spaghetti casserole recipe

Spaghetti Casserole Recipe

Hey there, spaghetti lovers! Looking for a delicious new way to enjoy your favorite pasta? Look no further than this amazing spaghetti casserole recipe that’s sure to become an instant hit with the whole family. Not only is it easy to make but it also tastes like something you’d get from a fancy Italian restaurant. Plus, who doesn’t love anything topped with melted cheese?!

If you’re sick of eating plain old spaghetti and meatballs every week, then give this tasty casserole dish a try. It’s got all the flavor of traditional spaghetti but with more texture and lots more cheesy goodness. Perfect for dinner parties or just when you want something special for dinner, this classic comfort food will have everyone begging for seconds…and maybe even thirds!

Ready to give your taste buds a treat? Let’s dive in and learn how to make this mouth-watering spaghetti casserole that’ll be the star of any meal!


Did you know that spaghetti casserole recipes have been around for over a hundred years? This classic dish is still enjoyed in many households today! So, what is the definition of a spaghetti casserole, and what does it mean? Let’s explore.

A spaghetti casserole is an Italian-American dish made with pasta noodles baked in a savory sauce like marinara or Alfredo. It can also include other ingredients like vegetables, ground beef, chicken, bacon bits, cheese, and even olives. The end result is a delicious mix of flavors and textures that’ll satisfy any appetite!

The key to making the perfect spaghetti casserole lies in finding the right balance between its various components – whether it be the amount of cheese added or how much spice used. With some trial and error (and perhaps a bit of creativity), anyone can make this timeless comfort food their own unique masterpiece. Now let’s take a look at all the ingredients needed to create this tasty dinner favorite!

Ingredients List

spaghetti casserole recipe-plus, the casserole is a great way to add a healthy dose of protein and vegetables to your meal.
Spaghetti Casserole Recipe-All Recipes Now-Spaghetti Casserole, Pasta, Spaghetti

Getting ready to make your own spaghetti casserole? Well, you’ll need a few key ingredients. First off, of course, are the spaghetti noodles – any type will do! Then there’s the sauce: marinara or Alfredo are both great options here. For protein, ground beef and chicken are popular choices but feel free to get creative with other meats like bacon bits or sausage. Veggies such as bell peppers add color and flavor while olives give it an extra kick. And lastly, cheese is always welcome in this Italian-American favorite; try mozzarella for a classic taste or Parmesan for something more savory.

Now that we’ve got all the necessary casserole ingredients together, let’s talk about how to put them all together into one delicious dish. One thing to keep in mind is that different cheeses have varying melting points so be sure to choose wisely when adding those final touches to your creation. Additionally, if you’re looking for a healthier option then consider substituting whole wheat pasta or using reduced fat dairy products instead of their full-fat counterparts. With these tips in hand, let’s dive right into preparing our beloved spaghetti casserole!

Preparing The Spaghetti

spaghetti casserole recipe-plus, the casserole is a great way to add a healthy dose of protein and vegetables to your meal.
Spaghetti Casserole Recipe-All Recipes Now-Spaghetti Casserole, Pasta, Spaghetti

Prepping the perfect plate of spaghetti casserole starts with preparing the pasta. Cooking up al dente noodles is key for maximum flavor and texture, so it pays to pay attention during this step! Boiling the spaghetti is a relatively simple process – just add salt to taste and bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil before adding in your desired amount of noodles. Stir occasionally while cooking and be sure to check if they’re done by tasting one strand every few minutes: once they’ve reached an ideal consistency (tender but still slightly firm), drain them off in a colander and set aside.

But that’s not all when it comes to prepping our favorite Italian-American dish! To really maximize the flavors, consider sautéing some garlic and onion as well as browning any meat ingredients you plan on using beforehand. This will give your casserole extra depth without sacrificing time or effort. Additionally, grating cheese can also help make sure everything melts together seamlessly later on. With these tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be ready for the next stage of making this classic comfort food!

Pre-Baking Steps

Alright then, let’s move onto the next step of this scrumptious spaghetti casserole: pre-baking preparation. This is where all the different elements come together to form a cohesive dish! To begin with, you’ll need to grease your baking pan and layer in your cooked noodles as well as any additional ingredients such as meat or veggies – be sure not to forget about the cheese too! Once everything is in place, it’s time to start boiling up your sauce.

