taco spaghetti recipe

Taco Spaghetti Recipe

Have you ever had one of those days when everything just seems to come together perfectly? Well, that’s exactly what happened the other day when I was attempting a new recipe. After searching through my pantry, I realized that I had all the ingredients necessary for something special – taco spaghetti!

I’m sure many of us have grown up with tacos as part of our dinner rotation and pasta is always a crowd pleaser. Combining these two dishes created an interesting flavor profile full of possibilities. With a few simple steps, this delicious meal can be on your table in no time at all!

If you’re looking for a tasty way to spice up your weeknight dinner routine, then look no further than this amazing taco spaghetti recipe. It has all the flavors you love from both Mexican and Italian cuisine combined into one dish, making it perfect for everyone in the family. Let’s get cooking!

Origin Of The Dish

taco spaghetti recipe-try this taco spaghetti recipe now for a delicious, quick and easy meal.
Taco Spaghetti Recipe-All Recipes Now-Taco Spaghetti, Taco, Spaghetti, Pasta

When it comes to Mexican-Italian fusion, there’s nothing quite like taco spaghetti. This Tex-Mex dish is a staple in many households, and has a history that dates back generations. It combines the Italian classic of spaghetti with Mexican ingredients, creating something unique and delicious.

The origins of this dish are unclear; some say it was invented by a grandmother who wanted to make her pasta dishes more interesting for her grandkids. Others claim it first appeared as an appetizer on a restaurant menu in Texas during the 1950s. No matter where or when it originated from, its popularity remains strong today!

Taco spaghetti offers up all the flavors you’d expect from both cultures’ cuisines – tomatoes, peppers, cheese, spices and herbs – but with one simple twist: the addition of ground beef or turkey. The result? A hearty meal packed full of flavor that your whole family will love.

In short, taco spaghetti is a great way to combine two culinary traditions into one tasty dish!

Overview Of Ingredients

taco spaghetti recipe-try this taco spaghetti recipe now for a delicious, quick and easy meal.
Taco Spaghetti Recipe-All Recipes Now-Taco Spaghetti, Taco, Spaghetti, Pasta

Taco spaghetti is the perfect way to bring a bit of Tex-Mex flavor into your kitchen. With just a few simple ingredients, you can make this delicious dish in no time! According to an analysis from Statista, taco spaghetti is one of the top 5 most popular Mexican/Italian fusion dishes in America today.

At its core, taco spaghetti consists of three main components: spaghetti noodles, ground beef (or turkey), and taco seasoning. The pasta is cooked according to package instructions – usually boiled for around 10 minutes – while the meat is browned with onion and garlic before being combined with the seasonings. Once everything has been brought together, it’s ready to be served!

Finally, you can add any toppings or sides that you like; cheese, sour cream, guacamole, cilantro and hot sauce are all great options. However you serve it up, taco spaghetti promises to please even the pickiest eater in your family!

Tools And Utensils Needed

Now that you know the ingredients, let’s make sure you have all the necessary tools and utensils to prepare your taco spaghetti. You’ll need a few basics like a pot or pan for boiling the noodles, an oven-safe baking dish, and of course some serving dishes if you decide on any toppings or sides. But there are also some specific items that will come in handy when it comes to cooking this particular dish!

First up: taco spoons. These specially designed spoons are great for scooping out ground beef from its container and easily transferring it into a skillet for browning. And since they typically have longer handles than regular spoons – making them easier to reach further down into deep containers – they’re perfect for stirring around spices and seasonings during the meat preparation process too.

Spaghetti tongs can be incredibly helpful as well; not only do they allow you to safely handle hot pasta without burning yourself (or dropping it!), but with their “v” shaped ends they can also grip onto individual strands so that each portion is served perfectly cooked every time. Finally, having multiple sizes of baking pans on hand ensures that no matter what size recipe you’re working with, everything fits nicely into one vessel before going in the oven!

Steps For Preparing The Ground Beef Filling

Time to start cooking the ground beef filling that will make up our taco spaghetti! This is where having those tacos spoons and spaghetti tongs we mentioned earlier really come in handy. Let’s get ready to roll up our sleeves, open up some spice bottles, and create a delicious combination of flavors like never before.

First things first: browning the ground beef. Heat your skillet on medium-high heat and add in a tablespoon of oil. Once it starts to shimmer, throw in your ground beef – use your spoon or tongs break it into smaller pieces if needed – and stir frequently until evenly browned. Now comes the fun part; sprinkle in whatever spices you’d like (taco seasoning works great here) as well as any vegetables or ingredients such as onions, garlic, bell peppers, etc., stirring continuously so they’re all equally coated with flavor. Finally, pour in half a cup of water or broth to help everything simmer together for about 10 minutes.

