strawberry bread recipe

Strawberry Bread Recipe

If you’re looking for a tantalizing and unique recipe that will give your taste buds something to savor, look no further than this strawberry bread recipe. With its combination of sweet, tart strawberries and aromatic spices, this dish is sure to please even the most discerning palates. Plus, you have complete control over how much sweetness or spice goes into it – so all power lies in your hands! If you want to impress family and friends with an unforgettable culinary experience, then read on to find out more about this delightful treat.

strawberry bread recipe-enjoy the sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberry bread with your morning cup of coffee or as a delicious snack.
Strawberry Bread Recipe

This strawberry bread is a wonderful way to turn ordinary ingredients into something extraordinary. The soft texture of the dough combined with the juicy burst of fresh berries creates an irresistible harmony of flavors that will leave everyone asking for seconds. Moreover, it can be prepared in just a few simple steps – making it perfect for those busy days when time isn’t on your side. So if you’re looking for a quick yet impressive snack that won’t break the bank, this recipe is definitely worth considering!

Finally, let’s not forget about presentation! This mouth-watering dish looks as good as it tastes; from the glistening red juices dripping off each slice to the golden crust encasing every morsel – Strawberry Bread is guaranteed to draw admiring glances wherever it appears. So don’t wait any longer – unleash your inner chef today and show off your cooking prowess with this amazing recipe!


strawberry bread recipe-enjoy the sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberry bread with your morning cup of coffee or as a delicious snack.
Strawberry Bread Recipe-Enjoy the sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberry bread with your morning cup of coffee or as a delicious snack.

Scrumptious strawberry bread is the perfect treat for any occasion. From brunches to birthdays, baking this delicious delight will surely make a lasting impression. In order to craft a delectable loaf of sweetbread, one must gather flour, sugar and baking soda – the trifecta of success!

Combining these three ingredients forms the foundation for your sugary creation. To complete this process efficiently, it’s important to measure out each component precisely. Too little or too much of an ingredient can cause your cakey confection to crumble in failure. Additionally, you should sift together all dry components through a fine mesh strainer before adding wet elements like eggs and oil. This step ensures that no chunks remain and that everything is evenly distributed throughout the dough mixture.

Finally, once you have incorporated all necessary ingredients into one bowlful batter, it’s time to move on to preparation.


Once you have assembled all necessary ingredients, it’s time to prepare your strawberry bread. The first step in the preparation process is to chop up a pound of fresh strawberries into small pieces. To do this quickly and easily, use a sharp knife or food processor. After chopping, set aside the diced berries until they are ready to be mixed into the batter.

The next step is mixing together the dry ingredients with wet components like eggs and oil. This will create an even consistency throughout the dough mixture that ensures success when baking your sweetbread later on. Start by whisking together flour, sugar, and baking soda in one bowl before slowly adding other liquids little by little as you stir continuously. Once everything is nicely incorporated, add in those chopped strawberries for extra flavor!

Mix all ingredients gently but thoroughly for at least three minutes; longer if needed in order to make sure there are no lumps or clumps left behind. Now you’re ready to move onto the final steps of making scrumptious strawberry bread!

Mixing Steps

Mixing ingredients together is one of the most important steps in baking any type of bread. It’s essential to do it correctly, so that your strawberry bread will turn out as delicious and fluffy as possible! Here are some stirring instructions to help you get started:

  1. Stir all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking soda) until they’re evenly blended.
  2. Slowly add wet components like eggs and oil while continuously mixing.
  3. Incorporate diced strawberries into the mixture with a gentle folding technique.
  4. Blend everything for at least three minutes or longer if needed so there won’t be any lumps left behind.

With these blending techniques, you’ll have a nice batter ready for baking in no time! But before you can start pouring the dough into your loaf pan, let’s take a look at what kind of baking times and temperatures are best suited for this recipe…

Baking Times And Temperatures

Baking temperatures and times are always important when it comes to baking any type of bread. The same is true for strawberry bread, so you’ll need to make sure your oven is preheated to the right temperature before starting. For this recipe, a good medium-high heat setting between 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit should be perfect.

