starbucks pumpkin bread recipe

Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Nothing gets us into the fall spirit quite like a delicious pumpkin bread recipe. But why settle for ordinary when you could create something extraordinary? Starbucks’ Pumpkin Bread Recipe is perfect for those who strive to find innovative ways to make each day more exciting. It’s simple and straightforward, yet it packs a punch of flavor that will have your friends and family gathering around the table in no time. Let’s take a look at how this easy-to-follow recipe brings out all the flavors of autumn!

The first step to creating an amazing loaf of Starbucks Pumpkin Bread is gathering up all your ingredients. This quick list includes canned pumpkin puree, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, milk, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and ground cloves. All these items can be found right inside your local grocery store – making preparation fast and painless! And don’t forget about the most important ingredient: patience!

Once everything is ready to go, it’s time to get creative with our spices! The combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and ground cloves creates an unmistakable aroma that will fill your kitchen and tantalize everyone’s taste buds with anticipation. So gather up your ingredients and let’s start experimenting – because nothing says “fall has arrived” like Starbucks’ Pumpkin Bread Recipe!


starbucks pumpkin bread recipe-try it out today and enjoy the sweet, comforting taste of starbucks pumpkin bread in your own home.
Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Welcome to the pumpkin bread recipe! Let’s get started by gathering our ingredients. You’ll need 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, ½ teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg and a pinch of cloves. Gather up some butter too – you’ll be needing ⅔ cup for this recipe. Plus one cup each of white sugar and packed light brown sugar. We also require two large eggs, one 15-ounce can pure pumpkin puree and 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (optional). Whew! That was a lot – but it’s worth it when we bite into that delicious slice at the end.

Now that we have everything we need, let’s move on to how much time we’re going to invest in making this tasty treat…

Preparation Time

starbucks pumpkin bread recipe-try it out today and enjoy the sweet, comforting taste of starbucks pumpkin bread in your own home.
Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Recipe-Try it out today and enjoy the sweet, comforting taste of Starbucks pumpkin bread in your own home.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work! This recipe isn’t going to make itself, after all. The time investment we need to make is totally worth it because the end result will be a scrumptious fall treat that’ll have everyone reaching for seconds.

First, let’s start by prepping: in a medium bowl mix together flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves; set aside. Then cream together butter and both sugars until light and fluffy. Beat eggs into mixture one at a time until combined then stir in pumpkin puree. Gradually blend dry ingredients into this wet mixture – making sure not to overmix. If you’re adding chocolate chips (which I highly recommend), fold them into the batter now as well before pouring your delicious concoction into two greased 9×5-inch loaf pans.

It already smells amazing in here! Now comes the hardest part of this whole process – waiting patiently while our warm spiced loaves bake away in the oven….

Preheat The Oven

Once the ingredients are all prepped, it’s time to get baking. First things first: we need to preheat our ovens! Set your oven racks in the center of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius). This will give us a nice even bake that will ensure moist, delicious loaves every time.

Now let’s grab some mixing bowls and utensils – here’s what you’ll need:

  • Mixing Bowls:
  • Large bowl for dry ingredients
  • Medium bowl for wet ingredients
  • Utensils:
  • Electric mixer or handheld whisk
  • Rubber spatula
  • Measuring cups/spoons

The right tools make all the difference when it comes to baking – so don’t forget these essential items! With everything gathered and ready, we’re now just moments away from enjoying the sweet aroma of freshly baked pumpkin bread wafting through our homes.

Mixing Bowls And Utensils

Let’s get started! Grab your mixing bowls and utensils – it’s time to make the batter.

First, let’s mix our wet ingredients in a medium bowl. This includes the pumpkin puree, melted butter, eggs, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. Use an electric mixer or handheld whisk to blend until all of the ingredients are evenly combined with no lumps remaining. Once you’re finished with this step, set aside for now while we move on to the dry ingredients mixture.

Now grab that large bowl – we’re going to add all of the dry ingredients here. In goes flour (all-purpose is what we’ll use), baking soda, salt, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Whisk these together until everything is blended together nicely – no lumpy bits left behind! Now comes the fun part; combine both mixtures together by slowly adding the wet ingredients into the dry ones while stirring gently with a rubber spatula.