And just like that – voila! You have yourself a tasty base for your taco spaghetti dish that is sure to impress even the pickiest eaters out there. Onwards to making the sauce!

Directions For Making The Spaghetti Sauce

Now that we have our delicious ground beef filling, let’s move on to making the spaghetti sauce. Making your own homemade sauce might sound intimidating at first, but trust me – it’s a lot easier than you think! All you need is some tomato paste and water or broth (depending on how thick you want it), as well as seasonings for added flavor.

Start by heating up a tablespoon of oil in a pot over medium heat. Once it starts to shimmer, add in the tomato paste and stir until everything is evenly combined. Now comes the fun part: get creative with what spices and herbs you’d like to add in; from oregano and basil to cumin and chili powder, there are endless possibilities when it comes to flavoring up this tasty concoction. Finally, pour in half a cup of water or broth – whichever you prefer- stirring continuously until all ingredients are fully blended together before bringing it down to low heat so everything can simmer nicely together for about 10 minutes.

At this point, if everything looks good then congratulations! You now have yourself an amazing flavorful pasta sauce that will put any store-bought jarred version out there to shame. Let’s move on to tips for getting that perfect consistency while simmering the sauce.

Tips For Simmering The Sauce

Simmering the sauce is a delicate process that requires patience and finesse. Much like learning to waltz, it takes two for this dance of deliciousness – in this case, the tomato paste and your liquid component (broth or water). Achieving just the right consistency can be tricky but with these simple tips you’ll soon discover how easy it is!

First off, always remember to keep stirring while simmering – it’s important that all ingredients are evenly combined so nothing sticks to the bottom of the pot. Secondly, don’t rush – an overly-long cooking time will result in a burned taste whereas too short means you won’t get that desired thickness. The key here is to find that sweet spot in between where your sauce comes out perfectly smooth yet still has enough body for coating your noodles.

Lastly, pay attention to temperature control as well; if things start getting too hot then reduce heat accordingly and make sure not to let your sauce boil at any point either. With these three tips in mind, you’re now ready to masterfully create the perfect spaghetti sauce every single time!

Assembly Instructions

Now that you’ve mastered the art of sauce simmering, it’s time to start assembling this delicious taco spaghetti! Gathering instructions may seem daunting at first but with a few simple steps, you’ll be able to put all the pieces together before baking.

First off, preheat your oven and prepare your pasta according to package directions – make sure not to overcook here as al dente is best for achieving those desired textures. Once done, drain the noodles and set aside in a large bowl. Now go ahead and grab your pre-made tomato sauce from earlier; pour this over the cooked noodles along with any additional ingredients (like seasonings) if desired. Using a spoon or spatula, mix everything until well combined then transfer into an oven-safe dish.

Finally top things off with shredded cheese and other toppings like diced onions or peppers – feel free to get creative here as there are no wrong answers when it comes to garnishing these delicious tacos! All that’s left now is putting them in the oven and getting ready for some tasty goodness.

Baking Guidelines

Now that everything is set, it’s time to get baking! Before you do anything else, make sure your oven has been preheated to 350°F – this will ensure the cheese and other toppings melt uniformly. Once done, carefully place the taco spaghetti dish in the oven and let cook for about 25-30 minutes or until golden brown on top. When finished baking, remove from the oven using a pair of heat-safe gloves and transfer onto a cooling rack; be careful here as the pan will still be hot even after taking out of the oven.

It’s also important to note which type of baking pan you use matters when it comes to cooking times – metal pans tend to conduct heat better than glass so if you’re looking for faster results then consider switching up your materials accordingly. Lastly, don’t forget to check on things every now and again while they bake just to make sure nothing is burning.

With all these guidelines followed, your delicious taco spaghetti should come out perfectly cooked with an irresistible cheesy topping everyone can enjoy. Let’s move onto discussing serving suggestions next!

Serving Suggestions

Now that your taco spaghetti is out of the oven and ready to be served, let’s take a look at some tasty ways you can enjoy this dish. From dipping sauces to side salads, here are four creative serving ideas for your next taco night:

1) Try serving it with homemade salsa or guacamole for added flavor and texture – these dips will perfectly compliment the creamy cheese topping, giving each bite an extra punch of freshness.

2) If you’re looking to add some crunch, try sprinkling a few crushed tortilla chips on top before digging in; not only will they offer a delightful contrast against the soft pasta but also make for great dipping vehicles too!

3) For something lighter, serve up a refreshing side salad made with lettuce, tomatoes and other vegetables alongside your meal. This way everyone can still get their daily dose of greens without feeling like they’ve overindulged.