When it comes to baking times, they can vary depending on the size of your loaf pan or if you’re using muffin tins instead. Generally speaking, a standard 9×5 inch loaf will need about 45 minutes in the oven while smaller ones with 6 cups may only take around 30 minutes. To check doneness, insert a toothpick into the center and see if it comes out clean – that means it’s done!

It’s also worth noting that most recipes suggest covering your strawberry bread with aluminum foil after 20 minutes of cooking time, as this helps prevent burning on top but allows the inside to cook through properly. This ensures perfectly fluffy results each time!

Toppings For Strawberry Bread

Toppings are a great way to add flavor and texture to your strawberry bread. Not only do they make it look prettier, but you can also experiment with different ingredients for an even tastier treat. Here’s a list of some topping ideas that will take your bread from ordinary to extraordinary:
1) Strawberry glaze – Simply mix together confectioners’ sugar, milk, and diced strawberries until the mixture is thick enough to drizzle over the top of your loaf or muffins.
2) Icing recipes – Create a sweet icing by combining powdered sugar, heavy cream, and butter until light and fluffy. You could also try adding food coloring for fun color variations!
3) Whipped cream – Top off each slice with fresh whipped cream for an extra special touch. It’ll be sure to impress any guests you might have!
4) Nuts & seeds – Sprinkle crushed nuts or pumpkin seeds on top before baking for added crunch in every bite.
No matter what type of topping you choose, don’t forget to enjoy the delicious results when you pull them out of the oven! With so many creative options available, there’s no limit to how unique your strawberry bread can be. Now that you know all about toppings, let’s move onto storage options…

Storage Options

Storing your freshly baked strawberry bread correctly is essential for keeping it tasting its best. There are several options available, and the right one depends on how quickly you plan to consume it. Here are some tips to help you keep your strawberry bread fresh:

For short-term storage, leave the loaf or muffins in their baking pans until cooled completely. Wrap them tightly with plastic wrap before transferring to an airtight container. This will prevent moisture from escaping, and protect against mold growth. If you’re looking for a longer shelf life, freezing is always an option! Simply place the wrapped strawberry bread into freezer-safe bags and store up to three months in a standard refrigerator freezer.

However you choose to store your delicious creation, remember that there’s nothing like biting into a warm slice of homemade strawberry bread straight out of the oven! Let’s take a look at the nutritional facts next…

Nutritional Facts

strawberry bread recipe-enjoy the sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberry bread with your morning cup of coffee or as a delicious snack.
Strawberry Bread Recipe

Strawberry bread is a treat that can be enjoyed any time of day, but what about its nutritional value? Can this sweet indulgence fit into your diet without feeling guilty? The answer is yes! Strawberry bread has surprisingly low calorie content for such an irresistible snack. Let’s break down the nutritional facts to learn more.

First off, one slice of strawberry bread contains approximately 160 calories. It also packs in 8g of fat and 22g carbohydrates per serving, making it a great source of energy-boosting fuel. As far as vitamins and minerals go, you’ll get 2% daily recommended values (DRV) for both vitamin A and calcium from just one piece of tasty strawberry bread. Plus, each loaf contains 19% DRV of iron – so if you’re looking for an extra boost, consider adding some fresh strawberries on top when baking!

Though subtle in flavor compared to other traditional desserts like cakes or cookies, homemade strawberry bread still satisfies our cravings with minimal guilt attached. From the protein-packed nuts tucked inside to the bright flavors provided by real strawberries, every bite provides us with a delicious way to fulfill our dietary needs while keeping things healthy at the same time.

Variations Of The Recipe

If you’re looking for a way to switch up your strawberry bread recipe, try adding some unique flavors and ingredients. For example, why not combine fresh banana slices with strawberries for a delicious take on the classic? Or if you’d like something more zesty, add grated lemon peel and diced strawberries – it’s sure to give your loaf an extra burst of flavor! You could also opt for a raspberry-coconut combo that will provide a sweet and nutty mix. No matter which variation you choose to make, all are guaranteed to be packed with nutrition as well as flavor.

When experimenting with new ingredients in baking, there is always the risk of ruining the texture or taste of the final product. This can easily be avoided by sticking to recipes you know work while making small changes here and there. Be sure to measure everything accurately so that your bread comes out perfectly every time. Additionally, use quality ingredients such as organic fruit whenever possible – this helps ensure the best outcome when trying different combinations of fruits and nuts.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create delicious variations of strawberry bread for yourself and loved ones alike!

