recipe for creamy taco soup

Recipe for Creamy Taco Soup

Are you looking for an easy-to-make yet delicious dinner option? Look no further than creamy taco soup! This tasty twist on traditional Mexican flavors is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. Not only does it take minimal effort, but the ingredients are affordable and readily available in most supermarkets. You’ll have this flavorful dish simmering away on the stovetop in no time at all!

Ready to give it a try? Creamy taco soup is simple to make and uses basic pantry staples that you probably already have on hand. Plus, your kitchen will smell amazing as soon as you start prepping the ingredients – talk about added bonus points! With just 15 minutes of prep work followed by some hands-off cooking time, you can whip up a big pot of this hearty meal so everyone around your table gets their fill.

So if it’s quick, comforting, and budget friendly meals you’re after, then let’s get started making creamy taco soup! All you need to do is gather the necessary ingredients from the store or your cupboards and follow these instructions step by step. No matter how skilled (or not!) you may be in the kitchen, we guarantee success every single time. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get cooking!

Ingredients List

recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.
recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.

It’s amazing how so many delicious recipes can be created with just a few ingredients. Taco soup is one of them, and it’s especially great for cozy winter nights when all you want to do is curl up with a warm bowl of creamy comforting goodness. In this recipe we will explore the ingredients required to make the perfect taco soup that will tantalize your taste buds!

First on our list are the main ingredients – taco soup vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos (optional) and corn. These provide the necessary flavor base for an authentic Mexican-style dish. We’ll also add beans for extra protein and fiber. Finally, some cumin and chili powder are essential for achieving that classic southwestern spice blend.

For added creaminess, we’ll need sour cream and heavy cream or evaporated milk. The sour cream lends a tangy note while the heavier cream rounds out the flavors without making it overly rich or heavy. And lastly, no taco soup would be complete without cheese; shredded Monterey Jack or cheddar works best here! With these basic ingredients in hand, we’re ready to move onto assembling our equipment checklist!

Equipment Checklist

Assembling the right equipment is the key to making any recipe turn out just as you want it. For tacos soup, that means having a few essential tools on hand. Start with a large dutch oven or pot – one big enough to accommodate all of your ingredients and at least 6-8 cups of liquid in total. You’ll also need measuring cups for liquids and solids; these will help ensure accurate proportions for every ingredient in this recipe. A good whisk comes in handy when stirring together broth and cream base mixtures, while a ladle makes serving up each bowl easier than ever before. Finally, a cutting board plus sharp knife are necessary for prepping the vegetables. With this checklist taken care of, we can move onto preparing our veggies!

Preparing The Veggies

recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.
recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.

The first step of making creamy taco soup is prepping the vegetables. This means chopping onions, dicing peppers and mincing garlic into small pieces. Through this process, you’re creating a flavor base for your soup that will really bring out the spices in each ingredient!

To begin, grab your cutting board and sharp knife. Start by peeling off the skin from each onion and then slicing it down the middle before finely chopping them up into small pieces. For bell peppers, cut away the stem and seeds before carefully dicing up the flesh into cubes about ¼ inch thick. Finally, peel apart each clove of garlic to reveal its soft center; mince these cloves with caution as they can burn quickly if not handled properly! All of these veggies are now ready to move onto browning them in oil or butter.

For best results, use a large non-stick pan so all of these ingredients fit comfortably inside without crowding one another too much. Heat on medium heat until simmering then add a few tablespoons of fat (like olive oil or butter) followed by the chopped vegetables – stirring occasionally to prevent burning or sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook for 5-7 minutes until softened but still having some crunchy texture left over, season with salt & pepper as desired and set aside while we prepare our next steps!

Browning The Meat

Now that our vegetables are prepped and browned, it’s time to move onto the meat! Browning your beef taco in a pan is an important step for adding more flavor to the soup. Ground beef is commonly used for this recipe, but you can also substitute with chicken or turkey if desired.

To begin, heat up your skillet over medium-high heat and add oil before tossing in the ground beef. Break apart any large chunks of meat with a wooden spoon as it cooks until all sides have been nicely browned – about 8 minutes total cooking time. Once cooked through, use a slotted spoon to remove excess grease from the pan and discard so that only the flavorful juices remain behind. Season with salt & pepper then set aside while we prepare our next steps!

