spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-this delicious spaghetti sauce recipe is perfect for those looking for a delicious, meat-free dinner.

Spaghetti Sauce Recipe No Meat

Do you ever feel like your pasta dish is missing something? That’s because it probably is! Spaghetti sauce without meat can often be a bit dull, but don’t despair – there’s hope yet for your culinary woes. Like a ray of sunshine in a stormy sky, this recipe will provide the perfect solution to your dinner dilemma. Let me show you how to create an explosion of flavour that won’t leave out any of the essential components: welcome to my delicious no-meat spaghetti sauce recipe!

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of recipes online? With so many options available, it can be hard to choose which one to go with. Luckily, I’m here to guide you through each step and make sure that you get the best results possible. Not only does this recipe provide great taste and texture, but it also avoids all animal products – making it suitable for vegans or anyone looking for a healthier option. Plus, it takes less than half an hour from start to finish – what could be easier?

Ready for some mouthwatering food without all the fuss? Then let’s get started on creating this scrumptious no-meat spaghetti sauce together!

Definition Of Spaghetti Sauce

spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-this delicious spaghetti sauce recipe is perfect for those looking for a delicious, meat-free dinner.
Spaghetti Sauce Recipe No Meat-All Recipes Now-Spaghetti Sauce Recipe No Meat, No Meat, Spaghetti Sauce, Spaghetti

Hi there! Today I wanted to talk about something near and dear to my heart: spaghetti sauce. Now, if you’re like me then you already know what it is, but let’s go over the basics for those who don’t. So, what is spaghetti sauce?

In its simplest form, spaghetti sauce (or pasta sauce) is a red tomato-based condiment used as a topping for Italian-style noodles such as spaghetti or macaroni. This delicious concoction comes in many varieties with different ingredients added depending on the recipe. Common additions include garlic, onions, herbs, spices and even meat. But we’ll get into that later!

Spaghetti sauces can range from very simple recipes of just tomato paste and seasonings to more complex mixtures including vegetables and proteins such as sausage or ground beef. No matter which type of sauce you prefer, they all deliver an amazing flavor that goes great with any type of noodle dish. And with so many options available, everyone has their own favorite way to enjoy this classic dish!

So now that you know what spaghetti sauce is – let’s look at some of the most popular types…

Types Of Spaghetti Sauce

If you’re looking for the perfect topping to your favorite Italian-style dish, then spaghetti sauce has got you covered. From marinara sauce and pesto sauce to arrabiata sauce, there are so many delicious variations that’ll take your meal from bland to grand! Let’s explore some of these tasty options in more detail.

For a classic choice, look no further than marinara sauce – an easy-to-make tomato-based concoction with garlic, onions, herbs and spices. It’s a simple yet satisfying combination that goes great with pretty much any type of noodle dish. And if you want something even richer and heartier, add some chopped vegetables or cooked sausage into the mix!

Next up is pesto sauce – another popular option among pasta lovers everywhere. This vibrant blend combines fresh basil leaves with olive oil, pine nuts and Parmesan cheese for a creamy texture and robust flavor that packs a punch but isn’t overly heavy on the stomach. It pairs well with lighter dishes such as angel hair or linguine noodles.

Finally we have arrabiata sauce which brings together tomatoes, red chili peppers and garlic for a spicy kick that will keep your taste buds tingling all night long! A dollop of this zesty condiment can turn plain pasta into an exciting entrée fit for any occasion.

With such an array of tantalizing flavors available at your fingertips, it’s time to get cooking! Now let’s move onto what ingredients are required…

Required Ingredients

spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-this delicious spaghetti sauce recipe is perfect for those looking for a delicious, meat-free dinner.
spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-all recipes now-spaghetti sauce recipe no meat, no meat, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti

Let’s get cooking! To make a delicious spaghetti sauce without meat, you’ll need some simple ingredients. Firstly, you’ll want to grab yourself a can of tomato sauce – this will form the base for your dish. Next up is olive oil, which adds that extra bit of flavor and helps everything come together nicely. Finally, throw in a few cloves of garlic for an added punch of pungency.