Tips For Making Perfect Strawberry Bread

Creating the perfect strawberry bread requires more than just a recipe – it takes patience, skill and dedication. To achieve the best results, start by sourcing quality ingredients such as fresh organic strawberries. Once you have all of your materials at hand, take time to properly measure each item for accuracy. This is key in ensuring that everything comes together correctly when baking. Furthermore, read through the instructions carefully before beginning so that you can familiarize yourself with what needs to be done.

It’s also important to consider temperature control while making strawberry bread. When preheating your oven, make sure the thermometer reaches 350 degrees Fahrenheit (or 175 Celsius). Additionally, use an inserted cake tester or toothpick to check if your loaf has cooked through completely before taking it out of the oven – this will help prevent under-baked dough from ruining texture and flavor. Lastly, allow sufficient cooling time once the loaf is removed from heat; this ensures that all pieces come out perfectly moist and delicious!

By following these tips and techniques, anyone can become master bakers in their own right – capable of crafting scrumptious strawberry bread every single time!

Flavor Combinations To Try

It’s time to get creative in the kitchen! With strawberry bread, there are countless flavor combinations and recipes to explore. For instance, an easy way to add a twist is by combining strawberries with bananas for a unique sweetness – perfect for those who love banana bread but want something different. Additionally, honey and strawberries can be combined for a more natural, earthy taste; the subtle hint of honey compliments the tartness of the berries wonderfully. Lastly, if you’re looking for something truly indulgent, try adding some vanilla extract into your batter. This adds a creamy complexity that pairs perfectly with sweet fruit flavors.

No matter which combination you choose to use, these ingredients work together to create unforgettable tastes that will leave everyone begging for seconds! So don’t be afraid to experiment – have fun creating delicious masterpieces out of ordinary ingredients!

Substitutions And Additions To The Recipe

Making an amazing strawberry bread doesn’t have to be a one-dimensional process; it’s possible to switch up the recipe, making it your own. Here are some great substitutions and additions that can take this classic dish to the next level:
1) If you don’t want to use strawberries as the primary ingredient, there are plenty of alternatives such as blueberries, raspberries or even blackberries – all of which will add their unique flavor profiles.
2) To give your bread a more interesting texture, try adding nuts like walnuts, pecans or almonds for crunchy bites in between soft slices.
3) And lastly, if you’re looking to really amp up the sweetness factor – consider incorporating chocolate chips into your batter!
These variations can help breathe new life into your favorite recipes while still maintaining its essence. Not only do they make delicious results but also offer a way for creative cooks to express themselves through baking. With these substitutions and additions at hand, you’ll never run out of ways to enjoy strawberry bread!

Best Types Of Strawberries To Use

Have you ever wondered which type of strawberry is the best to use for your homemade bread? With all the options out there, it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, we have put together a guide on some of the most popular strawberry varieties that work great in baking recipes!

When choosing strawberries for baking, you want ones that are sweet and flavorful. The best types of strawberries for this purpose include Cavendish, Albion, and Chandler. These varieties tend to have higher sugar content than other types, making them ideal for adding extra sweetness to any dish. They also hold their shape well when baked – so they don’t turn into mushy messes! For something with a more tart flavor profile, try using Seascape or Camarosa berries instead.

No matter what kind of strawberry you choose, make sure they’re ripe before adding them to your recipe. Ripe berries will bring out the maximum amount of flavor in your final product – plus they’ll look much better too! By taking these tips into consideration, you can ensure that your bread comes out perfectly every time.

Tools Needed For Preparing The Dish

Now that you’ve chosen the type of strawberry to use, it’s time to get all the tools and ingredients necessary for making your delicious bread. Before you start, make sure you have a mixing bowl large enough to hold all your dry ingredients together; this will help ensure an even distribution in your batter. Having a set of measuring cups on hand is also essential – both for accurately measuring out quantities and for scooping strawberries into the mix. Finally, remember to grease up a baking pan before pouring in the dough – otherwise, your bread might stick! With these items ready to go, you’ll be able to easily prepare your dish with confidence.