For extra flavor, consider adding some additional seasonings like cumin or chili powder into the mix before sautéing – these spices will really bring out the Mexican flavors without overpowering them! Here’s a quick list of ingredients to help boost your soup’s taste:
•\tHerbs & Spices:
o Cumin
o Chili Powder
o Oregano
o Paprika
o Cayenne Pepper (optional)
•\tCheese: Monterey Jack cheese or Cheddar cheese both work well here too!
•\tVegetables: Corn kernels, diced tomatoes (canned or fresh), green chiles, black beans etc…

With all these delicious ingredients ready to go at hand, there remains one last task before getting our creamy taco soup on its way to perfection – pouring in the liquids!

Pouring In The Liquids

It’s time to pour in the liquids! Think of it like a river flowing through our pot of taco soup – these ingredients will carry the flavor and create an incredibly creamy texture.

The first liquid we’ll add is one cup of taco broth, followed by two cups vegetable broth and one can (14 oz) tomato sauce. You can also use homemade versions of each ingredient if you prefer. The key here is that all three components should blend together nicely without overpowering one another.

Stir everything until combined before bringing the soup up to a gentle boil on medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce the temperature down to low and cover your pot with a lid so that it simmers for about 30 minutes or until the veggies are cooked through. This step helps infuse all those delicious flavors into every bite!

Now, we’re just moments away from having our perfect bowl of creamy taco soup ready to enjoy! All we need now are some extra spices and herbs for added zest – let’s get started!

Adding Spices And Herbs

recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.
recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.

It’s time to give our soup some extra zest! Adding spices and herbs is a great way to create complex layers of flavor that will make this taco-soup truly special.

We can start by stirring in two teaspoons each of cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, smoked paprika, onion powder, and oregano – these are staples for creating authentic Mexican flavors. Feel free to adjust the quantities according to your taste preferences as well. For an added kick, you can also sprinkle in some crushed red pepper flakes or jalapeño peppers.

Once all the ingredients have been incorporated into the soup mix, it’s time to let its flavors mingle together while simmering gently on low heat. This process helps bring out those delicious aromas and ensures every single spoonful is rich with flavor!

Simmering The Soup

It’s time to bring our soup to life! Simmering the ingredients together at a low temperature is an essential step in creating this creamy taco-soup. However, it can be tempting to turn up the heat, especially when we’re short on time – but this will not create that lusciously smooth texture we’re looking for.

To avoid any risk of overcooking and drying out the broth, keep the heat set to medium-low or low during simmering while stirring occasionally to prevent scorching. The ideal cooking time should be around 15 minutes; however, if you want your soup extra thick and creamy feel free to cook it longer until desired consistency is reached.

The last thing left before serving our delicious creation is checking whether all of our vegetables have softened properly – this will help ensure that every spoonful is as flavorful and satisfying as possible! Remember: achieving that perfect soup texture requires patience – so take your time with it and enjoy each moment as much as you can.

Blending For Creaminess

Now that our soup has finished simmering, it’s time to take it up a notch and make this creamy taco soup even creamier! Blending the soup is an essential step in achieving the desired texture – so don’t skip on this one. The best way to do this is by transferring half of the mixture into a blender or food processor, making sure not to fill it more than halfway. Then blend until you get a smooth consistency – if necessary add some vegetable broth (or water) while blending for extra liquid. Once blended, pour back into the pot with the other half of the soup and combine well.

An important thing to keep in mind when blending soups is to be mindful of how hot they are. Hot liquids can expand rapidly when processed which could cause them to overflow out of your equipment and create messes. To avoid any accidents we recommend letting your cooked ingredients cool down before blending as much as possible. This will also help ensure that all flavors have had enough time to develop and infuse properly creating that perfect creamy taste!

After adding everything together, let it cook on low heat for another 10 minutes or until desired thickness is reached – stirring occasionally again to prevent scorching at bottom. Now you’re ready to serve up your newly created creamy taco-soup masterpiece! Let’s move on now towards topping ideas that’ll bring even more flavor and crunchy texture to every spoonful…

Topping Ideas

Now that our creamy taco soup is cooked and ready to serve, it’s time to add some delicious toppings! Toppings are essential for bringing out even more flavor in this dish. They also add a great crunchy texture contrast when you take each spoonful. When it comes to topping options the possibilities are endless – but here are some of our favorites:

Taco toppings like salsa, shredded cheese, jalapenos or chopped onions can really bring out the Mexican flavors in your soup. For an extra layer of creaminess don’t forget about sour cream – just a dollop added on top will do wonders. Guacamole is another great option as its smoothness provides a perfect balance with the rest of the ingredients while giving off a slightly refreshing taste.

No matter which ones you choose, make sure there’s something for everyone so they can customize their bowl according to their own tastes. This way everybody gets exactly what they want without having to compromise – making dinner time even more enjoyable!