Now it’s time to bring all these elements together into one tasty concoction. Start by heating up the olive oil in a pan over medium heat before adding the chopped garlic and sautéing until fragrant. Then pour in the tomato sauce and let it simmer for around 10-15 minutes so that all those flavors really have time to meld together properly. And there you have it: a mouthwatering spaghetti sauce sans any meaty bits!

With this easy recipe under your belt, you can now enjoy a hearty Italian dinner with none of the guilt or hassle associated with carnivorous cooking techniques. So don’t be afraid to experiment; go wild with different herbs or spices if you’d like – just remember to keep things light yet flavorful!

Substitutions For Meat-Based Sauces

Now that you’ve mastered the art of making a delicious spaghetti sauce without meat, let’s explore some other tasty options for those who want to go completely vegetarian. There are lots of vegetable-based sauces out there which can provide your pasta with an equally appetizing flavor and texture. Think creamy mushroom or zesty sun-dried tomato – both make wonderful substitutions for any poultry-based recipes.

You don’t have to be limited by what’s available in stores either; it’s easy enough to whip up your own homemade version using whatever veggies you like best! Just sauté them down with garlic and herbs before adding some tomato paste and letting everything simmer together until it forms a thick, flavorful sauce. This way, you get to enjoy something truly unique while still satisfying all your Italian cravings.

So when it comes time for dinner tonight, why not try out one of these veggie-friendly alternatives? You won’t miss the meat at all – just promise us one thing: save us some leftovers!

Benefits Of A Meatless Sauce

If you’ve never tried a meatless sauce before, now may be the perfect time to give it a go. Not only is vegan eating becoming increasingly popular (and easier than ever!), but it can also have some real health benefits too. Eating less animal products has been linked with lower cholesterol, improved heart health and all-around better nutrition – so why not take advantage of that? Plus, non-meat based sauces are often lighter in calories, which means you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging your taste buds!

Plus, there’s something truly special about homemade veggie sauces. They’re packed full of flavor from fresh herbs and spices – making them far more flavorful than any jarred version could hope for. And since they’re made without any type of preservatives or additives, you know exactly what goes into every bite. That makes them both healthier and tastier!

There’s no denying that vegetarian spaghetti sauce is nothing short of delicious. So if your taste buds are still unsure, why not try out a few recipes and let yourself be surprised? The possibilities really are endless when it comes to creating amazing dishes sans meat – so get creative and enjoy!

Choosing Herbs And Spices

spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-this delicious spaghetti sauce recipe is perfect for those looking for a delicious, meat-free dinner.
spaghetti sauce recipe no meat-all recipes now-spaghetti sauce recipe no meat, no meat, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti

When it comes to veggie sauces, the options for herbs and spices are endless. Not only do they add incredible flavor to your dish, but they can also be combined in many different ways to create something truly unique. Here’s a quick look at some of the most popular herbs and spices used when making vegetarian spaghetti sauce:

  • Dried Herbs – Dried herbs like oregano, basil, rosemary and thyme can all bring out amazing flavors in any pasta dish. Be sure to use them sparingly though; too much of one herb will overpower the other tastes.
  • Spice Combinations – Mixing up different combinations of spices is a great way to make your sauce even more flavorful. Try adding garlic powder, paprika or chili flakes for an extra kick! Just be careful not to overdo it on the spice as that could ruin the entire dish.
  • Fresh Herbs – Nothing beats fresh herbs for bringing big flavor into any recipe. Parsley, mint and cilantro are all excellent choices for giving your sauce a delicious edge. Plus, you don’t need very much since their aroma and taste will linger after cooking.

So no matter what type of Italian meal you’re planning to cook up, never underestimate the power of herbs and spices! With a little bit of creativity and experimentation, you can come up with some really tasty dishes without ever having to worry about compromising on health or nutrition.

Preparation Tips

Now that you’ve chosen your herbs and spices, it’s time to get the sauce ready for cooking. While many people think making a delicious vegetarian spaghetti sauce requires hours of chopping, blending and stirring, this isn’t always the case! With some simple preparation tips, you can have everything ready in no time.

First off, don’t be afraid to use pre-chopped vegetables if they are available. This will save you time when it comes to prepping all the ingredients for your sauce. You can also buy canned tomatoes which come chopped up already – perfect for any busy cook looking to whip something up fast.

