vegan bread recipe

Vegan Bread Recipe

Bread is an essential part of many diets around the world, and veganism has grown in popularity as more people become aware of its health benefits. A vegan bread recipe that can be whipped up quickly with accessible ingredients can provide a nutritious meal for many individuals. This article will discuss a simple yet delicious vegan bread recipe that anyone can make.

The first step to making this recipe is gathering all necessary ingredients. The main ingredient needed for this vegan bread recipe is vital wheat gluten flour, which provides structure and density to the final product. Other important ingredients include fresh yeast, sugar, water, salt, olive oil and any desired herbs or spices. Once all the necessary components are gathered the next step is mixing them together into dough.

Once mixed together properly the dough should be kneaded until it forms a smooth elastic ball that feels slightly sticky to touch. After kneading the dough needs to be left to rise before baking it in preheated oven at 220°C (428°F). Upon completion of these steps one should have a freshly baked loaf of vegan-friendly bread ready to enjoy! In conclusion, this article provided information about making homemade vegan bread following an easy-to-follow recipe.


vegan bread recipe-enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.
Vegan Bread recipe-Enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.

This vegan bread recipe calls for common ingredients to create a delectable, plant-based treat. The primary components are vegan flour, plant-based milk, and baking powder. These items can be found in most grocery stores or health food markets. To begin the creation process of this delicious dish, one should collect and measure out all necessary ingredients.

The main ingredient is vegan flour; various types of these flours exist including white spelt flour, whole wheat pastry flour, oat flour, almond meal/flour or chickpea flour. It’s important to select the correct type of vegan flour as it will affect the texture and flavor of the end product. Furthermore, when combining any kind of dairy-free non-dairy milk with dry ingredients like flours or starches its always best to use cold liquids instead of warm ones so that they don’t activate gluten proteins too quickly which may cause products baked with them to become tough and chewy. Finally, once all requisite elements have been gathered together baking powder should also be added since it helps make goods light and fluffy. With these simple steps taken into account one may continue on their journey towards tasty homemade vegan bread!

Types Of Flour

When baking vegan bread, the type of flour used can greatly affect its texture and flavor. Most commonly used are wholemeal flours which include white spelt flour, whole wheat pastry flour and oat flour; these ingredients help give a lighter texture to the final product as well as providing extra nutrition from dietary fibers and other vitamins and minerals. Rye flour is another great option for making vegan bread; it gives an earthy taste with a slightly nutty flavor as well as enhancing the aroma of the finished loaf. For those seeking an even more unique taste sensation, buckwheat flour might be just right – its deep, rich flavor adds complexity to any recipe.

It’s important to note that when selecting different types of flours, one should make sure they have been appropriately stored in airtight containers or bags away from direct sunlight so that they remain at their freshest and most flavorful state while still yielding delicious results. Additionally, some recipes may call for combining multiple types of flours together which helps create loaves with different textures and tastes. TIP: If using two or more kinds of flours don’t forget to adjust liquid levels accordingly since each type absorbs liquids differently! With this knowledge in hand one has all they need to begin experimenting with various flavors of vegan breads – happy baking!


Yeast is an essential component of baking vegan bread, as it helps to give the dough its structure and rise. It can come in various forms such as active dry yeast, instant yeast or fresh yeast; each one will have different amounts needed for a successful loaf. Active dry yeast should be activated before use by dissolving it into warm water (around 30°C) with a pinch of sugar – this allows the yeast to start metabolizing which creates carbon dioxide bubbles that make the dough expand during baking. Instant yeast needs less activation time but more must be used when compared to active dry since it has no need for pre-activating; however, if using fresh yeast it’s important to remember that not all recipes require activating– some simply call for adding it directly into the mix without any prior preparation – so always check recipe instructions carefully!

In terms of what amount of yeast is best for your vegan bread recipe, most bakers recommend starting off with one teaspoon per 500g flour and then adjusting according to preference as necessary. Keep in mind that too much could cause over-fermentation resulting in undesirable flavors while too little might lead to flat loaves due to insufficient rising. With these tips in hand, you’re now ready to explore the world of delicious vegan yeasted breads – happy baking!