When making sauces for pasta dishes like this one, always remember that less is more. Start by adding just enough liquid (either water or broth) so that all the items are lightly covered before bringing it to a gentle boil. From there, stir frequently and season according to taste with salt and pepper – if desired, feel free to add herbs like oregano or parsley for extra flavor. As soon as the sauce has thickened slightly, turn off the heat and set aside until ready for use.

Now we’re getting close! With our base prepared, we can now assemble and bake our delectable spaghetti casserole. But before doing so, don’t forget that final touch of topping – whether it’s breadcrumbs or grated Parmesan cheese – which will take this meal from delicious to divine!

Sauces And Seasoning

Finding the perfect balance of flavors for your spaghetti casserole is like playing a complicated game – one wrong move and it can throw off the entire dish. But don’t worry, with just a few simple steps you’ll be able to create something that’s sure to make all your taste buds sing!

Let’s begin by talking about sauces and seasonings. The classic option here would be an Italian-style tomato sauce, but there are plenty of variations on this depending on what ingredients you have available. Looking for some inspiration? Try adding in garlic or onion powder, red pepper flakes, oregano, basil…the possibilities are endless! If you’re feeling extra daring, why not mix up different types of spices together to concoct something truly unique? However you decide to go about it, remember that a little bit goes a long way when seasoning any dish.

And don’t forget about cheese – these days there’s no shortage of options out there so let your imagination run wild! Whether it’s mozzarella, parmesan or even feta – choosing the right type will add another layer of flavor and texture to your creation. And if you want to get really fancy, try using two or three different varieties at once…trust us; we guarantee everyone will love it!

So take some time to experiment and find just the right combination for your recipe – after all, food should always set our tastebuds dancing!

Types Of Cheese To Use

spaghetti casserole recipe-plus, the casserole is a great way to add a healthy dose of protein and vegetables to your meal.
Spaghetti Casserole Recipe-All Recipes Now-Spaghetti Casserole, Pasta, Spaghetti

When it comes to adding cheese to your spaghetti casserole, there are a ton of options! But let’s start with the basics – Parmesan and mozzarella. These two cheeses work wonderfully together for a classic combination that is sure to please even the pickiest eater. Plus, their mild flavors won’t overpower any other ingredients you add in later.

However, if you’re feeling adventurous why not try something more unique? Ricotta cheese has a much creamier texture than its counterparts, making the dish extra decadent. Or, mix up all three types of cheese for an amazing flavor explosion in every bite! If you really want to get creative, throw some feta or goat cheese into the mix – we guarantee it will take your recipe from good to great in no time flat.

No matter which kind you choose (or combinations thereof!), one thing is certain: A little bit of cheesy goodness goes a long way when creating this Italian-inspired masterpiece! So go ahead – have fun experimenting and find just the right blend of creamy deliciousness for your creation…your taste buds will thank you!

Assembling The Casserole

Assembling a delicious spaghetti casserole is easier than you think! Just follow these simple instructions and you’ll be on your way to enjoying this classic Italian dish in no time. Picture yourself in an old-fashioned kitchen, with the aroma of garlic filling the air as you layer each ingredient – it’s almost like being transported back in time!

When assembling the casserole, start by layering cooked noodles into your baking pan. Then sprinkle over some of your chosen cheese(s), followed by any additional ingredients such as herbs or vegetables that you’d like to include (feel free to get creative here!). Top off this delectable medley with a generous helping of tomato sauce before adding another layer of noodles, cheese, and finally more tomato sauce.

Now comes the fun part – creating those golden brown cheesy bubbles on top! Sprinkle one final portion of mozzarella across the top then bake until bubbly and fragrant – perfection! You’re now ready to enjoy a warm slice of hearty goodness that only takes minutes to assemble but will have everyone raving for days. Bon Appetit!

Baking Tips

Let’s get cooking! Before you start baking your spaghetti casserole, here are a few tips to help ensure the best results. First and foremost, keep an eye on that oven temperature – it should be set at 350°F for optimal results. Secondly, when it comes to timing, remember that longer is not always better; while the recipe might suggest baking for 35 minutes, if your oven runs hot then adjust accordingly. Lastly, don’t forget about those cheesy bubbles on top – they’ll only form if the cheese has been melted sufficiently.

Now you’re ready to pop this delicious dish in the oven and enjoy your hard work! But before you do, consider adding some extra flair with herbs or spices of your choice – it could be just what you need to take your homemade creation up a notch (or two!). With these handy baking tips in mind, let’s move onto our next step…serving suggestions!