4) Finally, don’t forget about garnishes! Fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley work wonders when sprinkled atop dishes like this one and really bring out all those delicious flavors.

No matter how you choose to present it, we hope you’ll find yourself savoring every last bite of this cheesy goodness! Let’s now turn our attention towards exploring its nutritional profile.

Nutritional Profile

When it comes to nutrition, taco spaghetti definitely packs a punch! This hearty dish is filled with all the classic ingredients of tacos – cheese, ground beef, and spices – plus one more: pasta. But how does this beloved comfort food stack up in terms of calories and fat content? Let’s take a closer look.

First off, just half a cup of cooked taco spaghetti provides about 180 calories. That number rises slightly when you add any additional toppings like sour cream or extra cheese. In terms of fat content, there are 8 grams per serving; however that figure can increase significantly if you opt for higher-fat options such as full-fat cheese or bacon bits.

But don’t let these numbers deter you from enjoying your favorite meal – after all, it’s important to remember moderation is key when it comes to dieting! And while we’re on the topic of dieting, why not explore some variations and substitutions that’ll help keep your waistline trim without compromising on taste?

Variations And Substitutions

taco spaghetti recipe-try this taco spaghetti recipe now for a delicious, quick and easy meal.
Taco Spaghetti Recipe-All Recipes Now-Taco Spaghetti, Taco, Spaghetti, Pasta

Taco spaghetti is one of those dishes that’s so delicious, it almost defies logic – and fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make it even better. If you’re looking for a healthier version of this classic meal, consider experimenting with some substitutions or variations! For vegetarians, try swapping out the ground beef for plant-based crumbles or extra diced vegetables like bell peppers and mushrooms. Vegans can easily leave off the cheese and sour cream toppings in favor of vegan options. And if you have any dietary restrictions involving dairy, there are lots of tasty dairy-free cheeses on the market these days.

No matter what type of diet you follow, taco spaghetti can be tailored to fit your needs without sacrificing flavor. Plus, with all the different topping choices available (from guacamole to salsa), you’ll never get bored of this hearty dish. So go ahead and experiment – after all, when it comes to tacos and spaghetti combined into one amazing entree…the possibilities are truly endless!

Storing And Reheating Information

Once you’ve made your delicious taco spaghetti, it’s time to think about storage and reheating! Leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for up to four days before they should be thrown out. When storing leftovers, make sure that they are stored in an airtight container or plastic wrap; this will help keep them fresher for a longer period of time.

When reheating your taco spaghetti leftovers, the best way is either on the stovetop or in the microwave. If using the stovetop method, heat over low heat until warmed through – stirring often so that everything heats evenly without burning. For microwaving, put individual servings into separate containers and cover with lids or damp paper towels before heating for one minute at a time (or more if needed) until warm throughout.

No matter how you choose to store and reheat your taco spaghetti leftovers, it’ll always taste just as good as when it was first cooked! Now let’s look at some troubleshooting tips that may come in handy if something goes wrong during preparation…

Troubleshooting Tips

When cooking any dish, it’s important to be aware of potential problems that could arise. Luckily with taco spaghetti, troubleshooting is relatively straightforward! If you’re having difficulty getting your sauce consistency right, remember to stir the pot frequently while simmering and adjust the heat level accordingly. Additionally, if desired flavors are lacking in your dish consider adding extra seasonings or spices as needed – a pinch of cumin or chili powder can go a long way!

If all else fails, don’t panic; simply use one of these simple cooking techniques to help get things back on track: add a little water or broth for thinning out sauces; whisk up a slurry from cornstarch and cold water for thickening; or even just add some butter for flavor and texture. With just a few minor adjustments here and there, you should have no problem mastering this delicious dish in no time!

Now let’s explore some other recipes related to taco spaghetti…

Related Recipes

As someone who loves tacos and spaghetti, I am always looking for ways to combine the two dishes into something new. One of my favorites is Mexican lasagna – layers of corn tortillas filled with a savory beef filling, smothered in cheese and salsa. It’s one of those recipes that never fails to satisfy! Another classic combination is taco macaroni – elbow noodles mixed with ground beef or turkey, diced tomatoes, and spices, then topped with melted cheddar cheese. And if you’re feeling adventurous why not try making your own beef enchiladas? With just a few simple ingredients like shredded beef, chopped onions, peppers, tomato sauce and cheese rolled up in flour tortillas this dish is sure to become a family favorite. No matter which recipe you choose it’s guaranteed to be delicious! Plus they all have that unmistakable mix of flavors from both Italian cuisine as well as traditional Mexican fare – truly an amazing blend of cultures.