Second, consider using a food processor or blender for the sauce-blending part. If you do decide to go down this route then make sure that you blend everything slowly so as not to overdo it otherwise your end result may be too watery or mushy. Another option is to mash up garlic cloves with a fork – another great way to speed up the process while still keeping all those flavors intact!

Finally, keep in mind that slow simmering is key when it comes to getting the best possible results from your sauce-stirring session. So take your time here and stir gently until everything looks smooth and creamy – trust us, there’s nothing better than authentic Italian flavor coming through every single bite!

Cooking Tips

Now that you have all the ingredients prepped and ready to go, it’s time to start cooking! While there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to making spaghetti sauce, here are some tips that will help make sure your end result is nothing short of delicious.

When it comes to timing, the key is to let everything simmer for at least an hour or two – this allows all those flavors from the herbs and spices to really come through. Also remember that too much stirring can break down the tomatoes and turn them into a mushy mess, so be careful with how often you stir during cooking as well.

Finally, if you’re looking for extra depth in flavor then consider adding a few tablespoons of tomato paste towards the end of cooking. This will give your sauce a richer taste and consistency without overpowering any other flavors. Just be sure not to add too much or else you’ll risk ending up with something overly acidic!

With these simple yet effective cooking techniques under your belt, you’re now on your way towards creating a truly mouthwatering vegetarian spaghetti sauce.

Serving Suggestions

Once you’ve got your delicious, vegetarian spaghetti sauce ready to go, it’s time to think about what you plan on serving with it. With so many different pasta dishes and garnishing options available, there’s bound to be something that satisfies everyone in the family!

One of the easiest ways to serve this dish is simply over a bed of noodles or any other type of pasta – just pour the sauce right over top and let everyone add their own toppings like parmesan cheese or fresh herbs. If you’re looking for something more filling then consider pairing your sauce with some roasted vegetables or even a side salad.

And don’t forget about all those tasty extras like garlic bread sticks, crusty rolls, or cheesy biscuits – they’ll provide an extra layer of flavor and texture that will take your meal from ordinary to extraordinary in no time flat!

No matter what combination you decide upon, each bite of this zesty vegetarian spaghetti sauce is sure to leave your taste buds tingling with delight. So grab a fork (or spoon) and dig into one of life’s simplest yet most enjoyable pleasures – homemade Italian cooking at its finest!

Variations On The Recipe

If you’re looking for a way to make this dish even more delicious and nutritious, there are plenty of vegan variations that will take your spaghetti sauce recipe up a notch. From meatless substitutes like tofu or tempeh to dairy-free alternatives like vegan cheese and plant-based milks – the possibilities are endless!

Here are some great vegetarian options to get you started:

  • Replace ground beef with crumbled veggie burgers or diced mushrooms
  • Use almond or oat milk instead of cream in the base sauce
  • Swap out Parmesan cheese for nutritional yeast flakes
  • Add lentils or black beans for extra texture and protein

Whether you prefer traditional Italian flavors or want to try something new and exciting, these vegan substitutions can help create an unforgettable meal that everyone is sure to enjoy. Plus they’re much healthier than their meaty counterparts, so you won’t have to worry about sacrificing taste in favor of healthiness.

And best of all, it’s easy to find ingredients at most supermarkets that suit any dietary preference – from gluten-free pasta noodles to organic tomato sauces. So no matter how picky your dinner guests may be, everyone can still share in the joys of homemade Italian cooking!

Nutritional Value Of The Dish

Moving from variations on the recipe to its nutritional value, it’s clear that a meatless spaghetti sauce can be just as flavorful and satisfying without sacrificing any of the benefits. Not only is this dish full of healthy ingredients like tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs – but cutting out animal-based proteins also reduces saturated fat and cholesterol levels significantly.