Serving Suggestions

With the preparation out of the way, it’s time to think about how you’re going to serve this delicious strawberry bread. The beauty of this dish is that there are so many possibilities! To start with, you can cut up a few slices and enjoy them as-is for breakfast or an afternoon snack. If you’re feeling more adventurous, why not try using your freshly baked loaf in some creative recipes? You could use it as part of a fruit salad, top off ice cream sundaes with pieces of your bread, or even make a glaze with fresh strawberries for extra sweetness. No matter what option you choose, rest assured that your strawberry bread will be sure to please any crowd!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When it comes to baking, issues can arise from time to time. Fortunately, when it comes to strawberry bread, there are a few easy troubleshooting steps you can take to make sure your loaf turns out perfectly every single time. Here’s an overview of some common problems and how to fix them quickly and easily.

The first issue is that the bread may not rise properly during baking. If this happens, check that you’ve used the right amount of yeast in your recipe – too much or too little could cause the dough not to rise correctly. Additionally, if you’ve left the dough for too long before baking it, it will also fail to rise as expected. To avoid either situation, make sure you measure out the correct amounts of ingredients and give yourself plenty of time for proofing.

Another common problem is that the strawberries may bleed into the bread mix while baking which could cause uneven texture throughout your loaf. To prevent this from happening, make sure you coat any fresh fruit with flour before adding it into the mix – this helps keep all of its juices at bay! Also ensure that you’re using only ripe but slightly firm strawberries so they don’t become overly soft in the oven – doing so will go a long way towards avoiding messy results on bake day.

Finally, if your strawberry bread has come out dense instead of light and fluffy even after following all these tips then consider reducing your baking temperature by 25°C/77°F and extending your bake time slightly – this should help improve its overall texture nicely without compromising taste or flavour!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible To Make This Recipe Vegan Or Gluten-Free?

Baking a delicious strawberry bread recipe can be seen as an act of power and creativity. While it may seem daunting to make such a treat vegan or gluten-free, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this type of fruit-based sweet without compromising the flavor! Here is how you can try:

1) Use almond flour instead of all-purpose wheat flour in your recipe for a tasty and gluten free result.
2) Replace eggs with chia seeds soaked in water for binding, creating a vegan-friendly alternative.
3) Experiment with different dairy substitutes that will bring out the sweetness of the strawberries like coconut yogurt or oat milk.

These options offer creative solutions when baking something yummy and special while still keeping it healthy and suitable for those on vegan or gluten-free diets. It’s also important to note that depending on what ingredients you use, some adjustments might need to be made along the way – but don’t let yourself get discouraged by any bumps in the road! With just a little bit of experimentation, anyone can create something unique and exciting from their kitchen that tastes great too. All it takes is some courage and willingness to experiment – so go ahead, have fun with it!

How Do I Store This Bread For The Longest Shelf Life?

When it comes to food storage, shelf life is of utmost importance. This begs the question: How do I store this bread for the longest shelf life? The answer may surprise you! With a few simple tricks and tips, you can extend your strawberry bread’s freshness far beyond what you might expect.

First off, let’s get one thing straight – in order to maximize the shelf life of any type of bread, it needs to be stored properly. For strawberry bread specifically, that means keeping it away from direct sunlight or heat sources and storing it in an airtight container. You’ll also want to make sure there is no moisture present as this will cause molding and spoilage quickly.

In addition to proper storage techniques, some other helpful tips include consuming the bread within 24 hours after baking or freezing slices for future consumption if needed. These are great ways to ensure that your strawberry bread stays both delicious and safe for longer periods of time. Plus they’re super easy too!

Ultimately, with these effective strategies at your disposal, you don’t have to worry about wasting those precious loaves due to poor storage practices anymore – so go ahead and enjoy them while they last!

What Other Types Of Fruits Can I Use In This Recipe?

Did you know that the average American spends over $150 on bread products each year? And when it comes to fruit-breads, banana-bread is leading the way in terms of popularity. But if you’re looking for something a little different than your typical banana-bread recipe, why not try adding other fruits into your mix? That’s right – raspberry-bread and strawberry-bread recipes are gaining momentum as tasteful alternatives to traditional baked goods.

If you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen and want to make an out-of-the box loaf, there are plenty of options available. The great thing about these types of specialty loaves is that they can be just as much fun to make as they are delicious to eat! Whether you opt for tart raspberries or sweet strawberries, incorporating additional flavors makes for a unique twist on classic quick bread recipes.