Cultural Significance

When it comes to the cultural significance of taco spaghetti, there’s no denying that this dish is a classic mix of two beloved cuisines: Mexican and Italian. This fusion creates something special that tantalizes taste buds around the world. The combination of flavors, textures, and ingredients from both cultures gives us an incredible experience when we eat it! Here are some key points about why this unique recipe is so culturally significant:

  • Taco-spaghetti brings together two distinct yet complementary cuisines – Mexican and Italian – in one delicious meal.
  • It celebrates the culinary diversity found throughout Mexico by incorporating traditional elements like tacos and enchiladas with recipes from Italy such as lasagna and macaroni.
  • By combining these two cuisines, people can create meals full of flavor, texture, and variety without feeling limited to just one type of food.
  • Not only does taco-spaghetti provide an exciting gastronomic adventure but also offers a chance to explore different cultures through their cuisine.

The popularity of this dish shows how much people enjoy learning about other cultures while still being able to stay true to their own preferences for food. In addition to providing great flavor combinations, taco-spaghetti allows us to connect with our friends and family across borders simply by sharing a plate full of deliciousness! Who wouldn’t want to try out this tasty invention?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type Of Meat Should I Use In The Taco Spaghetti Recipe?

Have you ever been stuck with the question of what type of meat to use for a dish? It can be tricky, especially when making something like spaghetti. You want to make sure it’s flavorful but not overpowering and that it pairs well with the other ingredients in your recipe.

When it comes to picking out which type of meat is best for taco spaghetti, you have three great options: ground beef, turkey mince or chorizo sausage. Each one has its benefits and drawbacks so let’s take a closer look at each one. Ground beef has a classic taste that many people enjoy and tends to go well with sauces used in pasta dishes. The downside is that if you don’t cook it properly, there may be an unpleasant texture left behind. Turkey mince on the other hand is leaner than the beef option, meaning it’ll add flavor without all the fat content. However depending on how much seasoning you choose to put into your dish, this could end up tasting too bland or uninteresting. Chorizo sausage adds lots of spice and flavor as well as color to your meal; however if you’re not careful with portion size it can become overwhelming very quickly!

No matter which option you decide on though, just remember that they are all delicious choices and will bring a unique twist to any tacos-spaghetti combination! With some trial and error, experimenting with different types of meats until you find the perfect balance (not too spicy nor too plain) for your recipe should help narrow down your decision significantly!.

How Long Should I Simmer The Spaghetti Sauce?

When it comes to cooking spaghetti sauce, timing is essential. The simmering process can be like a delicate dance: if you take too long or not long enough, the dish won’t taste as good as it should. So when tackling that taco spaghetti recipe and wondering how long should I simmer the spaghetti sauce – here are some tips to help make sure your pasta is cooked just right!

First off, let’s talk about what simmering actually means. Simmering involves keeping liquid at a temperature just below boiling point for an extended period of time – usually between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on the recipe. Doing this helps bring out all the flavors in the ingredients used within the sauce so that each bite tastes amazing.

Now onto the specifics of cooking time for spaghetti sauce:

1) Start by bringing your ingredients to boil for around 3-4 minutes before reducing heat and allowing to simmer over low-medium heat.
2) If you’re using fresh tomatoes, then cook them until they become soft which will generally take 8-10 mins.
3) Precooked canned tomatoes don’t need more than 15 minutes of simmering while thicker sauces may require up to an hour or two of gentle bubbling action.
4) For extra flavor add herbs such as oregano or basil during last 10 minutes of cooking time; these will give your sauce a delicious depth.

With all these pointers in mind, making sure you get your desired level of flavor from your spaghetti sauce doesn’t have to be hard work with a bit of practice and patience! You’ll soon find yourself creating scrumptious dishes every single time without even thinking twice about how much time you’ve spent simmering pasta sauce.

Is There An Alternative To Baking The Taco Spaghetti?

Have you ever cooked something so delicious but were too intimidated to try baking it? If that’s the case, don’t worry – there are alternatives to baking your taco spaghetti! An instant pot, stovetop or slow-cooker can all be used instead.

The great thing about using an instant pot is that it provides a one-pot solution for making tacos and spaghetti together without having to use multiple pots on the stove. You can also set timers for each step of the process, allowing you to multitask while cooking your meal. Plus, with an instant pot, you have more control over how much liquid is in the dish which can help prevent overcooking.

If you don’t have an instant pot though, fear not – a stovetop or slow cooker will work just as well! Stovetops offer greater temperature control than an instant pot does, so if you want precision when cooking this dish then this might be the best option for you. For those who like convenience and ease of cleanup however, a slow cooker may be better suited; just add all of your ingredients into the slow cooker in the morning (or even overnight!) and let it do its magic until dinner time rolls around!