Serving Suggestions

Now that your spaghetti casserole is out of the oven, it’s time to explore some delicious serving ideas! First things first – you’ll want to consider garnishing techniques. A sprinkle of fresh herbs and a drizzle of olive oil can take this dish from good to great. Toppings like crumbled bacon or nutty Parmesan cheese can also add an extra layer of flavor and texture. And don’t forget about those cheesy bubbles on top – they’re not just for looks!

When it comes to side dishes, there are plenty of options to choose from. Roasted vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, and onions all make excellent accompaniments. If you’re looking for something a bit more substantial, try adding a green salad with balsamic vinaigrette or garlic bread with melted butter. Whatever you decide to serve alongside your tasty casserole, be sure to keep portions small so as not overwhelm the main course.

With these simple yet effective serving suggestions in mind, let’s move onto what variations we can try next…

Variations Of The Recipe

Ready to shake things up with your spaghetti casserole? No problem! There are so many ways you can customize this dish that the possibilities truly seem endless. For a veggie-filled version, try adding some diced tomatoes, bell peppers, and spinach into the mix before baking. A curry-flavored take on the recipe is also sure to be a crowd pleaser – just add in some garam masala or other Indian spices for an extra kick of flavor. And if you’re looking for something more Mexican-style, opt for swapping out traditional Italian noodles for corn tortillas instead. Feel free to get creative here and experiment with different ingredients until you find what works best for your palate.

Speaking of experimentation, why not switch up the cooking methods as well? This casserole tastes great when made in a slow cooker or pressure cooker too – it’s all about finding which method fits your needs most conveniently. Whatever variation you decide to go with, one thing is certain: It will definitely be delicious!

So have fun exploring new flavors and techniques – no matter how you choose to prepare your casserole, it’s bound to turn out scrumptious every time. Afterall, there’s nothing quite like treating yourself (and others) to a homemade meal made with love! With that in mind, let’s move onto discussing nutrition information…

Nutrition Information

Ready to learn more about the nutritional value of this spaghetti casserole? Let’s dive in! As with any dish, it’s important to understand exactly what goes into making it so that you can make an informed decision when deciding whether or not to include it in your meal plan.

First things first: let’s take a look at its calorie count. We all know how easy it is for our eyes to be bigger than our stomachs – especially when we’re presented with such a delicious spread of food like the one here. But don’t worry – while each serving does have quite a few calories (around 250-300), they are balanced out by healthy fats and proteins coming from some of the ingredients used. Overall, this dish isn’t too heavy on either side, meaning that if you do decide to indulge, nothing should stop you from enjoying every last bite guilt-free!

Next up is fat content – always an important factor when considering nutrition. The good news here is that most of the fat in this recipe comes from olive oil, which has plenty of essential fatty acids that are beneficial for your body. So even though there may be quite a bit of fat included overall, much of it is actually very healthful. Plus, adding the optional vegetables will only increase the dish’s nutritional value and help you stay full longer without packing on extra pounds.

All-in-all, this casserole looks like a pretty solid choice for your next mealtime adventure! With just enough indulgence and nourishment combined together perfectly, it’s sure to please both your taste buds and waistline alike. Now then…let’s talk storage instructions…

Storage Instructions

Alrighty, now that we’ve got the nutrition out of the way – it’s time to talk about storage. After you whip up a batch of this tasty casserole, there are few things to bear in mind when it comes to storing leftovers for later enjoyment.

First off, if you’re planning on refrigerating any of your extra servings, be sure to give them enough space so they can cool down quickly and evenly without overcrowding the fridge! Then once cooled, pop them into an airtight container or wrap them up properly with cling film before placing in the fridge – this will help prevent spoilage as well as keep all those delicious flavors intact.

If you want to freeze some of your portions (which is totally doable!), try wrapping each one individually in plastic wrap and then placing them together inside a large freezer bag. This will ensure that none of their flavor is lost during defrosting and make reheating much easier too. Just remember not to leave them in there for more than 3 months or else they may start losing their freshness over time.

So long story short: store your spaghetti casserole correctly and safely after cooking, and it’ll be good as new whenever you decide to dig back into it! Now let’s move onto what happens once you take your dish out of cold storage…

Reheating Instructions

Alright, so you’ve got your leftover casserole all stored away safely – what now? Well if you’re looking to enjoy the tasty goodness once again, it’s time to talk about reheating!

It may seem like a daunting task at first but don’t worry – with these simple tips and tricks, getting those leftovers nice and hot won’t be too hard. For starters, try not to heat up more than one portion of spaghetti casserole in the microwave at a time since that can lead to uneven temperatures. Another way would be to place them into an oven-safe dish and pop ’em in the oven for a few minutes – this will make sure they heat through evenly and end up tasting just as good (if not better) than when you first made them.