Transition sentence: To add sweetness and flavor complexity, many vegan bread recipes incorporate sweeteners such like honey or maple syrup…


vegan bread recipe-enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.
Vegan Bread recipe-Enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.

For sweetening up your vegan bread, a variety of natural sweeteners can be used for adding complexity and flavor. Sweeteners such as agave syrup, honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup and dates provide subtle notes to the finished loaf that will have your taste buds singing with delight! All these ingredients offer different levels of sweetness which means you can tailor them to suit the type of recipe you’re making – from light wheat-based loaves to rich rye varieties. Here are some tips on how best to incorporate them:

  • Agave syrup is ideal for delicate recipes like sourdough or wholewheat as it has an extremely low glycaemic index so won’t cause spikes in blood sugar; it also lends a mild caramel flavor.
  • Coconut sugar adds depth without being overly sweet – its deep molasses notes work wonderfully when combined with nuts or dried fruits.
  • Maple syrup imparts a delicious nutty fragrance along with hints of vanilla – perfect if you’re looking for something truly decadent.
  • Dates lend their distinctively fruity aroma and sticky texture to baked goods while providing plenty of fiber too!

In short, incorporating natural sweeteners into your vegan baking repertoire offers endless possibilities for creativity—from light and fluffy white loaves through to dense date-studded rye buns—allowing you to explore exciting new flavors each time you bake! To complete the picture and achieve that desired soft crumb we all love in our homemade breads, next let’s consider fats and oils…

Fats And Oils

vegan bread recipe-enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.
Vegan Bread recipe-Enjoy this vegan bread recipe today and make it part of your healthy vegan lifestyle.

For vegan baking, fats and oils are essential to achieving the desired texture of a bread. Without them, loaves can be dry and crumbly or alternatively too dense. A range of different plant-based options are available for home bakers including vegan butter, vegan margarine and various types of oil. Each comes with its own unique flavor profile as well as nutritional benefits that can help improve your recipes!

Vegan butter is often derived from coconut or other vegetable oils and provides a creamy richness in baked goods which some people prefer over dairy-based butters. Vegan margarines meanwhile tend to have lower saturated fat content than their traditional counterparts whereas certain kinds of cooking oil such as olive or avocado add moisture without overpowering the taste of the finished loaf. Additionally, these ingredients also provide an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats – perfect for those watching their cholesterol levels!

Overall, incorporating fats and oils into your vegan baking repertoire allows you to balance out flavors while improving both texture and nutrition – all at once! To finish off our recipe by adding even more depth to it, let’s explore how liquid substitutes can make a difference…

Liquid Substitutes

When it comes to vegan baking, liquid substitutes often prove invaluable in achieving the desired texture and flavor. They can provide a subtle sweetness or an extra dose of moisture – all while replacing animal-based products with plant-based alternatives. Taking this into consideration, let’s explore some of the many non-dairy liquids available for use in our recipes!

At the forefront is almond milk; its lightness lends itself well to breads that require little heft yet still have a soft crumb. Soy milk meanwhile has a thickness comparable to dairy milk which makes it perfect for those seeking an authentic taste without sacrificing nutrition. Coconut milk adds richness to baked goods as well as giving them a unique tropical aroma that will tantalize your taste buds! Finally, there are vegetable juices such as apple juice which add natural sweetness and help keep dough from becoming too dry during baking process.

These vegan substitutes not only bring out the best flavors of your recipe but also offer health benefits like lower saturated fat content than their traditional counterparts. With so many options at hand, home bakers now have more freedom than ever before when creating delicious loaves free from any animal ingredients! Now let’s look at how mixing techniques play a role in crafting perfectly balanced vegan breads…

Mixing Techniques

Mixing techniques are an essential part of successful vegan baking. By combining the right ingredients in the correct proportions and using proper blending methods, you can create a dough that is not only delicious but also light and fluffy. Whether your recipe calls for kneading or stirring, there are several approaches to consider when mixing up your next batch of vegan bread!

When it comes to combining dry and wet ingredients, one approach involves adding all the liquid at once while another method suggests slowly incorporating small amounts until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. Whichever way you choose, be sure to mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain before transferring the dough onto a lightly floured surface for further work.