In addition to being lower in calories than traditional recipes, there are plenty of other nutritional perks! Here’s a list of five reasons why a veggie-packed pasta sauce stands apart:

  • A great source of plant-based protein
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and iron
  • High in dietary fiber to support digestion
  • Free of unhealthy additives or preservatives
  • Low in carbohydrates compared to some sauces

It’s no wonder this classic Italian favorite has become increasingly popular with nutrition-conscious eaters everywhere; when you opt for an all-vegetable version, you get all the flavor without any of the guilt. Plus, it’s easy to customize each batch according to your own tastes – so you’ll never have to settle for anything less than deliciousness!

Storage And Reheating Suggestions

Storing and reheating spaghetti sauce just right can really make or break a meal. After all, nobody wants soggy noodles or flavorless tomato paste! So if you’re looking to get the most out of your veggie-packed dish, here are some storing and reheating suggestions that will help keep it at its delicious best:

  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to four days.
  • To heat up pasta sauces quickly, use a microwave-safe bowl with a lid.
  • Avoid boiling water when reheating – this can cause the ingredients to separate from one another.
  • When possible, add a bit more olive oil before serving for added moisture and flavor.
  • If you’d like to freeze extra portions for later, be sure to do so within 24 hours after cooking.

So there you have it – some simple tips and tricks to ensure your meatless spaghetti sauce remains as flavorful as ever! Now that we’ve got storage covered, let’s take things one step further by exploring what dishes pair well with this Italian classic…

Pairing With Other Dishes

It’s time to take this delicious meat-free spaghetti sauce and turn it into a full meal. Whether you’re looking for some classic pasta dishes or some vegetarian entrees, there are plenty of options that pair well with your homemade marinara.

First up is the obvious – spaghetti! This one has been around since Italian immigrants introduced it to the US in the early 1900s, so why not give it a modern twist? Throw in some roasted vegetables like bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and garlic for an added boost of flavor. If you want something more filling, add cooked sausage or ground beef crumbles on top.

On the other hand, if you’d rather keep things light and veggie-packed then look no further than eggplant parmigiana. Layer slices of grilled eggplant with mozzarella cheese and spoonfuls of your favorite tomato sauce before baking until golden brown. Serve it alongside a side salad for an easy weeknight dinner everyone will love.

There are countless other ways to enjoy your vegan spaghetti sauce as well – from lasagna rolls to zucchini noodles to stuffed shells – so get creative and see what tasty treats you can come up with!

Ideas For Leftovers

Now that you’ve made a delicious meatless spaghetti sauce, it’s time to get creative with your leftovers! With just a few extra ingredients and some imagination, you can turn this simple marinara into something special. Here are some ideas for transforming your meat-free sauce into new meals:

For one, why not use up the excess tomato goodness in a savory frittata? Crack some eggs into a bowl and mix them with shredded cheese and cooked vegetables like mushrooms, peppers, or spinach before pouring the mixture over leftover sauce in a skillet. Bake until golden brown for an easy brunch dish that’ll fill everyone up.

You could also put together tasty pasta salads using cold noodles mixed with chunks of cucumber and bell pepper along with other fresh veggies. To finish off your salad, add parmesan cheese, olives, artichoke hearts – whatever takes your fancy! Drizzle it all with lots of creamy dressing or top with sliced avocado for even more flavor.

Finally, if you want to switch things up from traditional Italian flavors then try making Mexican-style burritos. Stuff large tortillas with refried beans, sautéed onions and garlic, cilantro leaves, plus plenty of melted cheese and spicy salsa. Roll ’em tight then bake until bubbly and serve alongside guacamole and sour cream for dipping.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your leftover spaghetti sauce variations, there will be no shortage of ways to make sure nothing goes to waste!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Ah, the joys of spaghetti sauce! Everyone knows that it’s one of the most delicious and versatile dishes around. But sometimes things don’t go quite as planned – so if your sauce isn’t turning out right, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you get back on track.

First up: consistency. If your spaghetti sauce is too thick or too thin then there are a few easy adjustments you can make. For thicker sauces, simmer for longer with the lid off so that liquid evaporates more quickly. On the other hand, adding extra tomato juice or water will loosen up a sauce that has become overly concentrated.

Next, let’s talk about flavor. Common mistakes people make when making their own marinara include not using enough herbs and spices (a good rule of thumb is 1 teaspoon per cup of tomatoes) or forgetting to add salt. Both of these ingredients can have a huge impact on how flavorful your final dish turns out, so be sure to adjust accordingly during cooking time.