Whichever method you choose, just remember that it’s best to keep things on the low side temperature wise; heating food too quickly or at high temperatures can cause changes in texture or even burning! So take things slow and steady until everything is nicely warmed throughout – then sit back and savor your delicious creation.

Now let’s move onto some common mistakes people often make while preparing their spaghetti casserole…

Common Mistakes To Avoid

It’s easy to think that throwing all the ingredients into a dish and popping it in the oven will be enough. But if you want your spaghetti casserole to turn out just right, there are some common mistakes you’ll definitely want to avoid.

For starters, don’t forget about proper cooking times – this means not overcooking or undercooking your pasta. Overcooked noodles can become mushy and lose their flavor while undercooked ones might still have an unpleasant crunch when served up on a plate. Also make sure to use the type of cheese specified in the recipe – different cheeses melt differently so using something other than what’s recommended could change the texture of your finished product!

Finally, try to resist stirring too much once everything is combined as that can lead to lumpy results. Instead, gently move around any pieces that may need more coverage before popping them in the oven. That way, they won’t end up sticking together or drying out during baking time.

With these tips in mind, you should now be well prepared for making delicious spaghetti casseroles with minimal effort – but what do you do when things don’t go according to plan? Let’s take a look at some troubleshooting tips…

Troubleshooting Tips

We’ve all had those moments when dinner isn’t turning out quite as we expected it to – and spaghetti casseroles can be particularly tricky. From sticking pasta pieces to an over-cooked sauce, there are a few troubleshooting tips that can help you get things back on track.

Let’s start with the sauce – if it has become too thick or dry during baking, try adding a little bit of liquid such as broth or water. This should help thin it out without sacrificing flavor. If your noodles have stuck together in clumps, don’t panic! Just use a fork or spoon to break them apart before serving.

Finally, if you find yourself dealing with an overcooked dish, don’t despair – just add fresh ingredients like raw tomatoes or zucchini slices for some extra crunch and flavor. The addition of new ingredients will also give your meal more color and texture– making it look more appetizing than ever! So next time something goes wrong in the kitchen, remember these troubleshooting tips and you’ll be able to salvage whatever situation arises – no matter how dire!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should I Cook The Spaghetti For?

Ah, the age-old question: how long should I cook spaghetti for? We’ve all been there; you’re mid-way through making your delicious meal and you realize that you have no idea what to do with the pasta. Well, don’t worry – we can help!

When it comes to cooking spaghetti, preparation is key. First off, make sure that you are using enough water so that the spaghetti has room to move around. Once this is done, bring the pot to a boil and add in some salt (the amount depends on personal preference). After that’s taken care of, reduce the heat until it reaches a gentle simmer and let it be for 8-12 minutes or until al dente.

Once this is finished, give your noodles a quick taste test before transferring them over into your casserole dish—nobody likes mushy pasta after all! Of course if you’d like firmer noodles then keep ‘em boiling for an extra minute or two but just remember not to overcook them otherwise they might become too tough. And voilà! You now know how long to cook spaghetti for. So go ahead and enjoy your delicious culinary creation without any worries about undercooked or overcooked pasta.

What Type Of Dish Should I Use To Bake The Casserole?

Choosing the right oven dish for your spaghetti casserole can be a daunting task – it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. But never fear, with just a little bit of know-how and some guidance you’ll have the perfect baking dish before you know it!

When making this delicious meal, there are several types of dishes to choose from. From classic casserole dishes to deep lasagne pans or even simple pie plates – the options are endless. Depending on how thick you would like your casserole to be, try experimenting with different shapes and sizes. A deeper dish will give more depth for all those flavorful ingredients.

No matter what type of oven dish you decide upon, always make sure that it can handle high temperatures as well as being oven safe. After all, who wants their dinner stuck inside an unbreakable glass bowl? As long as you keep these few tips in mind when selecting your baking dish then you should have no problem creating the most mouthwatering and tantalizing spaghetti casserole recipe ever!

Is There A Way To Make This Recipe Vegetarian?