In addition to this, certain recipes require special attention when it comes to blending methods. Kneading helps develop gluten structure which gives yeast-risen loaves their characteristic texture whereas folding assists in creating air pockets within laminated doughs like croissants and Danish pastries. To ensure even distribution of ingredients throughout each loaf, make sure to use either a stand mixer with paddle attachment or a hand whisk if working by hand.

By grasping these basic principles associated with mixing techniques, home bakers can easily craft plant-based treats without sacrificing flavor or texture! With knowledge now firmly under our belts, let’s move on to exploring what type of equipment we’ll need for baking perfect vegan breads…

Baking Equipment

Baking vegan bread requires the right tools and equipment to ensure that loaves come out light, fluffy, and delicious. From baking pans and trays to stand mixers, there are a variety of items essential for successful vegan baking. To illustrate this point further, take the example of a baker making homemade baguettes. After preparing their dough according to instructions, they’ll need two large baking sheets lined with parchment paper on which to place the loaves before popping them into an oven preheated to 425°F (218°C). Without these basic supplies such as pans or trays, it would be nearly impossible to achieve results worthy of serving at any dinner table!

Apart from classic kitchen staples like baking sheets and parchment paper, more complex recipes may also require additional accessories in order to get just the right texture and flavor. For instance, those looking to make artisan-style sourdough will need both a Dutch oven or lidded pot as well as a digital scale for precise measurements. Alternatively, bakers interested in creating laminated pastries such as croissants should consider investing in a heavy duty stand mixer equipped with a paddle attachment for thoroughly blending ingredients together without overworking the dough. By gathering all necessary materials ahead of time, novice cooks can avoid any unnecessary delays when crafting delectable plant-based treats!

Having now discussed some basics about what type of gear is needed for successful vegan baking endeavors, let’s move on discuss another important step..degassing dough…

Degassing Dough

Although baking vegan bread requires specific equipment, degassing dough is another critical step of the process. Degassing allows for air and gas bubbles to escape from the dough in order to create a consistent texture and light crumb. This can be accomplished by gently pressing down on the ball with floured fingers as it sits on a lightly-floured surface or counter top. It’s important to note that this step should not involve kneading; instead, apply just enough pressure with your hands so that all air pockets are released without overworking the mixture.

After degassing, allow the dough to proof until doubled in size before shaping into loaves or rolls. Proofing helps activate yeast as well as other enzymes responsible for fermentation, allowing for an even rise across the entire surface area during baking time. Depending on room temperature and humidity levels, proofing may take anywhere between 30 minutes up to several hours when using sourdough starter cultures. In any case, once finished rising, give the dough one final press down before transferring it onto parchment paper lined trays ready for oven insertion!

With both degassing and proofing complete, we now move onto our next task: kneading dough…

Kneading Dough

Kneading dough is an essential step when it comes to baking vegan bread. The process involves combining all ingredients together into a cohesive mixture and folding, stretching and pressing the dough either by hand or with a mixer attachment for several minutes until gluten proteins have fully developed. In fact, statistics show that kneading dough for at least 8-10 minutes helps create an even crumb structure with optimal texture and flavor.

When kneading by hand, make sure the surface area you are working on is lightly floured so as not to stick and pull apart during manipulation. It’s also important to note that this should be done in one direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) in order to allow yeast cells to align properly within the dough’s structure. Once finished kneading, cover your bowl with plastic wrap or cloth before placing it aside in a draft-free space like an oven preheated at its lowest setting (or turned off after preheating). During this resting period of 20-30 minutes, make sure that your dough does not dry out; if necessary, spritz some water onto the top layer every few minutes throughout the duration of proofing time.

Once ready for shaping, use the same approach from degassing but instead shape gently into desired shapes such as rolls, loaves or other forms depending on personal preference. If using any additional mix-ins such as nuts or dried fruits, now would be a great time to incorporate them along with additional flour while forming each piece. With our final task complete we can finally move onto shaping breads!

Shaping Breads

After kneading our dough, it’s time to start shaping breads! Shaping dough is an important step in the process of baking vegan bread as it helps give each loaf or roll its distinct form. There are a few basics that need to be taken into consideration when shaping:

  • Dough should be handled gently and not overworked; too much manipulation can lead to a dense texture in the finished product.
  • Using a light dusting of flour onto your work surface will help prevent sticking during forming.
  • Utilizing standard tools such as rolling pins, bench scrapers, pastry brushes, etc., can make the job easier and more efficient.