Serving Suggestions

recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.
recipe for creamy taco soup-make this creamy taco soup recipe tonight and enjoy all of the flavors of tacos in a comforting and delicious soup.

Serving up a piping hot bowl of creamy taco soup is only half the battle. To really make this dish shine, you need some delicious garnishes and sides to go with it. Let your imagination run wild – there’s no wrong way to enjoy this Mexican-inspired meal! Here are some ideas:

For Taco Garnishes:

  • Crunchy tortilla chips or strips
  • Freshly chopped cilantro leaves
  • A sprinkle of chili powder for an extra kick
  • Lime wedges for added zestiness
  • Hot sauce drizzled on top

For Soup Pairings:

  • Refried beans, cooked rice, or quinoa as a base
  • Salads like Caesar or garden greens salad
  • Quesadillas, tacos, nachos, or enchiladas as accompaniments

No matter what combo you choose, these tasty additions will take your creamy taco soup from good to great in no time! With all these options available, dinner can be both satisfying and fun – so don’t forget to experiment with different combinations. Now that we’ve discussed serving suggestions let’s move on to our last topic – nutrition information.

Nutrition Information

Now that we’ve discussed the best sides and toppings to make your creamy taco soup stand out, it’s time to talk about nutrition. After all, maintaining a healthy diet is important for overall wellness! Fortunately, this dish can be enjoyed as part of a balanced meal plan – let’s take a look at the facts.

When it comes to taco soup nutrition, one serving (about 1 ½ cups) contains approximately 300 calories. Of these calories, only 6% come from fat while 11% are from protein and 81% are from carbohydrates. This means that you won’t need to worry too much about loading up on unhealthy fats when indulging in this Mexican favorite. As an added bonus, each serving also provides 9 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein – both essential macronutrients for peak performance throughout the day!

If you’re counting calories or watching your weight, then there are several ways you can tweak your recipe accordingly. For instance, swapping full-fat ingredients like sour cream or cheese with low-calorie alternatives will help cut down on the total number of calories without sacrificing flavor. Additionally, omitting any type of meat product in favor of plant-based proteins such as black beans or lentils is another simple way to limit calorie intake while still enjoying a delicious bowl of creamy taco soup.

It’s clear that making some small adjustments here and there can go a long way towards creating nutritious meals without compromising taste – now let’s move onto storage tips & tricks so we’ll know exactly how to keep our leftovers fresh!

Storage Tips & Tricks

Storing leftovers can be tricky, but with the right tips & tricks it’s easy to keep your creamy taco soup fresh for future meals. To begin, make sure to separate any toppings or sides you plan on adding before refrigerating – this will help prevent them from becoming soggy over time. Additionally, if there are any ingredients that don’t last long in the fridge such as avocados or cilantro, then it’s best to add them just before serving instead of storing separately.

When ready to store your soup, transfer it into an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. This way, you can ensure that bacteria won’t have a chance to grow while keeping all the flavors intact! To maximize shelf life even further, consider freezing some portions so they’ll stay good for up to one month. Just remember that when reheating frozen taco soup, let it thaw overnight first – otherwise you risk ending up with an unpleasant texture.

Now that we know our storage basics, let’s explore how we can switch things up by trying out different variations & substitutions!

Variations & Substitutions

As smooth and creamy as a dream, taco soup can be an incredibly versatile dish. Not only is it perfect for the classic Tex-Mex lover in all of us, but with some simple variations & substitutions you can easily turn it into something completely new! From vegan alternatives to dairy-free options or gluten-free replacements – there’s no shortage of ways to make your favorite tacos even more delicious.

Let’s start by looking at some vegan substitutions that will still give your soup plenty of flavor without needing any animal products. For instance, swapping out beef mince for black beans makes a great option – just remember to add a bit extra chili powder if you want it spicier! Additionally, adding non-dairy milk such as almond or oat is also a fantastic way to keep this meal 100% plant based while ensuring that same rich texture we all know and love.

Finally, although not everyone needs them – those who are on special diets like Celiac disease may need gluten-free alternatives when cooking up their next batch of tacos. Luckily, most regular ingredients used in taco soup are already naturally free from gluten so you don’t have to worry about finding complicated substitutes here! The only thing you’ll need to change is using corn tortillas instead of wheat flour ones – otherwise everything should remain the same (just double check labels before purchasing). With these tips & tricks now under our belt, let’s move on towards solving any potential problems with our troubleshooting guide!

Troubleshooting Guide

Making a delicious taco soup can be tricky, and sometimes things don’t turn out quite as expected. To help you get back on track with your perfect recipe, let’s take a look at some common problems people face when cooking this dish – plus how to troubleshoot them!