Once everything has been mixed thoroughly and there are absolutely no visible streaks of either wet or dry ingredients left behind – congratulations! We’ve just created our delicious pumpkin bread recipe batter which will soon be transformed into scrumptious loaves ready for devouring! Let’s carry on to combining our final few components before heading off to bake them up.

Dry Ingredients Mixture

Now that we’ve got our dry ingredients all mixed together, it’s time to get creative and add some extra flavorings! Let’s start off by stirring in some nuts or dried fruits of your choice – these will give the bread a nice crunchy texture. We can also throw in a handful of chocolate chips for an indulgent twist.

Next up, let’s mix in the spices that really make this recipe stand out from the rest. A couple teaspoons each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger will do the trick here – you don’t want any one spice overpowering the others. The key is to create balance between them all so they can work together harmoniously. Once everything has been stirred together evenly, we’re ready to move on to wet ingredient mixture.

For this part of the process, there are just two components: pumpkin puree and melted butter (or vegetable oil if preferred). Start by combining these two items into a medium bowl until smooth with no lumps remaining – then simply fold into our existing batter until everything is combined nicely without over-mixing. Now we have finished creating our delicious pumpkin bread recipe batter!

Wet Ingredient Mixture

Juxtaposing wet and dry ingredients, we are ready to combine the two mixtures together. This is where our creativity really comes into play – there’s so many different ways this step can be done!

We could go for a classic ‘folding technique’ that involves gently mixing the two together with an alternating folding and turning motion until everything is fully incorporated. Alternatively, if you’re feeling adventurous why not try out a more experimental approach? Try stirring in one direction followed by the other for a unique marbled effect throughout your finished product. Whatever method you decide on, make sure to stop once all of the flour has been absorbed – over-mixing will result in a tough texture.

The last piece of advice when combining these mixtures? Don’t forget to have fun with it! Experiment with new techniques, flavors or textures – after all, baking is meant to be enjoyable as well as delicious! With our batter now complete, it’s time to pour it into our prepared loaf pan and get started on our pumpkin bread journey.

Combining The Mixtures

Let’s get started on our pumpkin bread journey! Combining the two mixtures together is a crucial step in the baking process, as it sets us up for success when we move onto greasing and prepping our loaf pan. Here are three main points to keep in mind:

  • Technique:
    ○ Traditional Fold – gently mix with an alternating folding and turning motion until everything is fully incorporated
    ○ Experimental Stir – try stirring in one direction followed by the other for a unique marbled effect throughout your finished product
    ○ Have Fun – experiment with new techniques, flavors or textures; baking should be enjoyable as well as delicious!
  • Stop Mixing: Make sure you stop once all of the flour has been absorbed – over-mixing will result in a tough texture.
  • Pour Batter into Loaf Pan – After combining the wet and dry ingredients, pour batter into prepared loaf pan and let’s continue on our pumpkin bread adventure!

With these tips in mind, we can confidently move forward to greasing our loaf pan before adding our final touches.

Greasing The Loaf Pan

Greasing our loaf pan is the key to removing a perfect pumpkin bread from the pan after baking. Let’s take the time to make sure we do this right and set ourselves up for success!

First, let’s get started by buttering and flouring our loaf pan. This will help ensure that when it comes time to slice into our delicious creation, there won’t be any sticky surprises waiting for us. Take some softened butter and rub it along the inside of your loaf pan until fully coated – don’t worry if you miss some spots; these can easily be remedied with a bit of extra flour sprinkled on top.

Once completed, tap out any excess butter or flour before adding in our batter. By taking the time to properly grease the loaf pan beforehand, we guarantee that no matter what happens while baking, our finished product will slide right out without sticking or breaking apart! And with all that hard work done, now it’s time to move onto baking instructions.

Baking Instructions

starbucks pumpkin bread recipe-try it out today and enjoy the sweet, comforting taste of starbucks pumpkin bread in your own home.
starbucks pumpkin bread recipe-try it out today and enjoy the sweet, comforting taste of starbucks pumpkin bread in your own home.