Finally, remember that every recipe is different and may require slightly more or less time in order to achieve perfect results. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques until you find one that works best for you – after all, practice makes perfect! So take some notes along the way and before long you’ll be whipping up restaurant-quality pasta dishes from home like a pro!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Type Of Pasta To Use With This Sauce?

Have you ever wondered what the best type of pasta to use with a spaghetti sauce recipe that doesn’t include meat? Well, today we have an answer for you! It all depends on your preference and taste.

When it comes to pairing up the right kind of pasta with a delicious spaghetti sauce, there are so many options available. In order to make sure that you get the most out of this experience, here’s a list of five types of pasta that could be used as the perfect base for your no-meat spaghetti sauce:

  • Penne – penne is one of the most popular shapes when it comes to making Italian dishes like lasagna or macaroni and cheese. Its texture makes it great for holding onto sauces and its ridges help capture even more flavor from your ingredients.
  • Fusilli – fusilli has long spirals which provide plenty of surface area for any sauce to cling onto. If you’re looking for something hearty yet light in texture, then this type of pasta is definitely worth considering.
  • Farfalle – also known as bowties, farfalle offer a unique shape that can give any dish some extra visual appeal. The pockets created by these tiny “bows” will hold onto every drop of sauce while still maintaining their al dente consistency.
  • Rigatoni – rigatoni is perhaps one of the heartiest pastas due to its thick walls and wide tubes. This means that they’ll absorb lots of flavor from the sauce while still keeping their structure intact after cooking them properly.
  • Spaghetti – last but not least, there’s always classic spaghetti! Whether you opt for thin strands or thicker ones such as bucatini or spaghettoni, this type of pasta never fails to please everyone at dinner time thanks to its versatility and ease in preparation.

So now that we’ve gone over some different types of pasta fit for creating an amazing no-meat spaghetti dish, why don’t you try experimenting with different combinations until you find one (or two!) that really tickles your fancy? There’s nothing quite like creating something special just for yourself – bon appétit!

How Long Should The Sauce Cook For?

So you want to know the right cooking time for your sauce? Well, I’m here to tell ya. It depends on what kind of flavor and consistency you’re aiming for. The longer it cooks, the richer and more intense the flavors will be – up to a point that is. You don’t want to overcook it or else all those deliciousness will go down the drain!

When it comes to deciding how long you should cook your sauce for, there are a few factors to consider such as desired thickness, type of ingredients used, and personal preference. Generally speaking, most sauces need at least 45 minutes if not an hour of simmering in order to reach their optimal taste and texture. If you’re looking for something really rich like a slow-cooked bolognese, increase that cooking duration by another 15-30 minutes minimum.

Ultimately, when determining the appropriate cooking length for your sauce recipe no meat, use your best judgement along with tasting samples throughout the process so you can get just the right balance between flavor and consistency. After all, nothing beats homemade spaghetti sauce made exactly how YOU like it!

Is There A Way To Make The Sauce Spicier?

When you’re making spaghetti sauce, there’s nothing like a bit of spice to kick it up a notch. But if you’re not using meat in your recipe, how do you make the sauce spicier? Well luckily for us non-meat eaters, there are plenty of ways to add flavor and heat without resorting to animal products. Here are my top three tips:
1) Use spices liberally! Whether it’s red pepper flakes or chili powder, adding some heat will really give your pasta dish that extra oomph. Plus, they come in all kinds of flavors so you can find something that suits your tastes.
2) Don’t be afraid to experiment with herbs and other seasonings. It may sound strange at first but trust me when I say oregano goes great with tomato sauce! Or why not try throwing some garlic powder into the mix as well? The possibilities are endless!
3) Make use of flavorful ingredients like onions, peppers, and mushrooms – all these things will bring out different notes in the sauce and help liven it up even more. So don’t be afraid to get creative with what you put in the pot!
In short, making spicy spaghetti sauce is easy once you know what to look for – from spices to seasoning to vegetables – there’s no shortage of options available for those who want their meals full of deliciousness and heat. Try one or two (or all!) of these ideas next time you make dinner – I guarantee it’ll be tastier than ever before.