Are you looking for a way to make your spaghetti casserole recipe vegetarian? If so, then you’re in luck! Whether you’re trying to cut down on meat consumption or are simply seeking out some delicious and nutritious plant-based alternatives, there is definitely a way to make this dish without the need for animal products. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Replace ground beef with crumbled tempeh or tofu- both of which are great sources of protein and can easily be seasoned to taste like the real deal.
  • Swap out chicken broth for vegetable broth or water instead. This will ensure that your casserole has that same savory flavor without compromising its integrity.
  • Consider using different vegetables such as mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions – all of which provide an earthy flavor while still keeping things light and healthy.
  • For added texture, add nuts or seeds like walnuts or pumpkin seeds; these ingredients give the dish a crunchy finish.
  • Top off your creation with vegan cheese shreds; they melt just like regular cheese but without any animal byproducts.

Ready to get cooking? Making a vegetarian version of a classic spaghetti casserole doesn’t have to be difficult – it might even turn out better than the original! All you need is some creativity, fresh ingredients, and perhaps a little bit of experimentation. Who knows? You may find yourself wanting more dishes sans meat after creating this culinary masterpiece! So go ahead – pull out those pots and pans and whip up something special today!

What Is The Best Way To Keep The Casserole Warm While Serving?

When it comes to serving up a spaghetti casserole, the last thing you want is for your delicious dinner to become cold and unappetizing. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep the casserole warm while still ensuring guests get their food at an enjoyable temperature. Here’s how:

First, invest in a good quality insulated serving tray that will help maintain the heat even during longer dinners or larger gatherings. You can also use a chafing dish with Sterno fuel or boiling water beneath it — this’ll ensure that everyone gets served hot and delicious food! Another great tip is to pre-warm plates before putting out the casserole so they don’t draw away any of its warmth when being served. And finally, make sure your oven temperature is set correctly while baking so that it doesn’t cool down too quickly once taken out of the oven.

These four steps should do wonders in keeping your spaghetti casserole nice and warm throughout your dinner party! So no more worries about servings becoming lukewarm by the time they reach hungry bellies – just follow these tips next time you’re getting ready to serve up some tasty Italian cuisine!

Is It Okay To Freeze Leftover Casserole?

It’s a common dilemma: you make a delicious casserole and there’s too much to eat in one sitting. So, is it okay to freeze the leftovers? Well, that depends on what kind of casserole we’re talking about. Freezing casseroles can be tricky because some ingredients don’t react well to being frozen.

When it comes to freezing leftover casserole, it pays to know your stuff. Cheese-based sauces will get grainy after thawing so they should stay out of the freezer. Creamy pasta dishes are usually good candidates for freezing as long as you didn’t add any dairy products like heavy cream or sour cream before baking. If you did use these items, then the dish won’t hold up well under cold storage conditions.

The key here is all about timing – if your casserole has been stored at room temperature for more than two hours, throw it away rather than risk food poisoning from bacteria growth! However, if time permits, portion out the remaining portions into airtight containers and store them in the fridge for no longer than three days before popping them into the freezer for later consumption. Now you have an easy solution when hunger strikes!


I’m sure you’re now ready to dive in and make your own delicious spaghetti casserole! Cooking the spaghetti for about 8 minutes should be just right, so it’s still slightly firm. I recommend using a 9×13 inch baking dish or a deep pie plate. If you want to keep this recipe vegetarian, simply replace the meat with mushrooms or other vegetables of choice. To keep the casserole warm while serving, just place it on top of a heating pad set at low heat. It’s also totally fine to freeze any leftover casserole – just be sure to let it cool completely before transferring it into an airtight container and popping it in the freezer.

Making this tasty meal is not only simple but also fun! Allowing yourself time in the kitchen helps clear your mind, relaxes your body and gives you that much-needed break from everyday life. And if you’re looking for something special to serve your family and friends, then look no further than this wonderful spaghetti casserole recipe! Enjoy!

Spaghetti Casserole Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: PastaCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This delicious and easy-to-make Spaghetti Casserole is loaded with ground beef, cheese, and a creamy tomato sauce. Perfect for a weeknight dinner, this casserole is sure to become a family favorite.


  • 1 lb 1 ground beef

  • 1 1 (16-ounce) package spaghetti

  • 1 1 (26-ounce) jar marinara sauce

  • 1 1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes

  • 1 tsp 1 Italian seasoning

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 garlic powder

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 red pepper flakes

  • 2 cup 2 shredded mozzarella cheese

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 grated Parmesan cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • In a large skillet, cook ground beef over medium-high heat until browned and cooked through. Drain excess fat.
  • In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook spaghetti according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, combine cooked ground beef, cooked spaghetti, marinara sauce, diced tomatoes, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes. Stir to combine.
  • Pour spaghetti mixture into a 9×13-inch baking dish. Top with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Serve warm and enjoy!