First of all, if the flavor doesn’t seem quite right then it may be that you haven’t given it enough time to simmer together. This is an important step in allowing those spices & herbs to really infuse into the broth so try leaving it for longer before serving. Additionally, adding more salt or chili powder might also do the trick here – just make sure not to overdo it unless you want your soup too spicy!

Finally, another issue could arise from using too much liquid in your mix which will result in a watery soup rather than something thick & creamy. If this happens, then simply reduce the amount of stock or add a cornstarch slurry (a mixture of equal parts cornstarch & cold water) until desired consistency is achieved. With these tips now under our belt, let’s move onto some helpful hints & tricks for making the absolute best tacos around!

Helpful Hints & Tips

With these helpful hints in mind, let’s get cooking! Preparing taco soup is an incredibly simple task that can be accomplished in no time at all. To start, gather up your ingredients and create a mirepoix – that’s onions, celery & carrots diced and sautéed together for the base of flavor. Once you’ve done this add in the ground meat or chicken (if desired) plus whatever other vegetables you’d like to include before pouring over enough stock to cover everything nicely. Then just leave it to simmer away for a few hours until ready to serve!

Aside from that main recipe there are also some great tips to bear in mind when making tacos too. For starters, make sure you use good quality tortillas as they will really set off your meal with their unique flavor & texture. Additionally, don’t forget about garnishes either – think fresh cilantro, sour cream & shredded cheese which will take those tacos up another level entirely. As well as that why not try experimenting by adding different types of beans or chilli powder depending on how spicy you want them?

So now we know what goes into creating the perfect taco soup as well as how to turn it into something truly special with a few easy additions. With all that knowledge under our belts we’re sure anyone can whip up a delicious dish so grab those ingredients & get cooking!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Type Of Meat To Use For The Soup?

When it comes to making Creamy Taco Soup, the type of meat used can make all the difference. Ground beef is a classic choice and makes for a richly flavored soup that’s sure to satisfy even the pickiest eater. If you’re looking for something with a lighter flavor profile, then chicken breast or ground turkey could be great substitutes.

No matter which type of meat you choose, each one will enhance your soup’s flavor in its own way. Ground beef offers up an intense savory taste while poultry provides a more mild but still pleasing flavor. You may also want to consider adding some vegetables like bell peppers and onions into the mix as well – they are excellent complements to any taco soup recipe!

Ultimately, when it comes down to picking out what kind of meat works best for this particular dish, it really just depends on your personal preference. However, regardless of which option you go with, rest assured that every ingredient has been carefully chosen to bring you delicious results without sacrificing quality or nutrition. Enjoy your meal!

Is There An Alternate Way To Thicken The Soup?

When it comes to creating a creamy taco soup, one of the most important elements is finding the right thickener. Thickening agents help create texture and depth in soups that make them more enjoyable and flavorful. But what are some alternative thickeners for taco soup?

In this article, we’ll explore three different types of thickeners – including a few unexpected options – that can be used to add body and flavor to creamy taco soup. Let’s dive in!

First off, let’s start with traditional thickeners like flour or cornstarch. These ingredients work well when mixed into cold liquids before being added to the hot broth base. Both will dissolve quickly, helping you achieve the desired consistency without having to wait too long. Flour also helps give your soup an extra rich flavor as an added bonus.

Next up, we have dairy-based thickeners such as heavy cream or Greek yogurt which offer great alternatives if you want something lighter than traditional flour-based thickeners but still crave a creamy finish. Heavy cream adds richness while Greek yogurt gives dishes a pleasant tanginess—it all depends on personal preference here! Plus, both are simple enough ingredients that they should already be available at home so no need for special trips to the grocery store either!

Finally, there are other options if you don’t want any dairy products in your recipe. Nut butter works surprisingly well as a thickener due to its high content of fat and proteins which help bind water molecules together giving your dish an even thicker texture. Additionally, mashed potatoes or cooked grains like quinoa or bulgur wheat can also bring some much needed thickness and heartiness to your tacosoup!
\t• Traditional Thickeners: \to Flour o Cornstarch
\t• Dairy Based Thickeners: o Heavy Cream o Greek Yogurt
\t• Other Options: o Nut Butter o Mashed Potatoes o Cooked Grains (Quinoa/Bulgur Wheat)

No matter what type of thickener you choose for your taco soup recipe, each option brings unique flavors and textures that can turn ordinary soups into delicious culinary creations! With these tips in mind, why not try experimenting with different combinations until you find just the perfect combination of flavors and consistencies that suits your particular taste?