Is There A Way To Make The Sauce Thicker?

Thickening a spaghetti sauce without meat can be an art form, much like painting with oils. One must find the right balance between ingredients and seasoning to create something that is both flavorful and satisfying. For those who are looking for ways to thicken their sauce without adding additional meats, there are several options available.

Using a starch thickener such as cornstarch or arrowroot powder mixed into cold water is one of the most common methods of thickening sauces. This helps add body to the dish while also helping bind together any other flavors you’ve added to your sauce. Additionally, some cooks may choose to use tomato paste as another way to naturally thicken up their sauce. The rich flavor of tomato paste adds depth and complexity as well as thickness which makes it ideal for dishes where extra texture is desired.

It’s important not to go overboard when attempting to thicken a sauce however, as too much starch or tomato paste can quickly take away from its overall flavor profile. A good rule of thumb is start small and gradually increase the amount until you reach your desired consistency – this will help ensure your sauce still tastes great! Ultimately, finding creative ways to thicken up a spaghetti sauce recipe no meat is all about experimentation and enjoying the process along the way – so don’t be afraid get in there and have fun!

Is It Possible To Make A Vegan Version Of This Recipe?

When it comes to vegan spaghetti sauce, the possibilities are endless! From rich and creamy vegan Alfredo sauce to zesty marinara sauces with a kick of spice, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor when going meatless. It’s entirely possible to make a delicious vegan version of your favorite spaghetti sauce recipe without meat—and here’s how:

First off, be sure to use vegetable-based broth in place of chicken or beef broth. This will give you that same umami flavor while remaining completely plant-based. For added texture and nutrition, try adding diced vegetables like mushrooms, bell pepper, squash or eggplant as well. To get the perfect thickness for your vegan spaghetti sauce, mix together tomato paste and some cornstarch until smooth then stir into the simmering sauce until thickened. If needed, add more cornstarch one teaspoon at a time until desired consistency is achieved. And finally – don’t forget herbs and spices! A little oregano and basil can take this dish from bland to bold in no time flat. Here’s a quick list of ingredients for making your own vegan spaghetti sauce:
1) Vegetable-Based Broth
2) Diced Veggies (mushrooms, peppers, etc.)
3) Tomato Paste & Cornstarch
4) Herbs & Spices (oregano & basil work great!)

With all these tasty ingredients combined together perfectly, you’ll soon find yourself enjoying an ultra flavorful plate of vegan spaghetti – no meats required! Even if you’re not strictly following a vegetarian diet right now, why not give this veggie-packed pasta dish a shot? You might just fall in love with its savory taste and nutritious benefits all over again!


The final product of this spaghetti sauce recipe is so delicious, you won’t even miss the meat! After all that cooking and stirring, I’m sure your mouth will be watering just by the smell. You’ll take one bite and it’s like a party in your mouth. The pasta perfectly absorbs the flavor of the sauce while the spices add an extra kick.

I’ve tried many different recipes before but none compare to this one. It’s definitely worth the effort because there’s nothing quite as satisfying as making something from scratch with love. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that everyone raves about how good it tastes after they try it either!

This spaghetti sauce recipe no meat is truly a masterpiece – you have my word on that! There’s no doubt in my mind that this is one meal that people will come back for time and time again, especially since it can easily be made vegan too. So don’t wait any longer; get out those pots and pans and let’s get cooking!

Spaghetti Sauce Recipe No Meat

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: PastaCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This delicious and hearty spaghetti sauce is made without meat, but still packs a flavorful punch. Perfect for a weeknight meal, it is ready in just under an hour, and is sure to please even the pickiest eaters.


  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil

  • 1 1 small onion, diced

  • 2 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 can 1 (14.5-ounce) diced tomatoes

  • 1 can 1 (8-ounce) tomato sauce

  • 2 tbsp 2 tomato paste

  • 1 tsp 1 sugar

  • 1 tsp 1 dried oregano

  • 1 tsp 1 dried basil

  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  • Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.
  • Add the onion and garlic and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, sugar, oregano, and basil. Stir to combine.
  • Bring the sauce to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Serve over cooked spaghetti and enjoy!