It’s time to get baking! Here are the instructions for making our delicious Starbucks Pumpkin Bread.

Before we begin, preheat your oven to 350°F and let’s make sure that all of our ingredients are ready and waiting. We’ll need pumpkin puree, eggs, vegetable oil, white sugar, brown sugar, flour, baking powder and soda, salt, ground cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves – so double check that you have everything on hand before starting!

Now it’s time to combine our wet and dry ingredients. In a large bowl whisk together the pumpkin puree , eggs ,and vegetable oil until well combined. Then add in both sugars and mix until fully incorporated. Lastly pour in all of the other remaining dry ingredients (flour, baking powder & soda, salt) and fold them into the mixture gently with a spatula or wooden spoon.

When finished stirring all the ingredients together it’s time to move onto getting this batter into its loaf pan home! Carefully pour the mixture into your greased pan ensuring that it is even throughout the bottom as much as possible – now it’s ready for the oven!

  • Pour batter into greased pan
  • Preheat oven to 350°F
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes • Allow bread to cool before slicing and serving.

Glaze Instructions

It’s time to take your pumpkin bread to the next level with a sugary glaze! So grab that whisk and let’s get started.

Firstly, we need to make sure our mixture is thick enough for proper coverage. To do this, mix together some powdered sugar with milk until you reach an even consistency – it should be on the thicker side so that when drizzled onto the surface of the loaf it doesn’t melt away too quickly.

Now let’s have some fun playing around with flavors! I like adding in ground cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves but feel free to use whatever spices suit your tastes best. Once everything has been mixed up, simply pour over top of your freshly baked loaf and enjoy! Here are 3 great ideas to get you started:

  • Cinnamon-Coconut Glaze
  • Pumpkin Spice Glaze
  • Salted Caramel Sauce
    So go ahead – experiment and find out what combination works best for your palate!

Cooling Instructions

Time to let that pumpkin bread cool off! To ensure an optimal texture, it’s important to wait for the loaf to come down to room temperature before slicing and serving. Here are a few tips on how you can get there as quickly as possible:

First things first – take the loaves out of their pans right away and place them onto cooling racks. This will help expedite the process by allowing air to circulate all around each side instead of just one. And if you’d like some extra insurance against sticking, rub butter or oil over each surface with a pastry brush. Now your loaves should be ready in no time!

Another great way to speed up the cooling process is using a fan – this helps evaporate any moisture faster while also keeping your kitchen nice and breezy during these warm summer months. Plus, if you’re feeling really adventurous why not add a sprinkle of powdered sugar overtop? It’ll give your pumpkin bread an extra dose of sweetness plus make it look super fancy-schmancy too!

TIP: If you want your pumpkin bread cooled down even quicker, try putting it into the fridge uncovered for 30 minutes then remove it once done. The chill won’t affect its flavor but it’ll definitely cut down on waiting time!

Serving Suggestions

Alright, the cooling process is all taken care of. Now it’s time to think about how you’d like to serve your pumpkin bread! There are so many delicious ways that pair perfectly with this classic fall favorite. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

To start off, why not try pairing it with some butter and honey? This simple yet delightful combo will bring out its natural sweetness while adding a hint of texture too. Or if you’re feeling extra adventurous, top it off with cream cheese or peanut butter for an added flavor kick – either way can guarantee satisfaction from both adults and kids alike!

For something more savory, there’s nothing better than serving your freshly-baked loaf alongside some melted cheese or bacon bits. The salty taste pairs wonderfully against the sweet notes in the bread – plus who doesn’t love a good cheesy treat? If you want to make things even heartier try slicing up some apples or pears into thin slices then dusting them lightly with cinnamon sugar for an extra burst of autumnal goodness.

No matter what route you choose, one thing’s for sure – everyone at the table will be asking for seconds! So let’s move onto considering variations as we explore our options further…

Variations To Consider

Having explored the many delicious ways to serve your pumpkin bread, it’s time to consider how we can take things a step further with variations. After all, this classic fall favorite is begging for a little creativity – and who doesn’t love adding their own personal touch? The possibilities are truly endless!