When beginning with loaves, separate the dough into two even pieces before rolling out one section at a time on a lightly floured surface until desired shape (round or oval) has been achieved. Then fold edges inward like an envelope while pinching together any seams that may have opened up during this process before placing onto parchment-lined baking sheets for pre-baking preparation/proofing. For rolls, divide off small pieces of dough by hand and proceed similarly using fingers to pull together any open sides after being formed into round balls. Lastly place all shaped items onto prepared baking pans and cover with either plastic wrap or cloth depending on preference while allowing them to rest in warm draft-free area prior to baking. With these simple steps completed we’re ready for our next task – pre-baking preparation!

Pre-Baking Preparation

Once the vegan bread dough has been properly shaped and placed on prepared baking sheets, it is time to move onto pre-baking preparation. This step helps ensure that our loaves or rolls are given ample opportunity to rise prior to putting them in the oven for baking. There are a few key points to keep in mind when tackling this task:

  • It is important to remember that temperature plays a large role in how much rising will occur; usually somewhere between 75°F – 85°F (24°C – 29°C) works best.
  • Preheat oven before placing shaped items inside as some recipes may require higher temperatures than others depending on ingredients used.
  • Keep an eye on rising times which can vary from recipe type with standard being anywhere from 30 minutes – 2 hours depending on desired size/shape of finished product.

To facilitate successful proofing, place covered trays into warm areas such as near heat sources or open windows while keeping an eye out for any drastic changes in environment like drafts which could affect end results. With these tips taken into consideration one should be well prepared for the next stage of baking – time and temperature!

Baking Time And Temperature

Baking vegan bread loaves and rolls is an art form that requires precision. When it comes to time and temperature, each recipe will have its own specific instructions on how best to proceed; however there are some general points to keep in mind before beginning this step of the process:
In a word, baking vegan bread can be described as magical – with just the right combination of heat and timing you can create delicious treats! When dealing with oven temperature, here are three pointers for success:
1) Bake at the recommended temperatures listed in recipes; usually between 350°F – 375°F (177°C – 191°C).
2) Check internal temperatures by using a thermometer if available or simply press lightly on top of loaf/rolls after removing from oven. If they feel slightly firm but not hard then they should be done.
3) Always preheat oven first before placing items inside as some recipes may require higher temperatures than others depending on ingredients used.
When it comes to baking time, this too will vary based on individual recipes; however one thing remains true across all types – once golden brown color has been achieved take them out immediately to avoid over-cooking! With these tips taken into consideration your vegan bread creations will surely turn out perfect every time.

Toppings And Glazes

Topping and glazing vegan bread is an easy yet important step in achieving a delicious product. This final touch adds flavor, texture, and color to your creations. There are countless options when it comes to adding toppings or creating unique glazes for your vegan breads; however, some simple tips can help make the process easier.

When topping vegan breads, consider what flavors will pair best with the base ingredients used. For example, walnuts work well with pumpkin-based loaves while dried fruits can add sweetness to rye recipes. Another way of veganizing traditional recipes is by using coconut oil instead of butter for added richness and nuttiness. Additionally try incorporating savory condiments like pesto or avocado spread as top layers – this gives a unique spin on classic flavors!

Finally, glazing is another great option for finishing off your bake goods. Vegan glaze recipes often call for plant-based milk mixed with powdered sugar or maple syrup as a sweetener; however other ingredients such as cocoa powder and spices can also be added depending on desired taste profile. Once combined, simply brush over the top of cooled loaf/rolls before serving – voila! With these easy steps you’ll have perfect veganized treats every time.

Cooling And Storing

Once the baking process is complete, cooling and storing vegan breads are key steps to ensure your creations stay delicious. There are a few tips that can help make sure your loaves or rolls don’t dry out quickly:

Firstly, it’s important to cool bread thoroughly before wrapping or transferring them into storage containers. This helps the air-tight seal hold longer as well as prevents moisture loss when stored in an area with high humidity levels. To do this properly, allow the baked goods to sit at room temperature for about 20 minutes before packing away in zip-lock bags or airtight plastic containers. Secondly, avoid storing vegan breads on top of each other – instead opt for placing wax paper between layers if necessary. This will help keep them from sticking together while still allowing air circulation around them. Lastly, consider freezing any extra loaves/rolls you may have after initial cooling; this will preserve their freshness over time without compromising texture or taste!