What Is The Best Way To Store Leftover Soup?

Storing your leftovers is the key to a successful meal. But what’s the best way to store leftover soup? Whether you’re looking for refrigerated storage or freezing, there are several methods that can help ensure your soup stays fresh and delicious.

Refrigerator storage is one of the most popular ways to keep soups from spoiling too quickly. You’ll need an airtight container large enough to hold your soup and some ice cubes. Place your soup in the container before adding the ice cubes and sealing it tightly shut with a lid. This will keep your soup chilled until you’re ready to eat it later on.

Freezing is also an option if you’d like to save your leftover soup for later consumption. The process requires slightly more effort but ensures your food remains safe and flavorful for longer periods of time. Start by transferring your cooled-down soup into smaller containers and label them before placing them in the freezer. Once frozen, store these containers separately so they don’t stick together when thawing them out!

No matter which method you choose, knowing how to properly store leftover soup helps prevent bacteria growth while keeping flavors intact – perfect for those looking for convenient yet tasty meals down the road! So next time you enjoy a creamy taco soup recipe, make sure you have a plan in place for storing any leftovers safely and securely.

Is There A Vegetarian Option For The Soup?

Have you ever wondered if there is a vegetarian option for creamy taco soup? With the right ingredients, it’s possible to make an equally delicious and nutritious vegan taco soup! In this article, we will discuss how to create a flavorful vegetarian taco soup recipe that everyone can enjoy.

When making a vegetarian or vegan version of a classic dish like tacos, you have plenty of options. The trick is to use substitutes for the animal products while still maintaining great flavor. To start your vegetarian taco soup recipe off on the right foot, opt for vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. This adds even more nutrition without sacrificing any taste. Then add in some vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, celery, and garlic – all staples in Mexican cuisine. You may also want to include beans such as black beans or pinto beans; they are both excellent sources of protein and fiber that are essential components of any healthy diet. Additionally, don’t forget about spices like cumin and chili powder — these two ingredients give the soup its signature flavor profile!

After adding all the necessary ingredients together in one pot, let the mixture simmer until it reaches your desired consistency. Finally, top with fresh herbs (such as cilantro) for garnish and extra flavor. With just these few simple steps, you now have a tasty vegan taco soup that satisfies everyone at the table – regardless of dietary preferences!

How Long Can The Soup Be Kept In The Refrigerator?

When it comes to storing soup, the refrigerator is a great option. But how long can creamy taco soup be kept in there?

This all depends on one’s storage method and whether or not certain precautions are taken. Generally speaking, if you store your soup properly – that means transferring it into an airtight container or resealable bag before refrigerating – then it should last for around three to four days. However, if you don’t take these safety measures, the soup may only keep up to one day.

It’s always best practice when dealing with food to err on the side of caution by taking extra steps such as making sure everything is sealed tightly and thrown away after a few days just to be safe. This way we can enjoy delicious meals like creamy taco soup without having any worries about what kind of contaminants may have gotten into our food from improper storage techniques.


I’ve always found that the best type of meat to use for this creamy taco soup is ground beef. Not only does it add a great texture and flavor, but it also helps thicken the soup as well. You can also thicken the soup by adding a small amount of cornstarch or flour mixed with water. To store any leftovers, I’d recommend placing them in an airtight container and keeping them in the refrigerator for up to four days. For those looking for a vegetarian option, feel free to replace the beef with black beans instead – they provide a similar texture and taste just as good!

This recipe for creamy taco soup is sure to be a hit at your next dinner party or family gathering. It’s full of delicious flavors that’ll have everyone asking for seconds, plus its easy-to-make nature makes it ideal for busy weeknight meals too! If you’re looking for something tasty yet simple to make, try out this recipe – you won’t regret it!

Recipe for Creamy Taco Soup

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: SoupsCuisine: MexicanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This creamy taco soup is a comforting and delicious meal that can be made in just 30 minutes. It is packed with flavor from taco seasoning, diced tomatoes, and black beans, and topped with a rich and creamy cream cheese and sour cream sauce.


  • 1 tbsp 1 olive oil

  • 1 1 small onion, diced

  • 1 1 jalapeno, seeded and diced

  • 2 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 tbsp 1 taco seasoning

  • 1 can 1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes

  • 1 can 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed

  • 2 cups 2 chicken broth

  • 1 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 sour cream

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and jalapeno and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the garlic and taco seasoning and cook for 1 minute.
  • Add the tomatoes, black beans, and chicken broth and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Add the cream cheese and sour cream and stir until combined. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.