No matter which method you choose though, I’m sure your taco spaghetti will turn out delicious every single time. So go ahead and give it a try – I guarantee it’ll satisfy even the pickiest eaters!

Is This Recipe Suitable For A Vegetarian?

Vegetarianism has been on the rise lately, with more and more people looking for alternative recipes to meet their dietary needs. So if you’re a vegetarian who loves tacos but wants to try something new – this recipe is definitely for you! From broccoli taco cups to vegan spaghetti bolognese, there are so many incredible options available that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

But let’s get back to our delicious taco spaghetti recipe: Is it suitable for vegetarians? Absolutely! With just a few simple substitutions, anyone can enjoy this tasty dish without compromising their beliefs or lifestyle. Here’s what you need to make sure your taco spaghetti is 100% vegetarian-friendly:

1) Use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.
2) Replace ground beef with crumbled tofu or tempeh.
3) Swap out sour cream for cashew cream or dairy-free yogurt.

These swaps may seem like small changes, but they’ll make all the difference in making your taco spaghetti completely vegetarian-friendly. Not only that, but these ingredients add tons of flavor and texture to the dish too! Plus, any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container and enjoyed later on – perfect for busy weeknights when time is limited!

So don’t miss out on this amazing meal just because you have dietary restrictions; with just a few tweaks here and there, everyone can enjoy some delicious taco spaghetti!

Is There A Way To Make The Taco Spaghetti Recipe Healthier?

Do you have a craving for something tasty but want to stay healthy? You’re in luck, because there are ways to make delicious tacos using spaghetti that will keep you on track with your health goals. Wondering how to make the taco spaghetti recipe healthier? Read on!

One of the easiest changes one can make is substituting low-fat ingredients when making the taco spaghetti recipe. For example, opt for low-fat cheese or sour cream instead of full fat varieties. Additionally, you may use lean ground beef and swap it out for regular ground beef. Making these small swaps can add up over time and help reduce calories without sacrificing flavor.

Whole wheat noodles are another great way to boost nutrition while still enjoying your favorite meals. They’re packed with fiber which helps promote digestion as well as long term heart health. Opting for whole wheat pasta also cuts back on carbs and adds more protein into this dish – perfect if you’re trying to build muscle mass or just maintain weight loss. Plus, they taste pretty much the same so you won’t be disappointed by skimping on quality!

Making simple ingredient adjustments like these will ensure that you don’t sacrifice flavor or nutrition when cooking up a storm at home. So next time you’re looking for an easy meal idea, why not try out this modified version of the classic taco spaghetti recipe? Your taste buds and waistline will thank you!


I hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about how to make a delicious taco spaghetti recipe! This dish is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. Not only is it easy to put together, but it’s also full of flavor and nutrition too.

To make the most out this tasty meal, I suggest using lean meat such as chicken or turkey in the sauce for added protein. Simmering the sauce for 30 minutes will help bring out all the flavors and aromas of the spices used in the recipe. If baking isn’t an option, you can always just reheat everything on the stovetop instead.

For vegetarians, there are plenty of alternatives available that still taste great. For example, you could substitute black beans or lentils for ground beef in order to maintain a similar texture and flavor profile. Additionally, incorporating fresh vegetables into the dish will add even more nutrition while keeping things light and healthy. According to recent studies, consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables each day can significantly reduce risk of chronic diseases like heart disease1–so why not load up your taco spaghetti?

Taco Spaghetti Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: PastaDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This Taco Spaghetti Recipe is an easy and delicious way to turn your favorite Mexican flavors into an Italian classic! This dish is packed with flavor, and it only takes 30 minutes to make.


  • 1 lb 1 lean ground beef

  • 1/2 1/2 onion, diced

  • 1 1 bell pepper, diced

  • 1 tbsp 1 chili powder

  • 1 tsp 1 cumin

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 oregano

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 black pepper

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 salt

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 red pepper flakes

  • 1 1 (15 oz) can tomato sauce

  • 1 1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes

  • 1 1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce

  • 1 1 (8 oz) package spaghetti

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 shredded cheddar cheese


  • In a large skillet, cook the ground beef, onion, and bell pepper over medium heat until beef is no longer pink.
  • Add in the chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, oregano, black pepper, salt, and red pepper flakes. Stir until combined.
  • Add in the tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, and tomato sauce. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti according to the package instructions.
  • Once the spaghetti is cooked, drain and add it to the beef mixture. Stir until combined.
  • Serve the taco spaghetti with the shredded cheese. Enjoy!