When done correctly, these simple steps can extend the shelf life of your homemade vegan breads significantly. Once cooled and packed away appropriately they should remain moist and flavorful up to one week at normal refrigerator temperatures – perfect for enjoying all week long!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Health Benefits Of Vegan Bread?

Vegan bread is a popular alternative to traditional wheat-based and dairy-filled recipes. Its health benefits are numerous, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking to improve their nutrition intake without sacrificing taste or texture. This article will explore the vegan bread nutrition, vegan bread health, and vegan bread benefits in detail.

The primary nutrient found in vegan bread is fiber which helps foster digestive regularity and reduce cholesterol levels. Fiber also aids weight maintenance by providing satiety with fewer calories than other carbohydrates like white flour and sugar. Additionally, many of the grains used to make vegan breads such as oats, millet, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat provide essential vitamins such as folate, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6 which all support overall health. These ingredients can help promote heart health due to their anti-inflammatory properties while also helping regulate blood glucose levels and promoting healthy skin.

When considering its nutritious components it’s clear that vegan bread has several health advantages over conventional non-vegan alternatives. It contains no animal products so there is less risk of foodborne illnesses associated with consuming meat or dairy products; this makes it ideal for those with dietary restrictions as well as vegans who wish to maintain a balanced diet free from animal products. Furthermore, because vegan bread does not contain saturated fats or high quantities of sodium like some processed foods do, it may even assist with weight management if consumed in moderation on a regular basis.

With its variety of beneficial nutrients combined with its lack of unhealthy additives present in traditional wheat based recipes, vegan bread offers an appealing way for people to enjoy flavor packed meals while still reaping nutritional rewards. Whether you’re looking for increased energy levels or simply want to enhance your daily diet – incorporating tasty yet wholesome vegan bread into your meal plan could be just what you need!

How Long Does Vegan Bread Last?

When it comes to vegan bread, understanding the shelf life of this product is important. This is because knowing how long a loaf can last before needing to be thrown out is key for both taste and safety reasons. Questions like ‘how long does vegan bread last?’ should be answered in order to ensure optimal storage and consumption practices are followed.

The shelf life of homemade or store-bought vegan bread depends on multiple factors, such as ingredients used, type of bread, packaging, and storage conditions. Generally speaking though, most types of vegan bread have a fairly short expiration date when stored at room temperature due to lack of preservatives that would extend its lifespan. For example, if kept in an airtight container at room temperature, most vegan loaves will expire within two days from being made or purchased depending on the recipe or brand. Refrigerating the bread will usually allow it to keep a bit longer – up to four days – while freezing extends its life even further; however there may be some changes in texture after defrosting which could affect overall quality.

Therefore proper labeling and storing techniques must be adopted for maximum benefit and enjoyment when consuming vegan breads. Taking into account the various elements such as ingredients used, type of bread, packaging and storage conditions can help determine expected shelf life so people who opt for these products know exactly what they’re getting into from day one! With appropriate knowledge about vegan bread shelf life, storage and expiration people can make sure they get all the benefits without any risk involved with spoilage or foodborne illnesses.

Are There Vegan Bread Recipes That Can Be Made In A Bread Machine?

In recent times, the emergence of veganism has presented new challenges for cooks all over the world. One such challenge is creating vegan bread recipes that can be made in a bread machine — an appliance often seen as being reserved only for those who eat animal products. However, with some creativity and dedication to finding suitable ingredients, it is possible to make delicious loaves of vegan bread using a bread machine.

For starters, there are now numerous vegan bread machine recipes available online from experienced bakers and chefs. These range from basic white or whole grain loaves to more complex creations like herb focaccia or seeded rye. The key is to find one that works best with your particular brand of bread machine and look out for any special tips about measurements or rising time. Additionally, many vegan bakeries do sell pre-made mixes specifically designed for use in a bread machine; this could help simplify the process even further.