When it comes time to bake up your own fruity creation, keep in mind that baking times may vary depending on the ingredients used. Prepping ahead by measuring out all necessary components will help ensure success with minimal frustration. Plus, making extra batches allows for experimentation with different combinations so everyone can find their favorite flavor combination! So what are you waiting for? Get creative and start whipping up some yummy fruit-filled bread today!

Is There A Way To Make This Recipe Lower In Sugar?

Are you curious about how to make a delicious strawberry bread recipe with less sugar? There are plenty of ways to reduce sweetness without sacrificing flavor. You can use low-sugar substitutes or other techniques to create something that’s just as tasty but not as sugary.

First, let’s look at some options for replacing the sugar in your recipe. Low-sugar alternatives like agave nectar, honey, and maple syrup provide sweetness without the added calories from refined sugars. Additionally, fruit purées such as applesauce can be used to replace some or all of the sugar while adding moisture and texture.

Finally, if you’re still wanting to reduce the amount of sweetness even further, there are other tricks you can try. For instance, try reducing the amount of brown sugar and substituting it with spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Also consider adjusting the flavoring elements by increasing vanilla extract or lemon juice for a zesty kick!

No matter what route you take when making this strawberry bread recipe lower in sugar, remember that experimentation is key until you find an approach that works best for your tastes!

What Are Some Other Flavor Combinations I Can Try?

Tempt your taste buds with creative flavors! If you’re looking to switch up the traditional strawberry bread recipe, why not explore some other flavor combinations for a unique twist? From apple-cinnamon to banana-nut and lemon-blueberry, there are endless possibilities when it comes to spicing up this classic dish. Here’s how you can make your next batch of strawberry bread truly stand out:

First, let go of conventional thinking and embrace experimentation. Try combining fruits that complement each other in both color and flavor – like apples and cinnamon or bananas and nuts – so every bite is as visually appealing as it is delicious. Utilizing different ingredients will create a dynamic blend of aromas and textures that will tantalize your palate.

Second, think outside the box by adding extra elements into the mix. Consider incorporating spices such as cardamom or ginger for an exotic hint of sweetness; or perhaps try crunchy granola clusters for a touch of added texture. You could even try drizzling melted white chocolate over the top before baking for an indulgent finish!

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your ingredient selection – just remember to keep things balanced for maximum tastiness! Here are four tips on how to create interesting pairs:

  • Look at similar ingredients from different categories (e.g., fruit + nut)
  • Play around with contrasting flavors (e.g., sweet + salty)
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with herbs & spices (e.g., mint + basil)
  • Keep it simple but flavorful (e.g., lemon zest + blueberries).

By following these guidelines, you’ll have no problem crafting recipes that pack a powerful punch of flavor – giving you full control over what goes into each masterpiece! So don’t wait any longer – start experimenting today and find out which combination works best for you!


It’s clear that this strawberry bread recipe is incredibly versatile. Whether you’re looking to make it vegan, gluten-free, or lower in sugar, there are plenty of ways to customize it. And with so many flavor combinations available, there’s something for everyone! But the real question is: does it taste as good as it looks? After experimenting with a few different variations and tweaks, I’m happy to report that the answer is an emphatic yes! The strawberry bread was moist and flavorful – not overly sweet but just right. Everyone who tasted it agreed that this recipe is a winner. So if you’ve been wondering what to do with those fresh strawberries from your garden or farmer’s market, give this easy-to-make bread a try. You won’t regret it!

Strawberry Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This delicious Strawberry Bread is a great way to enjoy a classic favorite with an added twist. It is a moist, sweet, and flavorful bread that is sure to become a favorite.


  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 all-purpose flour

  • 1 tsp 1 baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 salt

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 ground cinnamon

  • 1 cup 1 granulated sugar

  • 2 2 eggs

  • 3/4 cup 3/4 vegetable oil

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 sour cream

  • 1 tsp 1 vanilla extract

  • 1 1/2 cup 1 1/2 diced fresh strawberries


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan with cooking spray.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
  • In a large bowl, beat together the sugar, eggs, oil, sour cream, and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, stirring until combined.
  • Gently fold in the diced strawberries.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for 55-60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.