For starters, why not try spicing up the mix by tossing in some dark chocolate chips or dried cranberries? This will add an extra layer of flavor that’s sure to tantalize any taste buds. You could also experiment with switching out the traditional white flour for whole wheat or oat flours – these provide more nutrients while still allowing you to enjoy its signature fluffy texture.

And don’t forget about nuts! Walnuts, pecans, almonds – whatever tickles your fancy. Not only do they provide crunchy bits of goodness but they can also help give your loaf an added boost of protein too. With so much potential available at our fingertips, there’s no reason not to get creative when baking up this scrumptious treat!

Nutritional Information

We all know that pumpkin bread is a delicious treat, but what about its nutritional value? Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that it’s actually quite nutritious! One slice of this tasty loaf contains roughly 170-180 calories and 4 grams of protein. It also boasts 7-8 grams of fat and 20-25 carbs, making it an excellent source of energy for those on the go. Plus, due to its high fiber content, pumpkin bread can help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

On top of that, there are numerous vitamins and minerals present in each bite – including iron, zinc, potassium and calcium. All these components create a well balanced snack or dessert option without packing too many unhealthy fats or sugars into the mix. So not only does pumpkin bread taste great but it’s good for us too – now isn’t that something worth celebrating?!

So why not indulge in one (or two!) slices as part of your daily diet? With so much goodness packed into every single serving, you won’t regret it! Now let’s move onto how best store this delectable dish for maximum freshness…

Storage Recommendations

Storing pumpkin bread correctly is essential for it to remain fresh and delicious. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure your loaf stays at its best! Firstly, wrap the entire loaf in plastic before placing inside an airtight container or sealable bag. This will help keep out any moisture that could cause mold growth over time. Secondly, don’t forget to refrigerate any leftovers as soon as possible – this will ensure they stay fresher longer. Lastly, if you want to freeze the pumpkin bread then be sure to slice into portions first. That way when you’re ready for a snack, simply defrost one piece without having to thaw an entire loaf all at once!

So now that we know how best to store our pumpkin bread creations let’s move onto our final topic – preparing them for maximum flavor and texture!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Pumpkin Puree Should I Use?

It seems like pumpkin puree is a key ingredient when it comes to making the perfect Pumpkin Bread. But how much of this orange, gooey goodness do you need for your recipe?

There are several factors to consider when deciding on the amount of pumpkin puree. Here’s a list of 4 things to keep in mind:

  1. The size and shape of your baking dish.
  2. How strong you want the flavor of pumpkin to be in the finished product.
  3. Whether or not you’re using any additional ingredients such as nuts, raisins, or chocolate chips that may require more liquid content from the puree.
  4. And finally, whether or not you plan on adding anything else into the mix – like spices or other flavors – that might influence the quantity needed for optimal results.

For most recipes, one cup (or 8 ounces) of canned pumpkin puree should help give your bread its signature texture and taste without overpowering it with too much sweetness or spice. However, it’s important to remember that everyone has different tastes so feel free to experiment with different amounts until you find what works best for you!

Making Pumpkin Bread can be an exciting way to express yourself through cooking while also creating something delicious at the same time! With these tips in mind, try out your own version today and see just how creative you can get with this classic treat!

Do I Need To Use A Mixer To Combine The Ingredients?

Do I need to use a mixer to combine ingredients? This is an important question when it comes to baking, as using the wrong tool or technique can really make or break your recipe. But don’t worry – you’ll be glad to know that for Starbucks’s pumpkin bread recipe, you won’t have to go out and buy any fancy kitchen equipment!

The good news is that all of these ingredients are easy enough to mix together by hand. You just need a spoon (or even your hands) and some elbow grease. That means no special tools like electric mixers, food processors, or stand mixers – this one’s simple enough to do without them. Plus, mixing things together with your own two hands gives you more control over how everything gets combined.

This pumpkin bread recipe should take around 45 minutes total from start to finish. And since there’s no complicated machinery involved in making it, you’re free to get creative with the way you combine the different elements – try stirring in a few extra spices for more flavor, or adding some chopped nuts for texture. Have fun experimenting and see what delicious results you come up with!