Once you have chosen your recipe, gather together all the necessary ingredients and follow each step carefully. Make sure you read through the full instructions before starting so you know exactly what needs to be done at each stage. A good tip when making vegan breads in a bread machine is always double check the dough consistency after kneading — if it’s too sticky add extra flour, and if it’s too dry then add water incrementally until perfect texture is achieved. Lastly, allow enough time for proving once complete, as this will ensure optimal flavor development within your loaf!

Creating tasty vegan loaves of bread using a bread machine may seem complicated but with patience and practice anyone can master these recipes – resulting in delicious meals that are both cruelty free and enjoyable!

Are There Any Vegan Bread Recipes That Are Gluten-Free?

Bread has been a staple in many cultures for centuries, but with the rise of dietary restrictions and sensitivities to gluten, more people are looking for alternative recipes. The current H2 is asking if there are any vegan bread recipes that are also gluten-free.

There is an abundance of vegan bread recipes online, some of which can be made in a bread machine. For those avoiding gluten, it is important to find recipes specifically designed as gluten-free. Although these may take longer to make or involve different ingredients than traditional breads, they often have similar consistencies and taste just as delicious.

The key to success when making gluten-free vegan bread is researching reliable sources and following recipe instructions precisely. While it might require additional effort from the baker, this type of recipe offers health benefits such as increased energy levels due to its nutritional content while also satisfying cravings for carbohydrates without compromising on vegan principles. Consequently, makers gain peace of mind knowing their baked goods meet both their dietary requirements and ethical beliefs.

Are There Vegan Bread Recipes That Do Not Contain Any Added Sugar?

The question of whether vegan bread recipes exist which do not contain any added sugar is an increasingly relevant one. As more people choose to adopt a plant-based diet for ethical, environmental and health reasons, they must also consider how the food they eat can be adapted to meet their dietary needs – including avoiding added sugars.

Research has shown that consuming too much added sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and other serious health issues. Therefore, finding healthy alternatives to sugary products is an important aspect of following a vegan lifestyle. Fortunately, there are now many vegan options for those seeking out sugar-free bread recipes.

Cinnamon raisin or banana nut muffins made without added sugar are two examples of delicious treats that vegans can make at home with ease. In addition, commercially prepared whole wheat sourdough loaves from artisan bakeries use natural fermentation processes to create a subtly sweet flavor – all without adding any white granulated sugar. The increasing availability of these types of bakery items indicates that it is becoming easier for vegans to find tasty and nutritious alternatives to traditional baked goods containing excessive amounts of unhealthy sugars.

These creative solutions provide evidence that being mindful about one’s diet does not have to mean sacrificing taste or pleasure in the process – something everyone should take comfort in knowing as we continue on our journey towards healthier eating habits.


Vegan bread has many benefits, such as being naturally dairy and egg free. It also can be made without added sugar or gluten-free. These factors make vegan bread an ideal option for those seeking healthier alternatives to traditional wheat-based recipes.

The shelf life of a homemade vegan loaf depends on the ingredients used and how it is stored. Breads made with natural preservatives, like vinegar, tend to last longer than those without them. Additionally, storing in airtight containers and refrigerating help extend its lifespan.

Making vegan bread at home does not have to be complicated; there are numerous options that can fit into any lifestyle. From easy no-knead loaves to elaborate sourdough starters, bakers of all levels will find simple yet delicious recipes they can enjoy. With the right ingredients, tools, and techniques anyone can create a tasty vegan treat from scratch.

Vegan Bread Recipe

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Recipe by Emily K. Course: AppetizersCuisine: VeganDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





This vegan bread recipe is a delicious and easy-to-make sweet bread with a light and fluffy texture. It is perfect for any occasion and can be served as an accompaniment to a meal or as a snack.


  • 2 cup 2 all-purpose flour

  • 2 tsp 2 baking powder

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 baking soda

  • 2 tbsp 2 sugar

  • 1/4 tsp 1/4 salt

  • 1 cup 1 almond milk

  • 1/4 cup 1/4 vegetable oil

  • 2 tbsp 2 applesauce


  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9-inch loaf pan.
  • In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, and salt.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the almond milk, vegetable oil, and applesauce.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.