

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 chopped walnuts or whipped cream(optional)


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F and grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, and allspice.
  • In a large bowl, combine the eggs, oil, sugars, and persimmon pulp and mix until well blended.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined.
  • Fold in the walnuts, if desired.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.