What Type Of Pan Should I Use To Bake The Pumpkin Bread?

Baking bread is an exciting and creative activity that can yield delicious results. But if you’re new to the kitchen, it’s important to know what type of pan should be used when baking pumpkin bread.

The type of pan you use will depend on a few factors, such as how large your recipe is and what kind of texture you want in the finished product. Generally speaking, for most recipes, a 9×5-inch loaf pan works best. This provides enough volume for the batter without compromising flavor or texture. Additionally, using a nonstick loaf pan helps ensure even cooking and makes it easier to remove the finished bread from the pan. You could also opt for disposable aluminum pans which are great for one-time baking projects since they don’t need to be greased before being filled with batter.

No matter which type of pan you choose, make sure it is oven safe so that any residual heat won’t cause it to warp while baking. With this in mind, there are plenty of options available when selecting your perfect pumpkin bread vessel!

Can I Use A Sugar Substitute For The Glaze?

Ah, the age-old dilemma: can you use a sugar substitute for pumpkin bread glaze? A question that has been on my mind since I first decided to try my hand at baking. After all, who doesn’t want to make their own sweet treat with just a few simple swaps and tweaks?

But is it really worth substituting out the sugar when making your glaze? Is it something that will deliver a noticeably different flavor or texture? And even more importantly, does it affect the overall quality of the finished product?

The truth is there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here – and experimentation is key! It may be possible to get away with using some lesser known (or cheaper) substitutes in your glaze without sacrificing too much flavor or texture. However, these ingredients tend to have shorter shelf lives than regular granulated sugar, so keep this in mind if you plan on storing any leftovers. Substitutes like brown rice syrup or honey also add complexity to your flavors – which could make for an interesting take on the classic Starbucks recipe.

At the end of the day, only you know what tastes best – so why not experiment and find out exactly how far you can push those substitution boundaries? Who knows – maybe next time you’ll be able to enjoy even tastier pumpkin bread.

How Long Will The Pumpkin Bread Stay Fresh?

We all know that freshly-baked pumpkin bread tastes much better than stale, old bread. But what if you don’t have the time to make a new batch every day? How long will your pumpkin bread stay fresh and tasty?

The answer – depending on how it is stored – can vary from 3 days up to 10 days. The key factor here is airtightness; without this, moisture escapes quickly and causes the bread to spoil more rapidly. So for optimal shelf life, wrap any leftover portions of your pumpkin bread tightly in aluminium foil or plastic wrap. This should help keep it moist and delicious for longer!

And if you’re feeling extra fancy, why not try freezing individual slices of your homemade pumpkin bread? This way you’ll be able to enjoy its delicious aroma whenever you like – no matter how far away autumn may seem!


I hope this article has given you a better idea of how to make your own delicious pumpkin bread at home. With the right ingredients and instructions, it’s easy to create a tasty treat that will be enjoyed by all!
It’s estimated that over 50 million Americans enjoy some sort of pumpkin-flavored product every fall. From lattes to cookies to pies, everyone seems to have their favorite way of enjoying the taste of pumpkin each year. And now with this recipe for Starbucks-style pumpkin bread, you can join in on the fun too!
My advice is simple: Give it a try – I promise you won’t regret it! Using the right measurements and baking temperature, you’ll end up with an amazing loaf that smells just as good as any bakery purchase. Plus, if stored properly, your homemade pumpkin bread will stay fresh for days – so don’t hesitate to get creative with those leftovers!

Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This recipe for Starbucks Pumpkin Bread is a delicious and easy way to make your favorite Starbucks treat at home. Enjoy this spiced pumpkin bread with your favorite coffee or tea.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1 tsp 1 baking powder

  • 1 tsp 1 ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 ground nutmeg

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 ground ginger

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 vegetable oil

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cups white sugar

  • 2 2 eggs

  • 1 can 1 (15 ounces) pumpkin puree


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9×5 inch loaf pan.
  • Sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and salt; set aside.
  • In a large bowl, beat together the oil, sugar, and eggs. Add the pumpkin and mix until smooth.
  • Gradually stir the sifted ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan.
  • Bake for 45 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.